Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 121


After Adrian left, she returned to her daily routine. In the morning, she had breakfast with her father and Rutban, and in the morning, she went to work as a couple and gathered documents. In the meantime, she had become quite familiar with the work, and together with senior Tina, she also discovered a situation where the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ Welfare Department was siphoning off budget. The investigation was carried out in secret, even from Rutban, and the incident that shook the internal affairs department ended with the head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare taking off his clothes and several administrators being handed over to trial. One day, long after that, Rutban came home from work and was indignant that there was a strange rumor going around inside the company. Everyone was whispering about the rabbit-like administrator who came out to inspect the Ministry of Health and Welfare and chewed up the head of the Ministry, so people called her the rabbit inspector. Very fierce or something.


Even when the Ministry of Health and Welfare asked if there had been any embezzlement, he didn’t do anything, but he pushed the fabricated budget plan in front of the head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and calculated it one by one to show him how much had been embezzled. Circling rabbit fountain pen.


‘Just don’t gossip and don’t embezzle. His Highness Remina personally called me and praised me for a job well done.’


They were currently investigating internal corruption within the Ministry of Finance. This could also be a pretty big incident. Her Highness Remina promoted Marquis Huger of the West, who had suffered great damage from the previous invasion of the Duchy of Taln, to duchy. A lot of the budget was set aside for the recovery support fund and the post-rapture writers who received tax breaks for 20 years, but it seems like someone was playing a trick with that. 


‘It’s hard to find out who this guy is. I won’t leave it alone. How long has it been since the last war that you’ve forgotten everything?’


She heard that more than half of the family was dead, and the members of the Rapture family, or rather the members of the Rapture family, were wiped out. She also heard a terrible story that the lord’s castle where the women and children were trapped was completely burned down. Thanks to holding the Duchy of Talon for over ten days in the chaos that no one could help, the allied forces of the three counts, including my family, gained time to prepare for the canyon defense. Thanks to their sacrifices, other territories in the western region were able to be rebuilt, so why did they get their hands on the support money that went there? When she thought about it, her blood pressure went up again.


Duke Huge was said to have only one young grandson left, who was studying at the Ken Academy, and is now working on rebuilding the estate with his grandson at the estate. Just wait a moment. 


‘I will send it to you without missing a single penny from the amount allocated to you.’


By the way, His Majesty the King was so cool. She gave her the title of Duke, saying that the greatest glory should go to the place that made the greatest sacrifice. Oh, she fell in love with her again. She will be loyal. She was going to work hard.


The Count of Madeira, whose father and daughter had gone to the Duchy of Cologne at the risk of their lives for the sake of a military alliance, also received a marquisate. They say that our Laurel has become the daughter of a marquis. Besides, the Marquis’s daughter may eventually become a Marquis. It was said that the Marquis of Madeira passed on his title and decided to send him to his hometown. All that is required is for Laurel, who controls the Ministry of External Affairs, to be appointed as the successor and Her Highness Remina to give approval. However, since there has never been a case where a woman has inherited the title, academia and the noble community are said to be discussing it. She expected that there would be wonderful women taking over the family line, but she never thought my friend would become the first female head of the family. Since she was a Marquis, Laurel, the title succession ceremony will be held in a grand manner, so she should bring everyone she knew to congratulate her. As a result, only one of the five marquis remains, and the Midok noble community is agitated over the possibility that more of the other families may receive the marquisate title. 


Etharts, who have no interest in political power, we1re just living happily ever after. Lutban and Lady Dorote were in the midst of a beautiful relationship. It was a lot of fun to hear about the two people’s love story in real time through senior Tina and to make fun of Lutban. Today, she made fun of Lutban about the fan he gave me as a gift, but Lutban, who was listening quietly, cleared his throat and said.


“Demi, please tell her to refrain from sending gifts to Lady Dorote in my name.”




“I didn’t choose that fan.”




“Well, I know how people feel over there, but that’s enough.


“If you tell me, they will understand.”


Ethan… What are you doing going around? Lady Dorothee was embarrassed to receive a fan as a gift, which is pretty but has such an old-fashioned style that she doesn’t know what to wear with it. She was teasing her a lot about going to a boutique together to study popular styles, but that old-fashioned sense belonged to the housekeeper who was playing around in an unoccupied house.


“I will definitely tell him, brother. I’m sorry.”


When she apologized, fanning my red face, Lutban smiled and nodded. Anyway, today was the day Ethan decided to stop by the Count’s residence. He told Franz that he wanted to learn how to ride a horse, and he said Ethan had a horse that would suit me, so he agreed to bring me today. After he finished lunch and had a cup of tea, Ethan arrived. When Jenny put on the riding clothes she had carefully chosen and went out to the front of the mansion, a large black horse was standing with Ethan.




“Gus, no, my lord rode Green, and this is Green. She is a gentle baby, so she will be a good fit for you.”


“Oh, I see. She has a white dot here. She’s pretty. Is she a girl?”


“Yes, she will be staying at Count Martha from today.”


Green, seeing her for the first time, rubbed her nose without even being shy. Horses have big nostrils, she said to Ethan as he patted the head of Jeomsun, who was standing in front of him, and headed to the garden where he would practice riding the horse.


“Ethan, I heard you’re using the Ethart family’s name.”




“You know that identity theft is a serious crime, right?”


Ethan, who had been following her, hurriedly fell flat in front of her.


“Oh, lady, that’s not it. Oh, I just hope that Count So and Lady Chenoa will soon come to fruition!”


“Why does Ethan care about your brother’s love life?”


“Of course! What is it? A countess full of love for the prosperity and peace of the Ethart family. Isn’t that good?”


“What do you mean…”




Ethan, who had been talking nonsense, bowed his head again. She knew, just as Lutban knows, why Ethan is giving gifts to Lady Dorothee, whom he has never met. She guessed it’s because her brother said that she had to get married first. Burning with ambition to clean up the Lutban before Adrian returns, well, that’s fine, but Ethan’s sense doesn’t seem to apply when it comes to fashion. She shook her head and helped Ethan stand up.


“Lady Dorote likes cute and pretty things more than flashy jewelry, and now that you’ve said that you’ve taken care of it, don’t send me any more presents.”


Ethan nodded obediently, but he must have kept it in his head that it was cute and cute, so he added something.


“Since both Lady Dorote and her brother like music, wouldn’t it be better to gift them concert tickets?”


“Oh! Yes, yes, lady. I will take action immediately.”


Please don’t call that a measure. Leaving the butler who was thinking hard about something, she stopped at an appropriate place. Now, first you have to get on the horse. Jeomsuni was standing calmly, but Franz was holding her up so that she could put her foot on the bed, so she put one foot on the bed! Why can’t she go up there? She was told to put strength on her foot and jump up, but even if she jumped up, she couldn’t. After whining for a while, asking why Green was so tall, Franz, who was worse than her, grabbed her ankle and lifted her up.


“Huh? Huh?”


“Okay, that’s it, lady.”


She thought, “Wow, I’m on a horse.” good. She got on it! She couldn’t climb up, so she never even thought about it, but hehe, once you get on the horse, horseback riding is over. Now she can walk and run, all she has to do is sit still on this, horseback riding is a piece of cake. Go! Green! I barely spent an hour thinking like that.


She surrendered and said she would die in an hour, but she couldn’t come down on her own and only after stepping on Franz’s hand did she manage to get down and spread out on the floor. They say you’re brave if you’re rusty, but all you have to do is sit on a horse? Why was there an equestrian sport in the Olympics if all you do is sit there?


They told her to breathe with the horse, but how could she breathe with her? Green has big nostrils too! If Green insists, her body would react and tell me what to do!! Ethan, who was looking at her sadly from the side, asked her if she should stop riding horses.


‘I got up off my ass and Jeom-soon hugged his neck and shook his head. I’m going to ride. I’m going to ride, I’m going to ride and I’m going to follow Adrian wherever he goes. Jeomsoon, do you know how you feel?’


After patting Green for her hard work, she finally returned to the mansion and Jenny handed her a letter. It was a letter from Ailene, who had gone down to Donovan territory. They have been exchanging letters from time to time since she went down to get away from the complicated capital city and live quietly in the estate. Was there a character who appears frequently from the last letter? Ailene went to the Donovan territory and began writing fairy tales for children. He said he would gift it as soon as it was completed. And he was sponsoring an orphanage. She also did it. From what she had heard, it seemed like it’s an operation rather than a sponsorship, but since the orphanage was also a charity, there were times when poor people come to the orphanage to help with their meals. A young man asked to do chores at the orphanage if they fed him and let him sleep, and he seemed pitiful. There was a story in the last letter that said it was quite helpful. And that young man also appeared in this letter. This was because he was a gentle young man who really liked children.


She smiled as she folded the letter. She didn’t know what’s going on, but she was relieved that he was doing well. While writing a reply, she should also ask a little question about that naive young man. She took a bath, ate dinner, wrote a letter, and went to bed at night. She had a great day today. Now half of winter has passed, and she felt blessed that she was living each day faithfully. But why would she cry? She had everything except one person, but without that one person, everything was meaningless. There’s still half of winter left. They said they would return before spring comes, but when would spring come? It’s so cold that she was dying, and she was hearing news from all over the Western Front.


Her Highness Remina, who felt sorry for her, often invited her to tea time and informed her about the war situation. Sir Cale also occasionally sent his subordinate soldiers to report on the situation. All other territories that participated in the rebellion have been cleared out, and only the Romanov Castle remains. It is an impregnable fortress, so it will take a long time. He also said that the weather in the northwest is very cold. A blizzard is raging, so it’s not easy to supply supplies, let alone siege. Even as she fall asleep hugging the warm breakwater, the sound of the wind shaking the window is bitter. How cold must it be there? She wondered if her body was hurt. Maybe she was just doing it for no reason. Was Adrian thinking of her now?


Tomorrow, she would wake up with a normal face, eat breakfast, go to work, and laugh and talk. She would spend another day crying alone, piling up longing in her heart. It’s fine. If she spent each day like that, Adrian would come and spring would come.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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