Suddenly, Divorce

SDLR Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Every time Hyun-oh’s fingers traced over Sua’s sensitized skin, her body trembled. Not only that, but a strange moan escaped Sua’s half-open lips.


It was a low sound, so debased that she couldn’t believe it was her own. Despite trying to shut her mouth in embarrassment, it was difficult to restrain herself, perhaps due to the intoxication that clouded her usual inhibitions.

Desire filled the touch of the man who claimed he wouldn’t do anything today. His thick and firm fingers delved into the gap of Sua’s dress, scratching her tender skin. With each brush of his fingernails against her skin, a red flush spread, and though he only grasped the soft flesh beneath her shoulder, a heavy sensation of pleasure surged through her lower body.

“Mr. Hyun-oh, please…”

At Sua’s words, Hyun-oh lowered his gaze and looked at her. His pitch-black pupils were fixated on her.


Do you have something you want to say?

If so, say it.

Giving her the chance to speak, he nevertheless didn’t give her any respite with his hands.


A sharp moan echoed throughout the room. Hyun-oh gripped Sua’s breasts, which couldn’t fit in one hand. A mixture of pain and overwhelming pleasure spread throughout her body. As he teased her with his fingers, Sua’s breaths grew shallow.

You’re a bad person.

It wasn’t a situation where she could say anything. She didn’t know if making a sound now would lead to something even more intense than before.


“Please what?”

Was she begging for more, or asking him to stop?

Say it clearly.

As Hyun-oh repeated Sua’s words, the corners of his mouth slowly curved upwards. The curve was so alluring that it seemed dizzying.

Was she supposed to beg for more, or tell him to stop? She didn’t know.

There were only about two months left until the divorce.

The first reason was because of the contract conditions he proposed, and the second was because she wanted to spend some time with him properly during their short marriage. But…

The only reason she could easily accept his conditions was because until she brought up the divorce, he had only avoided her, not harbored any resentment. So she hadn’t expected him to be so proactive.

And one more thing…

“You drive people crazy. Why? Is it because of your scent, or because of this soft skin? If not, then…”

Hyun-oh’s words left Sua unable to answer, her pupils trembling.

“Even though we’re getting divorced, is it because of your eyes that only look at me?”

With a calm and indifferent tone, Hyun-oh suddenly swallowed Sua’s lips. His tongue delved inside her mouth, teasing her already melted tongue, spreading a sensation of pleasure throughout her body.


An involuntary sound escaped her. Her tense body relaxed, melting into his.

Until he brought up the divorce, she hadn’t known she could be so disheveled. The first night they spent in Namhae was good, but it couldn’t be compared to now. It was awkward at first, and there was even some pain. But more than physical pleasure, the overwhelming feeling of finally being with Hyun-oh, whom she liked, was greater.

But now…

They had become accustomed to each other’s bodies through repeated intimacy. Even now, just a light touch from Hyun-oh filled Sua with immense pleasure. Even though he had only lightly touched her, her waist twisted involuntarily due to the unbearable sensation.

“I feel like I’m going crazy.”

With excitement, Sua murmured with dry lips. Hyun-oh looked at her with a flushed face. Every time his gaze brushed over her, her stomach tingled.

“You feel like you’re going crazy?”

Sua just stared at him blankly, not saying a word. She simply slowly closed and opened her eyes. Hyun-oh furrowed his eyebrows.

“I’m already crazy. Han Sua.”


“Because of you, sometimes I feel like I’m not in my right mind.”

And he swept from Sua’s thighs to her knees, down her straightened calves. With each stroke, goosebumps rose. He then lifted Sua’s legs, which had sunk into the bed.

“Because of you, my body and mind are not normal. I’m troubled because of this.”

He brought himself close to Sua, presenting himself to her. With the sticky sensation, the immense presence, and above all, the heat radiating from him, Sua’s eyelashes trembled.

“Mr. Hyun-oh.”

“You’re someone I want to treat well, but at the same time, I want to ruin you.”


“I want to set you free, but on the contrary, I want to keep you hidden from everyone and only have you in my arms.”

Furrowing his eyebrows slightly, Hyun-oh scratched Sua’s skin.

“What should I do?”

At his words, Sua parted her lips halfway, hesitated to speak, then reached out her hand. She intertwined her fingers with his right hand, which rested on her waist.

There was no stopping.

She couldn’t stop him from getting closer to her. No, she didn’t want to stop him.

“To ruin you…”

Perhaps due to shouting earlier, Sua’s voice sounded rougher than usual.

“Please ruin me.”

Words she would never have said under normal circumstances. But perhaps due to alcohol, or a slightly more open heart, Sua gathered her courage to speak. At her words, Hyun-oh muttered a curse under his breath.

“For heaven’s sake.”

He couldn’t bear it.

And then, he gradually overwhelmed Sua even more.


It was a sensation distinctly different from when he lightly touched her. A mixture of pleasure and soreness. The sensation was so sharp that Sua instinctively pulled away her waist. However, Hyun-oh’s strong left hand gripped Sua’s hips tightly.

To the point where she couldn’t move even 1 cm.

“Yeah, Han Sua. From now on…”

As pleasure surged within him, he bit down hard. The shape of his tense muscles rose above his cheeks.

“Don’t think about anything else. Just go crazy for me.”

After being perfectly embedded inside her, he whispered. She couldn’t think of anything else. His presence was so overwhelming that all she could do was gasp for breath.

“Heuk, heo.”

After licking Sua’s lips, which were taking deep breaths, Hyun-oh whispered.

“Just look at me. That’s all I ask from you.”

And he moved his body roughly. Every time he delved into her, her mind scattered and then gathered again. Her body twisted in excitement, and Sua tightly grasped his hand, which was her only lifeline.

“Mr. Hyun-oh, Mr. Hyun-oh.”

As he desired, Sua was filled with Hyun-oh.

She couldn’t look at anything else. In the crimson night, only Hyun-oh remained within Han Sua.

* * *

“Ah, my head hurts.”

An involuntary groan escaped her.

Sua was someone who usually endured pain well, but this morning was an exception.

Yesterday, she had drunk soju without properly eating during the company dinner, and now her head was pounding. But thankfully, she had arrived at work 30 minutes before the start of business hours.

Instead of the meal she missed in the morning, Sua sipped warm tea while looking at her computer screen.

Even though her head was throbbing, she had something to check before starting work today.

“I need to check before work starts.”

Her colleague hadn’t arrived yet. There was something she wanted to finish before others came into the office.

Checking on her brother Jiheon’s company situation.

After their father passed away, Jiheon used their mother’s assets and the cash assets he had to start a business after the company went bankrupt.

He claimed to have been interested in fashion from the beginning and started a fashion brand. But even after several months, there had been no good news. If he had come to her asking for money to this extent, the company’s situation couldn’t be good.

As she searched the internet for information about Jiheon’s company, she stumbled upon a site where employees wrote about the pros and cons of their workplaces.

She typed Jiheon’s company name into the search bar.

“There should be some reviews…”

It didn’t take long for search results to appear. There were two reviews.

The content of the first review was serious.

Although not everything posted on such sites could be considered true, it roughly matched the situation she knew.

The second review.

Even the accounting manager is considering running away.

The situation was undoubtedly serious.

Would her mother… be aware of this situation? Her mother’s money would also have been heavily invested in the company.

While worrying about that…

A low voice sounded from beside her.

“Hello, you’re here early.”

“Oh my!”

Not knowing who had approached, she let out a scream. Then, realizing who it was, she laughed.

“Why are you so startled? Did I do something bad?”


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