Supporting Characters Also Need Some Love



Part 075


Adrian carefully pushed up his eyelids. He leaned back against the back of his chair and Damian dozed off. He gently put his hand down and quietly stood up from the bed. He picked him up with the intention of moving him to his room, but Damian, who he thought would wake up, instead fell asleep, delving into his dreams. Adrian stood holding Damian in his arms and thought about it for a moment. He’s supporting Damien with both hands, so he doesn’t have a hand to turn his doorknob. He may wake up while calling people and opening and closing doors. He couldn’t wake Damian, who was sleeping soundly in his arms. Adrian, who had barely convinced himself with nonsense, very carefully placed Damien on his bed. As soon as his head hit his pillow, Damien writhed and snuggled into the covers. While Adrian was holding her breath, she drifted off into a deep sleep with her cheerful face. Just thinking that this shouldn’t be happening, Adrian also lay down next to Damian. Lying as far away from her as she could muster of her remaining self-control, she stretched out her hand and carefully cupped Damian’s small hand. It was lovely to see her face when she just turned her head. Her heart tickled as she heard Damian’s breathing softly. When he stretched out his hand, Damian was lying within reach. She even stands on one bed with him.


He had never imagined falling asleep together like this, and even though he was embarrassed, he laughed. As Damien’s stern face came to mind as he pounded on his bed, his naughty thoughts dispersed and he burst into laughter. Adrian turned his body towards Damian and she looked at the side of his face until she got tired of it and at some point fell asleep. Adrian, who had not had time to lie down and sleep since last Monday until Wednesday, or rather today, Thursday, could not wake up until the morning sun came up. Ethan, who was worried about her owner waking up later than usual, quietly opened Adrian’s door and came in, and saw Adrian and Damian lying facing each other. Ethan, who was so shocked that her hair stood on end, turned around and ran out of the room with her eyes closed. He made up his mind that even if the world collapsed, not a war, he would protect them at least this morning, and he did not let a single ant go to the second floor. Adrian felt the sunlight on her face and her eyes widened. As soon as he opened my eyes, he saw Damian’s face sleeping sweetly. For a moment, he was so shocked that his whole body stiffened, but then he laughed like a man who owned the world.


He turned his head and looked at the clock, it was almost seven o’clock. It was so sad, he wanted to look at her face all day if he could, but he had to get up. Adrian, holding Damien carefully, opened the inner door and went to Damian’s room, setting her down on her bed. He had no difficulty opening the door and going in, putting to rest the excuse he had made last night. When he put her down on her bed, she tossed and turned a little, but when Adrian covered her with a blanket and patted her, she fell back into sleep. He briefly kissed Damian’s forehead and turned away with regret.


* * *


When Adrian entered the conference room of the main palace, Remina, Van, Homer, and Duke Donovan were sitting there. As he was looking at the empty seat of the crown prince, Homer said indifferently.


“You drank too much last night.”


Duke Donovan clicked his tongue, and Adrian nodded his head. It worked out better. With Tyrellius absent, the meeting proceeded quickly.


“It will take time for reinforcements to arrive from each territory. First, I will set out on Sunday with the joined knights.”


Remina nodded her head and spoke at Adrian’s words.


“I understand. Tyrellius will jump up and down, but there will be no launch ceremony.”


“We don’t have the resources to waste on something like that. Homer, have you made contact with the defense forces scattered across the southeast?”


“Yes, I have informed them that we will begin the march soon, but it will likely take 30 days to arrive.”


“There is no benefit in going into a long-term war. They will also try to engage in an all-out war in the early stages. We will have to occupy Midok before our reinforcements arrive. We must not be defeated in the first battle.”


Adrian said and looked at Duke Donovan. While the detachment led by Cale and Ban disrupted the rebels’ line, Duke Donoban had to encourage the main camp and provide support in the center. Duke Donovan, who arrived early and looked at the strategy devised by Adrian and his lieutenants, nodded.


“I’m not going to back down with Midok at my back.”


The entire capital military headquarters, including the main palace, was holding emergency meetings, and each family began preparing for war in earnest. The war, which was now three days away, was shaking the entire Midok.


* * *


When she opened her eyes, the room was bright. She woke up to an unfamiliar scene, looked around, and when she realized it was the Duke of Bigor, she hugged the pillow again and collapsed. She looked at the clock and saw that it was well past eight o’clock. She went to bed late last night, and ended up sleeping in later than expected. But did she come back to her room yesterday? Did she remember looking at Adrian, who was sleeping, and then leaning back on the chair? By the way, what about Adrian?


She got up, opened the door, went into Adrian’s room, and found it empty. Looks like he’s already gone. Did she come to her room and fall asleep? She was scratching her head, closing the door, and turning around, when something flashed and caught her attention. Was it a giant cake storage box made of clear glass? Why was that in Adrian’s room? When she got closer, she saw that there was a bouquet of dried flowers in a glass container so large that it was too big to hold. She realized something while looking at the mismatched bouquet of flowers that had been placed in one corner of Adrian’s extremely bleak room. Although the colors have faded, it was a familiar bouquet. Was that definitely the peony bouquet she gave him last summer? Had he been keeping this whole thing like this?


Looking at the bouquet of flowers sitting beautifully in a glass container that must have been custom-made, her heart has been tickled since morning. 


When she returned to the room scratching her cheek, Jenny had brought a tray of breakfast.


“When did Adrian leave?”


“He left a little after seven o’clock. He said he would enter the palace today, right?”


“Yes. The princess called.”


In response to my answer, Jenny led Millie and Louise into the dressing room. Even though the king’s funeral was not over yet and they could only wear black dresses, Jenny was always burning with motivation, and Millie and Louise looked very excited. If she went out a little after 7 o’clock, she wouldn’t have been able to sleep for long. She was going to see him off, but Adrian was so diligent that she would have to get up early tomorrow too.


After quickly getting ready and entering the palace, the servant led her into a small conference room. In the conference room, there was Laurel, whom she had been thinking of meeting, and unexpectedly, Miss Tina, and, um…what was her name? Do, doro… Lady Viscount Dorote was sitting. There were only four female jockeys who passed the test, so we were quite close together during the entire training period, but this is the first time we have seen each other since then. She was a young girl who was determined to find a boyfriend during her training period. She didn’t know if it had worked out well, so she greeted her warmly. What was this combination? In addition to the three reserve administrators, Tina was a level 6 member of the Ministry of Finance?


She asked senior Tina, who seemed to know something.


“Senior, do you know why we are gathered together?”


“Well, I came here yesterday after receiving a call from Captain Homer, but I wonder why I, a commoner, would be called into the palace.”


“I see. Laurel, don’t you know something?”


She asked, looking at Laurel, but she shook her head. Lady Dorote also shook her head. Meanwhile, Lady Dorote kept getting noticed by Senior Tina, who seemed to have had a hard time during her training at the Ministry of Finance. It seemed unlikely that things would have been amicable between Senior Tina, who was fed up with young ladies taking the civil service examination to find a husband, and Lady Dorote, who was determined to meet a good man and take the test. While we were talking about various things, the door opened and Princess Remina came in with Homer. She politely seated them, and the princess, who was sitting at the head table, looked as good as yesterday.


With a gentle expression on her face and a tell-tale shadow under her eyes, she asked her how she was doing.


“I haven’t been able to ask you how you are because you’ve been so anxious. You must have been very surprised that day, but are you okay now?”


“Yes, Your Majesty. Thanks to you, I was safe.”


“If you think about it, I was able to stay safe thanks to you. I will not forget you and Lady Donoban’s contribution.”


As she bowed her head to the sweets words, the princess changed her soft voice and opened her mouth to the three of them.


“Lady Viscount Chenoa, a supporter of the Ministry of the Interior, Lady of the Count of Madeira, a supporter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Miss Tina, a member of the Ministry of Finance, and the Countess of Etihart, a supporter of the Ministry of Finance, I have called you all today because there is something I would like you to do.”


As they lowered their heads, a solemn voice fell over their heads.


“As you may know, the entire administrative government is paralyzed due to war preparations. Of the 470 or so administrators, less than half are available for work, so most of the high-ranking administrators with decision-making authority are absent. Thanks to this, work is not possible. It’s piling up, and not a single one of them is being dealt with.”


Most of the 1st to 4th level administrators who managed each department were noble men, so it would be impossible for them to go to work as they were all concentrating on family matters at this time, with the war ahead. The majority of practical administrators below level 5 were also nobles, so the situation would not be much different. Didn’t even Luvan go down to the territory to help in the war? She immediately understood the situation the princess was talking about.


“I would like Lady Genoa at the Ministry of the Interior, Lady Madeira at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Miss Tina at the Ministry of Finance to act as liaisons between each department and the royal family. Lady Damien, it may be a burden for you, but you will gather the reports from each department and deliver them to the director and me. Please take on the role of middle manager.”


They looked at each other with bewildered faces and then bowed their heads again. As soon as the princess finished speaking, Homer placed his flashing identity card in front of them.


“I will guarantee you a temporary position with the authority of my princess. Let’s hear the details from the leader, and I hope that you will work hard for the kingdom in the future.”


She bowed her head deeply as she watched the princess stand up and leave the conference room. As she lowered her head, the golden identity card in front of her caught her eye. She was startled and woke up to see Laurel, Senior Tina, and Lady Dorote holding brass-colored identification cards with bewildered faces. She heard something like this existed, but she never thought it actually existed. And she never thought she would get it. The bronze medals that Laurel, Tina, and Lady Dolote received are 4th grade badges, but hers was a 2nd grade gold medal! The promotion to level 7 has been postponed indefinitely, and she was now level 2.


Homer, who was sitting in his seat, laughed as she looked at the senior, who was sitting on the cold table, holding it with both hands for fear of getting cold. When she looked up at the sound of Homer’s laughter, all three of them were in similar postures, captivated by the identity cards. As expected, senior Tina was the first to come to her senses and asked Homer.


“I think you need to tell me in detail what exactly needs to be done, Captain.”


Homer, who was smiling kindly while looking at her, stiffened his face at Senior Tina’s question. He began handing out work with a face befitting the head of an institution directly under the royal family. But, my, it was informal language.


“First, figure out how many people can work in each department, unify them under you, and organize the organization. Finish it today and report to Lord Ethart in the afternoon.”


The fact that he gave work orders in informal language even though he has a shiny second-class status badge in his hand means that he is a first-class administrator. He knew it would be level 3 or higher, but it was level 1. Oh my god, it’s first class. Wow, she had always been treated with honorifics by first-level administrators and called out their names. She had been feeling hungry lately, but it turned out it’s because her liver was swollen.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on November, 20.

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