Surviving in Apocalypse with Children

Bo Yibing's Story (Extra)

Ever since Bo Yibing could remember, he knew that he was different from his older brother.


His older brother had a healthy body, was always lively, and was able to go out to play or attend school. But he couldn’t.


At first, he didn’t understand why he couldn’t do those things.


It wasn’t until he grew older that he realized he was a sickly child. He would have a small illness every three days and a major illness every seven days. It had become the norm for him.


He sat in his room, looking out the window at his older brother running in the garden, and couldn’t help but feel envious.


He thought, “Is this how it’s going to be for the rest of my life?”


Later on, his health deteriorated further. His parents traveled to many places, searching for effective medicines for him. His mother cried countless times seeing him in such a state.


They eventually found some medicine that improved his condition greatly, but it was only treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. Nonetheless, it brought him much relief.


It relieved a lot of his pain. Although he wasn’t completely cured, he was content.


At least his parents and his brother were very good to him.


Later, his brother joined the army with their father. Bo Yibing watched his brother in his military uniform, looking incredibly handsome, and couldn’t help but yearn for it.


But he knew that it was something he could only dream of.


After his brother joined the army, he rarely came back home. He trained at the military base every day and only returned once or twice.


After he graduated from university, Bo Yibing started his own company.


At first, his parents and brother were against it, but he stubbornly insisted and they eventually agreed.


Despite his poor health, he never gave up hope for a fulfilling life.


And he lived not just for himself but also for his parents and his brother.


He didn’t want to see his family worry about him or be burdened by him.


So, he remained positive and cheerful every day.


After starting his company, he felt very fulfilled. The medications and supplements he took gradually improved his health by a lot.


Within a few years, his company grew rapidly, and he established several subsidiary companies.


Later, the world changed.


There was inexplicable black rain pouring from the sky. The black rain carried a strong putrid smell that made people nauseous.


After one night, inexplicable creatures that eat humans, commonly known as “zombies,” appeared.


“Zombies,” a term that he thought only existed in TV shows, movies, and novels. Unexpectedly, they became a reality for him.


This made him feel a strong sense of unease.


His father quickly established a base using military facilities.


Then his father and his subordinates went out in vehicles to search for survivors and gather supplies.


Fortunately, the zombies’ movements were relatively slow in the early days of the apocalypse.


Apart from their ugly appearance, the slight odor of decay, and their eyes turning grayish-white, there wasn’t much difference.


Within two days, many people started arriving at the established base. Some people even began building houses to accommodate the growing population.


Bo Yibing didn’t stay in the base for long before falling into a coma. He couldn’t open his eyes no matter how hard he tried.


His body alternated between feeling cold and hot, causing him great agony. He felt as if he were on the brink of death.


He didn’t know how long he was unconscious, but he faintly heard his mother crying and his father’s worried voice.


The intense discomfort in his heart made him grit his teeth and persevere.


When he finally woke up, he discovered that the underlying illness he had been carrying had been cured. Additionally, he now possessed the abilities of water and fire. He felt very happy.


Later on, a neighboring base was established opposite their home base.


Although it wasn’t large, it could accommodate tens of thousands of people, which was barely enough.


Bo Yibing didn’t think much of them. He believed that they wouldn’t have that much ability.


But things changed when his father’s most trusted subordinate betrayed him, causing a shortage of food in the base.


After all, with a large population, a large amount of food was needed.


The subordinate who betrayed them moved a large amount of food from the warehouse to the neighboring base, infuriating Bo Yibing’s father.


Most of the available resources outside were also plundered, leaving them with nothing to eat.


Their efforts to collect supplies proved to be more trouble than they were worth.


Furthermore, the zombies outside had significantly increased in speed, sense of smell, hearing, and more.


Therefore, they thought of a special plan to bring back Bo Yibing’s brother.


Several months later, Bo Yibing’s brother returned with his wife and a few children. Then he resolved the issues within the base.


Another year passed, and they led the people from the base to his sister-in-law’s base, which was like heaven on earth.


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