Surviving in Apocalypse with Children

Orderly and Organized

Forget it, one can only say that he deserved it. That’s just the consequence of his greed.


Luolin City.


Wu Xiaoyi led his people in a bustling operation to collect the ripe crops and move them into the warehouse.


Most of the harvest consisted of rice, millet, and flour, the staple foods. They had cultivated quite a lot.


As for vegetables, they also grew some, enough for immediate consumption without the need to store them. Even if they were stored, they would eventually spoil.


However, garlic and pickled vegetables could be preserved for a long time. Even without fresh vegetables, eating pickled vegetables with rice or noodles was still satisfying.


As for meat, they also raised animals such as chickens, ducks, and pigs. There was no shortage of food.


They primarily used pork fat for cooking oil. Other oils required machinery and skilled individuals to produce, so they were less accessible.


Nevertheless, cooking with pork fat oil was already good enough. As for other seasonings, they had collected a fair amount during their expedition outside, but they always ran out eventually.


Thus, when Wu Xiaoyi went out to rescue people, he also searched for equipment to make salt and other condiments. Among the people they rescued were experienced cooks who could take care of these matters, so there was no shortage.


He also visited hospitals and brought back all the medicines inside, whether they were useful or not. Sooner or later, they would find a use for them.


They had transported all the available medical equipment from the hospitals and set up a medical base. Therefore, if anyone fell ill, there would be someone to treat them. They didn’t have to worry about being left without medical attention when they got sick.


Regarding food and planting vegetables, they had a system of distribution. Those without special abilities would sow seeds


And those with special abilities, such as power-based ability users with great strength, would dig the soil and carry heavy objects.


However, the power-based ability users and the soil diggers would switch tasks periodically. Everyone accepted this arrangement without complaints. It was a fair arrangement.


Water-based ability users were responsible for irrigating the plants, while wood-based and plant-based ability users were assigned to monitor the growth of the plants.


Wood-based abilities and plant-based abilities were actually in the same category.


Overall, under Wu Xiaoyi’s management, everything was running smoothly. The people inside the base were also doing a great job.


If there were suitable matches among the men and women, they would get together.


Marriage and formal ceremonies were impossible, but if someone wanted to have a celebration, they could still do it.


Some people even felt that their lives were better than before the apocalypse. At least they had a place to live. Even without money, they could still have a meal.


Although they were basically engaged in farming and sometimes busy, there were no conflicts among the people. Instead, they found each day fulfilling.



Meanwhile, Wen Xiaoxiao was unaware that the base was being managed in an orderly manner by Wu Xiaoyi.


A group of adults sat on the sofa chatting, while Wen Xiaoxiao was not there, having put the children to sleep after lunch.


On the other hand, Bo Yiliang was playing poker with a few friends to pass the time.


Bo Yiliang smiled and didn’t say much.


However, it has to be said that Bo Yiliang was extremely lucky. After playing a few rounds, he became invincible and defeated all his opponents.


“Amazing, amazing…”


The adults discussed something among themselves, while Bo Yiliang just relaxed and killed time with his friends.


In contrast, Wen Xiaoxiao, with a few children in tow, came across someone lying on the ground with a bruised and swollen face.


Seeing this, everyone exclaimed with joy, “It’s Zhu Daqiang! He deserves it!”


The people in the Jia You Base cheered and told their fellow comrades about it.


They had all experienced Zhu Daqiang’s bullying tactics and how he would oppress anyone he didn’t like.


He even stole other people’s food. It was simply lawless.


Now, he couldn’t even get a single glance from anyone.


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