SweetHeart in Honeyed Desire

chapter 12 Nightmare

Chapter 12

Tang Mi didn’t have much of an appetite after returning home from Happiness, instead, she crawled into bed and slept.

It was her ringing phone that woke her up in the end.

Recently, she had been feeling a bit anxious every time her phone rang. Tang Mi picked up her phone and it was indeed another unknown number.

She had a hint that this call had something to do with Yu Yi, and picked the phone up with little hesitation. “Hello?”

“Hello, it’s Luo Hao. “

Tang Mi blinked her eyes lightning fast, then hastily answered, “Ah, Mr Luo, what seems to be the matter?”

“CEO Yu requests to see you, would you be free anytime soon?”

Tang Mi froze. “…. CEO Yu wants to see me? Do you know what it might be about?”

Her intuition told her CEO Yu was going to send punitive forces against what had happened this morning.

Luo Hao responded with a laugh. “I’m not too sure about that, but there’s no need to worry, it probably isn’t anything too serious. “

But it couldn’t be anything too good either…

Tang Mi tensed up for a moment, then bravely responded with, “I’m free now. “

“Brilliant, I’ll pick you up from your apartment in around 20 minutes,” Luo Hao paused for a moment before adding, “you can save my number onto your phone, we may be in contact more often. “

Tang Mi: “…”

She eased her shaken heart and then quickly tidied herself up before walking downstairs to wait for Luo Hao.

Around 10 minutes later, a black limousine pulled up towards the apartment and stopped in front of her. Luo Hao’s face appeared from behind the driver’s window, he chuckled and asked, “Have you been waiting for while?”

“No, I just came down. ” Tang Mi sat in the car and handed a small box over to Luo Hao. “This was the fruit tart I made this morning. Well, I made too much so I hope you won’t dislike it. “

“How could I? Your cakes are always very delicious,” Luo Hao received the gift with a smile, “I won’t leave a crumb left untouched. Thank you. “

Tang Mi happily smiled back at him. “You’re welcome. “

Luo Hao placed the tart safely in the car, but didn’t immediately start the engine, instead he gave Yu Yi a call.

Yu Yi happened to be napping and had a long-awaited dream.

In his dream, he was standing in the middle of a dense forest. From in front of him, there was the sound of running water so he turned his head towards the noise and walked over.

A small river appeared and there was a narrow log long enough to be a bridge. He stood there watching for a while, then the water started to bubble up and a person emerged from within.

It was Yu Xin dressed as the river god.

Yu Yi’s brows moved very slightly, but he said no words. The corner of Yu Xin’s lips lifted, revealing two deep dimples, he asked, “Did you lose the golden Tang Mi or the silver Tang Mi?”

Yu Yi pursed his lips, how could he have such an absurd dream?

Yu Xin asked once again, “Did you lose the golden Tang Mi or the silver Tang Mi?”

Yu Yi was about to furrow his brows when Luo Hao’s phone call woke him up from his sleep.

He hazily opened his eyes and focused on the bedroom ceiling before picking up the phone. “Luo Hao, what is it?”

“I’ve already picked up Tang Mi. We’re heading over now. “

“Mm, okay. “

Luo Hao’s eyes shifted. “What happened? Your voice sounds like something’s up. “

Yu Yi gave a silent sigh. “Nothing, I had a nightmare. “

“A nightmare?” Luo Hao repeated the words in shock, CEO Yu could actually have nightmares now?

Tang Mi watched him hang up the phone and anxiously asked, “What’s wrong?”

Luo hao started the engine and gave a reassuring smile. “Nothing much, CEO Yu said he had a nightmare. “

That statement caused her emotions to feel so complicated she immediately furrowed her brows. Could it be from this morning when he kissed her? Is that why he had a nightmare?

… hehe~!

Luo Hao drove into the Kensney Manor, Tang Mi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, lit up her eyes.

He sensed her reaction. “What is it?”

Tang Mi shook her head and glanced over at him. “I heard Mo Tian Wang also lived around this villa?”

Luo Hao paused for a moment then laughed out, “Are you a fan of Mo Tian Wang?”

“I liked his role as Gao Sen. ” Tang Mi giggled then asked, “Do you need a fingerprint scan to enter this sort of villa?”

“…No, just a normal keycard and password. “

“Oh. “

Luo Hao had Yu Yi’s house keycard and password then opened the door for Tang Mi to enter, but there was no one inside the lobby.

“CEO Yu should be in the study, I’ll take you up. “

“Okay. ” Tang Mi followed step by step behind Luo Hao to the second floor, her heart was beating faster than ever. Luo Hao glanced back at her and chuckled, “I’ll tell you one more secret. You’re the first female to walk in this villa. “

Tang Mi was slightly shocked and felt her ears heat up.

Luo hao took her up to a wooden room and lightly knocked on the door.

“Please enter. “

Yu Yi’s ice cold voice permeated through the door. Luo Hao pushed open the door and announced, “CEO Yu, Tang Mi is here. “

Yu Yi nodded. Luo Hao turned his body to reveal a path for Tang Mi.

Tang Mi raised her head, held the same frame of mind as a martyr and walked in.

Yu Yi’s study was very spacious and filled to the brim with books. Tang Mi almost felt like she was walking into a library. Yu Yi was sitting behind the study desk, glaring at her unwaveringly.

Tang Mi’s restless heart felt as if it were soaked by that glare as well, then slowly calmed down.

She stood where she was and greeted Yu Yi. He nodded slightly and gestured to the chair in front of her. “Take a seat. “

Tang Mi did as instructed and sat down.

Yu Yi stayed silent for a while then said, “I called you here today mainly to discuss Yu Xin. “

Tang Mi raised her head towards him, eyes expressing a bit of shock, unsure of what to say.

“He first appeared when I was 12 years old, and over these past few years I’ve been through psychiatric help to stabilise this condition. However, for some unknown reason, he’s become more active recently, I apologise for the trouble he’s caused you. ” He paused for a moment then continued, “He must’ve done some things that offended you, I hope it hasn’t placed extra stress on you. However, if he does try to find you again, you can just ignore him. “

It took a while for Tang Mi to digest all the information and then she softly asked, “So you know about Yu Xin’s existence but you don’t have any of his memories?”

Yu Yi was expressionless as he nodded, “Mm. “

Tang Mi pondered for a bit and then smiled. “He never gave me too much trouble, I actually find him quite cute”

Yu Yi went silent. “I hope you can keep this a secret for me. “

Tang Mi reassured him, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. “

In fact, if she wanted to, she would’ve exposed him much earlier. For CEO Yu to request this now would be rather late, wouldn’t it?

After their discussion, the room quietened. Yu Yi stared at the person opposite him and opened his mouth, “I’ll send Luo hao to take you home. “

“.. Oh. “

Tang Mi stood up from her chair and walked a few steps towards the door then turned turned back to face Yu Yi. “Oh, even though that was my first kiss, I hope that doesn’t give you extra stress. “

She quickly left the room, with a merry expression, which caused Luo Hao to ask out of curiosity, “What did CEO Yu say to you for you to look so cheerful?”

Tang Mi ignored the question and replied, “CEO Yu will probably have another nightmare tonight. “

Luo Hao: “…”

So… what did you do to CEO Yu?

After Tang Mi had been escorted out, Yu Yi remained in his study to read. Luo Hao came back and took Tang Mi’s fruit tart out of the fridge then went to find Yu Yi,

“Is there something you need?” Yu Yi flatly asked Luo Hao.

Luo Hao placed the tart onto the desk. “Tang Mi gave this to me, but you said eating sweets will lower my IQ levels, so I thought it’d be best for you to eat it. “

Yu Yi lowered his head towards the table and remained silent. Luo Hao’s lips curved up as he added, “I promised her there wouldn’t be a crumb left over. “

He chuckled and then walked out. Yu Yi sat for a long while at his study desk and then took a bite out of the tart.

The crust of the tart, the fragrance of the nuts and the sweetness of the fruit were like a symphony of flavours that you couldn’t help but indulge in.

He subconsciously touched his own lips and felt its softness… first kiss?

Doctor Zhang had once told him, once a person feels happiness and bliss, it’ll feel like the sweetness of sugar.

This tart was  too much sweet.

Tang Mi survived the gruelling day of rest and returned to work the very next day.

However, the moment she stepped into the restaurant, the atmosphere felt a little uneasy.

Why was everyone looking at her so strangely? Especially Supervisor Yu, almost like she owed her five hundred thousand in debt.

Tang Mi acted like she didn’t notice everyone’s expressions and quietly walked into the cloak room to change into her uniform. Supervisor Yu followed her all the way into the room and just as Tang Mi was about the open her locker, a loud ‘dong’ sounded from above it.

Tang Mi: ‘…’

She never thought her first kabedon would be taken by Supervisor yu.

[T/N: kabedon is a Japanese term for trapping someone between your body and the wall within arms length]

She walked sideways two steps and laughed, “Supervisor Yu, is something up?”

Supervisor Yu aggressively replied, “What happened the night you left with CEO Yu?”

“Nothing in particular happened…”

“Don’t lie! If nothing happened, how did you get transferred into permanency!”

So that’s what this was all about. Tang Mi silently let out a breathe of relief.

“Ah, I heard from CEO Yu that the restaurant manager praised my work as outstanding so he transferred me in permanently.

Supervisor Yu didn’t quite believe her grinning smile and refuted, “Permanent transfer within a month? That’s a bit too outstanding isn’t it?”

Tang Mi sighed, “My biggest achievement in life is being too oustanding. “

Supevisor Yu: “…”

After waving Supervisor Yu away, Tang Mi quickly changed into her uniform, however she was quickly called out again.

Tang Mi felt a headache coming. “Is there something wrong?”

Supervisor Yu pursed her lips and replied, “There’s a customer at table 13 who wants to see you. “

Tang Mi tilted her head. “Wants to see me?”

Supervisor Yu sighed and thought, why do all the handsome customers want to talk to her?

Tang Mi placed her knife down and followed Supervisor Yu to the lobby.

Lin Che was wearing a clean, white collared shirt, he sat at table 13 and smiled over at her.

Hello!! Let's enjoy this journey together 💖 If you wanna support me or read advance chapter the check my ko-fi <3 :- https://ko-fi.com/cupcaketsl


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