Suddenly, Divorce

SDLR Chapter 43

Chapter 43

It was a sudden proposal. Since getting married, Sua and Jisoo hadn’t met separately often. Was Jisoo suggesting they have dinner together?

However, Sua had already come home late due to a company dinner yesterday, and she felt guilty about making Hyun-oh wait again.

When Sua hesitated, Jisoo asked, “Why, can’t you?”

“Well… I don’t know, it’s just…”

“Is it because of Hyun-oh? Oh, no. Actually, I have something to tell Hyun-oh.”

Something to tell Hyun-oh? Sua’s brow furrowed at the unexpected response.

“That’s fine. I’ll ask Hyun-oh to buy me dinner today. I’ll talk to him then.”

“What do you mean?”

Sua needed to know what Jisoo was going to say.

“No, I’ll tell you when we meet. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Hyun-oh. It’s fine.”


It was a sudden contact. Even though she had said she would come to pick her up today, Sua didn’t know what Hyun-oh had planned for the evening. But before Sua could say that Jisoo couldn’t come, Jisoo cut in first.

“Don’t say it’s not possible again. Unnie always says no to everything. Wait a moment, I’ll contact Hyun-oh directly.”


Before Sua could protest, Jisoo’s call was abruptly cut off. Oh, was it okay? Sua’s brow furrowed even more. She didn’t know her sister Jisoo worried so much. Then, a text arrived from her younger sister Jisoo.

It seemed she had already contacted Hyun-oh in the meantime.

Sua’s lips finally curved upwards at Jisoo’s innocent words.

Turning off her phone, Sua headed back to her desk to prepare to leave work. It seemed like today wouldn’t end easily either.

The hot sun had set, and the cool evening had arrived. The busy roads that had been bustling during the day now seemed calm.

“I’m sorry for today.”

“What for?”

They had decided to go to a restaurant in Cheongdam where Sua’s family used to go frequently. Jisoo said she would come by herself, so Sua went with Hyun-oh, who had come to pick her up from her workplace.

As soon as she got in his car, Sua apologized, causing Hyun-oh to furrow his brows.

“What are you sorry for?”

“Oh, nothing… Just for making you come to pick me up and for meeting Jisoo.”


As if to say, “Why apologize for such things,” Hyun-oh shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s natural.”


“It’s something a husband should do, right? I might not know if I’m busy, but if I have time, I’m available anytime.”

Meeting each other’s families might be something natural for a married couple, but Sua and Hyun-oh weren’t a perfect couple. They were more like in a gray zone. It was a strategic marriage, and they even had a divorce contract. So Sua didn’t want to just let it slide as if it were natural.

“…But still, thank you.”

“There’s nothing to thank or apologize for. I enjoy doing it.”

The car quickly left the bustling city behind and headed towards the Olympic Highway. Despite it being rush hour, the car moved swiftly.

“I wonder what Jisoo wants to talk about. Do you know if she has something she wants to talk about? Did you not tell Hyun-oh?”

Sua asked, and Hyun-oh shook his head.

“No. She just said she has something she wants to talk about.”

What could it be?

Jisoo was now halfway through her college years. Sua had heard from her mother recently that she had broken up with her long-time boyfriend, Jeonghoon, and it saddened her.

But Sua herself hadn’t been able to comfort her at the time because she was too preoccupied.

Maybe that’s what it is.

I should buy her something delicious and comfort her.

She looked outside at the Han River passing by. The sunlight shimmering on the rippling waves was beautiful. Turning her gaze away from the window, she looked to the left where the driver was, and this time, she saw Hyun-oh’s perfect face.

His eyelashes cast long shadows under the sunlight, his sharp nose stood out, and his soft lips formed a slight curve.

Sua had always liked Hyun-oh’s sleeping and driving times. Normally, she couldn’t stare at his face freely, but when he was sleeping or driving, she felt she could gaze at him as much as she wanted.

However, maybe her gaze had been too obvious today, as Hyun-oh suddenly looked at her.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Your face is so handsome.

Because I like you so much.

I wish time could stop like this.

She couldn’t bring herself to say that she occasionally looked at him like this.

Before long, Hyun-oh’s car smoothly arrived in front of the restaurant. Sua tried to get out of the car, but her seatbelt seemed to be stuck, not loosening easily.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ll do it.”

Hyun-oh bent down and gently wrapped his hand around Sua’s hand, which was struggling to release the seatbelt. As he did so, Sua’s sleeve rode up slightly, revealing a glimpse of her skin.

At that moment, Hyun-oh furrowed his brows.

“What’s this?”



He gently raised her wrist to examine it more closely in the light. Upon seeing what was clearly visible, his lips twisted.

“Who did this?”


She couldn’t remember. She groped for memories from the previous day. She went to work, attended a company dinner, and then…

Suddenly, a memory from the previous night surfaced, and her face flushed with embarrassment.

She had bumped into her older brother, Jiheon, while taking a short break outside during the company dinner. When Jiheon asked why she was out at this late hour and she replied that she was meeting a friend, Jiheon grabbed her wrist and shook it.

“You’re out here drinking with your friend? You’re drinking, aren’t you?”

“Why, I can’t even drink?”

“Calling and texting like that, and now you’re wandering around drinking until midnight like a housewife. Are you in your right mind?”

The injury she sustained while trying to escape Jiheon’s grasp was undoubtedly from that encounter. She vividly remembered Jiheon’s strong grip and the sensation of his nails digging into her skin.

“Who did this to you?”

When Sua didn’t answer Hyun-oh’s question, he sensed something suspicious and pressed on. Sua quickly spoke up.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I think I bumped into something.”

“You couldn’t have gotten this kind of bruise from just bumping into something. Someone grabbed your wrist.”

Hyun-oh swept his thumb gently over the bruise. Even the slightest touch felt sore on her skin.

It was a clear imprint of someone’s grip.

But she couldn’t attribute it to her brother, no matter what.

If she said it was her brother, she would have to explain why Jiheon did such a thing. Even though Jiheon had a commanding style, he hardly ever resorted to physical violence. If she told Hyun-oh, he might find out about Jiheon’s demand for money… She’d rather just be embarrassed if Hyun-oh rejected his proposal.

Hyun-oh could have given her the money if he wanted to. She absolutely hated that. She didn’t even want to imagine it.

“Oh, it’s… Maybe I bumped into someone while I was out on the street during the company dinner.”

It wasn’t a lie. Jiheon was drunk, and it was a fact that they bumped into each other.

“Did anyone from the company see?”

“I was just taking a short break outside alone.”


Sua’s words caused Hyun-oh to sigh deeply.

“Really? You weren’t involved in anything bad at work?”


Sua’s voice raised slightly. Most of her colleagues were busy with work but were friendly.

“Or the weird CEO?”

“No, not at all.”

Yoon Dam, the CEO, seemed like a man who couldn’t even kill a fly with his hands. It wouldn’t make sense for him to turn Jiheon against her.

“Even if it wasn’t a big deal, I’m your husband. I think I should know if you were in a dangerous situation.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“It’s not about what you say to me…”

Hyun-oh raised his hand to his forehead.

“It’s about… I’ve been wrong until now. I haven’t trusted you and just kept my distance like this. I haven’t said anything.”


He said it clearly.

“Tell me next time.”

“It really wasn’t a big deal.”

“Even if it wasn’t, I want to hear about your affairs.”


“Sua, I want to know where you’ve been and if anything uncomfortable happened.”

Hyun-oh paused for a moment before continuing.

“I… I don’t want to just be a superficial husband anymore.”


“I want to be your real husband.”


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