Suddenly, Divorce


Chapter 2


Everything began six months ago on a certain day.


Sua sat in the hotel restaurant room wearing a lavender dress, her elegant face tense with nerves.


“Feeling nervous?”


Madam Jung, sitting across from her, spoke to ease her apparent discomfort. 


Sua lowered her head slightly and gave a faint smile.


“A little.”


“It’s understandable for your first meeting. Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it quickly.”


Being an experienced matchmaker, Madam Jung’s assurance was supposed to be reliable. 


She had been handling matches among chaebols for over a decade.

Unlike others, Sua’s brother, Jiheon, also married through her.


One side of the room where they were located had floor-to-ceiling windows, revealing a beautiful garden outside. Warm sunlight poured in through the glass.


Today, with perfect weather, it was Sua’s turn for a meeting.


It was her first time meeting a match.


“Marriage based on matchmaking might feel a bit strange for young people, but don’t worry. The couples I’ve matched are living quite well.”


Madam Jung’s words, thinking that Sua’s face was stiff due to resistance against matchmaking, elicited a faint smile from Sua.




Madam Jung misunderstood.


It wasn’t because it was Sua’s first matchmaking meeting or because she disliked arranged marriages. 


The reason for her current nervousness was…


Knock, knock.


Before Sua could gather her thoughts, there was a knock on the door.


“Oh, they’ve arrived. Right on time.”


As Madam Jung and Sua stood up, the door slowly opened. Following the hotel staff’s guidance, a man walked into the room with confident steps.


With a height easily surpassing 180cm, broad shoulders, fair and clear skin, and distinct red lips, his long eyelashes framed dark, shining eyes.


Ji Hyeon-oh, it was him. Despite being familiar with his appearance, he looked stunning enough to take one’s breath away. His gaze fell upon Sua, and even though he merely stared, Sua melted under his intense look. Her stomach fluttered, and her breath caught.


“You might already know the name, but this is Ji Hyeon-oh, the head of the PY Chemistry Seoul Branch. And here is…”


Just as Madam Jung was about to mention Sua’s name, the corners of the man’s lips lifted.


“Han Sua.”


A low and smooth voice filled the room. Madam Jung chuckled.


“Oh, you already knew. How wonderful.”


While Hyeon-oh quietly observed Sua, he shifted his gaze towards Madam Jung. 


After his eyes moved away, Sua’s breath finally escaped her, feeling as if her heart would burst from tension.


“I’m pleased to meet you.”


“Do you already know each other?”




“Oh, that’s good.”


Madam Jung clapped her hands, laughing as if everything was falling into place.


“Back in the day, parents and matchmakers used to accompany us for meetings, but nowadays they leave only the individuals involved. 

Since you already know each other, there’s no need for introductions. I’ll take my leave now.” 


Madam Jung asked, and Hyeon-oh casually nodded.


“Sure, go ahead.”


“Alright, then. I’ll be heading out. If you encounter any issues, please contact me. Sua, don’t be too nervous.”


As Madam Jung left the room, the door closed, leaving only the two people inside.


Hyun-oh and Han Sua alone in the room. Despite Madam Jung’s encouragement, Sua couldn’t shake off her tension. Clenching her fist, she gazed at Hyun-oh. 


He settled into his seat, crossing his legs. His agile and strong thighs were revealed.


Come to think of it, my brother enjoyed exercising since he was young.


Perhaps due to the suit he was wearing, he looked slim yet muscular. The lines of his body were more alluring than ever.




Despite Sua’s greeting, Hyun-oh narrowed his eyes.


“Yeah, hello.”


Hyun-oh, the head of the PY Chemistry Seoul Branch, was Sua’s older brother Ji Heon’s friend since their primary, middle, and high school days. They even formed a study group together, so Sua had known him since she was a child.


Despite being familiar, Sua couldn’t even smile due to her nerves. 


The reason for her tension wasn’t because it was their first meeting. It was because the man sitting in front of her was Hyun-oh.


Since she was very young, Sua had harbored a one-sided love for him, so much so that it was almost like a tearful winter of foolish crushes.


“It’s been a while.”


“Has it really been a while?”


Hyun-oh tilted his head, revealing the well-defined muscles in his neck.


“Yeah, it’s been a while.”


The last time they met was at Sua’s older brother Ji Heon’s wedding, precisely a year and three months ago. For Hyun-oh, it might have felt like a fleeting moment, but for Sua, who harbored feelings for him, it felt like an endless and lengthy period.


She missed him. She wanted to greet him like this. However, she had no reason to brazenly contact him. They weren’t on any particular terms.


“Han Sua.”


His voice calling her name sounded pleasant.




“Did you know I was coming?”


Sua’s father was Han Jung-ki, the chairman of HanDong Group, ranked 7th among conglomerates. Among the chaebols, HanDong Group was known for its patriarchal atmosphere since the first generation. Especially, he was strict with his eldest daughter, Sua.


Because she was a girl, there were many things forbidden for her since childhood, and among them, dating was the most strictly prohibited.


“When you graduate from college, I’ll find a good position for you, and then I’ll arrange your marriage. Don’t engage in trivial things like dating. If I catch you meeting worthless guys or getting involved in some love affair, neither that guy nor you will get away with it.”


Her father’s words at home were absolute. Fortunately, Sua had never felt the desire to meet someone or engage in dating. Meetings, blind dates, and such held no interest for her.


Because she liked Hyun-oh. She disliked anyone who wasn’t him. 


However, it was impossible for Hyun-oh to like her, and if it wasn’t him, any other guy would do.


But then, when her father handed her a photo, she must have been shocked. 


Even without hearing the name, she recognized him at a glance. The one she had liked for so long, PY’s Hyun-oh, was going to be her match. 


What were the odds of such luck, akin to winning the lottery? 


Careful not to miss the unexpected stroke of fortune at her fingertips, Sua cautiously opened her mouth.


“Yes, I came prepared, knowing it’s either my brother or, no, Hyun-oh-seonni.”


“Even when it’s me, I’m the one chosen?”




Knowing that Hyun-oh was the match, Sua couldn’t imagine how thrilled she must have been on this fateful night. 


She carefully chose the dress she wore today after agonizing and worrying several times, and she even had her makeup done by a professional.


She wanted to show only her best side to him. 


When Sua replied, Hyun-oh raised his eyebrows.


“Considering you listen well to Chairman Han Jung-ki.”


“Hyun-oh, did you… not know?”


“Yeah. It didn’t matter who it was.”


He answered sincerely. However, those words slightly deflated Sua’s swollen heart.


“You didn’t know it was me.”


Even after hearing today that he would be her match, she had some vain hopes. If so, she would have a chance.


But if he didn’t know and still came.


“Are you disappointed because it’s me?”


Hyun-oh silently gazed at Sua, his sharp eyes glancing over her face.


“No, not disappointed. More like…”


He carefully chose his words. His furrowed face didn’t brighten.


“Han Sua, how old are you?”


“I’m twenty-four.”




“I’ll be twenty-five soon.”


He smirked.


“Whether you’re twenty-four or twenty-five, you’re still young to me.”


That could be true. Unlike the nervous Sua, who seemed to be trembling, he exuded an air of maturity.


What should I say, Han Sua? Say something.


If she wanted to marry Hyun-oh, now was the chance. It was an opportunity to have a man she had never touched before.


However, her tense lips couldn’t produce any words. In the meantime, Hyun-oh stood up, put on his coat again.


“I’ll decline today.”


Although he spoke as if he was doing her a favor, it was an obvious rejection. Sua’s eyes widened, and Hyun-oh’s eyes softened.


“If you decline, your father won’t leave you alone.”


“I have no intention of declining.”


While looking at Sua’s hand, clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white, Hyun-oh spoke softly.


“If you’re so frightened that you’re trembling…”




“Are you saying you’ll marry me?”


As he grinned, Hyun-oh’s cheek bulged slightly, indicating a suppressed smile.


As if testing her, the man extended his hand and enveloped Sua’s hand. Firm fingertips glided over her smooth skin, creating an intense sensation that momentarily enveloped her entire body.


“Han Sua, I know you’re a good girl. However, deciding on marriage should be your choice. You might end up suffering for a lifetime if you get entangled with some trash.”


“But you’re not trash.”


Under the light pouring in from outside, his exceptional features shone. Despite his casual words, there was warmth in the way he cared for others.


Is there a more perfect person?


“Yeah, I’m not trash. That’s why I have no intention of marrying someone who doesn’t want it. Not someone else, but you.”


Then he tried to leave the room.


If they part ways like this, it’s over.


Feeling a sense of urgency, Sua abruptly stood up and rushed towards him. Too hastily, she stumbled, and the chair behind her tipped over with a loud noise.


Without caring about the commotion, Sua hurriedly approached him, reaching for his sleeve. In her haste, she accidentally knocked over a chair.




Despite the loud sound, no one paid attention. As Sua attempted to grab his sleeve, she stumbled due to the high heels she wasn’t used to wearing.




As she was about to fall forward, he caught her in his arms. Her soft body pressed against his solid chest. 


The perplexed Hyun-oh looked down at her.


“Are you okay?”


That would have to be good enough. Sua hastily opened her mouth.


“Don’t go.”


“I thought our conversation was over.”


Faced with such a critical moment, Sua quickly got up from her seat and ran towards him. 


Her urgency caused her to accidentally knock over a chair.


Bang! Even with the loud noise, no one seemed to care. As Sua rushed to grab his sleeve, there was a moment when she was about to fall forward.




In an instant, he pulled her into his arms. Her body sank into his firm chest. With a furrowed brow, Hyun-oh looked down at her.


“Are you okay?”


It seemed to be okay. Sua, in a hurry, opened her mouth.


“Don’t leave.”


“Isn’t our conversation finished?”


His indifferent words prompted Sua, who had lived timidly all her life, to boldly speak.


“Let’s get married.”




Sua was still in Hyun-oh’s embrace. Her determined words flowed from her lips, unbothered by his nonchalant reaction.


“Please don’t go.”


“It seems like our conversation is over, right?”


His casual words prompted a decisive response from Sua, who had lived a timid life.


“Let’s get married, Mr. Ji Hyun-oh.”




Sua was still in Hyun-oh’s arms. Their contact sent warmth coursing through her entire body, making it difficult to focus.


“Please marry me, Mr. Ji Hyun-oh.”




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