Surviving in Apocalypse with Children

The Noodles is Poisonous

Wen Bei spit out the noodles from her mouth, her little face wrinkled into a bitter melon face.


The others also didn’t fare any better. Their expressions were of utter confusion and other emotions.


When Wen Xiaoxiao came out, what she saw was their indescribable expressions.


Bo Yiliang had a calm expression on his face, but his mind was a bit in chaos.


He felt like he was slapping his own handsome face!


He thought making noodles was very simple and that he couldn’t have done that badly, but…


Wen Xiaoxiao sat at the dining table and looked at them with a puzzled expression.


“Why aren’t you eating? Waiting for me?” she asked in confusion.


Bo Yiliang coughed and said, “Try it and see how it tastes.”


The five kids eagerly watched Wen Xiaoxiao. Under their intense gaze, she picked up her chopsticks and took a bite.


As the noodles entered her mouth, Wen Xiaoxiao’s face changed.


This noodles is poisonous!


How can it be sweet?


She raised her head and looked at Bo Yiliang and said, “You didn’t mistake sugar for salt, did you?”




Bo Yiliang coughed dryly with an expressionless face, but the tips of his ears turned incredibly red, carrying a burning feeling as if they might drip blood.


Jiang Fuci saw Bo Yiliang’s reaction and stifled a laugh.


“Yiliang looks so funny like this,” Jiang Fuci thought to himself.


Bo Yiliang, maintaining a composed facade on the outside, was in a panic inside.


We Xiaoxiao looked at Bo Yiliang with an odd expression, inspecting him from top to bottom, and said, “You really have some talents.”


Wen Xiaoxiao thought that if Bo Yiliang couldn’t even differentiate between salt and sugar and still managed to cook the noodles, that was already quite impressive.


Seeing their bitter faces, Wen Xiaoxiao also laughed.


“Hurry and eat! Don’t waste it,” she said to them.


Even though she had plenty of food in her space, these noodles cannot be wasted!


Food is so precious now, and they could only cry when there’s nothing left.


“Mom, I don’t want to eat it; it tastes bad!” Wen Bei wrinkled her small face, clearly disliking it.


Even though it was made by her dad, it was just really, really bad!


The noodles were all sweet, and they weren’t tasty at all.


The five children were so disgusted that they pushed their bowls aside with no intention of eating.


Bo Yiliang, seeing their strong aversion, suddenly felt a sense of defeat.


Looking at Wen Xiaoxiao by his side, she suppressed a smile.


And then he glanced at his three brothers, who were also secretly laughing.


Pei Xi sat silently to the side, slowly eating the food in his bowl as if he were invisible, not saying a word.


“Mom, I don’t want to eat either.” Wen Yang looked at his mother and then remained after that.


“I don’t want to eat either. I don’t want to eat. I don’t want to eat.” The five children protested together.


Wen Xiaoxiao looked at the five of them somewhat helplessly. On the other hand, Bo Yiliang felt a bit disappointed. At least they could have eaten a little to comfort his injured little heart.


But what is the result?


They took just one bite, hadn’t even swallowed it, and had already spat it out.


Bo Yiliang looked at the three of them with a dark face and warned them with his eyes, “Hurry up and eat, or you’ll see what happens.”


The three of them shrank their heads a bit, feeling a little fearful.


They were the ones who had been bullied by Bo Yiliang since they were little. Thinking back to the past, they were so bitter.


Back when they used to be neighbors, Bo Yiliang started getting up at 5 o’clock every morning when he was six years old.


Not only did he get up early, but he also went out for a run, and he’d drag the three of them along to jog around the villa.


A round of jogging took about an hour, but what about Bo Yiliang? He ran with ease.


And what about them? They were exhausted like dogs, even more than dogs. They couldn’t even keep up with the dogs.


Thinking about the past was so heartbreaking.


And now?


Bo Yiliang just loved bullying them and claimed that hitting was affection and scolding was love.


Darn it!


The three of them were always beaten by Bo Yiliang.


TL: I just want to share my feelings about this… for the recent chapters as well as this chapter, my feelings were quite complicated…

I was raised from a strict and poor household, and seeing them waste food is really… eh not good.

And the chapter when Wen Xiaoxiao refused to help people inside the store. I don’t know but I felt that her character setting in that chapter is very inconsistent. She’s too cold and ruthless, very different from the first few chapters where she’s warm.

Well, it’s a novel so what do I expect? Just hope that the five children would be good. They could have just politely say not good and don’t make disgusted expression please 😇

Anyway, thanks for reading! ❤

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  1. 🐥 says:

    It also made me a little uncomfortable when she didn’t help others but then again, can’t say I wouldn’t do the same if I was in an apocalypse where it’s only survival of the fittest

    Thanking the translator as always for your hard work💗💗

    1. Salted Fish says:

      Hehe, thankiess ❤

  2. Stephanie says:

    Thanks for the update

    1. Salted Fish says:

      Thank youu 😁

  3. Anshel says:

    Thanks for the update ❤️

  4. Lily says:

    I think it’s uncomfortable. But, she had already lived, in a caring way, and was horribly betrayed. It’s terrible to imagine a day when society breaks down.

    Also, I’d probably doctor the noodles to be more palatable. I would not be able to handle wasted food!

  5. gingerbread says:

    +1 on getting put off by them wasting food. we also did not have a lot of money growing up so i know how you feel. i really dont like to waste food. i am the last person you want to taste anything bc unless it is something i dont like (food texture usually) i would eat anything lol

    idk i kind of get why she’s not that keen on helping people. she has 5 kids to worry abt and that takes more priority. she also mentioned in an earlier chapter how she wont help people who have done no effort to escape or find a way to deal with zombies on their own. those people would just be dead weight and will likely endanger her family.

    ik this comment is getting long but im glad someone has finally started using the special ability they got instead of just using the hammer. do they not have plans to find better weapons?? hammers have a very short range ergo more chances of getting injured. and those 3 little brothers, are they not gonna use their abilities which are offensive in nature??

    hopefully i will find the answer on the next chapters. this is my first comment on this work so think of this as a summary of sorts lol and also thanks for the translations

  6. Bantsia says:

    I think it’s the wording that the Arthur used. Maybe that’s why it’s a bit off. You can be decisive without being “cold blooded badass I’m no saint and I will not blah blah blah” she can be kind but also be like “thinking of my kids and our safety, I can’t take just anyone into my group because there ARE backstabbers out there.”

    .. did it mentioned that she was a PE teacher earlier? Why be a teacher if u don’t have SOME empathy towards children.. like that one scene where she “coldly said something g to the boy she picked up” when he asked if she needed help in the kitchen. Where did that come from out of the blue? So I was thinking she was saying it ‘indifferently’ like she was not thinking much of it instead of being cold to that kid.
    There was some other inconsistency that I noticed, I could be wrong somehow, and complained to my brother about it LOL. so he thinks that an AI write this story because it’s not connecting the timing and distancing very well.

    Other than that the storyline is nice and i want to see what happens next.

  7. Bantsia says:

    Also, I feel sad that the og fl did not get reborn but someone else gets to have her second chance with her kids and the father of her kids and a good life thwarting the woman who betrayed her.

  8. M&M's says:

    I think it’s both cute and funny that Bo Yiliang has something he can’t do, even if it’s something as simple as cooking noodles, because it makes him seem more human and less of a perfect ML. As for the children not wanting to eat unpalatable noodles, I don’t exactly fault them because they’re used to eating their mother’s delicious cooking and are only four-years-old, hence their reactions are normal; it’s not like they can fully understand the severity of the apocalypse, especially in terms of resources like food. I just hope Pei Xi is able to interact more with the children and feel like he’s more welcomed in their party.

    On another note, I also agree with the translator that Wen Xiaoxiao’s character seems a bit inconsistent because she was first characterized as being indifferent and cold-hearted, yet she seemed to have easily grown close to her children and accepted their existence with ease. It also stated that in her past life she was a taekwondo instructor and liked to “bully” her students sometimes. Someone who is indifferent to others and cold-natured won’t become an instructor where interacting with others is the norm. I think the author is still trying to figure out her character settings, but forgot things previously established. Hopefully it’ll become more consistent and Wen Xiaoxiao won’t become completely heartless to others as time goes on.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀

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