Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 084


In the carriage on the way to the palace with Jenny and Franz, she cautiously asked Jenny.


“Jenny, do you like things like addition?” 


“What? Addition? You mean counting money?”


“Yes, that’s right. Counting the money. It would be nice if Jenny could help me calculate it.”


“Don’t worry, young lady. I managed all the money my younger siblings earned when I was young. I’m confident in addition and subtraction.”


Jenny smiled with a confident face. Jenny, who didn’t even know she had to climb Mt. Papers with me, seemed so happy that she got to see the palace for the first time. When she arrived in front of the main palace, she became uncharacteristically stiff, probably because she was tired of the enormous size and splendor. Jenny, who came up to my office with a strange gait in which her right foot and right hand moved forward together, froze when she saw the pile of documents on the desk.


“Miss, I have finished calculating the taxes sent here by Viscount Gernald.”


“Huh? Uh-huh. Jenny, you worked hard. How many are left?”


“There are now three territories left in the southwest.”


As Jenny answered, the area under her eyes turned black. Jenny was clearly excited when we went to work together in the morning, but in just two hours, Jenny’s face was rotting. ‘Jenny, sorry.’ Still, thanks to Jenny, the speed increased compared to yesterday. It was Jenny’s job to find the total and organize the complicated additions and multiplications. At this rate, she might be able to finish the southwest region in the morning! Even so, they couldn’t even touch the southeastern part of the country, which was experiencing a great storm! ‘Wow, it’s Tuesday, will I be able to finish it within this week?’ She had to finish it before the festivity that brought the documents returns. Only then would reminders be sent to those who paid less taxes. Normally, administrators from the Ministry of Finance would be dispatched to catch the bad guys who evaded taxes, but that is not possible now. Because it was a war, some places sent more taxes in the name of subsidies, but no place sent less yet, but we still need to check. She gathered her courage and picked up the pen again. But, even though she was working hard, why didn’t the paperwork seem to decrease?


The faces of Laurel, Lady Dorothee, and Senior Tina who had gathered for the morning meeting were in a similar state to hers. From today, distribution of potatoes and wheat under the pretense of sale begins. Lady Dorote, who had been to the field since morning, came back with dark circles under her eyes and as soon as the meeting was over, she ran back to the grain warehouse in the outer castle area.


“I will be able to go to the Ministry of Finance in a few days, where the situation is a little better, but since I have to turn around for a long time, I have to leave right away.”


As expected, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs job seems to be the most difficult. She was in a position to ask for a favor, but she couldn’t say she would give in to what they want unconditionally, and even in Cologne, where they have to start a war, they would probably ask for bait that’s worth the risk. They persuade the other party and minimize our losses. Easier said than done. How do you do it?


“It’s too late. Is the Count of Madeira going too?”


“Yes. I’m going too, Damian.”




“Ahaha. My father had the same face as you. In the end, he couldn’t beat me. I’m going too. We don’t have enough people, and I’m the only one who can help him.”

“B-But Laurel, I told you it would be dangerous if things went wrong.”


Didn’t they say that if you fail, you could die? The Count of Madeira was currently leading the Foreign Ministry, so she thought the Count would go. She asked because she was worried about Arthur, but he said he would follow Laurel. Even if someone had told me to do that, she would have trembled in fear, but Laurel smiled with an innocent expression on her face.


“If you do well, don’t worry. I will definitely make it happen, even if it means shaking the collar of the Archduke of Cologne.”


Even though her face looks tired, it still glows. She always thought, Laurel was cool. She was worried, really worried, but she couldn’t hold Laurel, who was so proud of herself, just because she was worried. If you can’t stop him, there’s only one thing she could do as a friend.


“Of course. I’m sure you’ll do great.”


They looked at each other and laughed and cheered each other on. Then, she looked at documents all morning, and after lunch, I went to the grain store. Lady Dorote was running around with her sleeves rolled up. Among those who came to support from the Ministry of Finance was senior Tina. Not long ago, they were acting aloof to each other, but now they are working well together. Although it was extremely crowded with so many people gathered, grain sales went smoothly. The commoners who rushed to see the Segok ships arriving at the dock obediently maintained order. She returned after checking the sales situation and encouraging the struggling administrators.


* * *


Cale, who was leading the main force and building a camp on the Jezero Plain, welcomed Adrian and Ethan with a happy smile. Following Adrian’s instructions, Cale set up camp on a low hill that encompassed the entire plain and erected a fairly sturdy fence. Although he gained the upper hand, it did not change the fact that his troops were insufficient. Moreover, the entire cavalry must escape to the West. On the plains, the capacity of a cavalry unit is at least twice that of an equal number of infantry units. How you tie the rebel cavalry’s legs will determine the outcome of the war. After finishing deploying his soldiers, Adrian ordered ditches and trenches to be dug throughout the plains. After completing the mock training among them, he gathered his commanders and entered into a final meeting.


“The first battle is the most important. If we do not reduce the number of unprepared rebels, we will be pushed back from the second battle.” 


As Adrian spoke with a stern face, Cale, Van, and Duke Donovan nodded.


“While Lord Nodovan leads the central army and ties up their cavalry, Kayle and Van’s detachments move up on both sides and target the enemy’s command center. It would be better to eliminate one of the three, Marquis Luthor, Boromir, or Dozern, but if you delay, make it a priority to minimize power loss due to inability to escape.”


“I’ll keep that in mind.”


Cale answered and Ban also nodded.


“If the command collapses, the center will also retreat. At this time, the number of enemy troops must be reduced as much as possible. When the numbers are similar, the second battle will be worth trying.”


As Cale and Van nodded, Adrian looked at Duke Nodovan and made a request.


“Boromir is a smart guy, so he won’t be hit by the same move twice. From the second battle, if you don’t control your pace well, the separate units on the left and right will be isolated.” “I know what you mean. Keep in mind.”


“I’m leaving for the West today. Good luck.”


“I understand. Good luck.”


After the meeting, Adrian looked around at the cavalry and knights preparing to move. Homer approached Adrian, who seemed to be thinking a lot about his departure.


“Supplies have arrived from Midok.”


“Distribute it to each unit so there is no shortage.”


“Not enough? Haha. No army goes into battle with as many arrowheads as ours. All items arrived in abundance.”


“It looks like you put in some effort.”


When Adrian responded indifferently, Homer narrowed his eyes and smiled.


“It appears to be the work of Lady Damian, not the Princess.”


At the mention of Damian’s name, Adrian turned his body and looked at Homer. Homer smiled and told the story the merchant had told him.


“Before the expedition, we had clearly designated three places for the war corps, but only two came. When I asked what happened to one, he told me about Lady Damian. One of the corps lords was struck in the face by a bullet thrown by a sharp-looking female administrative officer and lost his front tooth. They say it’s broken.”




“I guess he played around with the documents. Isn’t military supplies a good way to get a kickback? But you’re not Lady Demian, so you wouldn’t recognize that. You’re a human being, playing with military supplies to be sent to those who are risking their lives in the war zone. He got angry and threatened to bring in a high-ranking administrator while the head of the company pulled him away, but the lady gave him his identity card!”


Homer laughed, pretending to throw something in his hand.


“I saw that he was bleeding profusely from getting hit in the front tooth, so please tell me that he filled the cart with not even a penny left from the other two carts.”


A smile spread across Adrian’s face after hearing everything Homer said. Damian’s face came to mind so clearly that he could touch it. He wanted to go to her. Adrian closed his eyes, fiddling with the handkerchief he had taken from his arms. It seemed as if the handkerchief that Damien had given her smelled like her scent, which could not have been blown away. A signal rang indicating that preparations were complete. Adrian barely managed to contain her longing and placed her handkerchief in his arms. Nearly 6,000 troops, including the Knights of Bigor, began moving toward the west. Even if you run without stopping, it is four days away from reaching the border of the Great County that is blocking the Taln Army. The ports crisscrossing the Laurentine sky continued to carry dangerous news.


On Thursday, the 49th day of fall, the desperate march began.


* * *


On the western border of the Great Earldom, where it was not yet known that the reinforcements had departed from the plains of Jezero, the combined forces of the Counts of Great, Oli, and Etihat were encamped at the mouth of the canyon where Adrian had indicated. The scouts who returned to find out the situation of the post-Rapture, which had been swallowed whole by the Taln army, made a shocking report. The territories that resisted, including the entire Marquis family, were annihilated. It was news that the cavalry was preparing to move away from the main body of Taln, which was drunk on plunder and slaughter. The three counts commanded the main force and blocked the entrance to the canyon, and the heirs of the three families decided to go around the canyon and attack them. As Rutvan was preparing to move with the detachment, Colin came to his son with a dark look on his face.


“A messenger has arrived from Demi.”


“Is that so? Please show me too.”


The paper handed over from Colin contained Damien’s worries filled with small letters. Root Van coughed for no reason as the tip of his nose became sore.


“It looks like Demi is worried. I’m glad she’s doing well, though.”


“Yes, our Demi has always been a spirited child.”


Colin touched Lutvan’s shoulder while talking about Damian. If he had known this would happen, he would have given her more swordsmanship training. He felt unfamiliar and saddened by the sight of his son wearing mismatched armor. Colin, unable to tell whether to take the lead or retreat to save himself, just stood there patting Rutvan on the shoulder.


“He said she wouldn’t marry Demi unless we both returned safely. Father, you must guarantee it.”


“Hehe, Duke Bigor will be angry if you get hurt.”


Rutvan also laughed at Colin’s joke. The Etihart family could have been left out of this coalition. It would take time for the Taln army to cross the Great Counties and reach Etihat before reinforcements arrived from the capital. Colin only knows the level of swordsmanship that a Lutvan or male noble would have to learn. There is only one reason why they risk their lives and go to war. It was to prevent the Taln army from heading towards Midok, if at all possible. Colin fastened Rutvan’s scabbard once more and sent his son off. Lutvan, Great, and Count Oli, who arrived at the end of the canyon with a detachment, hid their troops in the mountains and watched the canyon for a full day. Taln’s cavalry, with great momentum, entered the canyon. He had expected about 3,000 people, but there were more people than expected. It seemed as if the entire Sangvis Cavalry of Taln had moved, and the cavalry of Gocheongi rushed into the canyon at high speed. For a moment they were unfamiliar with the steep terrain, but they were quickly adapting to the canyon.


Before the main force of Taln completes its preparations at the Marquis of Huger, you must attack from behind and join the main force at the entrance to the canyon. Lutvan adjusted the unfamiliar sword in his hand. It had already been over a hundred years since the mainland of Laurentyne was invaded by a foreign army, and all three minor counts were busy with their pens in the once peaceful Laurentian, but as the heirs of the family, they could not back down. What’s more, aren’t the three elderly counts directly leading the main force to stop them? Following the three Counts, who held each other’s hands with solemn eyes, a detachment of the Counts’ Allied Forces began to rush into the canyon.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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