Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 145


Fedric sat down and spoke cautiously.


“I’m sorry for coming to you without being able to contact you. I apologized because I really wanted to see you.”


“No, Young Duke, I really wanted to meet you too.”




He asked with wide eyes, platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. It’s cute. They said he was fifteen, but was he still like a baby? Not only did she have an older brother, but the duchy was also full of big men, so she had no chance of meeting a boy. Besides, he’s not just a boy, he’s a pretty boy. A handsome boy with fluffy cheeks looking at you with bright eyes was so cute. Ethan, a fake boy who pretends to be sixteen, didn’t have that kind of freshness.


After finally coming to her senses from the fatal attack of the pretty boy’s eyes, she expressed the gratitude she had always harbored in her heart.


“I really wanted to say thank you to Duke Rapture and Young Duke.”


At her words, Fedric shook his head sharply and spoke hastily.


“No! I really came to say thank you. Although my greeting was very late.”


“Thanks? For me?”


“When the title of Duke was given to my family, I heard that you fought for the funds to restore the estate. It was a great help to me. Thank you so much, Duchess…”


“Oh, no. It was a natural grant. I was just doing my job, right?”


Thanks to the Duchy of Huge, which had suffered terrible damage while trying to block the now-defunct Duchy of Taln, not only my family but many people in the western region were spared the disaster. It goes without saying that the bad guys who tried to play with the subsidies that will go to such a rapture get hit with a mace.


She waved her hand because she was embarrassed to be greeted after doing the obvious thing, but Fedric seriously greeted her once more.


“If it weren’t for your hard work, restoring the estate would have been more difficult. On behalf of the Rapture family, I would like to thank you.”


She didn’t ask to be greeted, but hearing them say thank you so formally made her feel proud. 


“Thank you for saying that. I am so glad that I was of help. As a person from the western region of the Rapture family’s noble life, I am also deeply grateful.”


“As a family that protects the border, we just did our job. I feel confident and proud.”


‘Duke Rapture, I hope you will be reassured even in the midst of despair.’


With such a great successor growing up so bravely, she wanted to give him a thumbs up or a thumbs up, but she thought it would be rude to Young Duke, so she held back and smiled brightly. 


Pedric, who had a hard look in his eyes, said again with his face slightly blushing.


“After graduating from the academy, I plan to take the administrator exam.”


“Oh, really?”


“Yes, I want to learn practical finance from  the lady before I take over the Dukedom.”


“To me? It’s an honor, Young Duke.”


“Ma’am, you are my hero. I am honored.”


“W-A hero?”


Was there ever a title that didn’t suit her? Hero, was she? Why? She was not just a small citizen, she was a small Duchess? Or maybe she was a minor magistrate. When she asked curiously, Fedric calmly told a somewhat heartbreaking story. When the war ended and he returned to his hometown where no one was left, he initially resented his family who had died, leaving only him behind. He could have escaped and survived, but the heart of a 13-year-old boy who suddenly had to become the heir to start a family in a land where there was nothing left must have been excruciating. Fedric, who was full of resentment and wondered who would recognize him even if he sacrificed his life, changed his mind after hearing the news that she, who had never known him, had worked hard for the Rapture family. He said that while thinking that his family’s sacrifice was not in vain, that there are people who appreciate our sacrifice, and that there are people who fight for him, he also realized that his family had done something to be proud of. She was scolded because she felt like crying while listening to the story. When he held out his hand, he carefully patted his extended hand. Be proud, record, and be proud!


“You can be more proud. Duke Rapture is truly a hero to our Laurentians.”


“Thank you, ma’am.”


“Then we’ll meet at the Treasury in three years, right?”


“Yes, absolutely.”


After chatting a little more with Fedric, whose eyes twinkled, he soon returned. He said he would just attend the wedding tomorrow and then leave for the academy, so she guessed she would have to wait three years before she saw him again.


They parted ways with a sad heart and went up to the room, where Adrian greeted them with his tail wagging.


‘No, he doesn’t have a tail. But why do I feel like I saw it?’


“Did you have a good conversation?”


“Yes, Ad, I was praised. He thanked me.”


Adrian wrapped his arms around her waist and lowered his head, resting his forehead against hers and making eye contact with his. Knowing the next movement, she naturally wrapped her arms around his neck. Then his feet lifted off the ground and lifted up loudly. She also knew the next course. He would pick her up like this, walk around the room, look up at her as much as he could, and then put her down on the bed or sofa.


“I was thinking of coming and disrupting the situation.”


Adrian smiled and set her down on the sofa. She guessed it’s still too early to sleep.


“You’re saying it’s sabotage. That’s not allowed. He was a talented person who decided to come to our Ministry of Finance. He was a person with a promising future in many ways.”


“In many ways?”


“Do you think he will grow up to be an incredibly handsome man?”




“Yes, it was already sparkling?”






“I need to meet him sometime.”


“Oh, no way, Ad, you’re jealous of a fifteen-year-old kid, right?”


“He is going to be a handsome guy, isn’t he?”


She meant this as a joke, but why wasn’t this guy’s eyes smiling?


“Are you going to be jealous of all the handsome men in the world?”


She listened with a smile, but Adrian just laughed along with her and didn’t respond. What kind of universal jealousy was this? She giggled and kissed Adrian on the cheek.


“My man is the most handsome man in the world.”


The corners of his eyes widened and Adrian kissed her as well. She thought his eyes looked a little red before he closed them, but she learned that the sofa could be used for many purposes.


* * *


On Ailene’s wedding day, Jenny dressed her up as a perfect wedding guest and went to Cocone Castle. Among the many nobles who came from Laurentyne was Laurel, and the southwestern part of the country also graced the occasion. The royal family, the three dukes, and the three marquises were all in attendance. Although the Cocone nobles seemed a little unfamiliar, the wedding ceremony was held in a pompous and reverential manner amidst the congratulations of numerous nobles from both countries in attendance. Ailene’s eyes were moist as she shared her marriage vows, and she was moved to tears. She felt relieved only after holding King Cocone’s hand and seeing the biggest smile on his face she had ever seen. Have a good life, Aile. As much as she wasn’t happy in both worlds, she became a lot happier. After the wedding ceremony, Laurel, Lady Lillian, and she sat at the same table as we happily looked at the newlyweds expressing their gratitude to the guests in the banquet hall where the reception was held. Adrian tactfully walked away from the Duke of Donovan, or perhaps that direction was towards Fedric.


They talked eagerly about how beautiful the bride looked today as they established the traditional desserts of the Cocone Kingdom. She heard that Ailene was really, really beautiful today.


Lady Lillian said, looking at Ailene from a distance with an emotional face.


“I’ve been seeing her dressed plainly for a while, so I’ve forgotten how beautiful my sister is.”


“She was the most brilliant person in Laurentian society. King Coco could not take his eyes off her.”


“I was staring blankly too. Did all the Coco nobles who saw Ailene look at me the same way today?” 


“I hope she becomes a beloved queen.”


When Lady Lillian was worried about Ailene, Laurel and I each held her hand one by one and agreed that it would definitely happen. Then Laurel looked at me and started talking about politics.


“The marriage of the Lady of Nodoban is, of course, a matter of congratulations, but our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is saddened. The Eastern Front is now in turmoil, and thanks to our Inspector General who quickly recognized the signs of war, even the unsettled partner has been awakened. I cut it out.”


“Really? Have you recovered all the iron?”


“Of course. The peace agreement with the Cocone Kingdom has been signed again, so no one will be able to provoke you without permission, right?”


“And the peace agreement? That’s good. Laurel, you worked hard, you’re awesome.”


“That’s too much praise. Ma’am, your contribution was great.”


“Oh, nothing to say. Marquis.”


“You both are amazing.”


A group of young ladies came near our table, where we were giggling and praising each other, took a seat, and started talking. Since these were faces she had never seen before, she guessed they were noble daughters from Cocone Kingdom, and the content of their conversation was fascinating.


“Do you think it makes sense for a woman like that to become queen of our kingdom?”


“Is that so true? She even had a child and then was abandoned? Didn’t she stick with our Highness because she couldn’t fit into Laurentian society?”


“Oh my god, did you do that? You didn’t get married in Laurentine, so you used your smooth face as a weapon to seduce our innocent Highness?”


“Hmph. I guess she’ll be abandoned again soon?”


They raised their voices on purpose as if to make them listen, and they started yelling at them and saying mean things, making a fuss as they laughed among themselves.


‘Ha, how do we destroy these beautiful things? I want to grab your head and punch you in the mouth while asking if it’s a snout or an asshole. Why don’t you start an international conflict today?’


She called out to Laurel, who was also wrinkled her forehead in front of her, in a loud voice that the whole group of ladies could hear.


“Marquis of Madeira.”


“Yes, Duchess Bigor.”


“I think I would be very heartbroken if my precious friend became queen of this country and was not happy.”


“Oh my, that’s a big deal. If the Duchess is concerned, I can picture what Duke Bigor, the commander-in-chief of the entire Lorentine army, will look like.”


It wasn’t planned in advance, so how could Laurel only say the right things? Lady Lillian, who heard her sister’s gossip right under her nose, also joined the conversation in an exasperated voice.


“Before Duke Bigor steps forward, my father, Duke Donovan, can move the private army right away.”


“That’s also true, Queen Ailene is the benefactor who saved the life of our King Laurentyne, so our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not sit idly by.”


“There should be no foolish person who carelessly raises his or her mouth on a serious issue that could lead to an international conflict.”


In front of the Cocone Kingdom ladies whose faces were turning white as they listened to the three of us talking, we simultaneously spread our fans and glared at them. As the ladies disappeared in front of us in a hurry, all three of them snorted at the same time. Even if you sprinkle ashes on the good day of a friend who is just trying to be happy, she saw him passionately propose marriage even after knowing that Ailene was bitten by a crazy dog. They say two people like each other, but what about shoulders? While chatting carelessly without knowing what was going on, he looked back at Ailene’s smiling face as she received congratulatory greetings from afar, and when her eyes met, he smiled sweetly. She also waved with a smile. Ailene knew that this could get out of hand, but she accepted this marriage. She could have lived peacefully in Donovan territory without becoming queen, but she decided to show her courage in an unfamiliar land. Even though she had expected something like this, she was proud that she had become strong enough to smile. And with King Coco, who is looking at Ailene with her honey-filled eyes, she will definitely be happy.


Still, she was afraid she would ask Ethan to check in often to see how he’s doing. Her friend just tears out his eyes. It’s just that Adrian, Duke Donovan, and everything else, she was the one who would run first.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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