Suddenly, Divorce


Chapter 6

Hyun-oh had once rejected marriage. Why did he suddenly change his mind? Sua placed her hand on his right cheek, which he had brushed with his fingers. Even though it was her own skin, it felt like her fingertips would burn.

“Why did you suddenly change your mind?”

He still remained silent. Hyun-oh’s hair fluttered in the breeze, casting a long shadow that obscured his expression. Despite the warm weather, his chilly demeanor struck a chord in Sua’s heart.

She couldn’t suddenly think that he might like her. Even if it was for the sake of the company’s success, there was no reason for him to come here today.

That meant…

Sua slowly opened her lips.

“Because you pity me…?”

At her words, Hyun-oh turned to face her. Only then could his dark pupils be seen. Unreadable eyes. Beneath them, his crimson lips twisted into a smirk.

“…Wouldn’t you feel any sympathy?”

Everything felt surreal.

Sua had loved books since childhood. She adored romantic novels and spent her adolescence reading Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” Her realistic and pragmatic father didn’t appreciate Sua’s personality. He scolded her for daydreaming and not seeing the reality in front of her.

She enjoyed sweet fantasies all day long.

Sua, who had liked Hyun-oh since before she grew up, sometimes dreamed endlessly of him confessing his love to her. Sometimes, the dream staple was Hyun-oh suddenly appearing in a difficult situation and saying, “Let’s get married.”

And now, what happened to her felt just like that.

She couldn’t let him go. When he asked if she didn’t want to, Sua shook her head.

“No. It means you’re showing sympathy, right?”

She never expected him to love her. As Madam Jung said, even if they married strategically, many couples lived happily ever after.

For the sake of taking control of her family’s company, marrying was fine.

Even if it was just sympathy, it was fine.

Hyun-oh needed the power of Sua’s family’s company, and she needed this man.

It was beneficial for both of them. There was nothing wrong with it.

Sua’s face lit up with a bright smile.

“Okay, I will.”

Contrary to Sua’s bright face, Hyun-oh’s expression furrowed.

“Can you decide so easily? You might be worse than the person inside you, Choi Dong-ryul.”

He reached out and lifted Sua’s chin. Her crimson lips parted halfway involuntarily. His voice was oddly intense.

“You don’t know what kind of person I really am.”


“What desires I have.”

Maybe he would retract his words. Sua approached him. Before the man, who was watching her actions, could furrow his eyebrows, Sua pulled him closer.

His stiff body, neatly wrapped in a suit, barely fit into her arms. Surprised, Hyun-oh whispered softly.

“Han Sua.”

I wanted to know more about you.
Now, even sympathy was fine. Even if it was just that form of emotion, if Hyun-oh gave a corner of his heart to her, that was enough. Gradually, if he came to love her, that would be enough. There was no need to rush.

As Sua embraced him, he chuckled softly.
“I never expected you to be like this in crowded places.”

She raised her head to look at him. His lips drew a gentle curve, but the corners were slightly twisted. As if intrigued, Sua summoned whatever courage she had and lifted her chin slightly to meet his gaze.
Their soft lips met. They both inhaled deeply at the intense sensation.


Even though it was herself who had initiated the kiss, Sua was surprised, and she opened her eyes first, letting out a sigh. It was their first kiss. It felt intense, even though it was just their lips touching. The soft mucous membranes made her toes curl. As Sua’s body trembled, he instinctively held her slender waist. Her soft chest pressed against his firm body.

It felt like madness.
When they finally parted their lips, a rough breath escaped.


Now, she would have him. She wouldn’t let him go. Her desire filled her completely.

Sua leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear.
“Hyun-oh, you don’t know. You don’t know who I really am.”

Her soft voice tickled his ear.

“What desires I have.”


“I’ll let you know. Slowly, from now on.”

Her quiet strike. Hyun-oh’s usually expressionless face twisted, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

One month later.

The car carrying Hyun-oh and Sua arrived smoothly at a resort owned by PY in Namhae.

As the driver opened the door, Sua got out of the car and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Namhae.

The pleasant breeze fluttered Sua’s skirt, revealing her long legs. Her white skin glistened under the sunlight.

“It hasn’t changed here at all. It’s still beautiful.”

Seeing Sua smiling widely, pressing her hat to prevent it from flying away, Hyun-oh frowned.

“You’ve been here before?”

“Yes, when I was in middle school.”

Although it had been a while, the beautiful landscape of the resort, with its white buildings contrasting against the blue sea, remained unchanged.

“Should we have gone somewhere else?”

“No, I like it here!”

Sua’s voice echoed cheerfully. She was happy to be here. No, it didn’t matter where they were. What mattered was that Hyun-oh was by her side.

The two of them got married.

They held their wedding ceremony on the day exactly one month after Hyun-oh proposed to Sua. Although the decision was difficult, the marriage proceeded swiftly. Even if it was a strategic marriage, it couldn’t be compared to a regular one, but considering that, it was fast. It was all thanks to Han Jung-gi, the CEO of Han Group. He hurried everything along, but Su-ah didn’t know why.

And today, after the wedding, due to Hyun-oh’s busy schedule, the two of them decided to spend a short honeymoon of two nights and three days at a resort in Namhae.

So everything was fine. Everything was good.

As they unpacked and spent the day touring the beautiful resort, every time their arms brushed against each other, Sua’s heart rate accelerated.

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

Unlike the restless Sua, Hyun-oh was mature and calm.

Sometimes, when Hyun-oh gazed at the scenery, Sua looked at his face. In the distance, the sunset cast long shadows beneath his eyelashes. His sharp nose and moist lips were illuminated by the warm evening light. The person beside her was Ji Hyun-oh. Not just Ji Hyun-oh from today onwards, but her husband Ji Hyun-oh.

Just looking at his face made her breathless and her cheeks flushed. On the day they decided to marry, the memory of their passionate lips intertwining made her body heat up.

“I didn’t know I was such a lewd woman.”

Hyun-oh was to blame. Just seeing him made her feel like her heart would burst.

Her excitement only increased as the night went on.

After finishing their sightseeing at night and having dinner, today, Hyun-oh and Sua would stay at the resort’s Presidential Suite, which faced the beach. It was spacious, with two rooms, two beautiful bathrooms, and a large living room with a terrace overlooking the deep navy blue sea.

Despite its spaciousness, the staff, well aware that the two were on their honeymoon, naturally prepared their luggage in the main bedroom.

After a long day of wandering around, Sua took a shower and took out the pajamas she had prepared for today.

[Sua, congratulations on your marriage. This is the pajamas you wear on your first night. It’s something friends usually give as a gift.]

On the day of the wedding, Sua opened the gift she received from her closest friend Yeon-hee. As she untied the blue ribbon, Sua’s eyes widened in surprise at the clothes that came out.

It was too revealing to be called pajamas. Made of thin black satin material with just a touch of lace.

There was no way she could wear underwear underneath. It was a design that didn’t allow for anything underneath.

Her body’s curves were clearly visible. It was even more provocative than being naked.

“I don’t know how I feel about this.”

Sua clenched her delicate fists tightly.

Clang, clang.

Only the sound of waves crashing on the darkened sea after the sun set echoed. Hyun-oh listened quietly to the sound. Then, he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening behind him.

It was Sua.

As he turned his head to look at where she was coming from, something soft touched his back.

“Don’t look.”

He felt the slender figure behind him.

“The clothes are too thin, I’m embarrassed.”

When someone tells you not to look, it only makes you want to look more. Despite Sua’s plea, Hyun-oh turned around. Before him, under the soft lighting of the hotel room, was a white body.

She was wearing a black negligee, but nothing could be seen underneath. Her soft curves were fully exposed. Feeling embarrassed, Sua covered her chest with her arms, but her voluptuous breasts pressed tightly against the negligee, enticing the man even more.

“It was a gift from a friend. It’s not like I chose it myself.”

With a flushed face, Sua clumsily explained. A drop of water fell from her hurriedly washed hair, trickling down from her delicate collarbone, hidden beneath the garment, to her plump yet soft breasts.

The thin negligee absorbed the droplet.

“Han Sua.”

Hyun-oh’s words burst out like a sigh.

“Why are you doing this to me? What do you think you’re doing, driving me crazy like this?”

His touch followed the trail of water.

She didn’t know.

What would happen when a man was aroused at night.



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