Suddenly, Divorce

SDLR Chapter 37

Chapter 37

The trip to Gangneung ended bittersweetly.

While they took the KTX train to Gangneung, they drove back to Seoul in Hyun-oh’s car.

Every time the car shook, Sua couldn’t help but recall what Hyun-oh said by the seaside.

“We seem to have a strange relationship, you and me.”

“It feels like we know each other well and yet don’t know each other at all.”

It was true.

After getting married, her relationship with Hyun-oh seemed distant. However, after discussing divorce, he sometimes approached her surprisingly fast and didn’t let her go.

Hyun-oh’s eyes were so dark that she couldn’t see what he was thinking. With those black, sparkling eyes, he whispered to Sua.

“Now I think I understand a little, why we shouldn’t break up. Why we shouldn’t divorce… it drives me crazy, Sua.”


“Just thinking about it drives me crazy. It feels like it’s finally within reach.”

As they drove on the highway from Gangneung to Seoul, Sua’s heart was heavy, remembering his words.

‘It felt sincere.’

His words truly felt genuine. Not out of pity for the ruined Sua, but it seemed like the words of a husband who truly loved his wife and wanted to hold onto her.

Sua’s decision to divorce in three months remained firm. She didn’t expect him to fall in love with her in just three months, nor did she think her resolve would change even if they got physically closer.


The strong wind blew. A tree in the distance swayed in the wind, and the lush late summer leaves scattered below.

A few days later.

“I’ll do my best.”

“I’ll work hard.”

“This is Han Sua. I’ll do my best…”

Sua practiced her greetings in front of the mirror several times. Her voice echoed loudly throughout the house.

Today was her first day at work. Her first day working as an intern at YoonDam Publishing.

“Will I do well?”

Her heart pounded with nervousness. It was her first time going to work. She didn’t need to work part-time due to her family circumstances, but because of her father’s opposition, she had to give up on both finding a job and part-time work.

Her first job at the age of twenty-five.

It wasn’t too late, but it was her first time, so she felt nervous.

Moreover, it was a job introduced to her by her friend Chae-young. She didn’t want to cause trouble for Chae-young if she made a mistake. She didn’t want to disappoint YoonDam, who treated her kindly.

“I’m nervous.”

Hyun-oh’s voice came from behind. For a moment, Sua flinched her shoulders. While practicing her greetings in front of the mirror, she didn’t notice him approaching silently.

His musk scent tickled her nose even before his voice reached her ears.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

“It’s my first time.”

As she said that, Sua looked at the man standing behind her through the mirror.

He was dressed impeccably in a suit, with no flaws in his appearance. He looked very different from her, who was nervous because of him. He looked like a perfect office worker. Sua couldn’t help but envy his confidence, which seemed to have been perfect since birth.

“You seem like someone who’s never nervous.”

Contrary to Sua’s thoughts, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

“When did I not get nervous? When going to work?”

However, contrary to Sua’s thoughts, he shook his head.

“I get nervous every time.”

It was an unexpected answer. Hyun-oh placed his hand on Sua’s shoulder and continued speaking.

“I feel like my stomach is on fire with nerves.”

“Hyun-oh, really?”

“Yeah. Why? Do you think I never get nervous?”

She looked at his face silently. His sharp nose, thick lips, and eyes that seemed to rise above. Confidence radiated from his chiseled face.

Honesty emanated from Sua’s lips.

“Yes, you seem like someone who doesn’t know what nervousness is.”

At her words, Hyun-oh pursed his lips.

“I get nervous too. When I went to work for the first time, I couldn’t even eat breakfast. I felt nauseous.”


His first job was at PY Chemical, where he currently worked. He started as an ordinary employee and quickly rose to the position of CEO through rapid promotion.

Although he came in through a parachute appointment, he wanted to be at least a good parachute.

“I didn’t want to become a disgrace to our family if I messed up. Even though I came in through a parachute, I wanted to be a parachute that did well.”


“That’s why I tried my best.”

Even though no one could say anything to him, he knew everyone was watching over him.

That’s why he was desperate.

Seeing him work fiercely for six months after getting married, he really lived fiercely. It was to the point where she thought he didn’t sleep until he achieved his goal.

She even wondered if he was avoiding her.

She knew he must have been nervous enough for his stomach to churn.

“That’s why you worked so hard.”

“Yeah, even after getting married.”

As he looked at Sua, who was now dressed in office attire in front of the mirror, Hyun-oh whispered.

“That’s why I gained a lot, but I lost a lot too. I didn’t even know what was slipping through my fingers.”

Hyun-oh asked Sua, who hesitated on how to respond to his words.

“What time does it end today?”


“I want to pick you up.”

“Oh, no. You’re busy, aren’t you?”

“I’m not busy these days.”

Hyun-oh said firmly.

“We closed the deal with the Chinese contract, and we even went to Gangneung to see you off.”

Wasn’t it too much to come to Gangneung for that? Indeed, after returning from Gangneung, his working hours seemed a bit later than usual for a few days.

“I’m not a kid. I can come by myself, and if it’s really urgent, I can ask the driver…”

“I know you’re not a kid.”

He leaned down and pressed his lips against Sua’s ear. His voice brushed past her earlobes.

“Now I know you’re not a kid anymore. That’s why it’s difficult.”

His voice seemed tinged with desire, sending shivers down her spine.

“It’s a problem if someone else picks you up again.”

“…I can come by myself.”

“It’s as difficult as it was in Gangneung when someone asked you to come.”

“I’m okay. I was just surprised back then. There’s no one in Seoul who would tell me what to do, and even if they did, I could refuse them.”

Although Hyun-oh pleaded, it was ultimately Sua who yielded every time.

The morning confrontation about the return time was overshadowed. A congratulatory dinner was scheduled for that day due to the staff’s scheduling constraints. In the end, Sua notified them that she would be late.

Eight YoonDam Publishing employees gathered at a barbecue restaurant near the office, raising their glasses.

“I don’t know how today passed by.”

As soon as she arrived at work in the morning, she greeted everyone, and Seong-hoon, the male colleague who was her immediate supervisor, explained the job to her. After a brief explanation, Seong-hoon went back to checking the proofs he had already seen.

It was the task assigned to her as soon as she arrived at work. She barely ate lunch, feeling like she was just going through the motions all day. She didn’t even know how the day went by. When she came to her senses, she found herself sitting at a company dinner.

“Today is the first day of work for our new employee, Han Sua. Let’s welcome her!”

“Wow, a new employee!”

“Yay! We always love new people.”

“Welcome, Han Sua!”

Everyone applauded and looked at Sua with excitement.

Such attention was unfamiliar to Sua, and her face turned red even though she hadn’t touched her glass yet.

“We’re counting on you.”

When Sua spoke, the employees started chattering.

“We really do count on you, don’t run away!”

“Yeah, our company has a lot of work.”

“Hey, how can you say there’s a lot of work on the first day? She might run away if you say that.”

It wasn’t a lie that YoonDam Publishing needed people urgently. Seeing other employees working made her feel really chaotic. It was indeed a feeling that the new employee could relate to.

But still…

“No, it’s fun.”

Sua smiled brightly.

Despite the continuous tension on her first day of work, it was enjoyable. Going to the office, sitting in her seat, and reading manuscripts that would become books. It was fascinating and enjoyable in itself.

Seong-hoon, who was sitting right next to Sua, clapped his hands at her smile.


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