Surviving in a School of Ghost Stories

Chapter 21


Father Miella was a middle-aged man with long blue hair tied in a ponytail. Most notably, he wore an eye patch that covered half of his face, making it quite striking.

‘An eye patch?’

Despite the eye patch, Father Miella accurately looked at Leonard and me.

“You’re late. Leonard, take a seat, and new student, come here to the front of the desk.”

He even knew it was Leonard and me who entered the room without us saying anything.

‘If we’re the last to arrive, he could know who we are without seeing our faces.’

Thinking this, I nodded and stood in front of the desk.

“Now, let me introduce. You’ve heard about the perfect scorer in this transfer exam, right? This is our disciplinary committee’s last member. Introduce yourself.”

Father Miella said to me.

Dragged into the room and suddenly joining the disciplinary committee, I bowed my head in confusion.

“Nice to meet you, seniors and juniors. My name is Melody Hastings.”

“She looks like she doesn’t know anything right now.”

The male student sitting in the front row replied. He was a man with the same platinum blonde hair and emerald eyes as me.

‘He’s a fourth-year. His name is… Weston Campbell Lauderdale?’

Lauderdale. It’s a name I’ve heard before.

I think Raven’s roommate had a similar name.

Weston Campbell Lauderdale, a fourth-year disciplinary committee member, and Easton Leaven Lauderdale, a first-year student member.

Ah. These two must be the people Leonard mentioned who are separated from their families, like me.

As I was looking at Senior Weston with curious eyes, I heard Father Miella laugh.

“That’s right. You don’t know anything. Leonard wouldn’t have explained anything.”

When Father Miella clicked his tongue, Leonard, who was seated, shrugged his shoulders.

“I did explain, though?”

No way. Leonard never explained anything about the disciplinary committee.

Familiar with Leonard’s nonsense, Father Miella ignored him and explained to me.

“You’ve heard that top students are assigned to the disciplinary committee and student council, right? It’s first-come, first-served, and the student council was full, so you came to the disciplinary committee. We had a vacancy because a student dropped out last semester.”

Ah. I hadn’t heard about that. So there was a student who dropped out last semester.

Maybe they were an heir to a noble family. I’ve heard that sometimes people succeed in entering prestigious schools just for the sake of it, then leave voluntarily to inherit their family’s legacy.

“Our disciplinary committee plays the role of guiding the students of Saint Gloria Private School.”

“I see.”

I nodded with a serious-looking face. Trying to appear as if I was listening intently to the priest’s words.

‘Do I really have to participate in the disciplinary committee activities? I’m not interested unless it’s related to Raven…’

Thinking this, I deliberately let the priest’s words go in one ear and out the other.

“There’s so much to do… So much that… We do this and that…”

“I see.”

“…and we monitor the student council.”

“I se… What? Monitor the student council?”

I had been nodding along, half-listening, but jumped in surprise at this unexpected information.

However, Father Miella told me with a very confident face.

“Father Cesario always breaks school rules, so cleaning up after them is always our job. That’s why we need to monitor them to prevent them from breaking the rules.”

As Father Miella slammed his fist on the desk with an enthusiastic face, Senior Weston, sitting in the front row, sighed.

‘The student council breaking school rules…’

What kind of student council does that?

Wait. Come to think of it, this might be a good thing.

Doesn’t this mean I can officially monitor Raven, who’s a member of the student council?

That guy definitely won’t be able to escape this time. This is great!

“In that sense, the reason I called all of you here today is because we received a tip that the student council is planning to break school rules again today under the pretext of some ghost story or whatever.”

Huh? Wait, ghost story?

“I made the report.”

Leonard raised his hand and claimed.

“This morning, as I was leaving the dormitory room, I overheard Easton and Raven talking. They said they were meeting in front of the girls’ dormitory elevator at 9 PM. That’s against school rules, isn’t it?”

Father Miella slammed the desk once more.

“That’s exactly it!”

Another sigh from Senior Weston followed.

He seemed quite tired of Father Miella’s passion.

“We must achieve a great feat and raise the status of the disciplinary committee. Let’s put the student council in their place!”

I’m not sure why we need to put the student council in their place.

However, judging by their reactions, the disciplinary committee members seemed to generally agree with Father Miella’s words.

It seems that everyone’s perception of the student council isn’t very good.

I guess it might be because of what Father Miella said about “always having to clean up after the student council breaks the rules.”

‘Wait a minute. Tonight at nine o’clock, in front of the girls’ dormitory elevator…’

That’s the time and place Blackie asked to meet.

Could it be a coincidence?

‘I’ll have to be careful.’

After all, a girl talking to a cat would seem strange.

Above all, I couldn’t risk being treated as a suspicious person.


The disciplinary committee’s plan was as follows:

The female members of the disciplinary committee would stake out the girls’ dormitory and catch the student council members breaking the rules on the spot.

Then they would signal the rest of the members, and the others, including Father Miella, would raid the scene.

‘The time…’

The desk clock in the dormitory pointed to 8:30 PM.

I hurried down to the first-floor lobby of the girls’ dormitory. There, Kira, a first-year member of the disciplinary committee, was waiting for me.

Being the girls’ dormitory, it was inevitable that female members would have to move.

After all, we couldn’t create a situation where the disciplinary committee breaks the rules while trying to catch the student council breaking the rules.

There are a total of three female members of the disciplinary committee, including me.

Me, first-year Kira Bertie, and fourth-year senior Diana Lovett.

Among them, senior Diana couldn’t participate in today’s schedule due to severe flu.

‘It’s better that it’s just Kira.’

I suggested to Kira that we divide our roles. So she staked out at the dormitory entrance, and I decided to stake out in the lobby.

The disciplinary committee members don’t like being friendly with student council members, even if they’re siblings.

So I couldn’t show them my reunion with Raven.

“Senior, can I ask one question before I go?”

Before leaving for the dormitory entrance, Kira asked me a question.

“Sure. What do you want to know?”

“Are you really Raven Hastings’ sister?”

I scratched my cheek and affirmed.

“That’s right.”

“Wow. How can a sister and brother be so different? If it weren’t for the Hastings name, I wouldn’t have known at all.”

Kira murmured in amazement.

“Your personalities and faces are so different.”

“Why? How are we different?”

“You’ve heard Raven’s nickname, right? He’s very famous. They call him ‘Crazven’. I vaguely thought that if Crazven had a sister, she would be formidably strong, but… um, you…”


“You seem like a herbivore.”


I couldn’t even think of a response.

“Your looks are different too. Actually, you look more similar to the Lauderdale brothers than to Raven. Of course, you probably have no relation to them.”

I awkwardly touched my cheek at Kira’s words.

I had also thought that the Lauderdale brothers and I had the same hair and eye color.

But logically, there couldn’t be any connection between them, who are from a noble family, and me, who comes from a maid background.

“By the way, do you know why Raven became ‘Crazven’?”


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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