Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 138


“This isn’t as easy as it looks. I don’t know if you will get embarrassed in front of your lover.” said the balloon stall owner, who had been watching Adrian measure the bouge with a dagger in his hand.


Adrian corrected in a cold voice, looking straight into the face of the owner who was smiling and teasing him.


“It’s my wife.”


The owner, who flinched for a moment, wiped his sweat and corrected his words.


“Yes, yes, you are a good couple.”




Adrian responded and threw the dagger. The dagger flew accurately, bursting the balloon and hitting the wooden wall. A long crack appeared in the wooden wall below and above the deeply embedded dagger. The stall owner and I were looking at Adrian and the cracked wooden wall with the balloons with similar faces, and Adrian held up the dagger with a nonchalant expression on his face.




This time, the balloon burst and the dagger stuck deep into the wall. And this time there was a crack in the wall again. If this continues, the wooden board will split, right? Did the stall owner give Adrian a dagger with an iron blade? While she was checking the blunt wooden dagger, Adrian grabbed the third dagger in his hand, and the owner, who seemed to be broke from his business, urgently intercepted him.


“I’ll give it to you! Big rabbit! I’ll give it to you, so stop it!”


“A wolf.”


“Yes? Ah, yes yes! The wolf doll is here.”


The owner politely held out a wolf doll, and Adrian gave it to her. She held the crude but cute-looking doll in her arms and looked up at him with a puzzled face. Adrian smiled, his eyes rolling beautifully. As she was walking out, leaving behind the stall owner who was greeting her with his head on the floor, she burst out laughing out of embarrassment. When she smiled, Adrian also smiled happily and held out his hand.


“Please give me the rabbit.”


“This one?”


When she placed the small rabbit doll she had received on Adrian’s large hand, he smiled in satisfaction. She put the stuffed rabbit in his front vest pocket. Her man smiling with a stuffed rabbit on his chest was so pretty. And they looked at the market late into the night. She bought a strange, shiny dress that she couldn’t tell which region’s traditional clothing she was wearing, and she also bought a yellow hat for Adrian, who goes well with anything. Adrian carefully chose two hairpins for her, and she was glad to have a hairpin so she bought one.


“How do you do that?”


Adrian asked with a curious face. She was not good at touching her hair, but she knew how to straighten her hair with a ballpoint pen. This meant that about half of Korean female high school students possessed the skill.


Adrian, who watched with eagle eyes as she gently straightened her hair and fixed it with her hairpin, bought another hairpin for himself.


‘Don’t practice.’


* * *


She returned to the inn late at night, spent a hot night in a soft bed for the first time in a few days, and woke up late the next morning, when an incident occurred. Well, she thought there might be trouble, but she didn’t expect it to get this big. As she slowly got up, scratching her cheek, the inn’s maid who came to give her the news stamped her feet and said,


“Right now, her husband and his men are confronting the soldiers in front of the inn. I was so upset because she told me not to wake her wife. Get out quickly. The soldiers are looking for her wife.”


‘If that happens, wake me up, Adrian, don’t let me sleep until eleven.’


She took a deep breath, changed her clothes, and went down to the front of the inn. Count Vinis’ private soldiers had come out and surrounded the inn, and Adrian and the Shadow Knights were blocking the entrance to the inn. The two sides were facing off with their swords drawn, but Adrian, who spotted her, greeted her with a bright smile on his face.


“Damian, did you sleep comfortably?”


“Yes, Adrian, what is going on?”


He responded by kissing her forehead.


“It’s no big deal.”


That’s right, the universe didn’t explode, so what’s the big deal? Having given up trying to get an answer from him, she asked Sir George.


“Sir George, what’s going on?”


“I think the bastard who cleaned up yesterday is Count Vinis’ nephew. They say they’re going to accuse you of harming a nobleman??


“Hmm. I guess I did something bad because I had some trust. So, are you going to arrest me?”


“Yes, I will take you to the lord’s castle.”


“No need to worry. I’ll clean it up now.”


Adrian said kindly. It seems that he had been confronting her for fear that she would wake up if there was a loud noise. ‘Still, Adrian, you must not enter the count’s territory and eliminate the count’s private soldiers.’


After patting Adrian on the arm, she spoke to George again.


“Let’s go, my lord, let’s meet the count who has a great nephew.”


“Yes, ma’am.”


George quickly ran towards the carriage. Adrian put his sword into her decision. The shadow knights also took a step back and prepared to escort the carriage. When things went like this, the private soldiers of Count Vinis were rather embarrassed. The nephew must have said that the sexual harassment law was favorable to him, and the count would have sent a private soldier to catch the woman with a big liver who dared order a member of the count’s family to be beaten up, but dozens of knights would have appeared and blocked the way. Wasn’t it true, the woman who was about to be arrested gives loud instructions to oversleep, come out, and bring out the carriage? Perhaps because they thought she was an awkward person to treat, she calmly got on the carriage and the soldiers took the lead and guided me to the lord’s castle, and soon they were entering the lord’s castle.


“I’m sorry, Adrian, I didn’t mean to cause an accident.”


She didn’t regret saving a woman in a difficult situation, but she felt bad for causing something like this during a vacation that should have been fun, so she apologized, and Adrian, who had a serious expression on his face, said something else.


“Breakfast is late.”


Eating a little late in the morning, or even skipping a meal, was not a big deal. The butler of the lord’s castle came down to see what the soldiers who rushed in after leaving us in the front yard of the lord’s castle reported. He looked at the wolf clearly visible on the chest of the shadow knights surrounding the carriage with ferocious faces, and after thinking for a while with a calm expression, he led them into the castle. As they were led into the drawing room rather than the lord’s throne room, there was the stern-faced Count of Vinis sitting with his face scrunched up. As soon as the idiot saw me, he jumped up, pointed his finger, and shouted.


“That woman is right! Uncle, she must be punished immediately!”


“Sit down, Jonas.”


Stupid Jonas lowered himself onto the sofa and Adrian sat her down on the opposite sofa. Count Vinis, seeing them sitting side by side, cautiously opened his mouth.


“Please identify yourself.”


“This is Duke Bigor. This is my wife.”


Adrian answered, and Count Vinis closed his eyes sadly. Jonas stammered, his face turning white.


“I can’t believe it. Why is Duke Bigor here? Give me evidence!”


She probably said this because today, she was wearing a normal wedding dress, and Adrian, who was also wearing a shirt and black jacket, was not dressed appropriately for the Duke of Bigor. Besides, you probably didn’t want to believe it. Adrian answered very coldly.


“How dare you ask me to prove myself?”


As his red eyes flashed, Count Vinis sighed and motioned for Jonas to shut up.


“Your Excellency the Duke, Duchess. I heard that something unpleasant happened with my nephew yesterday. Can you tell me why you whipped my nephew?”


“I saw him taunting a woman on her street. She punished me for trying to scare me when I tried to save her.”


She was not the type to say something at first sight, but this time she responded as dignified and arrogant as possible. Since there was nothing wrong with what he said, Jonas’ face became even more pale.


“He should be punished for disrespecting my lady, but my nephew did not know your identity at the time. What happened in my territory falls under my jurisdiction, so you should have left it to me to handle the matter.” said Count Vinis, biting his lip and looking at his nephew.


“He deserve to be punished because I am a duchess, but since you don’t know my status, you can’t help it? It sounds like you can’t help it no matter what happens to me if I were of a lower status than you. In a count’s domain, it is natural for the powerful to persecute the weak?”


“That’s not what I meant… Anyway, this is my territory. No one can arbitrarily punish the lord’s family.”


‘Are you going to come out hard?’


“Okay, I admit that it was my right to beat that nephew without the lord’s permission. The earl will formally complain to the royal family, and I will formally report to the king about the state of security in the County of Vinis that I have experienced.”




“You sent soldiers only believing the words of a nephew who got scolded for trying to harass a woman. If I were just a traveler, wouldn’t I be being whipped in prison by now? A place on an international scale where you can’t even walk around the streets without peace of mind unless you’re a duchess. I can’t believe a mayor has been established.”


As she assumed the situation, Adrian’s momentum exploded right next to her. Count Vinis, who was frozen by the coldness radiating from Adrian, changed his attitude and began to beg her.


“Ma’am, I know that the situation was not good. I will do my best to prevent this from happening, so stop your anger.”


She didn’t even want to imagine what would have happened to her if she hadn’t helped her, but it wasn’t like this wasn’t the first time she had seen that little girl do that. If it weren’t for the Shadow Knights, wouldn’t this have happened to me while Adrian was away for a while? The guy who did such a ridiculous thing and didn’t even reflect on it, well Tyler? She touched her bunny’s nose hair, which she did.


“I can’t believe I’m just watching something like this happen. I can’t help but doubt the count’s ruling power. As the kingdom’s administrator with the title of head of the Treasury Department’s inspection department, I will also propose an inspection of the finances of the County of Vinis. If you don’t want the market to be shut down, you have to be prepared. That would be great, Count.”


She didn’t come here for this. He was trying to sneak away after splashing shit on someone else’s life. Since the income of the territory, which is a commercial center, depends on the international market, there is no way that the threat to close the market will not work. The Count jumped as expected.


“Ma’am, the mayor’s revenue is managed transparently. It’s true.”


“Wouldn’t it be better to find out if we find out? My subordinates are good at that, so they will find out if what the Count said is true.”


When she spoke with a bright smile, the Count jumped even more.


“Madam, please let go of your anger. I will severely punish this bastard and make sure something like this never happens again!”


“That’s the earl’s discretion. How can I carelessly interfere with the management of the estate?”


She turned her head and responded. The child-like count called the soldier and shouted urgently.


“Put Jonas in jail and find the victim. I will judge him fairly and punish him.”


Either way, there will be an inspection. And that is natural. It is not a matter to be condescending while looking at my own opinions. They said everything we wanted to say and left the living room. The count followed in front of the carriage and started talking nonsense, such as saying that he had no children and had raised his nephew like a child, so he had developed bad habits, that he would do well in the future, and that he should speak kindly to His Majesty the King, and that he would treat her like a VIP if she stayed at the lord’s castle.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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