Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 143


The County of Beelzeb, the former Duchy of Galleon, was a large territory with wide plains occupying most of the territory as a center of paid agriculture. All the way to the lord’s castle, waves of grain were ripening under the bright sunlight outside the carriage. Instead of finding an inn, she went to the castle of the lord of the county, identified herself and asked the butler to guide her. The butler, who rushed out on foot, hurriedly guided them to the parlor, served them cool ice tea, and told them that Lord Earl Glo, who was in great trouble, was on his way out. She had come to the lord’s castle with the intention of being indebted to Homet, but the lord was not there. When she asked him where he had been, he said he was at a waterway construction site and asked him to tell me his location, but the deacon knelt down and insisted in a bitter voice.


“Our lord is not one to do that!”




“Our lord is a great person who only cares about the people of the territory. He is a clean and compassionate person who has nothing to do with corruption or corruption!”


“Well, er, butler? We know that Count Beelzebub is a great man.”


The butler looked up at her confused face and asked in an anxious voice.


“Aren’t you here to arrest our lord?”




“…Are you sure not?”


“I came to see a friend. Who would arrest Homet because we used to stay together in Midoc?”


The butler, who was looking up at her, cleared his throat, stood up, patted his knee, and spoke with an expressionless expression.


“I will give you a child to guide you to where the lord is. I will pack your luggage while you are back.”


Under the guidance of the butler who suddenly became very polite, I left my luggage in a very nicely appointed room and got back into the carriage. After riding the carriage for about an hour, many people gathered together, covered in mud all over their bodies, and were busy doing something.


“It looks like they are trying to open a waterway.”




“Yes, if you make a profit over there, water will flow this way.


‘Wow, you mean you created a river? Could it be that there is Homet somewhere among the workers hanging on the bank and doing finishing work and the people gathered on the deeply dug river bank?’


Adrian said that the opening of the aqueduct seemed imminent, so she decided not to interfere but to watch from the carriage. As she was sticking her head out the window, the embankment collapsed. As the trees that were firmly supporting the earthen wall fell, water poured out. And clear water began to flow through the artificial waterway. Hearing the sound of all the people gathered cheering in unison, she felt proud. As they got off the carriage and looked around to find Homet, the servant who guided us ran towards us, and soon Homet appeared wearing a straw hat.


“Huh? Lady Damien!”


Wow, wow, Homet, whose image has changed a lot in just one year, approached her with a big smile. Homet had the image of a fair-skinned, refreshing idol, but he turned into a handsome man beautifully tanned by the sun. Besides, the lord’s outfit was no different from that of the workers passing by. The shirt he had rolled up was already covered in dirt, and there was dirt on his face as well. But, the face looks really good. It sparkled much healthier than when she saw it on Midoc. It was a bright smile without the slightest surprise, so she waved happily.


“Lord Homet!”


She was so happy that she was about to take his hand, but her body was lifted up into the air. Adrian glared at Homet with a very displeased face and held her in his arms.


“Tch, is the Duke here too?”




“We’re on our honeymoon, so of course we should come together.”


“I know you’re under secret surveillance under the pretense of a honeymoon.”


“Secret surveillance?”


“Yes, Lady Damian.”


“This is the Duchess of Bigor.”


‘Ah, I’m glad to hear this kind of wordplay.’


She chuckled without lifting my waist, and the two of them also smiled shyly. Homet proudly introduced the clear-flowing waterway. He said it was the result of hard work over the past year. Since it was the center of agriculture, water would have been more important than anything else, and since the lord had personally entered the flood control project, there would have been nothing better than winning the public opinion of the people of the territory. It must have been difficult to adapt to the land being given to Homet after being the Duchy of Galleon, but the faces of the gathered residents were full of trust in their lord. It was inevitable, which lord would put dirt on his face and take the lead in construction of the waterway with them? It was both Homet-like and amazing, so she looked down at the waterway with pride and praised it for a while.


At that time, a loud noise sounded from behind. A woman pounded the bottom of her pot with a ladle and raised her voice to shout.


“Everyone! Eat!”


The woman who was cheering people flocking there and encouraging them to line up one by one with their trays. She looked a little familiar. Where had she seen her before? The woman who was directing the workers’ meals put down her ladle and came towards them. And she looked at her and she was happy and she grabbed her hand.


“It’s been a while, my lady! No, are married now? You’re still such a lovely person.”


With bright blonde hair, mysterious purple eyes, and a cheerful voice, she definitely looked familiar. Who was she? It felt like she knew her, but she couldn’t remember, so she was having trouble, but Homet gave her a subtle hint.


“Princess, you were quiet, but did you help prepare the meal again?”


Princess? There were no princesses in their country? She had never heard of a princess coming to Homet’s domain… 


‘Not! oh my god! Was the princess of the Kingdom of Cologne still here?’


Irina de Tant, Princess of Cologne, attended the celebration of their King’s coronation. It was the year before last when she heard that she fell in love with Homet at first sight and chased him to his estate. Was she still here? Also holding a ladle?


“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Your Majesty.”


“Nice to meet you. Since you are an important guest, we should treat you properly at the castle.”


As she quickly lifted the hem of her skirt and greeted her with courtesy, the princess smiled brightly and helped me stand up. Homet also smiled at the princess and nodded at her.


“I think so. Let’s get on the carriage now.”


“Is it so? Well then, Madam, Duke, see you later.”


Homet escorted Princess Irina and took her to the carriage, and Adrian and she also got into the carriage again. Armed with many things to talk about, we arrived at Lord Beelzeb’s castle again, and were treated to a dinner that seemed to have been prepared with great care by the butler. Homet, neatly dressed, was still dazzlingly beautiful, and the princess, whom she clearly remembered as she was wearing her dress, was also smiling. As she looked at the two people looking at each other affectionately, she wondered why she felt full even without eating.


“Soon, a marriage alliance will be formed with the Kingdom of Cologne.”


Adrian said with a chuckle, and Homet cleared his throat. Princess Irina replied while glancing at Homet.


“I said it’s okay, but this person is putting it off, saying he needs to get King Laurentyne’s seal.”


“The probation period will end next year, so I will officially receive permission from the king.”


The three-year probation that had been imposed to give Homet time to take care of his estate was already halfway over. It was rumored that the members of the ‘King’s Eye’, which was temporarily closed, were anxiously awaiting the return of the leader, so it seemed that Princess Irina would also be seen at Midoc next year, along with Homet, who would become the leader of the inspection team again. 


‘But Count, you will become the sire of the Kingdom of Cologne, right? You won’t go away to Cologne, right?’


“Do you plan to stay in Laurentyne after your marriage?” She asked cautiously, and Princess Irina laughed, even waving her hand.


“Of course. There are so many beautiful women in Laurentyne, but I can’t go back to dull Cologne.”


It was an answer that made her worry about whether that was okay, but she looked so happy, so she guessed it would be okay.


“I heard you’re on your honeymoon. I heard you’re enjoying a pretty intense honeymoon? My butler was frozen.”


“Huh? We’re on a very simple and enjoyable trip?”


“I guess you don’t know that the whole South is on edge because of you two.”


“Yes? Why, why?”


When she asked with wide eyes, Homet and Princess Erina looked at each other and laughed. Homet explained with a smile on his face. In the Viscounty of Blanca, where we departed, the Viscount was captured, and in Malta, where we stopped by, a large number of commanders were replaced, and a financial inspection began in the County of Vinis, right?


“I heard that the Viscount received a reprimand from the King due to security issues.”


“Well, that’s because I caught a pickpocket with my shoulder…”


“Special training for the commander-in-chief has been added to the military city of Engar.”


“That’s because we found soldiers who had deserted their duty station, so we had no choice…”


“Which direction will lead to the two of you is the most pressing concern for the family who recently paid their dues.”


Homet and the princess take turns talking, and they haven’t said anything wrong or done anything wrong, so why are they embarrassed? She scratched her chin and looked back at Adrian, and before she knew it, he had neatly disassembled the meat on her plate and placed it in front of her, smiling brightly. He was like her man who has always been the same. Well, what do you think? There were rumors that were different from our intentions, but they were enjoying themselves enough.


“Since I’ve already come to the County of Beelzeb, I’d like to take a good look at this place.”


When she threatened him as a joke, both Homet and Princess Irina laughed. Homet and the princess, who said they would stay by their side to watch over and guide them to prevent anything from happening, guided them to every corner of the county starting the next day. The peaceful estate was beautiful wherever she went, and the special products were delicious, but what impressed her the most was the attitude towards Homet of the people she met along the way. The people who came running from far away to say hello were friendly not only to Homet but also to the princess, and it was great to see Homet and the princess exchanging greetings with them without hesitation. Seeing these two people sparkling as bright as the sunlight under the dazzling summer sun made her heart feel warm.


There was not a trace left on Homet’s face as he smiled painfully, saying that he had lost both his family and his place to return. This was his home now, and they and the princess were his family. She was glad he looked happy. While spending time in the County of Beelzebub, she met the curious, honest, and cheerful princess. They became a lot closer. As guests from outside kept saying it had been a while, they stayed in the county for quite some time, so they had a lot of natural conversations with them. The more she got to know him, the more lovely she seemed.


“You look happy.”


The princess laughed bitterly at something she said while listening to how she had persuaded Homet, who was acting as if he would not even kiss during the final battle. Now, she was happy. It was a little difficult last year, but at home, Homet drew a line, telling her to come back, and it was so sad to feel like he was alone in an unfamiliar place.


“Are you Homet? You were acting like it would happen if you weren’t here right now?”


“The war ended last winter. My father ascended to the throne in the spring, and when he returned, he sent someone to ask me to marry him. I hoped he would hold me back, but if it was the king’s order, wouldn’t you say you had no choice but to go?”


“Oh my, my, are you Homet?”


“Everyone in the territory already knows that I came here because he likes me, but he told me to go. He thought that he didn’t have feelings for me and that I had done this alone, so I cried and packed my bags. I left thinking that I should just go and get married.”


“Did you do it? Did you chase it? Did Homet catch you?”


“Right before he left the county, he came running to me and said he would propose to me as soon as his probation was lifted, and asked me to wait just a little longer.”


“How? Then, you left and came back?”


“I didn’t even go to Cologne, but I turned the carriage that way. I heard that the Queen was so excited, but I feel like thorns will pop out in my eyes if I don’t see that face even for a day. What should I do?”


The princess smiled with a helpless expression on her face, and she laughed along with her. It’s definitely a face she wanted to look at every day. After that, she received a lot of compliments from Homet, saying that she was so kind and friendly, and she also boasted to herself that there was a person in her house who had the best face, and that he was so kind that she couldn’t say it in words for fear of getting stoned. Her husband and she were excitedly bragging about their husband-to-be, and they were chatting so much that they didn’t even notice the time passing. By the time Homet and Adrian came to pick them up, it was already past midnight.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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