SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire


Chapter 34

Tang Mi had envisioned several topics before the event, but she did not expect the organizer to give such a romantic theme.

She subconsciously glanced in the direction of Yu Yi and found that he was looking at her, and she quickly regained her gaze.

Some other pastry chefs were still thinking and some had already started to move their hands. Tang Mi stood in the same place for a while and went to the food rack behind her to pick up what she wanted.

Lin Che stood next to her and saw that she took a bottle of wine stained hawthorn and asked: “Are you going to make hawthorn cake?”

Tang Mi answered and didn’t say much, and returned to the console after she had finished what she needed.

She first made a vanilla hurricane cake embryo, put it in the oven, then poured the weighed yoghurt in the big basin and started making the yogurt mousse.

After the mousse stuffing was done, she put the wine-stained hawthorn and the appropriate amount of syrup made into the blender and stirred the mud. These purees were used in whipped cream. On the one hand, the whipped cream for decoration can be made into a light pink color, and on the other hand, the taste of whipping cream can be increased.

The rest of the wine-stained hawthorn was carefully peeled into small pieces after it was peeled, she spread the  cooled hurricane cake with yogurt mousse.

Because the activity was stipulated for a long time, Tang Mi gave up the long-term refrigerating, and put the cake of two layers of hawthorn yoghurt mousse directly into the freezer. After half an hour, she took the mold out of the freezer, put it in the refrigerator and warmed it up, and then began to decorate the cake.

The pink whipped cream exuded a fascinating aroma and a sporadic hawthorn fruit puree. She first put a layer of whipped cream on the cake embryo, and then used a large rosette to decorate the cake with large wide strips.

Once she was done, there’s only one last step left.

She put a thin layer of coral sugar on the silicone pad and heated it to foaming, then directly shake the silicone pad to make the sugar liquid form the shape of the wings. After solidification, it was taken down and decorated on the cake.

After her cake was done, she immediately attracted the host’s onlookers. He held the microphone in his hand and walked to Tang Mi. He sighed with surprise: “Wow, this cake is so beautiful! The pink whipped cream looks cute and sweet, and the striped lines on the top are smooth and sleek, and the wings made of coral sugar are crystal clear and crystal clear! It is more delicate than art!”

 He sighed with surprise: "Wow, this cake is so beautiful! The pink whipped cream looks cute and sweet, and the striped lines on the top are smooth and sleek, and the wings made of coral sugar are crystal clear and crystal clear! It is more delica...

Although the organizer had said a lot, but Tang Mi did not understand a sentence, she could only smile at him. Other pastry chefs were attracted by the movements here, and they all came over.

Jonathan saw Tang Mi’s cake and raised his eyebrows with great interest: “Can I be the lucky one to taste it first ?”

Tang Mi smiled and replied in French: “I am honored.

She cut a piece of cake and placed it on the plate and handed it to Jonathan. Jonathan looked at the yoghurt mousse layer on the side of the cake and whispered, “Oh, this is very beautiful, whether it is lines or colors. My former teacher is always right. I said that the pastry chef has a taste that is not inferior to the painter. You are a very good painter.”

Tang Mi was exaggerated by his exaggeration. The organizer was still waiting for him to taste the cake. Jonathan, with the attention of everyone, took a piece with a spoon and sent it into his mouth.

The scene seemed to have become quiet, and even the mood was not instantaneously paying attention to Jonathan.

“Well…” Jonathan sighed and swallowed the cake in his mouth. “I don’t know how to describe the taste of this cake, but it reminds me of my first love. At that time we were still in school, I often Invited her to go to the school’s garden for a walk in the afternoon, oh, that’s a good memory. This cake has the same taste as the memory, it is the smell of sunshine, flowers, breeze and lovers.”

Jonathan said in French. Soon after, the staff translated his words into English and Japanese. The crowd who had been on the scene finally couldn’t hold back. The organizers quickly arranged the staff to start delivering cakes.

The other pastry chefs also completed the cake one after another, and the organizers sang up and praised it, and then let another pastry chef taste it first. Tang Mi also secretly tasted a few pieces, all perfect and impeccable.

The scene was hot because of the start of the cake delivery. Lu Yu, who followed the report, couldn’t easily squeeze into Tang Mi’s front and looked at her with anticipation: “Do you still have a cake? Give me a piece!”

Tang Mi shook her head very sincerely: “Nothing left.”

Lu Yu’s face was disappointed. She glanced at the empty cake tray in front of Tang Mi, sucking her nose and holding the camera to take pictures of other places.

Yu Yi had always stayed at the event site, although he only sat silent on the side, but no one could ignore his existence.

Tang Mi secretly took out a small piece of cake that had just been hidden and brought it to the front for Yu Yi: “CEO Yu, do you want to taste it? This is the last piece.”

Sitting next to the her, Luo Hao looked at his dissatisfiedly: “I am also hungry.”

Tang Mi squinted: “If CEO Yu is willing, then you can share half of it.”

Yu Yi took the plate in front of him and took a small piece and put it in his mouth: “I don’t want to.”

Luo Hao: “…”

Well, he knew about Yu Yi’s food pettiness, but when he said it straight out, it still made him a little sad.

Tang Mi took a moment and then laughed. After waiting for him to eat few bites, she finally couldn’t help but ask: “How is the taste?”

Yu Yi thought: “I don’t think it has so much taste that Jonathan said.”

Tang Mi suffered a severe blow and was just asking him where he had a problem. He smelled the scent and continued: “I think it has your taste.”

Tang Mi suddenly picked up her taste? What is her taste?

Luo Hao on the side buried his head and his shoulders shook.

Tang Mi looked at him unclearly. Luo Hao seemed to notice her gaze and looked up: “The taste of love, isn’t this the theme of today?”

Tang Mi’s heart beat fast, Yu Yi meant this…?

She was equal to love?

Tang Mi turned to look at Yu Yi and he unconsciously bowed his head and took a spoonful of cake: “This cake can be sold as a new product of dream.”

Tang Mi was in amazement, and then nodded: “Oh, if  we sell it in the restaurant, I want to make a small cake, so the decorative effect of coral sugar will be more obvious.”

“Well, okay.” Yu Yi responded and looked up at her again. “We will return home tomorrow. Do you have anything you want to buy?”

Tang Mi said: “My roommate asked me to bring her a lot of things. I have already made an appointment with Lu Yu. I will go shopping when the event is over.”

Yu Yi looked at Lu Yu, who was taking photos and asked: “Have her Japanese culture report been finished?”

“Well, she wrote it last night.”

Yu Yi buried his head and stopped talking. Luo Hao laughed and whispered to him: “I knew that she should write 50,000 words.”

Yu Yi gave him a look, Luo Hao automatically shut up.

On the day of the return, Yu Yi , Tang Mi and others still took the same flight.

When Tang Mi was holding a pink plush doll in the lobby of the hotel, the eyebrows of Yu Yi moved unconsciously: “Would you also take this away?”

“Yeah.” She also felt that it was inconvenient to bring such a plush doll, but when it was thrown at the hotel, its resentful eyes were just like Yu Xin’s. Hence Tang Mi’s heart soften and she brought it together with her.

Yu Yi looked at the plush doll in her arms, and his eyes faintly revealed: “Do you want to bring this to the plane?”

“Yes.. can you check it?”

“It’s very troublesome to check it out. They will cut it open and see if there is anything hidden inside.”

Tang Mi: “…”

They won’t right ???

Tang Mi was scared, holding the doll in the same place, Luo Hao took the plush doll in his arms, smiled at her: “I will help you with the consignment, rest assured, even if it is cut open I will help you sew.”

Tang Mi: “…”

After Luo Hao and Yu Yi left, she quickly took out the mobile phone and checked it on the Internet to see if the plush doll had to be cut.

Going to the airport car, Yu Yi pinched the plush doll placed next to him and looked at Luo Hao: “When did you become so enthusiastic?”

Luo Hao smiled: “Tang Mi is a good girl, you scared her now.”

Yu Yi pinched the plush doll and did not speak.

Tang Mi still followed the organizer, Lin Che had been with her all the way as well as his seat on the plane was next to her.

When Tang Mi got on the plane, she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Lin Che saw her like this, smiled helplessly, and closed his eyes and rested.

The plane landed in more than three hours.

After taking the baggage, Lin Che was still diligently following Tang Mi: “I will help you with your luggage. Are you going home directly? I will send you.”

“No thanks, I will go with Lu Yu.”

Lin Che still wanted to say something, when Luo Hao walked up to them with a plush doll: “Your doll is very lucky, it has not been cut open.”

“Thank you!” Tang Mi took the escaped doll and smiled at Luo Hao. Luo Hao glanced at Lin Che around her and smiled at her: ” CEO Yu’s car is waiting outside, let’s go.”

Tang Mi slightly glimpsed and  followed the pace of Luo Hao out of the airport.

The familiar Bentley stopped at the opposite side of the road. Tang Mi was a bit embarrassed about her uninvited behavior. Luo Hao helped her put the luggage into the trunk and got into the car, but did not explain anything to her.

Yu Yi waited for him to close the door and told the driver: “Send Tang Mi home first.”

The driver responded and drove the car out.

Tang Mi was embarrassed and smiled and laughed: ” I will once again trouble you, CEO Yu.”

Yu Yi shook his head and said: “The apartment you live in does not have an elevator? Let Luo Hao help you carry the suitcase up later.”

“No need, today is weekend, my roommate is at home, I will let her carry it upwards, it is her thing anyway.”

Yu Yi nodded and said nothing.

After coming home, she looked at the Bentley going away and took out her mobile phone to call Fu Xin: ” Xing Xing , I am back, come down  and help me !”

Fu Xin came down quickly, and saw her holding a big plush doll standing downstairs, and couldn’t help but smack the mouth: “How old are you to buy this kind of thing that to from Japan.”

Tang Mi ignored her and pointed to a suitcase on the ground: “The things you want are in that box, you carry it up.”

When she finished, she held the doll in one hand and carried a light suitcase to the floor.

When she changed her clothes and drank, Fu Xin brought the big suitcase up. She leaned back in the doorway and pointed at Tang Mi said: “How can you do this with me! How can the things I told you to buy would be that heavy!”

Tang Mi went up and dragged the box in and looked at her sincerely: “I want you to lose weight with more exercise, it’s for your own good.”

Fu Xin rolled her eyes and went up to open the bag and started looking for something.

“What ?? did you earn a lottery ?? You bought so many famous brand clothes!” Fu Xin inadvertently turned over to the dozens of clothes that Yu Xin bought, and ger eyes shine brightly.

Tang Mi grabbed the clothes and explained: “Oh, this is from the company.”

Fu Xin looked at her incredulously: “Company ? Yu Zhi is too good for you!! Is your company really not recruiting a cleaning staff?”

Tang Mi licked her mouth and continued to pack things. Fu Xin grabbed the vertical striped bib on her hand and threw a wink at her: “Tang Tang, let me have it.”

“No.” Tang Mi grabbed the bib and took it in her arms. “I like this one too.”

“ok.” Fu Xin compromised and spread her hand. “Which one do you not like?”

“Which one I don’t like.” Tang Mi rushed back to her room with a pile of paper bags. Fu Xin followed, and spent a good afternoon in her room, finally got a skirt for herself, but found it when she tried it ….. The skirt was too small.

Tang Mi smiled and squatted next to her: “See I gave it to you but …..”

Fu Xin took off her skirt and vowed: “In a month, I must lose weight to wear it!”

Tang Mi said: “If you can’t wear it after a month, I will take it back.”

Fu Xin: “…”

What will you do with so many skirts!hump !!!


On the other side, when Dr. Zhang walked into the living room of Yu Yi’s house, he saw that he was sitting in front of the piano and playing “To Alice”

His fingers were long and beautiful, and they had a unique aesthetic when jumping on the keys. The smooth and beautiful melody kept flowing out of his fingers. If he was not wearing a pink pajamas, maybe he would appreciate it for a little longer.

“Yu Xin?” he interrupted.

The person in front of the piano stopped and turned his head and smiled at him: “Doctor Zhang is still so keen.”

Dr. Zhang raised his mouth and went to the sofa and sat down: “I thought that today Yu Yi wanted to see me.”

“It is indeed he wants to see you.” Yu Xin smiled and walked down the steps and sat down opposite Dr. Zhang. “He probably wants to ask you to help him to let me disappear forever.”

Dr. Zhang eyebrows moved a little invisibly and did not speak.

Yu Xin maintained his smile on his face and looked at him. “You may not know, now he can easily recapture the  body when I am awake.”

Dr. Zhang raised his eyebrows: “It shows that he has began to think that he can do express himself.”

Yu Xin laughed ridiculously: “What can he do? I have been helping him fight for what he wants. Without me, he can’t do anything.” He gradually put away his expression and smiled going to Dr. Zhang, he bent down and looked straight into his eyes. “The person who disappears will not be me, but him.”

Dr. Zhang let him stare, and smiled shallowly: “Maybe you don’t have to disappear, but merge.”

“Fuse ?” In the eyes of Yu Xin, there was a sneak. “In fact, it is not letting me disappear? I am tired of helping him to do things. Why can he get something without any work ? I also have what I want.”

Dr. Zhang looked at him. The low magnetic sound was like a stream of water flowing slowly in the room: “This is not contradictory. What you want is what he wants. You are him.”

“I am not him…” The voice of Yu Xin gradually went down. He looked at the increasingly blurred face of the person in front of him, and closed his eyes unwillingly.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the sofa in the living room. Dr. Zhang stood by and looked down at him.

He rubbed his temples and sat up from the sofa: “I didn’t pay attention to it, but I was taken away by the heart. I don’t want it to happen again.”

Dr. Zhang chuckled: “You and Yu Xin have coexisted for more than ten years. Now you guys suddenly have such a hostility towards each other. Why?”

Yu Yi did not answer, Dr. Zhang walked over to him and sat down, his eyes floating a smile: “It is a good opportunity for whatever it is. You become active. If you don’t want that you are deprived of your body, you have to learn to follow your heart and take the initiative to pursue what you want, so that Yu Xin has no value.”

Yu looked at him and asked: “By this Yu Xin will not appear again?”

“Before you have not officially merged, he will still have a chance to appear, depending on your behavior.”

Yu Yi slightly frowned, indulged for a while, said: “I understand.”

Hey!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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