Surviving in a School of Ghost Stories

Chapter 12


An expressionless cold face, black straight hair with neatly cut straight bangs.

Overall, she was a beautiful girl exuding a chilly atmosphere.

“Just because times have changed doesn’t mean commoners can become nobles. These days, commoners don’t know their place.”

“What? How did you know I’m a commoner?”

“I’m a commoner smell appraiser.”

“Nobles appraise strange things.”

At my response, my roommate looked at me with an incredulous expression.

“…Don’t unpack until school starts. Commoners like you won’t last long here anyway.”

I really couldn’t understand what she was saying.

When I tilted my head with a puzzled face, she said with a frustrated look,

“Want to bet? You’ll submit a withdrawal form within a week after school starts.”

She mocked me with sharp words. But it didn’t really affect me.

Because if I met Raven sooner than expected, there was a real possibility I might leave school even before a week.

‘Are all nobles like this?’

I don’t think Leonard was like this.

I ignored it and offered a handshake to my roommate.

“Okay. Let’s bet.”

Even though it would be meaningless if I left with Raven, I decided to go along with it.


My roommate looked at me as if I were a strange person. She didn’t expect me to respond positively to her words.

Naturally, she didn’t accept my handshake offer. And she ignored the bet proposal too.

She started reading her book again.

Just then, the cat that was hiding behind my bag poked its head out.


When the cat sound was heard, my roommate lifted her head abruptly.

I saw it. Her sparkling eyes.

When our eyes met as she was looking at the cat with excited eyes, she was startled and turned her gaze away.

She hurriedly picked up her book and pretended to read again. But I had already seen everything.

After looking at her for a moment, I found an empty bed, desk, closet, etc., and unpacked.

Then I sat the cat on the desk and pondered.

“What should I name you?”


The cat stared at me blankly.

It was an unusually gentle cat.

Since the Chesswind cat had blue eyes, this must be a different one, but it seems a black cat appears whenever I’m in danger.

As I was deep in thought, I heard a disturbing sound from nearby.


What’s this sound?

“Name it Elizabeth. Please. Elizabeth is cute, isn’t it? It’s elegant.”

Only then did I realize that my roommate was muttering those words in a tiny voice.

She was still sitting on the sofa, reading her book with an expressionless face.

I tilted my head for a moment, then, thinking she must have been talking to me, I responded.

“Elizabeth is too old-fashioned…”

“My goodness, old-fashioned? Elizabeth is such a beautiful name! Oops.”

My roommate froze, probably surprised that she had shouted without realizing it.

Her face turned bright red. I don’t think even an apple would be redder than that.

After a moment, she cleared her throat awkwardly and avoided eye contact. She seemed to be trying to maintain her dignity even though she was already caught.

I shrugged and said,

“Since it’s a black cat, I think Blackie would be good.”

“No way! How can you give such an uncultured name to such a cute creature?”

My roommate threw her book away and jumped up with an excited face.

She approached me with big strides and, pointing at Blackie sitting quietly on the desk, said,

“Look how elegant it is. Elizabeth is perfect, I’m telling you.”

While saying this, she used the high-level technique of casually petting the cat.

The cat purred contentedly even under my roommate’s touch. It was a cat without principles.

I still think Blackie is the perfect name for this cat.

My roommate, now openly stroking Blackie, said something unexpected.

“Bringing a cat as a pet was quite a decision.”

“Why a cat?”

“You know, there’s that old saying. Cats can see ghosts and drive them away. With the school atmosphere being so unsettling lately, having a cat would make one feel more secure at night.”

“Why is the school atmosphere unsettling?”

She thought for a moment, then got up and went to her desk drawer.

After rummaging for a while, she pulled out something that looked like an enormously thick and large scrapbook.

I briefly checked the name written on the scrapbook. So her name is Erica.

Erica put the scrapbook on my desk and flipped through it.

Various information was scrapbooked, but there seemed to be a lot of quite eerie materials.

The largest portion was occupied by school bulletin board materials.

“Look at this. I scrapbooked it because it’s quite interesting. Oh, of course, it’s a secret that I took the memo from the bulletin board, okay?”

I nodded at her words and read the memo she pointed to.


Saint Gloria Private School Student Bulletin Board

Continental Year 902, June 8

I experienced something strange today. Guys, don’t use the elevator in the girls’ dormitory after 9 PM. I’ve clearly warned you.

⌎Isn’t the dorm curfew at 9 PM? Just follow the curfew.

⌎Why are so many people who don’t follow the rules posting weird stuff these days?


This is a bulletin board from two months ago, June 8th.

I suddenly had a question and asked my roommate, Erica.

“But why did you scrapbook this?”

She avoids my gaze with a guilty look. She remained silent without answering.

However, as I kept looking at her as if waiting for an answer even after a long time, she finally confessed.

“Actually… I’m, a ghost story enthusiast…”

She awkwardly avoided my gaze.

“So you mean you didn’t directly experience this elevator ghost story, Erica?”

Even though I called her Erica instead of Queensbury, she didn’t object.

Unlike her prickly and cold first impression, she seemed to be a very careless type.

“No. But there were quite a few witnesses among the students on our floor. Although it doesn’t seem like everyone believes it.”

Obviously, not everyone can see ghosts.

‘So even in a school famous for being a Celestial Church foundation, such strange things happen.’

Saint Gloria Private School is a school established by the Celestial Church foundation.

Moreover, Gloria Island, where this school is located, is practically the heart of papal history.

100 years ago, the papacy declared war on evil spirits, and a nun belonging to the papacy sealed all evil spirits and was martyred.

The name of this island, ‘Gloria’, is also named after her.

And they say the school was established to suppress the evil energy in that place.

At that time, it was very natural for people all over the world to believe in evil spirits and follow religion.

However, now people don’t believe in things like evil spirits.

The current era of greatly developed industry was a golden age.

Jobs increased, life became convenient, and people had more leisure. Naturally, the number of people who blindly believed in unknown areas like religion decreased.

People began to disbelieve things that weren’t scientifically proven.

As in the bulletin board memo Erica showed, everyone treats it as mere ghost stories.

‘But everything I experienced wasn’t just simple ghost stories, it was real.’

How hard was it for me to escape from Chesswind Village? That certainly wasn’t a dream.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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