Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 124


At Ethan’s desperate answer, her father smiled emptyly and said,


“That’s right. Hehe…”




“Actually, I wanted to keep it by my side for another year, but it doesn’t seem comfortable to move around since Sae-Agi, the employees, and a high-ranking person are guests.”


As her father spoke, she looked at Adrian, but Adrian also avoided her gaze. When she looked at her sister-in-law, he had an embarrassed face and mouthed ‘I’m sorry.’ What was she sorry about? She also apologized and looked back at Adrian, but he was still avoiding her gaze and looking the other way. Her father, who was sulking at Adrian, who was avoiding his gaze with a face that looked like he was about to whistle, snorted and spoke in a cold voice.


“So, the Duke, please go back now. Don’t you think there will be a lot to prepare at the Duke’s house?”


Adrian looked at her father with a face that had been hit, and Ethan, who was about to intervene, closed his mouth sullenly after receiving a harsh look from his father.


“For the remaining few days, I will have time just for Etharts.”


Adrian’s eyes were shaken as he opened his mouth and was about to say something at his father’s firm words. He thought about it for a moment and decided that it would be better to wait a few days and get married quickly, so he nodded with a heavy face. As soon as the stormy breakfast was over, Adrian and the members of the ducal family were kicked out of Count Etihart’s residence. In fact, they weren’t kicked out, but everyone left the Count’s residence with a look on their faces as if they were kicked out. At least he said he would join me on the way to work and that he would see her soon, but again today, she let go of Adrian, who had hugged her as husband and wife, and came into her office. Outside the large window, flowers were in full bloom, covering the gorgeous flower garden that had now become the couple’s specialty. Today, the 51st day of spring, her desk was full of documents. She held the familiar rabbit pen in her hand and opened the documents. She liked Adrian and she liked getting married, but this spring was an important time for her. The case being prepared must be completed before the level 3 promotion review in the summer. So, even though she knew that Adrian was in a hurry to get married, she secretly pretended not to notice. Except for her, the head of their inspection department, all the heads of other departments are either second or third level, so it seemed like the administrators in their department were getting caught up in one way or another. The atmosphere was like the one that completely overturned the finance department over the issue of support funds for the Rapture operatives. It seemed cheaper, so she really hoped to get a promotion this time. But she didn’t think this would be completed before the wedding. She also had to go on a business trip…


If she asked to postpone the wedding, would Adrian come? He was already a person who was fidgety all the time because he felt sorry for leaving her alone for so long, so she couldn’t post it. There was no choice. Somehow secure all the evidence before the wedding! And after getting married, she would go on a very short business trip and come back! Good. Marriage! Wow!


She fiercely swung the rabbit and broke through the piled up documents.


* * *


She thought the Duke of Bigor would be lonely with the people gone, but he didn’t even have time to feel empty when all his family and servants were running around pulling out their hair. She had to complete her wedding preparations within just 15 days. Was her marriage just a marriage? It was also the marriage of the head of the Duke of Bigor, the hero of Lorentine, and the commander-in-chief of the military. So, she couldn’t prepare for marriage roughly. Jenny, who promised to make her the most beautiful bride in the world and mumbled lines like a groom would say, was much busier than me as a bride, going back and forth between the Duke and Count Bigor’s residence several times a day. One day, as soon as she got off work, she went to the boutique <Rosaline> with Jenny holding her hand. Madame Rosaline, whom she had not seen in a long time, smiled dangerously with an old face and showed her nine wedding dresses. She told her to choose one of the dazzling dresses, but to her they were all pretty, so how could she choose? She got tired of changing her dress, and Adrian clapped with great emotion all nine times, so in the end, the one that received Jenny’s final approval was chosen.


And every day, wedding gifts from the dukedom poured into the count’s house. In the end, she was going to carry everything on her back and go to the duke’s residence, so why should she send it like this? She was tired of opening the box every day, so she grumbled and was told that this was how everyone did it. Was it a measure of the groom’s affection to send it to the bride’s house in a gorgeous carriage filled with gifts? It’s a sin, it’s pretentious. She had to break it down. Even though she was sitting down from exhaustion, when Jenny opened the box again and showed her, she automatically straightened her back and sat down. The bright things that seemed like something big would happen if she didn’t receive them reverently kept bothering her. One day, she was given a set of five accessories made of different jewels, so she thought it was too much, but the next day she received a set of ten.


As the rumor spread that the Duke of Bigor was trying to stop the Midok jewelery business, there were also specific rumors floating around the shopping district that the Duke of Bigor was about to enter the jewelry distribution business. She was the one getting married, but she didn’t know what’s going on.


* * *


Three days before the wedding, a call came from the main palace today. It was a frequent occurrence for her to have tea time with the king, and although she thought he had called to congratulate her ahead of her wedding, she entered the palace with a feeling of regret. Of course, she received a lot of congratulations. And, the story she was worried about also came out.


“I think I have bothered the duke too much.”


“Yes? What do you mean, Your Highness?”


“I’m thinking that shaking up Midoc’s economy under the pretext of marriage is some kind of protest.”


“Well, that can’t be true. It’s not true, Your Highness.”


When she quickly lowered her head, the King laughed out loud.


“I was joking. But I know the duke has been working hard for Laurentine for too long. He came to me again today with a letter of resignation.”


‘Ah, Adrian…’


“I received a promise that there would be no war for the time being, but even if it broke out, I would be excluded from the expedition.”


“I’m sorry, Your Highness.”


She couldn’t raise her head and kept lowering her head, but the King held her hand and spoke sweetly.


“No. It is my fault that your marriage was delayed. So I wish you much happiness.”


“Thank you, Your Highness.”


She patted the back of her hand and congratulated her sincerely, making the tip of her nose turn cold. She laughed, and the King, who was smiling beautifully, asked curiously.


“I thought you were going to get a lot of honeymoon vacation, but you have a business trip scheduled?”


“Yes, Your Majesty. There is evidence that Viscount Blancha is embezzling taxes. I think we should go and clean it up before it becomes known that we are investigating.”


At her answer, the King patted the rice cake and made an embarrassed face. He elegantly took a sip of his tea and asked her to do so.


“Please tell the duke that I didn’t ask you to do this. Anyway, you’re too foolish, I feel sorry for the duke. It seemed like your expectations were high.”


“It’s only a 15-day schedule.”


She blinked and answered, but the King stroked his chin again. As tea time was coming to an end, Count Hestein came into the drawing room holding the baby prince. For fear of dropping a chip on the baby’s twitching face, she kept her mouth shut and looked at the baby while cheering on the inside. When she turned her head, she saw two people who looked extremely friendly. It was somehow very impressive to see Gukseo sitting on the armrest of the chair the King was sitting on, stroking the King’s hair and talking softly. The King has always been strict, but looking at them like this, they seem like a peaceful couple. Ah, that’s right, a married couple, yes, that’s what a married couple was like. Even the air surrounding the two of you seemed warm. She hoped Adrian and she could be like that, where they could share warm and strong energy together.


After leaving the palace, it was too late to return to the couple, so she decided to go see Adrian today. Although they saw him every day, they couldn’t even talk to him properly recently. She saw him looking a little withered in the morning. Ugh, she had too many documents to look at today so she couldn’t pay attention. She told Franz that we should go to the Duke’s residence.


* * *


Duke Bigor, Adrian’s housekeeper’s office, Adrian was sitting at the desk with a stern face, and Ethan was also standing in front of him with a stern face. The sound of Adrian tapping his fingers on the desk continued in silence. Wedding preparations were proceeding without a hitch. It was a wedding that had been planned for over a year. No matter which way you looked at it, it was perfect. However, the problem was that the face of the new bride, who was supposed to bloom, was getting darker day by day. At first, they had planned a one-year honeymoon, but on the day they tried to talk about their honeymoon plans, which they shortened to two seasons out of consideration for Damian, who was very preoccupied with work, they were told that they should skip the trip since they had to go on a business trip. After being kicked out of the count’s residence, the only time she could see his face was in the carriage on the way to work, and the only thing she saw for 10 days was Damian’s profile as he took out documents and avoided eye contact.


No matter what kind of gift she sent, she got a sad response, but today even Jenny told her to stop sending her gifts. A creeping anxiety was scratching Adrian’s insides, wondering if this marriage, which was being carried out in such a hasty manner, was something he did not want to do. If you think about it, it was already two summers ago that we confirmed our feelings for each other. That fall was such a hardship that I didn’t even want to think about it again, and the winter left me lonely as well. And last year, I was on the road the whole time. He left Damien alone for too long. Adrian took over the fingers that had been tapping on the desk and clenched his fist. On the hellish expedition, he held on, waiting for the day to return to Damian. The battle with the Principality of Taln, which had stubbornly resisted in the face of its own defeat, was always a chaotic situation that crossed the line of fire. He ran around the battlefield like a madman with just the thought of getting back to Damian quickly, and finally came back. As soon as she returned, he had been pushing ahead with the marriage without even considering her feelings, so Damien’s skepticism was understandable. He kept pestering her, so it may be that she, with her kind heart, just couldn’t bear to refuse.


He couldn’t force Damian to do something he didn’t want to do. If he didn’t want to, she did whatever it was. If so, then, the answer was obvious, but she couldn’t think of it. When she thought that the long time they had been apart had created a great distance between herself and Damian, she could not hold back her anger that was spreading in all directions. Adrian sighed and pushed away his nervousness. He closes his eyes in shame, grits his teeth and steel his resolve. All he had to do was take your time and won Damian’s heart again. Let’s hang on to her more affectionately to get her in the mood to get married, than she pushes on and then her mind leaves. It was better for her to be able to keep him by her side, no matter how long it took.


However, Damian was so beautiful that she dazzled her eyes in her white dress, and her wrinkled heart did not straighten as she thought that the day she would see him again was far away. Ethan, who had visited Adrian to talk about having to bring his young lady over for her wedding rehearsal, became embarrassed in front of his lord, whose condition was getting worse by the minute. Ethan also received reports that Damian was not active in her wedding preparations. However, it was their madam and no one else. If she really didn’t want it to happen, she wouldn’t have allowed it to go on like this. But why was Adrian in front of her alone clenching her fists, then sighing, and then making her gloomy face? As Ethan was scratching his chin with an embarrassed look on his face, there was a knock on the door and Millie’s voice.


“The lady has arrived.”


Adrian jumped up from his seat. After she arrived in front of her parlor where Damien was waiting, she took a minute to catch her breath. He put on a smile, which Damien had liked so much, and put on her nervousness and entered her drawing-room.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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