Surviving in a School of Ghost Stories

Chapter 13


If all of this were real and the ghost stories existed, wouldn’t the priests at the school be able to solve it?

“I know what you’re thinking. We actually have Father Cesario at our school who specializes in exorcism rituals.”

Erica pinpointed exactly what I was thinking.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I rubbed my cheek and nodded in agreement.

Erica continued explaining.

“But whenever he tries to solve a problem, another priest, Father Miella, interferes.”

“Why? What’s the reason? He’s a priest too, so why does he do that?”

“He said performing exorcisms for students’ delusional pranks would tarnish the school’s reputation.”

That sounds like a modern person’s thinking.

It wasn’t entirely wrong either. Even though I kept experiencing strange situations, I still didn’t completely believe in the current state of affairs.

“Well, if there haven’t been any specific damages like casualties yet, it would be awkward to step in prematurely.”

“It’s always easier to solve problems after they occur.”

Erica sharply rebutted.

She seems to believe quite seriously in the truth of the ghost stories.

An awkward silence fell for a moment.

Unable to bear the silence, Erica fidgeted.

“A-ahem. From the looks of it, you probably had financial difficulties and couldn’t receive a proper education.”

She boasted as if she was doing me a favor.

“I don’t know how you managed to transfer, but you’ll probably be expelled or drop out soon anyway. This isn’t a school that someone like you can handle. D-don’t misunderstand, I’m just playing with you out of pity.”

I became curious about what Erica would say after learning that I got a perfect score on the transfer exam.

The Dean said my name would even be recorded in the school’s history books, so would they really expel me? For now, it doesn’t seem likely.

Erica tidied up her spot and stood up.

“I’m going to bed now.”

With that, she returned to her bed and fell asleep first, while I sat alone at my desk, thinking.

I felt I needed to organize the events I’ve experienced so far and plan for the future before going to bed.

Scratch, scratch.

I wrote down my plans in a notebook with a pencil.


Plan A: Meet Raven as soon as possible and persuade him to drop out. Then leave the island with Raven. 


This still seemed the simplest no matter how I looked at it.

But the problem was Plan B, which I’d have to proceed with if Plan A failed.

If I fail to persuade Raven to drop out, I’ll have to switch to a long-term plan.


Plan B: Stay at the school and protect Raven directly. Watch over him and investigate the cause of his death.


After writing down Plan B, I hoped even more that Plan A would succeed.

‘I hope the situation doesn’t come to Plan B.’

As I wrote and rewrote the plans in my notebook, drowsiness gradually set in. I could feel my head nodding off without realizing it.

…I’m sleepy.

…I shouldn’t.

…I should sleep in bed.

…I heard the dorm room beds were amazing.

However, when I came to my senses again, I had fallen asleep hunched over the desk.

It seems I fell asleep right there while writing down future plans.

I could hear sparrows chirping outside the window.

Sunlight was streaming through the curtains. Morning had come.

My whole body felt stiff and sore from sleeping hunched over the desk.

I massaged my numb arms as I got up, then sat blankly blinking my eyes.

The clock on the desk showed 8:00 AM.

When I turned around, I saw Erica lying on the carpet in the first-floor living room, playing with Blackie.

When our eyes met, she froze stiff while lying face down on the carpet.

Soon, her face turned bright red.

“Th-th-this is…! This is, well!”

I thought she was a typical arrogant noble, but it seems that’s not her true nature.

I barely managed to hold back my laughter.

“Oh my. It’s already this late. Sorry, Erica. I’m in a hurry right now.”

I pretended to check the time, changing the subject to avoid embarrassing Erica.

With that, I hurriedly washed up, changed clothes, and left the dorm room in a rush.

I was determined to meet Raven today no matter what.

“Ah, right. Blackie.”

When I turned around and called for Blackie, he came running.

It seems he already remembers his name. He was a smarter cat than I thought.

“Unnie will be back.”

As I patted Blackie and tried to get up, he jumped into my arms.

“Huh? You want to go out too? Don’t cats dislike wandering around?”

I tried to put Blackie down, but—


The little guy squirmed and refused to get down. Oh well, can’t be helped.

In the end, I picked up Blackie and was about to close the dorm door when I saw Erica fidgeting in front of it.

Puzzled, I tilted my head and then realized she kept staring at Blackie in my arms.

“Do you want to come along too?”

When I asked, she nodded vigorously as if she’d been waiting for this.


She answered without hesitation, but then seemed embarrassed and changed the subject with a fake cough.

“Y-you probably don’t know the school geography, so I’m going with you because you look uneasy. It’s a roommate’s duty.”

Erica was really not honest. Somehow, it made her look a bit cute.

Her goal seemed to be Blackie, but that was fine.

It felt like everything would go well today.


The day before school started, Leonard kept thinking about the transfer student in the Disciplinary Committee room.

Melody Hastings was a beautiful girl with a somewhat mysterious aura.

She looked so thin and fragile that it seemed she might collapse if you touched her.

But in contrast, her eyes, like lush greenery, looked strong and firm.

With the addition of her rather unique teardrop mole, eyes were naturally drawn to her wherever she was.

But Leonard wasn’t the only one who recognized her uniqueness.

Weston Campbell Lauderdale, the head of the disciplinary committee and a fourth-year student, also showed interest.

He adjusted his glasses and asked Leonard.

“I heard there was a perfect scorer on the transfer exam this time? They say it’s Raven Hastings’ sister, is that true? Leonard, you must have seen her since you took the transfer exam.”

Hearing this, Kira, a new member of the Disciplinary Committee, added a question,

“That’s right, senior. I heard rumors spread throughout the school that she’s an incredible beauty. Wasn’t it posted on the bulletin board too?”

Leonard, sitting by the window in the Disciplinary Committee room, merely shrugged instead of answering.

“If she’s the top transfer student, she’ll join the Disciplinary Committee.”

Maddox, who had been quietly listening to their conversation, speculated.

“She could join the Student Council too.”

“They’re already at full capacity.”

Weston replied indifferently to Kira’s words.

The student with the highest score at Saint Gloria Private School had to choose and join either the Student Council or the Disciplinary Committee.

As Weston said, the Student Council was full with a total of 7 members.

So, the chances were high that Melody would join the Disciplinary Committee, which still had only 6 members.

‘Raven is in the Student Council though.’

Somehow, it seemed like Melody would be disappointed if she found out about this fact.

But what can you do?

Leonard hummed a tune. The Disciplinary Committee activities are going to become more interesting from now on.


Erica, who followed me out while holding Blackie, looked surprised when she heard Raven’s name.

“So that’s where I’ve heard the name Hastings… Is Raven Hastings your brother?”

“You know my brother?”

“I’m in the Student Council. That kid is a new member who joined last semester. I couldn’t match you two because your faces don’t look alike at all.”

Erica tilted her head, then with a more confident face, she tapped her chest.

“I’ll show you to the Student Council room. That kid is usually there unless he has something else to do.”

To think my roommate was in the Student Council.

It seemed I could solve this problem more easily than expected.

However, contrary to my high spirits, the Student Council room we visited was empty.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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