Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 114


At the time Damian was drinking tea with Jenny, Bigor’s doctor, Ethan, was being held by the collar in Adrian’s office.


“I can’t believe you would diagnose someone with a serious illness when he already behaves like that. He’s recovering so quickly that he won’t even need bandages next time.”


“Isn’t it useful to treat a patient who has been stabbed with a knife like that? Isn’t he going to have to lie down for at least two seasons?”


Ethan, who said that on the battlefield a cut with a knife would heal with a chip, shook the doctor’s armpits and made a fuss, and the doctor, who was being criticized for quickly healing the patient, struggled in frustration. Adrian, who was watching the two scuffle, waved his hand and sighed.


“Okay, you can go now. The patient’s health recovery is the most important, so make sure to do your best for treatment.”


As the doctor scurried out of his office, barely free from his red-headed thug, Ethan screamed, pulling out his hair.


“No. You’re abandoning us like this. How could you do this!”


Cale clicked his tongue and scolded Ethan.


“In the first place, didn’t you come here briefly during the war? There is no such thing.”


“Why don’t you just send the lady back like this!”


This time, Ethan was holding onto Cale’s armpits, and George intervened, shaking his head to cut him off.


“First of all, we need to get married as quickly as possible.”


“The lady said she decided to get married after the young Count.”


“George, go to the count’s residence right now and find out if there’s someone the count has in mind!”


Ethan clenched his fists and shouted, but Adrian shook his head with a dark look on his face.


“Even if you are dating someone, it will be difficult to have a wedding in the fall.”


“Well, then what are you going to do?”


Ethan was sobbing, and Adrian had a stern look on his face, then his eyes flashed.


“I’m going to the Count’s mansion.”




Ethan, Cale, and George shouted at the same time, but Adrian had already made up his mind. If Damien needs to go back to the Count’s mansion, he follows. Surely Count Etihart wouldn’t give her at least a room? Even so, it didn’t matter. When it comes to camping, she tried it until she was bored. He would be cozy in the countess’s garden even if he were to set up a doctor’s office. If Damien’s personality was anything to go by, he would say he’ll be leaving for work soon, so they could share the commute and return to the same house. Adrian, who did not have the confidence to fuck Damian, who was worried about her father, made up her mind, saying that this was the only way, and Ethan, who had a dumbfounded look on his face, nodded and muttered.


“Then I guess I’ll have to stay at the count’s mansion too. It might be a good idea to ask for an outbuilding. Hmm, shall I go to the count’s mansion tomorrow? Or would you like my lord to meet the count separately?”


While watching Adrian and Ethan seriously talking nonsense, Cale, who realized that the two were sincere, joined in in bewilderment.


“We might be heading out again soon, so what are you talking about?”


“Are you going on a campaign?”


Ethan opened his eyes brightly and glared at Cale. Cale sighed and spoke to Ethan.


“What were you planning to do with the northwest? If the commander doesn’t go, who will?”


“The National Guard guys are on their way. I guess it’s about time they arrived?”


“The National Guard headquarters has been shut down, so who is in charge?”


“Why, there are a lot of useful people among the remaining command staff. We just need to select a new commander of the National Guard.”


Cale shook his head as he looked at Ethan, who was complaining that his wife was taken away from him, but who cares who the commander of the National Guard is? Adrian made a miserable face again and started pounding on the desk. Remina will announce her coronation tomorrow. Once the nobles agree, he will be qualified as a temporary king or acting king even if the coronation ceremony is held later. Even if a suitable person is appointed to the vacant position of commander of the National Guard, Adrian will definitely be ordered to go to war. Aside from a few Gabun who had already expressed their intention to surrender and were heading to Midok to ask for forgiveness from the royal family, five or six Gabun had joined the rebels and were holding their breath. Moreover, Hubie’s whereabouts were still unknown. The northwest is a large area, accounting for a quarter of Lorentine. Even if we were to sweep only the territories that participated in the rebellion, it would take about a season. Adrian, who had managed to control his mind by deciding to follow Damian into the Count’s mansion, began to see unbearable anger towards the rebels on his face. Ethan muttered gloomily as he looked at Adrian, who was pounding on the desk with a serious face.


“Ah… my lady.


* * *


She thought it’s time to sleep, but Adrian wasn’t coming. Was it true that you are not going to sleep with her today? He seemed to be in a bad state ever since her father left, so she wondered if he got upset when she told him she was coming back. He looked more like he was mesmerized than upset. During dinner, he was cutting well-cooked ribs, but instead leaving the meat alone, he was cutting off the bones attached to the meat. She used a bone with a smile on her face, but it was a little scary to see it cut into pieces. If you practice swordsmanship for a long time, you can do something like that with a stake knife.


Ethan also looked very sad. When she returned home, Adrian’s face came into view, and as she was just crushing it, she started to worry about her father and brother. Maybe it’s good. She sat on the sofa for a while, chewing on the corner of the cushion, but Adrian still didn’t come. Was this guy really upset? He thought he had to go comfort him, so he got up and walked to the front of the room, when he heard a knock on the door. As the internal dispute broke out, Adrian, who had finished getting ready for bed, smiled sweetly at her. Didn’t you get upset? The smiling face was always dazzling, so she couldn’t guess what’s inside.


“Are you going to sleep now?”


“Yes. Where are you more comfortable?”


“Then in my room…”


As she approached the bed and saw Adrian preparing the spot for her to lie down, she realized something. He spoke naturally, but something was strange. It’s so strange that she had only just realized that something was strange. Why did they take the same bed for granted? Why didn’t Jenny stop her these days? She thought she said it was a bad thing for Adrian. 


‘If your father knew that you were going on like this… Adrian, isn’t that really true for your father?’


She was looking at him with a worried face, but Adrian, who had lifted the blanket slightly so she could get in and nodded at her, had a puzzled look on his face. As she scratched her chin, he smiled sweetly again. Well, you wouldn’t know if I didn’t tell you. You can’t kick them out now, right? He said that when he sleeps with Adrian in his arms, he gets to sleep easily because he is warm, so he goes into bed and lies down, then pulls up the light, covers it, and comes to cover the night stand. It’s surprisingly comfortable to be in Adrian’s arms, as he puts one of his arms down to support my neck and wraps around my waist. 


‘Plus it’s warm, hehe, it’s nice.’


She liked the warm lips that landed on her forehead, she liked that what she saw right away when she opened her eyes were Adrian’s pretty lips with the corners of his mouth turned up, she liked the big hand patting her back, and she even like this man’s smell. Oh what should she do? Everything was good, she liked Park. Still, you shouldn’t press the switch. If there was an accident, her father might actually collapse. She felt it before and it seemed like it would turn off easily if she pressed the button. Umm. she felt like she was falling asleep easily. When she opened her eyes after a peaceful night, Jenny and the maids came in. How on earth did Jenny know that she was awake? Adrian kissed her on one cheek, then on the other, on her forehead, and when Jenny, who had lowered her head before returning to her room, looked at her with sparkling eyes, she realized her fate for the day. Although it was a light meal, we ate breakfast and lunch anyway, and according to Jenny, we prepared to attend the banquet very simply. Jenny was a liar.


At five o’clock in the afternoon, she arrived at the palace proudly riding in the carriage of the Duke of Bigor. Many nobles had already arrived at the Arena Hall, a small banquet hall in the outer palace. Perhaps because all the wives and ladies who had taken refuge did not arrive, more male nobles were seen, but considering the situation a few days ago, a large number of nobles had gathered. As soon as she entered, my father came towards her and quickly took her hand, which was holding Adrian’s hand, and Lutvan quietly stood between Adrian and her. But Adrian didn’t give in and stuck right behind her. What were they doing? All three. She was trapped between three men who were fighting with smiling faces, but she managed to escape by waving to Ailene who was approaching her.




“I thought you might not come to the banquet. Are you feeling okay?”


“Yes. I’m fine now. Are you okay?”


“How long will you be treated like a patient? If you only worry too much.”


Ailene burst out laughing. Ailene looks really pretty today. Her light blue dress, golden thread-like hair, and deep blue eyes match very well. More than anything, she liked the freshness of her face. Now, she guessed it’s really okay. She was so happy that her heart warmed as she was next to pretty Ailene, praising her so much for being so pretty today. The inferiority complex inside her that she always wanted to hide did not show its ugly face, and she became proud of herself. Ailene and she, and they, were all really better now. When she held Ailene’s hand and laughed, Ailene, who had widened her eyes, also returned a sweet smile. Her pretty friend, she hoped the future would be full of smiles. As Ailene and she were looking at each other and smiling, Lady Lillian approached them. Lady Lillian, who casually called Ailene her older sister, and Ailene, who was chatting affectionately with Lady Lillian, seemed calm, which made me feel even more at ease. It seemed she got along well with her family now. She was really, really glad.


Somehow she ended up saying hello to all the Donovan Dukes. For some reason, Duke Donovan looked like he had a lot to say and thanked me for returning safely. She didn’t know why the Duke was grateful, but he thanked her back. The Duchess and Duke Yeongsik, whom she met for the first time today, were kind to her. After exchanging greetings for a while, she turned around and Laurel came up to her.




“Damian, you said you had a cold, are you okay?”


She was always curious, but where did Laurel’s information power come from?


“It’s okay, Laurel, did you get some rest? You must be tired.”


“It’s crazy, but it’s good to be back.”


“So, where do we have to go to work on Monday? Haven’t we completed our entire training period?”


“The rebellion broke out with two days left in training, so are you going to go back to being a trainee? Second-level administrator?”


Laurel laughed mischievously, and a fact she had completely forgotten came to mind.


“Laurel, I lost my second-class gold plate. What should I do?”


When she asked in confusion, Laurel burst out laughing.


“I’m worried. I’m afraid that the princess will tell me to take off the gold plate.”


“You won’t, right?”


“It’s obvious, huh? You’re so shameless. You’re here?”


Laurel stopped laughing and looked towards the entrance, frowning. When she looked, Duke Galleon, Lady Philia, and Duke Youngsik were entering. Not only Laurel but everyone else in the hall had negative views on Duke Galleon. Duke Galleon looked angry and Yeongsik had his head down, but Lady Philia, wearing a sparkling gold dress and red lips as usual, looked confident as always. It was an important event attended by all the noble families in Midok, so it would have been natural for Duke Galleon and his family to come, but she was curious about Laurel’s words and asked.


“Why? Duke Nodovan and Adrian are here, so shouldn’t Duke Galleon come too?”


“Huh? Damian, you don’t know? Didn’t Duke Bigor tell you?”


All they’ve talked about over the past two days was whether she was okay and she wanted to see him. Wow, it’s pretty. It’s just something like that… She scratched her cheek and shook her head.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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