Suddenly, Divorce


Chapter 9


Hyun-Oh lifted Sua with a gentle touch, causing her to let out a small scream as her feet dangled in the air momentarily. 


“Ah,” she murmured. 


While being embraced by him wasn’t new, this moment felt different from before. 


“You’re heavy…” 


Su-a reached out, grabbing onto Hyun-oh’s arm. With a raised eyebrow, he effortlessly led her towards the bed. 


Her clothes hung loosely on her body, leaving her almost exposed. 


Being embraced by him in his perfect suit heightened her embarrassment. Hyun-oh walked briskly towards the bed and gently laid Sua on the mattress as if she were a delicate feather. 


The soft cotton sheets enveloped her body, but she paid no attention, still captivated by his intense gaze. 


With his large, firm hands, he loosened his tie and undid a shirt button, revealing his collarbone. 


Despite the lack of exposure, Sua’s body tensed at the sight. She had thought she knew it all, arrogantly assuming that being an adult meant knowing everything. 


But reality proved different. As he unbuttoned each button, his well-trained chest was revealed, muscles defined and prominent. His hands gradually moved downwards, revealing his sculpted abs. 


It was the first time she had seen a man’s body, and it was more beautiful and perfect than she had imagined. His parched lips exuded an irresistible allure, leaving her in awe. 


Unsure whether she should keep looking or avert her gaze as his chiseled physique was exposed, Sua was unable to decide. But she didn’t want to miss a moment. 


As he discarded his clothes and approached the bed, Hyun-oh crawled on top of her, causing the mattress to tremble beneath them. 


Sua’s body shook involuntarily, and he reached out to steady her chin, his grip firm. 


“Han Sua,” he whispered. 


“Yes?” she replied. 


“You’re not afraid,” he remarked. 




“You know who I am, that I’m married, that we’re spending the night together.” His voice carried a mixture of arrogance and desire, unfamiliar to her. 


Overwhelmed by his gaze, Sua couldn’t utter a word. Hyun-oh smirked before capturing her lips once again.




As his tongue delved roughly, his other hand was equally occupied, creating gaps in her body and firmly establishing a presence so intense and hot that it seemed unbelievable to be human. 


Just the sensation of touching her soft, white skin was enough to overwhelm Sua.




Several times before, Sua, on the brink of ecstasy from Hyun-oh’s mouth and hands, emitted delicate moans once again. 


Unconsciously lifting her hips into the air several times, she tried to get closer to Hyun-oh. Whether he understood her desperate longing or if he himself became more impatient, he pushed further into Sua.




Unlike before, Sua couldn’t utter a word. She couldn’t even let out a fresh moan. All she could do was inhale and exhale deeply.


It was overwhelming.


The sensation of Hyun-oh filling her insides. It was so painful that she felt like her body was going to break.



Sensing Su-a’s condition, he stopped, biting down hard. The sound of his teeth grinding echoed throughout the room. 


Sua, in intense pain, bit her red lips tightly. When deep wrinkles formed on her forehead, Hyun-oh asked in a low voice.


“Should we stop?”


She shook her head.


She wanted to go all the way.


Despite the pain and difficulty, there was also a tingling pleasure on the other side of that sensation. Above all, she wanted to become one with Hyun-oh perfectly.


It didn’t seem right to stop here.


Although Sua shook her head, Hyun-oh remained motionless. Eventually, Sua reached out her arms and hugged him first.


His body, which had been barely still, pressed even closer in response to Sua’s slight movement. Surprised by her action, Hyun-oh raised an eyebrow.


“Han Sua, you’re something else.”


“Ha… Haa.”


When I’m entangled with you, I can’t see anything else.


“I lose myself, damn it.”


He muttered in a low voice, spitting out harsh words as he delved deeper inside her.


Only then could Sua feel satisfied.


We’ve become perfectly one.


Hyun-oh and I were finally one.


Thinking like that, I thought I could ignore the sensations in my body. But it didn’t end there.


The faster Hyun-oh acted, the more times Sua’s fragile body was stained with pleasure and pain.


“Oh, oppa… Please, please…”


As the exposed flesh burned, and her lips were chewed until they bled, Sua hugged Hyun-oh’s firm body, feeling happy in her mind, but her body was overwhelmed by the intense pleasure of experiencing it for the first time, causing her eyes to roll back.


Like an animal, she desired him.

As if she wasn’t herself.


“Sua, Han Sua.”


His mouth uttering her name made it clear that this situation was not a dream but reality. At his sweet words, Sua finally burst into tears. Her trembling lips quivered, and tears streamed down her face.




Tears gathered at the corners of Sua’s eyes, half-closed. Why am I crying now? 


Sua couldn’t even understand herself.

She just wanted to connect with him more deeply.


“Please, oh, Hyun-oh, stop.”


At Sua’s incomprehensible words, Hyun-oh paused for a moment, furrowing his brow as he watched Sua cry silently.


But unlike him, Sua couldn’t contain herself.




As tears flowed, Sua instinctively raised her hips to reach him, who had moved slightly away. This sensation was new to her. It felt like being engulfed by a massive tidal wave. The pleasure that dominated her from head to toe made her body tremble.




As her body trembled enticingly, deep wrinkles formed on Hyun-oh’s forehead.


“Damn it.”


He paused briefly, then resumed moving fiercely.


Thud, thud.


The sound of the two of them panting like beasts filled the room.


Unable to resist his presence ravaging her insides, Sua raised her hands and grabbed his back. The moment Hyun-oh delved deep inside her, Sua convulsed and lost consciousness.


It was ecstasy.


It was the climax.




The night was deep. After a long and intense encounter, Sua finally fell asleep in Hyun-oh’s arms, as if losing consciousness. Her delicate body lay limp on the mattress.


Hyun-oh held Sua in his arms, gazing at her face for a long time. Sunlight poured down on Sua, illuminating her flawless complexion.


Sua’s hair was slightly disheveled. Hyun-oh brushed her hair aside, revealing Sua’s smooth forehead. Deep wrinkles formed beneath her tightly closed eyelids.

Underneath her long eyelashes, Sua’s tear-stained eyelids were visible.


“Oppa, please, oh, Hyun-oh, stop.”


Her sobbing, to the point of struggling to breathe, echoed. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain. Watching her, Hyun-oh’s heart twisted.


“You little beast.”


Everything was new to her.


She had chosen marriage out of fear of her father, unwilling to marry a despicable man. An unwanted marriage. A relationship she had to endure.


But when Hyun-oh saw her exposed body, he was consumed by a dirty desire. Before he could even think it was wrong, he indulged in his lust.


And this was the result.


Hyun-oh wiped the tears from Sua’s eyes with his fingertips. Tears welled up again. Despite the gentle touch, Sua recoiled even in her sleep.


“Good grief.”


Even in a place like this, it was evident how much he had tormented her last night. Hyun-oh cursed softly and got up from his seat.


In the dim light of dawn, the sculpted muscles of a man accustomed to exercise were revealed in the air. He walked briskly towards the bathroom, pausing to look at his reflection in the mirror.


Long scratches were visible on the muscle of his shoulder.


Marks left by Sua’s struggles from last night.


How much she must have hated it.

A delicate woman like Han Sua, without love, engaging in an unwanted relationship, must have been painful. It makes me sick to my stomach that I found so much satisfaction through that painful relationship.


He hastily threw on his clothes and headed outside.


Starting with minor rebellion in adolescence, he bought a pack of cigarettes, which he had quit in college, and strolled through the vast hotel garden, lighting one.


He lit it and took a deep drag.




The bitter and acrid smoke permeated his lungs.


However, the cigarette smoke couldn’t reach deeper than the hatred he felt towards himself.



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