Suddenly, Divorce

SDLR Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Sua’s steps, intending to leave Gangneung Station, halted.

“Same accommodation? Same room?”

Could that be possible? She had received a confirmation call from the lodging earlier, and it was already confirmed that one person would be checking in.

With Sua’s question, Hyun-oh smiled knowingly, shaking his head.

“No, it’s the room next door.”


“Do you not like it?”

It wasn’t that she disliked it, but she was taken aback. It was supposed to be a solo trip, and if he was in the next room… wouldn’t it be no different from being at home?

Her heart raced, and she could feel her senses being swayed. Why did he follow her here? She found herself knowing less and less about Hyun-oh. But it was a role she couldn’t avoid.

“If it’s the next room, then… even if you don’t like it.”


“Even if you don’t like it, what can I do?”

If it were the same room, she could somehow handle it, but if it was the next room, she couldn’t just kick him out. Even if she were to ask why he followed her here, he had already come. Avoiding him was the best she could do. She felt like she would be swept away by him again if she stayed a little longer. She wanted to end this conversation quickly and move away.

“I’ll go check it out then.”

Sua ended the conversation like that and turned to leave the station. As soon as she left the station, she hurriedly got into a taxi as if escaping from him.

“Where would you like to go?”

“Uh, I…”

When she looked at the map earlier, she was distracted by the man next to her, but now that she had met Hyun-oh, her mind was in chaos. She didn’t have any thoughts and just wanted to get away from him.

“Please take me anywhere.”

If she said that, it might be rude. After collecting herself from the taxi driver’s gaze, Sua spoke up.

“I, it’s my first time traveling to Gangneung. Where should I go?”

“Oh, you came from Seoul for a trip?”


The cheerful taxi driver boasted about Gangneung.

“When you think of Gangneung, it’s gotta be the beach, right? I don’t know much about it, but there are many cafes around the beach, and a lot of young ladies go there. And there’s Ojukheon, of course. Do you know Ojukheon? It’s the birthplace of Shin Saimdang and Yulgok Yi I. The building itself is impressive, but the garden is also worth seeing.”


As information poured in, not knowing where to go, Sua hesitated, and the driver spoke up again.

“Or how about the missionary house that’s been said to have fresh greenery these days?”

She had heard the name earlier.

“The missionary house?”

“Yes. It’s a nobleman’s house from the Joseon Dynasty, very spacious and nice. They say it’s one of the top three nobleman’s houses in Korea. But I find the walking path behind it serene and lovely. There aren’t many people, and it’s very popular these days. My daughter-in-law is from Seoul, and she loved it when she visited.”

“Then, please take me to the missionary house.”


The driver happily started the car as Sua decided to go to the place he recommended. The car quickly moved away from Gangneung Station.


This trip was a failure.

She couldn’t help but think that it was a failure.

As Sua brushed her hair, which was being blown around by the wind, she forced a bitter smile.

This trip was supposed to be about erasing Hyun-oh. It was meant to sort out her feelings and avoid him who came closer every day. However, contrary to her intentions, the trip was filled with thoughts of Hyun-oh from beginning to end.

As the wind blew, shaking the lush leaves, Sua thought of Hyun-oh even more as she walked along the quiet walking path behind the missionary house.

Her heart pounded.

Would he appear again from behind?

Turning around with that thought, she realized that it wasn’t fear, but her cheeks knew better that the sharp pang of longing was stronger.

“Am I planning to divorce him, or am I not…?”

It was absurd to say she would divorce him to herself, yet the sight of him approaching made her wish for it.

Because she liked him, she couldn’t help it.

The wind felt chilly. As she descended from the missionary house, darkness had already fallen. Planning to go somewhere and then hesitating, she ended up buying cockle bibimbap from the famous restaurant since she wasn’t used to eating alone and headed back to the accommodation.

Feeling dazed.

The vinyl bag containing cockle bibimbap shook at the tip of Sua’s fingers. It was a bit pricey, costing over 30,000 won, but the portion was enormous.

Would she be able to eat it alone? What would Hyun-oh have for dinner tonight? Would he eat out before coming in?

Thinking like that and staring at the food that seemed to exceed two servings, Sua suddenly shook and shivered.

“Oh, maybe you bought it with some expectations? Like wanting to eat together or something. So, is that why you bought it, Han Sua?”

Nobody was listening to her inner thoughts, yet Sua jerked her head up.

No, no. I just bought it because it’s famous.

Shaking her head like that, she checked into the accommodation.

The upscale accommodation overlooking the beach had a terrace. Sua enjoyed the clear sea with waves hitting while eating on the terrace. The fishing boats going out for work were floating far away on the horizon, tickling her eyes.

A scenery that made her gaze linger.

After admiring the scenery outside for a while, she approached the room where she would stay.

Since Hyun-oh said he was in the room next door, it must be room 202.

Before opening the door and entering, Sua stopped her steps and glanced briefly at room 202 next door, but she couldn’t feel any presence.

Maybe Hyun-oh hasn’t come in yet. Did he really come to Gangneung because of me? Suppressing the feeling that naturally drifted towards him, Sua shook her head.

“Whether he comes in or not, what does it matter to me? Let’s not worry about it.”

As soon as she entered the room, she unpacked her luggage, washed her face quickly, and changed into comfortable clothes. She hadn’t put on heavy makeup even when she came, but now that she had washed it all off, her delicate face remained. After organizing herself, she lay down on the wide sofa, and her stomach growled.

“I’m hungry.”

It was understandable since she hadn’t eaten anything since leaving Seoul around 11 o’clock and now it was past 6 o’clock. Sua thought about eating cockle bibimbap. As she got up to go to where the food was placed, the doorbell rang.

-Ding dong.

A sound that filled the room. Sua, who had been walking slowly, stopped her steps.


She had already checked in. Since she had been told to contact if there was anything needed, it couldn’t be the manager.

That doorbell… maybe.

Just with the anticipation passing through her mind for a moment, a thrill ran through her from head to toe. Her lips became dry. Tensed up, Sua walked towards the direction where the doorbell rang. With a click, as the door opened, a man leaning against the wall was visible.

As expected, it was Hyun-oh. His lazy smile hanging on the corner of his lips sparkled brightly.

“Did you have a good trip?”


The man, now wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, was different from his usual comfortable appearance at home and his suit when going out for work.

It was like a resort rather than daily life. The tension that usually enveloped Hyun-oh was nowhere to be found.

Whenever the wind blew, his shirt fluttered. Muscles that were surely well-trained through exercise faintly showed through. Whenever his broad chest was revealed through the shirt, Sua’s eyes involuntarily lingered on it.

She didn’t want to think it was cool, but it was.

Suppressing the feeling of being glad to see him, Sua put on a composed expression. However, Hyun-oh raised his hand as if misunderstanding her expression.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you. I know it’s your solo trip.”


“I bought dinner, but there’s too much. I thought about sharing it.”

Her gaze followed his hand. The man was shaking a vinyl bag with food in his hand.

“It’s not like I bought it to eat together with you. They sell a lot at once here.”

Seeing the takeaway container dangling from Hyun-oh’s hand, Sua bit her lip.

Since they came separately, she had planned to spend time alone, but the fact that they ended up buying the same food together was a bit amusing, so she burst out laughing. Even though she tried not to, her lips curled up.


Seeing Sua’s smile, Hyun-oh raised his eyebrows as if asking what’s going on.

“Why are you laughing?”

“It’s just…”

Sua’s gaze shifted to the cockle bibimbap on the table. Only then did Sua realize the situation of buying the same food. Hyun-oh, noticing this, grinned.

“It seems like we have no choice but to eat together.”

She wasn’t sure if it was truly inevitable, but Hyun-oh stepped into her room with a smile. In an instant, Sua’s space was filled with Hyun-oh’s presence.


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