SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire


Chapter 13

Tang Mi stared at him for a while, then walked up to him and said, “What are you doing here?”

Lin Che grinned at her. “I came here to eat your cakes. “

There was a chocolate cake on his table, a thick layer of chocolate sauce pooled on top of the rectangular cake accompanied by a ring of chocolate flakes. Decorating the top were three long chocolate rolls made of white chocolate. As a final touch, a flower shaped syrup decoration was added, like a medal for the cake

"Such a pretty cake, I almost feel guilty eating it," he lamented, even still, he cut out a little piece and placed it in his mouth

“Such a pretty cake, I almost feel guilty eating it,” he lamented, even still, he cut out a little piece and placed it in his mouth. “The chocolate is strong but very creamy, and the toasted nuts complement the taste as well. The coffee and rum infused syrup also pairs well with the chocolate.

“Hehehe, no wonder they call you the prince of baking, you figured out my recipe in only one bite. “

Lin Che placed his fork down and curved his lips upwards at her. “Not everyone can replicate this taste, even if they know the recipe. Just like what I used to say to you, no matter how hard you follow a recipe, even one variable – even just the way you knead the dough – can make a huge difference in the final result. “

Standing in the corner of the restaurant, the head chef and Manager Zhang were subtly observing Lin Che and Tang Mi on table 13.

“That youngster looks rather familiar, isn’t he the Prince of Baking guy who recently got really popular?”

Manager Zhang nodded. “What’s he doing here?”

The head chef stroked his chin. “Judging by the way he’s looking at Tang Mi, it doesn’t seem like he has any good intentions towards her. He’s not here to take our pillars, right?”

“Ah, actually, now that you say that, I remember hearing something about those two being in the same university before. “

The head chef stared at him in shock. “Not good, I have to inform the restaurant manager. “

Tang Mi was still standing at table 13 and replied per protocol to Lin Che, “If you have any comments about the cake, I’ll take it seriously, otherwise I’m leaving. “

Lin Che raised his brows. “Can’t we just talk?”

“Sorry, I’m still working. “

Lin Che thought for a moment and laughed a little, “Then I’ll wait for you to finish. “

Tang Mi’s shift was until 7pm or 8pm. Wait if you want to then. As soon as she was about to leave, the restaurant manager appeared at her side.

Tang Mi immediately stood up straight. “Hello restaurant manager. “

She chuckled at her then faced Lin Che, “Greetings Mr Lin, do you have any issues with our cakes?”

Lin Che smiled. “It’s very delicious. “

The restaurant manager smiled through her eyes. “It’s an honour to receive your praise, Mr Lin. “

“You have a very excellent pastry chef. “

“Our CEO Yu also feels this way, which is why she is now one of our regular staff members. “

Lin Che’s brows shifted a little, then laughed out, “There’s been a misunderstanding, that wasn’t my intention at all. “

The restaurant manager carried a professional smile and politely bowed. “I hope you enjoy your meal. “

Tang Mi followed the restaurant manager away and heard her say, “I heard you two were university friends?”

Tang Mi replied, “Mm, he was two grades above me as my senior classmate. “

The restaurant manager nodded in response and said no more.

Due to Lin Che’s appearance, the staff in the restaurant grew a little restless and buzzed with excitement. Obviously, seeing the Prince of Baking up close would be such a rare opportunity, it’s not something you’d encounter everyday.

After Lin Che finished his cake, he paid his check and left. Tang Mi hadn’t even noticed he left and continued working until her shift was over. It wasn’t until she left the building did she notice that he was standing outside waiting for her.

There was still some daylight left at 7pm, so she was able to notice him straightaway.

Back in university, Lin Che had a very eye catching aura surrounding him, and his charm had only increased.

Lin Che looked over at her and smiled as he walked up. “Now can we talk?”

Tang Mi couldn’t tell if he had just arrived or if he had actually waited the whole day. She pursed her lips, almost a little puzzled she asked, “What on earth do you really want?”

Lin Che paused his actions for a moment and the smile upon his face finally slipped away. “Are you still mad at me?”

Tang Mi huffed out, “Mad at you for what?”

Lin Che was silent for a moment, then replied, “That year, I shouldn’t have left you hanging, it was wrong of me to do that. I wanted to apologise to you but I didn’t know how to do it,” he paused for a bit, “I’ve loved baking ever since i was young, and although my parents preferred it if I could learn Western cuisine, I never gave up on baking and had always worked towards being a well known master. Which is why when Chesterton offered to take me under his wing, there was no way I could refuse. “

Tang Mi raised her brows. “So?”

Lin Che watched her, the warm yellow street lights reflecting in his eyes, “However, I’d already met you by then, and although I never told you, I’ve actually always liked you. “

Tang Mi was frozen in shock. She never thought that after all those years apart she would end up hearing a confession from Lin Che. She stared at Lin Che and found it almost ridiculous. “Is this a joke? You stood me up then secretly left the country, and this is your idea of liking me? Did you know I was going to confess to you that day?”

Lin Che furrowed his brows, “I knew, which is why I didn’t turn up. I was afraid that once I heard your confession, I wouldn’t be able to let myself leave. “

Tang Mi pupils flashed, and laughed out, “So it’s my fault?”

Lin Che: “…”

“I felt really torn at that time, I knew I couldn’t give up the opportunity to learn from Chesteron, it had always been my dream, but I also couldn’t bring myself to reject you. I wanted to date you before I left, even if it would be a long distance relationship… but I was really afraid, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. If it meant being with you, I would’ve decided to stay. “

Tang Mi had no idea the question she wanted pondered for so many years would be something like this. She bit her lip, feeling it was a little ironic. “You don’t need to keep explaining yourself, there’s nothing you did that wronged me. You were going after your dreams and I just wasn’t as important to you in the end. Also, you could’ve approached this another way instead of leaving without a goodbye. However I’ll accept your apology so we’re both in the clear now. Goodbye, Mr. Lin. “

Tang Mi walked away as soon as she finished. Lin Che followed her with a sorrowful look. “I know what I did wasn’t right, can’t you give me another chance? All this time I liked you and only you. “

Tang Mi laughed out, tilted her head towards him and refuted, “What about your close friend He Si Qi? She chased you all the way to France, and now you say you like me? Do you really think I’m that stupid to be tricked?

“He Si Qi and I are only business partners, nothing has ever happened between us, I swear. “

Tang Mi huffed out, “Well you should make something happen and stop her from causing me so much trouble. “

Lin Che tilted his head in confusion. “What do you mean? What did she do?”

Tang Mi stopped and stared at him. “Oh, so you didn’t know? The year that you left, she took my cake to a university baking competition then accused me of copying her work. Whatever, that doesn’t matter to me anymore, we were all still young. However, we’re all working members of society now, couldn’t she be a bit more mature? When I went for the interview to get into Yu Zhi, her uncle was my interviewer. He blatantly claimed that I had plagiarised her during the interview and when CEO Yu found out later on it got him fired. “

Lin Che furrowed his brows and stayed silent for a while. “I see, I’m going to have a chat with her. “

A bus pulled up to the station and Tang Mi hurried after it. “Well that’s how it is, I’m going to go now. “

Lin Che watched her step into the bus and loitered there until the bus had driven away.

At the same time, Yu Yi had just left the office with Luo Hao accompanying him to his car. “CEO Yu, I heard from Qi Xuan that Lin Che came to Sweet Dream today and had a chat with Tang Mi. “

Yu Yi’s eyes shifted a little then he responded with a grunt.

Luo Hao continued, “What do you think he was doing there? Spying on his enemies, or digging at our pillars?”

Yu Yi replied, “Our restaurant is open for business to all kinds of customers. Knowing his expertise and talent, there’s no need for him to spy on us. “

“So he’s here to dig up our pillars? He and Tang Mi were university friends after all, isn’t it said that the most reliable friends you make are in your learning years?”

Yu Yi paused for a moment, “Tang Mi has only signed a contract with us, she hasn’t bound her body to us. Therefore, if she feels that she’ll grow better with Lin Che’s restaurant, I’ll respect her decision. “

Luo Hao blinked at him. “You really feel this way?”

“Mm. “

Luo Hao brows shifted down a little and he lightly laughed, “Sigh, if you want to hold onto Tang Mi, a simple employee contract won’t be enough. “

Yu Yi glanced over at him and said nothing.

Tang Mi returned home and decided not to tell Fu Xin about what happened with Lin Che. Originally, she thought that she’d be bothered about what Lin Che had said and wouldn’t be able to sleep well, but the moment her head hit the her pillow, neither anxious nor uneasy, she fell asleep straightaway,

It was like she felt nothing towards Lin Che anymore.

She didn’t expect, however, the restuarant receiving an uninvited guest the next day.

Supervisor Yu watched as an angry female customer stormed into the restaurant and immediately flew over to greet her, “Greetings, can we help you out with anything today?”

According to Supervisor Yu’s seasoned experience with restaurant service, the expression on the customer’s face was normally associated with catching a lover committing adultery.

The female customer tilted her head towards her in an unmistakably angry manner, she demanded, “Where’s Tang Mi?!”

Supervisor Yu squinted at her, her act seemed a little off.

Tang Mi heard the commotion from within the bakery and raised her brows, wondering why the voice sounded so similar to He Si Qi.

She stepped out to take a peek, and surely enough it was He Si Qi and Manager Zhang having a dispute.

“Ma’am please calm down, this is a public area, you’re disturbing the other customers. ” Manager Zhang looked calm and collected to his customers, but inside he felt like he was encountering a migraine.

He Si Qi coldly laughed, “Then get Tang Mi out to see me! What are you doing hiding her from me?!”

Manager Zhang snickered inside, but held a very patient and professional exterior. “We can call her out, but I do hope you calm down first. “

He Si Qi perked up her chin, ready to argue back, when Tang Mi walked out from behind. “What do you need me for?”

He Si Qi immediately shot a glare at Tang Mi, as if she saw her father’s killer, without a second thought, she raised the palm of her hand and swung down.

This palm was filled with fierce aggression, Tang Mi could feel the wind immediately blow on her face.

She couldn’t dodge in time, but before He Si Qi’s hand was midway above her, it was pulled away.

Yu Xin stood diagonally behind her, his eyes shrouded in a layer of faintly discernible anger, he curved his lips upwards and smiled. “What do you think you’re doing to my Sweetheart?”

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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