Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 116


The 80th day of fall was Monday. Today, they decided to go to work as a couple. Actually, the administration wasn’t back to normal, but she still felt like she had to go, so she told Adrian and he asked her who she would like as an escort.


“What? What do you mean? Where is Sir Franz?”


“I can’t entrust Damian’s side to a knight who failed to escort him again.”


When Adrian spoke seriously, he seemed a little intimidated. She didn’t know anything about knights’ rules or anything like that. Still, he must have suffered greatly because of that incident. In the end, Jenny told her that it was Franz who killed Hegel. She heard that he was beaten to the point where his molars fell out, but could they just treat him like that? She liked Sir Franz.


“Still, I think it would be most comfortable to go with Sir Franz.”


She clasped her hands together and looked up at Adrian, putting on her most pitiful expression. Adrian blinked his eyes a few times, and Adrian’s frozen face quickly softened.


Adrian, who wrapped his arms around his waist and stole his lips, smiled with his eyebrows drooped and said,


“If Damien’s fingertips were even damaged, he would have had to put his life down. Please don’t make dangerous decisions.”


“Yes, I’m sorry. For worrying you.”


“I’m sorry. I put you in danger.”


Adrian wasn’t like that, but she knew that a lot of things just happen by chance. Even though it has a grand label like fate, if you look closely, it was just an overlapping coincidence, and in the end, it was how you face it that was important. She had definitely learned by traveling between the two worlds. There was a car accident on the street in Korea, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself here. As she lived this absurd life, she couldn’t believe that Hegel’s betrayal was Adrian’s fault. So it was because of that truck that she met him? She shook her head and lifted Adrian’s drooping eyebrows. Then he smiled brightly and kissed her lips again. She was waiting to get ready for work, and as soon as Franz entered the room, he got down on both his knees and fell to the floor. The sound of his knees and forehead hitting the floor was very loud.


When he woke up in shock, he said something unintelligible with his face already covered with tears.


“Oh my gosh, my afro-hog is so bad, it’s happening!”


“I will protect you no matter what happens from now on.”


As she looked embarrassed, Jenny was beside me and interpreted. She patted Franz’s shaking shoulder and laughed.


“I’m sorry for giving you such a difficult order. I’ll take good care of you in the future, Sir Franz.”


“Ugh, uhhh.”


“Please call me Franz. Can’t you stop?”


This time, Jenny, who was interpreting, got angry, and Franz stood up, wiping away his tears.


“Yes, yes, Franz, please continue to take good care of me.”


Franz, sniffling and nodding loudly, left the room, and she laughed with Jenny, who was grumbling. Adrian, who was leaving the mansion for a noble meeting, got into the carriage with Franz, whose eyes, nose, and mouth were all red, sitting in the coachman’s seat. Adrian, who had been sticking next to me like soybean paste stuck to rice cake all weekend, tried to hide his disapproval that she was going to work, and, of course, it was obvious, but he saw her off in front of the couple. On Saturday, he followed her as if it were natural to have a family meal with her father and Lutvan for the first time in a long time, and yesterday, he couldn’t even join in at lunch with Ailene, so he followed her from a distance, and now she looked like she was seeing off her boyfriend who was leaving for the military. He was waving his hands endlessly in front of the carriage. She guessed he was late for the noble meeting.


At the couple’s official residence, she went to sit in front of Senior Tina, that was, the seat where she had received training about 50 days ago, and Senior Tina greeted me with a quite surprised face and a smile.


“I didn’t expect you to come here, my lady. Are you still Lord Ethart?”


“I lost my identity card, so I guess I’m a trainee now, senior.”


“Well, even if that were the case, the training period would have ended a long time ago.”


“Maybe two days left?”


Senior Tina laughed out loud in a rare way at my answer. Then she got up, came over to her, and hugged her.


“I’m so glad you came back safely, my lady.”


She was a little surprised by the unexpected hospitality, but she also hugged him. It was said that not only the trainees but also the Ministry of Finance administrators have not yet returned. Now that she thought about it, she saw that only her senior was sitting in the empty office. As they sat across from each other and talked about things they hadn’t been able to talk about before, a friendly face came into the office. It was Homer, with flowing golden hair, beautifully folded amber eyes, and a dazzlingly kind smile. He laughed and said that he thought he would be here, then cleared his throat and transformed into a first-class administrative officer.


“By order from His Highness Lemina, I have brought two appointment letters. Tina, a level 6 administrator belonging to the Ministry of Finance, is appointed as a level 4 administrator in recognition of her achievements so far. And Damian Etihart, a probationary administrator, is an unconventional appointment. You are also 4. “He is appointed as a level administrative officer. Additionally, an inspection department is established in the Ministry of Finance, and Ethart Administrator is appointed as the new head of the inspection department. That’s it.”


…yes? Well, what did you hear? As Tina and she were just looking at Homer with similar faces, he burst out laughing. He laughed and continued talking.


“We have to officially start work next week, so we need to prepare, and there was an order to leave it to the director’s authority to select administrators belonging to the inspection department. For reference, the Madeira trainee from the external department was promoted to level 4 in consideration of the mission’s achievements, and my The couple’s Chenoa training was assigned to level 5.”


She thought she heard something, what was it? No, I thought there were still two days left in the training period, so she went to work with the intention of getting through it quickly. If she were to be assigned to level 7, the only thing she could think about was whether she would work the morning shift or the afternoon shift. Level 4? What? Level 4? Inspector General? was she the manager? Huh?


“Congratulations, young lady.”


Senior Tina patted her back and congratulated me, and while she was dumbfounded, she also congratulated her. A senior who was in level 6 also received an unprecedented promotion. But, wait a minute, was this really real?


“Congratulations, Damian. The announcement will be posted tomorrow. The Inspection Department has been created, a department that is truly perfect for you.”


“Ah, thank you. Thank you. Homer, is this really real?”


“Yes. It’s really serious.”


“I can’t believe it, wow, level 4, wow, they’re the manager, I’m the manager. Me!”


Tina and Homer burst into laughter and congratulated her once again. Senior Tina ran around holding her hand, and invited the two to lunch, saying she would shoot her, but Homer laughed and told an unexpected story.


“After this mission, I have to be relieved of my duties and go on probation. Lady, I’m so sorry, but we’ll have lunch together next time.”


“Yes? Why?”


“The trial will begin this afternoon. I am now a criminal.”


Oh right. One-person protest.


“I asked Your Highness to allow me to deliver the Lady’s appointment letter. I don’t think there will be any need to speak informally in front of the Lady anymore.”


Homer said with a smile, but she shook her head. This was ridiculous. It would be a national loss to let someone who was so good at work just play. And, that’s not right! What about the crown prince? But he’s a little bit, huh? Okay, let’s go right away. One-person protest.


“Don’t worry, Homer, I’ll do my best.”


“It’s reassuring.”


Homer said with a smile as if he had heard a funny joke. To be completely serious, after Homer returned, work orders for normalizing the administration were steadily issued to the Ministry of Finance. Since the full-fledged resumption of work begins next week, she thought she could take her time this week while preparing to form the inspection department. She had lunch with senior Tina at a nearby restaurant. She served him a delicious meal and made a subtle request. They told her to select administrators for the Inspection Department, but the only person she knew at the Department of Finance was Tina.


“Senior, by any chance.”


“Are you asking if you would like to come to the inspection department?”


“Yes? Yes, I think it would be great if you could join us.”


“I would have been disappointed if you hadn’t recommended it.”


“Really? Thank you, senior!”


“I am the one who is grateful. In many ways. I learned a lot thanks to being with you. I will do my best to assist you from now on, so please take care of me, Manager.”


She heard it with her ears, but her nose was itchy. She waved her hands and asked for her help. and gave a belly bow. As a 10-year veteran of the Department of Finance, Tina was well-versed in all the things that needed to be prepared in the future, so the intense preparation seemed to become easier. They decided to meet again at the Treasury and parted ways on good terms.


* * *


Among the northwest territories that joined the rebels, there were five territories, including the Marquisate, that had not yet expressed their intention to surrender. When Adrian finished reporting that the adjacent fiefdoms, centered on the marquis’ territory, were gathering their remaining forces and preparing for resistance, the nobles’ reaction was grim. The remaining rebel forces probably numbered less than 5,000. On the other hand, the capital army was still alive and well, and the 20,000 National Guard troops scattered in the southeast had already arrived in the northwest and were encamped under the marquis’ command. While the nobles laughed at the remnants of the rebel army, saying that they were making a laughable struggle, Adrian alone was in a bad mood. In terms of strength, the National Guard clearly had the upper hand, but they occupied Romanov, the strongest military city. Romanov, the frontline strategic point of the Laurentians, was a defensive fortress known to be impregnable. The siege was a difficult problem that required meticulous strategy, but it was also difficult to take a long time. An all-out war between the Duchy of Cologne and Taln has begun. In order to send partner troops to Cologne, the war had to end at least within the year, but among the remaining commanders of the National Guard, there was no tactician who could unite the allies. Adrian, tired of looking for a way out of an obvious conclusion, finally gave Remina the answer she wanted.


“I will go out with 5,000 cavalry of the capital army.”


Remina took in her satisfaction and asked softly.


“Would cavalry be enough?”


“The National Guard is sufficient as a force. We will go out as soon as the coronation ceremony is over.”


“The coronation ceremony will be held on the last day of fall. The commanders of the National Guard are coming to Midok to participate in the coronation ceremony. Please discuss with them in advance.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Remina smiled softly in front of Adrian, who had a dissatisfied face but called Remina, who had not yet worn the crown, his majesty. Although there was some confusion among the nobles about the honorific title given to Remina, who had not yet ascended the throne, Adrian was the only one who so proudly called her ‘Your Majesty’. Remina could only smile this time because she knew the meaning behind that title. She herself was greedy for her crown and did not intend to ascend to the throne, and the pressure of this position was already too much for her, so her cousin, who had the right to succeed her, took the seven colors and eight colors. I knew very well why. May you be at peace with your beloved woman for a long time. She was a person who would not be greedy for more. She was jealous of the freedom Adrian has, so she decides to pretend not to notice the displeasure on his face.


“Then the matter of suppressing the rebels will proceed as is. Today’s meeting will end here.”


After the nobles’ meeting that lasted all morning, and after lunch, the nobles gathered in the courtroom participated in the trial with the legal advisors. The verdict of Dozern and the aristocratic nobles, who were the instigators of the rebellion, was made quickly. In her stern voice Remina sentenced those who were already dead and those who were about to die.


“The Dozern Hateroa Hegemony and the Queen Veronica Hegemony are removed from the royal genealogy. In addition, the titles of four marquesses and five count families, including Marquess, who participated in the rebellion are stripped of their titles. The guilty Dozern Hateroa and Boromir Luthor’s body will be decapitated and burned, and any criminal who does not surrender will be beheaded.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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