Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 126


Jenny, who was holding my dress and going down to the first floor with her, looked more nervous than her. Her father was waiting for her in front of the entrance wearing a stylish suit, and his face was clearly tense. When she went to his side and held his father’s hand, he said with mixed emotions on his face.


“You’re so pretty, my daughter.”


Something made her cry, and Jenny was the first to start crying behind her. Then her father’s eyes also turned red. She reached out to her father to give her a hug, but Jenny grabbed her shoulder even while wiping away tears.


“No, miss, your makeup will come off.”


She tried struggling while being held by Jenny, but it was no use. Her father patted her shoulder. The front door opened, and with her father’s arms around them, they walked into the garden where the wedding hall was set up. It was a day without much wind, but somehow the flower petals fell. She walked slowly with her father on the snow-white marble floor. And on the other side, she saw Adrian walking towards her, unable to wait. In the end, her father and Adrian met a long way away from the podium where the wedding vows were sworn. Adrian, wearing a white suit, smiles among the fluttering flower petals. With a smile that made her eyes dizzy, he held out his hand to her. She tried to reach out her hand without realizing it, but she came to her senses thanks to her father holding her hand.


Adrian had a picture-perfect smile, and his father had a half-smile, with only the corner of his mouth smiling. The two looked at each other in silence for a long time. As she looked at their faces in confusion, her father placed her hand on Adrian’s hand. Adrian tried to hold her hand, but her father grabbed her wrist. Adrian’s gaze, which had been directed at her, returned to his father, and his father spoke in a low voice that only they could hear.


“If anything happens to my daughter, I will divorce her right away so she knows.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”


Despite the scary words urging him to do as he was told, Adrian quickly agreed. At a loss for words, her father let go of my wrist, looked down at her, and then stepped back. And Adrian and she started walking toward the platform covered with flowers. The applause was so loud that it raised her ears, and Adrian lowered his head slightly and whispered.


“I love you, Damien.”


“I love you, Adrian.”


When she returned the confession, he smiled brightly. This person, wearing a white robe embroidered with gold thread and smiling with a happier face than anyone else in the world, was now her husband. She didn’t even know how the wedding ended as she was intoxicated by Adrian’s face, which was more beautiful than flowers, and she smiled face to face with him. They safely shared rings, and it seems like the guests booed the brief kiss of vows. She saw her father and brother clapping with unison, and she saw her friends throwing flower petals. For some reason, Jenny was crying with her handkerchief in her mouth, and Ethan was wiping his tears in a similar pose. Jenny aside, why on earth was Ethan? Her wedding day ended with her getting a few drinks from the guests at the reception and then going up to her room. Adrian was surrounded by clinging knights. It was already night when she ate a simple dinner prepared by Jenny, washed up, and came out. she was trying to get ready for bed, but wow, was it the first night? Sharing a bed with Adrian was already familiar, but tonight, ‘oh my, how can I do it? I’m so nervous’. As she was cackling, not knowing what to do, Jenny buttoned her pajamas up to her neck.


Huh? Button?


She looked down to see herself wearing what Jenny had picked out for her as her pajamas on her first night as a newlywed. Where did the usual thin chemise go? It’s made of thick fabric, like something you’d wear in a monastery, and it’s got tight buttons that make you wonder if you’ll be strangled if you sleep in it. Plus, today you’ve got pants on, pants that cover your feet, these warm clothes. She didn’t expect that on a spring day, on the first night, she would get a slip like dragonfly wings with an explosion of sexiness. She couldn’t wear things like that because she was embarrassed, so she always wore clothes that you picked out for her. She didn’t know much about fashion, but she still knew what attire suits the situation and intention.


By the way, what was this gamchu-like pajama that would break the new groom’s will to fight? When she looked up at Jenny, she had a happy face and then avoided her gaze. Jenny being mean to Adrian. As she was looking at the end of the loosely buttoned sleeves, Jenny asked with her eyebrows drooped.


“Would you like to change into something else?”


“Huh? No. It’s okay, Jenny, you had a hard time today.”


“No, miss. You must be tired, so get some rest.”


Jenny hugged her tightly, covered her with a night stand, lit up a lot of candles, and went outside. Pajamas were not the problem now. It’s pajamas, she thought she was going to take them off anyway. She was rolling around on the bed, hugging a pillow, when she heard a knock. She sat up straight away. An internal dispute broke out, and Adrian, still in his formal attire, walked in.


‘Oh my god, it’s opening up. You are coming in. It felt like the congratulatory song you would have heard if you got married in Korea was ringing around the corner. I dropped the pillow I was holding.’


She was sitting at the end of the bed, staring blankly at the beautiful Adrian, who smiled and untied his cravat. He took a step toward the bed and unbuttoned his jacket, then took it off with the next step. He threw his jacket and cravat on the sofa nearby, and unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt. Then, beautiful long fingers unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt one by one. Really, she couldn’t even breathe and just watched Adrian’s bare skin becoming more and more exposed. In the few steps he took towards me, all the buttons on his shirt were undone. She couldn’t move, but she could feel her face getting redder and redder.


Adrian came over and sat down in front of her. The eyes looking up at her were strangely bent.






“Take a breath.”


It was only then that she exhaled after hearing what Adrian said with a big smile. Adrian patted his knee affectionately, thinking she was nervous, but no. It’s not that she was nervous, but she did the right thing today, right? Adrian chuckled again after checking the state of her pajamas. Wow, why was this guy like this today? She had seen many different versions of Adrian’s smiling face, but this was the first time she had seen a smile that looks so dangerous.


Adrian kissed her knee, where he was patting it. She was so startled that she almost kicked Adrian. As if he was about to be kicked by her trembling leg, Adrian’s large hand grabbed her ankle.


‘My ankle, it’s not that sensitive, and even though I held it over my pajama pants, the part where his fingers touched it got very hot.’


Adrian asked, smiling dangerously.


“Aren’t you tired or sleepy?”


Letting go of his feet, his hand brushes his cheek and brushes his hair. She answered half out of her wits.


“No, it’s okay.”


Adrian’s fingers, which were brushing his hair, were fiddling with the first button of his pajamas. His eyes turned red. He had red eyes and smiled with a face that seemed to be mesmerizing. His long fingers moved and unbuttoned his button.




As Adrian lifted his body up, her body fell over. Adrian, with one hand on the bed, looked down at her and placed his hand below her waist. Her body seemed to float and before she knew it, her head touched the pillow. He got down on his knees with her between his legs, and took off his already unbuttoned shirt. Beautifully muscled shoulders, arms, and chest… And a solid stomach. Ah, it felt like blood was rushing to her face. Adrian’s face slowly approached her, and she stopped it with her right hand. Wait. She thought her nose was bleeding right now. His red eyes, visible between his fingers, widen for a moment, but then quickly relax and smile. Adrian’s left hand wrapped around his inner hand. And then, the glimpse of red eyes disappeared under the eyelids, and he held her palm.


He cupped his palm, and his red eyes reappeared, flashing magically and smiling. She pulled her hand out of his grasp, thinking that if she didn’t come to her senses, he would bite her. He’s tempting her with her whole body like this, but it wouldn’t be polite if she didn’t give in. Actually, she was a little worried and nervous, but she was not the only one who’s been waiting for tonight, right?


As she slowly moved her right hand in front of Adrian’s face, his red lips followed her hand. She stroked the straight bridge of his nose, ran her fingertips down his cheeks, ran down his neck, and a small purring sound came from his throat. Her fingers stopped a little below Adrian’s collarbone. She pressed her index finger to the center of his cleavage.




He looked down at her with a face as if he was dying of pain. She said, lifting the corner of her mouth.


“I was pressed.”


At the same time, his lips pounced on her.


* * *


Jenny walked down the long hallway and stood in front of Boone. He looked at Ethan, who was standing with his back to me, and opened his mouth with a look on his face that said he would never back down this time.


“It’s three days.”


“It’s only been three days.”


Although Ethan spoke with a seemingly nonchalant expression, he was also starting to get worried. Today was the third day since the duke and his wife had been locked away. The first day he stayed in Damian’s room, and the next day he didn’t come out of Adrian’s room. She cleaned out Damian’s room, and today the two of them sat in Damian’s room again. As time passed without seeing the faces of the two owners, she began to wonder if she should knock sometime today.


However, Ethan was already firmly marked by two mistakes. This time, if she failed to set the tone and interfered with the two people, she heard a threat, not just a threat, that they would send me to Romanoff, to buy a house or something. Besides, wouldn’t it be understandable if it took about three days? It’s been three years now that Adrian has literally been sleeping while holding onto Damian’s hand. She couldn’t believe it at first. Last year, the situation was not so good, but everyone in the duke’s house knew that Adrian had been diligently jumping over Damien’s windows since the spring of last year. Count Ethart was avoiding Adrian and postponing the wedding, and as their stay as a guest in the count’s annex grew longer, she was so frustrated that she was prepared to get hit and asked if there was any news about the baby.


Adrian got angry, asking what nonsense he was saying about a daughter who had not even had a wedding, and Ethan clearly saw the deep agony hidden in that anger. Until Adrian opened the door and comes out himself, he can’t be bothered by anyone. As Ethan hardened his face and completely defended himself in front of Damian’s room, Jenny gritted her teeth and spoke.


“It’s been three days since I haven’t seen your face.”


“It’s not the lady, it’s the madam.”


When Jenny raised her eyes at Ethan’s answer, Ethan turned his head and spoke.


“Didn’t I say I saw you out on the terrace yesterday?”


After hearing Ethan’s words, Jenny burst out laughing in bewilderment. Yesterday, Damian appeared to Jenny, who was looking up at Damian’s room from the garden and keeping watch under the pretext of a book she had bought. He opened his window, and when Damian, wrapped in a white blanket, appeared with a drowsy cat-like face under the sunlight, he waved his hand and tried to call out. However, Adrian followed her and exchanged a few words with her, then quickly grabbed Damien and entered her. It can’t be like this. She knew that now that they were married, they would spend more time together, but I never thought she would get to see her face like this.


Ethan wiped the sweat from his forehead as he watched Jenny’s back moving away from him down the hall.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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