Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 091


She sat down on the sofa and tried to stand up, but she said this to Adrian, who didn’t want to let go of her hand.


“Adrian, I want to drink the tea you make.”


Only then did Adrian let go of his hand and nodded sharply and went to the tray on one side of the room. He walked towards my door to look for a spray bottle and a comb, and he followed her while boiling water.


“I’d like Darjeeling. Do you have Darjeeling?”


While she went to check if there was Darjeeling in the tray, she quickly retrieved a spray bottle and a comb from her room. As she passed through the inner door, Adrian, who was standing in front of the door, spoke with a proud face.


“There is Darjeeling, Damian.”


She knew it too. She told them to keep it there. She nodded and walked over to the sofa and sat down, and immediately two teacups were placed on the table. She went behind Adrian, who was quietly drinking tea, and straightened his hair. Adrian kindly placed his head in my hand and laughed lowly. A low laugh rang out from his throat. Even after everyone had a late dinner and drank another cup of tea, Adrian was in a slightly dazed state. He followed me around and acted like a person with a screw loose, but when Ethan handed a thick stack of documents to Adrian, who had washed up again to get ready for bed, he made a very disgusted face and came to his senses. He still seemed anxious when she wasn’t in front of him, so she had a meeting with Franz and Jenny in Adrian’s room. Two different meetings took place in one space for a long time, but in the end, the content would be the same. It had already been decided to pursue the rebels before they could regroup on the Jezero Plain. This time, they were superior in numbers, and even Adrian had joined them, so it was only a matter of time before the rebels’ final defeat.


She didn’t like the idea of that man with that tired face having to go to war again, but what could she do? Adrian was the commander of the Imperial Army. He was not a person who gave up on something no matter how difficult it was. He said that he rode from the Great County to Mydock in four days. Was that even possible? According to Franz, the knights’ lodgings were like a cemetery and everyone was sleeping like the dead. She should tell the chef to prepare a much larger breakfast tomorrow morning than usual.


It was already quite late when each meeting ended. As if it was natural, they lay together on Adrian’s big bed. Adrian was lying facing her, folding one of his arms to support his face and looking down at her. Adrian made the sound of blinking his eyes in the dark room. No, she couldn’t hear that. Since they were breaking up again tomorrow, she wanted to be together somehow, and she thought it would be funny to share your bed with hers, so she just hid it together. Yes, she did, but lying next to Adrian, who was just staring at her face with no intention of going to sleep, was like, this was a bit weird.


When she looked up and looked at Adrian’s face, she saw him smiling happily with a face that had everything in the world. She was really embarrassed to say it with her own mouth, but did he really like it? The honey would flow and your pillow would get wet.


“Sleep now. If you go on a mission tomorrow, you won’t be able to rest well.”


“It would be a shame to close my eyes.”


“It’s a shame. I’m not going anywhere, right? You’ll come back quickly and watch the bad guys. Let’s just sleep for today.”


Adrian closed his mouth for a while, then lifted his right arm, which had been resting gently on the blanket, and wrapped it around her shoulder.


“I don’t want to go.”


The tip of her nose touched his chest and was crushed. Was this person a foolish maniac in his own way? Even if he said this, he was the person who would stand at the front and swing the sword tomorrow as well.


“What are you saying if I tell you not to go?”


He said, giggling, and then he gave strength to his right arm and pulled her closer.


“Do you not like being a deserter?”


Adrian also asked with a voice full of laughter. She chuckle again in his arms. He didn’t like it? No, maybe he would welcome her with open arms. If he had to wander around the battlefield looking like he did this evening, it would be better for him to desert.


“I don’t like it. I said I like it no matter what it looks like. If someone comes to catch me, I’ll hide it well.”


She raised her head, made eye contact, and spoke to him, and he smiled brightly. He lowered his lips to her forehead and spoke sweetly.


“I don’t want to see anything that could harm Damian. I’ll come back soon.”


Feeling regretful that our lips had briefly touched each other, she poked his cheek with her index finger. Adrian widened his eyes. She poked the tip of his nose again. Then she poked him on the shoulder as well.


Adrian asked, tilting his head.


“Damian? Why are you doing that?”


“I’m looking for a switch.”




She burst out laughing and kissed him briefly on the lips. Adrian’s expression changed in an instant as he understood what she was trying to do, although he didn’t seem to understand what she was saying. He suddenly came closer to her, and when she craned her neck, he carefully touched her lips. He put their lips together, rubbed them together, and then licked her lips. She laughed because it tickles, so she pushed it into her mouth very naturally.


‘Oh my gosh. Wait. I pressed it. I did press it. Isn’t the gap between on and off too big?’


As Adrian’s lips touched her hand, without realizing it, she was grabbing Adrian’s collar mercilessly. Before she knew it, his large right hand was wrapping around her left cheek. She couldn’t take his head off, so she tried to turn his body, why was it frustrating? What was this weight? Why was this person on top of me? What on earth did she press? Although she didn’t intend it at all, a choking sound came out of her nose, and when she heard the sound, Adrian’s lips became busier and licked her lips. She couldn’t breathe properly for a while, and she became slightly dizzy and dazed from the suffocation, and was about to lose her mind when her back fell. Adrian’s hand, gripping it tightly, felt so naked. It was clearly holding her face, but when did that hand go there? No, why was he sneaking up on her? No, wait a minute. She thought there was a problem with their communication. She didn’t think it was the switch she was trying to press.


Even though she was frantic, she thought that she needed to calm down first. She loosened the collar and tried pushing his shoulders. His chin was missing too. She grabbed Adrian’s shirt from behind, leaving his unmoving shoulders behind. As they hugged me tighter, breathing only became more difficult. It’s true that they have a lot of problems with communication. As she struggled, she pulled out as much hair as she could get her hands on, and she heard Adrian’s struggling breathing. She almost lost consciousness again when she heard Adrian’s breathing sounding in her mouth. Was the sound of a man’s breathing this sexy? No, why did he have a switch on his scalp? Soon, she exceeded the limit of stimulation she could handle. Her head felt fuzzy and she was feeling increasingly dizzy, so she wondered if it would be okay as it was.


‘Yes, I heard you. I heard that, and now it’s funny, but we’re not married yet, and Adrian is going to war tomorrow. Is it better because he’s going? No, no. Take off your lips. I can’t think straight.’


She felt like she couldn’t even breathe, so she ripped her hair once more, and this time Adrian’s lips fell. He let out a heartbreaking sigh that tickled her ears and looked down at her with his magical red eyes. She took a deep breath and suddenly realized that she was trapped between Adrian’s arms. Looking at Adrian’s face, who was looking down at me with a very anxious face, wondering if she was hungry, thirsty, or in pain, she couldn’t help but ask, knowing that this was a ridiculous question.


“Are you okay Adrian?”


When she asked while trying to catch her breath, Adrian groaned and turned his head.


“It’s not okay.”


Yeah, it didn’t look good.


“Um…what can I do to help?”


Was it a puzzled face this time? Adrian groaned again and lowered his head, supporting his weight with his elbows. His flowing hair tickled his face.


“Please stay still for a moment.”


Could this be it? She just kept her eyes open and did her best to stay still. After a while, she raised her head and made eye contact with Adrian, who was looking at her with red eyes, and there was no other action she could take. She laughed bitterly. Then Adrian also smiled. Adrian rolled his body around and rolled to the seat next to him, wrapped his arms around her shoulders, turned his head, and kissed her forehead again. He said as she laughed and rolled over into Adrian’s arms.


“Didn’t you decide to stay still?”


It was a grumble, but the voice was smiling sweetly.


“I’ll stay still now.”


“I’ll be back next week.”




“I will propose to you when I return.”




She looked up, and although he was smiling, his face was serious. Did a war usually end in a week? No, rather than a marriage proposal, he hadn’t even returned to Midok yet, let alone got married in Ulut Peninsula? She had to see her brother Rutvan marry first, right? She made a promise to her father that she would do that.


‘Wow. Damien, did you just think it was a marriage proposal rather than a war or something? No, it’s not that simple.’


She barely escaped the crisis of Midok’s fall, but she never thought being held in this person’s arms would make her lose her sense of reality so much. Not even a day has passed since they disappeared in front of the outer castle. But when this person said it, she believed it would happen. She didn’t know if it’s a war or a marriage proposal, she would leave tomorrow and wait a week for Adrian to come back. Since he said that to her, both would come back victorious. She smiled and nodded. On a deep autumn night when it was starting to get quite chilly, they held each other tightly and fell asleep.


* * *


Today is Saturday, the 64th day of fall. She saw off Adrian, who was going on his second expedition. Too much happened in less than 30 days. Adrian left her side again to take on Dozern, who had lost half his force. This time, he and the princess sent Adrian, who was standing in front of an endless line of troops at the outer castle walls. Perhaps because he tried it once, or because he was optimistic about victory this time, he created a much more natural smile than the first time. Adrian also turned his horse’s head with a smile on his face. His eyes got teary-eyed again, but he came back soon. Then everything would be resolved now. Until Adrian returns, they must repair the outer fortress so that the residents of the outer fortress area who took refuge inside the inner fortress could return, and they must restore Midoc’s paralyzed system.


Princess Remina returned to the palace and began directing the administration again, and she went back and forth between the Palace and the outer castle area, focusing on cleaning up after herself. The militia led by Lord Hegel and Hennessy rolled up their sleeves and sent their strength again. Homer did not go with him on this expedition. Tyrellius was imprisoned in the Crown Prince’s Palace, and this time, there was some leeway in the command center. Amidst the hectic times, the performance of the first-class administrator was dazzling. Midok overcame the confusion and quickly found itself.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 3.

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  1. Zeltzin says:

    Gracias 😊

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