Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 093


Ethan opened his mouth, his red hair flowing wildly.


“If we don’t catch them all here, we’ll have to run all the way to Romanov this time. Do you all feel confident?”


Even if you run from the Jezero Plain to Romanov, it’s still a week’s distance, but if you run after Adrian, the existing top speed becomes meaningless. For four days straight, he rode to Midok, only taking a short break when his horse was about to collapse. The faces of the cavalrymen turned white and their discipline suddenly rose.




Ethan smiled evilly as he looked at the cavalry shouting in unison.


“The one who lags behind will be chosen as the commander’s adjutant during the expedition.”


The cavalry rushed forward, screaming. They wanted to rest now. He was really sick of marching now. A battle involving swinging a spear would have been better. The cavalry, who knew for sure what it meant to run after Adrian, got goosebumps at the thought of running again. What’s more, he was Adrian’s lieutenant. As Adrian’s detachment came up behind the rebels, promising not to let even a single person live, the battle in the middle of the plains, which had been struggling with similar forces, also began to lose momentum. The rebel soldiers who went into battle resisted fiercely, but the victory was already in favor of the capital army. Some noble families raised white flags, but the capital army paid no heed and slaughtered the rebels. It was to the point where the capital army sympathized with the enemy soldiers who fell to the merciless spears of the cavalry. Although Dozern and his loyalists were struggling at the forefront, the long battle that lasted all day ended as the sun set. The battle ended when the surviving rebel soldiers abandoned their weapons and surrendered, except for a few dozen knights surrounding Dozern in the middle of the Jezero Plain. Dozern, overcome by evil, surrounded himself with the crowd and shouted, but the remnants of the rebels, who were already surrounded by the capital army, could not even see a way out. Bigor’s knights gathered together one by one, forming a siege with their evil eyes shining, and a black horse came forward from among the knights. Adrian, his armor stained with blood, looked at Dorzern. The battlefield, where all kinds of sounds were ringing painfully, gradually became quiet. Adrian opened his mouth with an indifferent expression.


“I will give you a choice. Either I will be taken to Midoc and have my head cut off, or I will die here.”


Among the 20,000 rebels, we now met knights surrounding the front of Dozern. Looking around the battlefield, the Capital Army had already finished the battle and was finishing the war by collecting the bodies. There were no more soldiers following him. The faces of those who were lying dead on the floor or tied up after surrendering were all empty. The dream that seemed within reach has disappeared. He had been defeated and would now die. Dozern, chewing his lip and vomiting blood, made his way through his knights and stood face to face with Adrian. His eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot, and even water was forming in his eyes. 


‘Don’t talk like you’re proud. Just because you won doesn’t mean you’re right. Do you really think that stupid Tyrellius deserves to be on the throne?’


“You mean it!”


As Adrian looked at Dozern, who was screaming at the top of his lungs, someone he had forgotten came to mind. His father looked at him with the same aggrieved look as he slapped himself as he stood in front of him. He still believed that wars where innocent people were killed due to one person’s greed should be prevented. However, he did not think that he was right and that his father and others were wrong. is father may become the king he longed for and perhaps turn Lorraine into a powerhouse. While he wouldn’t let Tyrellius become king, he wasn’t arrogant enough to accuse him of misdirecting the wrath of someone who didn’t even have a chance to prove his abilities. Everyone was fighting for their own justice. Before thinking about what was right and what was wrong, Adrian couldn’t let the anger before his eyes sweep over the Midoc where Damian must live. For Adrian, the only justice is Damien’s smiling face. If he had to risk his life, he would risk it. If he had to kill someone, he would kill them. He was willing to raise his head and be laughed at if God laughed at him for doing all this just because of a woman. Adrian opened his mouth, erasing his father’s face from Dozern’s.


“I have never once thought that I was right. I think I know what it is like to want something so badly, so I am giving you a chance. Choose. Will you die as a criminal or as a commander?”


At Adrian’s accentless words, Dozern gritted his teeth and looked at the sky. The western sky, where the sun has begun to set, turns red. He turned his head and looked east, where the sky was still blue. The eastern end of the plain shimmered in his watery eyes. The throne was just around the corner. He could have had it just by climbing over the castle wall. What could be the reason? Because he was the king’s second son? Why was he worse than that idiot? What was the unexpected Remina, and why was this persistent cousin so stubbornly blocking his way? He gritted his teeth again. He could not have his head cut off while kneeling before Tyrellius. At least he could never do that in front of him.


“What are you, that you want to decide my fate? I will live and take back what is mine!”


Arian sighed softly as he looked at Dozern, who was screaming like a scream and rushing towards him with his sword sharpened.


“I just don’t understand that much. Why are you giving up that boring and annoying position?”


Adrian raised his sword and struck down Dozern’s sword. He jumped off his horse after a few joins, then lost his balance and followed Dozern, who tumbled off his horse. The confrontation on bare ground did not last long. As Dozern fell to the ground with his heart pierced, the remaining rebel knights also threw away their weapons. The war was over.


Of the more than 20,000 rebels, only 5,000 survived, and even then, the command staff was wiped out. Not a single flag returned home. The families that participated in the rebellion will have to lie down and wait for the decision from the capital. When the National Guard troops sent to the southeast return, the border defense system will also need to be reorganized. Perhaps we may have to raise an army again after chasing the queen and the remaining heirs of the noble families. And there was still a long war ahead in which he had to unite with Cologne to take on the Duchy of Daln. However, everything was something to think about later. The war was over. All risk factors had disappeared. Now, they could return to Midock.


A long, loud roar echoed across the Jezero Plain.


* * *


On Thursday morning, as soon as she went to work at the main palace, she received a call from Princess Remina. She ran to the office to see what was going on, and Princess Remina and Homer with bright faces told her the news of the victory in the Jezero Plains.


The princess and Homer also laughed when they saw me bursting into laughter and tears at the same time.


“We need to make an official announcement. We need to make it known to all parts of the country so that the residents of Midok can feel at ease. Also, I would like to hold a small ceremony, but do you have the time, leader?”


“Support money is arriving one after another from the southeast, so it will be okay. Your Majesty.”


Princess Remina nodded her head in response to Homer’s answer. She wiped away her tears and she added her opinion.


“I would like you to hold a triumphal ceremony, at least for its symbolic meaning, Her Majesty. It will be necessary for the future for you to comfort and welcome tired soldiers.”


Rather than the crown prince waiting to be disposed of, Remina greets the soldiers who killed the rebels. This was a good opportunity to let the entire kingdom know that it was Remina who represented the royal family. The princess, who understood what she was trying to say, looked at her with a slightly surprised face and then smiled.


“I understand what you mean. I feel reassured. I have no intention of backing down now, so you have a lot more work to do.”


“I’ll do my best no matter what!” 


She also answered cheerfully with a smile on her face. After leaving the office, she ran as fast as she could to her office. She reported Adrian’s victory to Jenny and Franz. Franz’s mouth caught in his ear as he said that it was only natural since Adrian had assured him. Jenny said that everything was fine and he held my hand and ran with me. She wanted to quickly convey this news to Lord Hegel and the other employees at the mansion. Franz ran to the mansion at her command. With the intention of going out to the outer castle area when Franz returned, she began preparing promotional materials to publicize the large-scale improvement ceremony. She had to stop by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance to prepare for the triumphal ceremony, and also check when the company that went to Cologne would return. They should also give a welcome ceremony to Laurel, who has done such an amazing job. The entire palace was busy and Jenny and I were busy organizing documents in my office, but it became noisy outside. She was wondering what was going on because she could only see trees outside the window of the office in the corner of the second floor, but when the approaching noise became clear enough to distinguish speech, the color drained from Jenny’s and her faces. This was the cry of the soldiers. A heartbreaking scream. The sound of swords clashing. The sound of someone yelling to catch someone.


Why was this happening again? Why? Now that the war was over, someone has sent Franz to the mansion as well, so Jenny and she had no choice but to hug each other and stare intently at the door. A long time passed, each second feeling like an hour.


“I’m going to find out what’s going on, young lady. If you can, you should run.”


When the noise of running around in the hallway outside the door stopped and things quieted down a little, Jenny let go of her hand and said so. But she urgently held Jenny’s hand and shook her head.


“No, Jenny, it’s dangerous.”


“I can’t stay like this, girl. It’s okay. You know I’m nimble.”


As Jenny patted her back, there was a knock on the door. They hugged again and sat down under the desk.


“Miss! It’s Hegel! Are you inside?”


“Lord Hegel!”


She ran and opened the door, and Hegel came in with a serious expression.


“What’s going on, Lord Hegel? What’s going on?”


“Miss. I think you should avoid it for now. Please follow me.”


Hegel hurriedly led Jenny out. Princess Lemina was okay and she ran after Hegel without even having a chance to ask what was going on. You can go down the narrow stairs that make you wonder if there was a place like this in the main palace, open the small door, and come out from the side of the building. Perhaps because it was the back door where servants and maids came and went, there was no one there. She lowered her body and crawled under the garden tree until she reached the back gate of the inner palace.


A horse was tied up outside the wide open back gate with no one guarding it.


“I was unable to prepare the carriage due to lack of time. First of all, you should take shelter first, and then I will come back to pick up Jenny.”


Hegel spoke urgently, his face still serious. He loosened the reins and held out his hand to her, but she couldn’t move while holding Jenny tightly.


“I can’t leave Jenny behind, Lord Hegel.”


“It is important for you to get out of danger first. I will definitely come back to see Jenny.”


“No, Lord Hegel. I can’t leave Jenny behind. Give me the directions and I’ll run. I don’t know how things are going, but I won’t go alone.”


Hegel gritted his teeth and frowned. The person who always had a sad smile seemed a little concerned when her face was wrinkled, but he told her to leave Jenny behind. You could never do that.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 8.

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