Suddenly, Divorce

SDLR Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Hyun-oh’s blunt tongue parted Sua’s lips. The sharp sensation felt unfamiliar. Her tender flesh was skillfully teased.

It felt like her strength was slowly slipping away from her feet, as if she would collapse any moment. But Hyun-oh didn’t forgive Sua for moving away. He tightly grasped her trembling body, pressing her closer to him.

The touch of a well-trained man felt harder than she had imagined. It was different from her own soft body. Every time he firmly embraced Sua, her breath caught.

“Hah, haa.”

Breath, breath was being stifled.

Sua’s lips, not used to kissing, trembled nervously. When they momentarily parted, she quickly gasped for air. Every cell in her body demanded oxygen.

The separation was fleeting. Giving Sua some time to breathe, he kissed her again.


Another kiss.

Once again, he indulged himself in the pleasure of covering her. Sua’s mind drifted away again in the pleasure he brought. Hyun-oh quickly overwhelmed her. Sua’s body, which was sitting on the table, leaned back involuntarily.

Lying down and looking up at him.

He, who dominated her, looked like a giant beast. His sparkling eyes were fierce. As if he would devour her right now.

As Sua looked up at him from the table, Hyun-oh’s neat face caught her eye. He stepped firmly onto the solid walnut table.

Hyun-oh climbed onto Sua’s thighs. His gaint body pressed against Sua’s soft body.

“Hyun-oh, what are you doing?”

Surprised by the increasingly intimate relationship between the two, Hyun-oh hugged Sua. With lips wet with saliva, he whispered into Sua’s ear.

“Isn’t this what you wanted? A ‘normal married life.'”


“Three months, fully committed. Don’t worry. Morning and night from today. You better be prepared.”

Never again to think about divorce.

Sua’s body trembled at his declaration.

Heavy, stiff.

The shadow lifted, and his black pupils were unreadable.

How do I look in his eyes now? He said I looked different from before, even though he complimented me earlier.

How did I change?

I wonder.

Before Sua could read his thoughts, Hyun-oh lowered his body again and covered her once more.

Yesterday, she seduced him, but now that he approached her suddenly, she was disoriented. His trimmed beard grazed her soft chin.

His breath reached her neck directly. His hot breath felt like that of a beast.

Like he would sink his fangs into her flesh right away, rough and hot.

“Hyun-oh… Oppa.”

As Hyun-oh climbed on top of her, Sua, startled, unintentionally called him by the term she used to call him when she was younger. Since they got married, she had never called him “oppa” even once, afraid of giving anyone a clue about their relationship.

Whether her surprise reached him or not, Hyun-oh’s eyes sparkled.

“Why? Sua.”

Hyun-oh’s voice was still affectionate, but somehow it made her tremble. His rolling of my name with his tongue felt like the strangest word in the world.

Without a response, she looked at him, her red lips trembling. Hyun-oh raised one corner of his mouth.



After waiting for this moment for so long, how could she be scared?

A bit sudden,

And she just wanted to know his true feelings.

He swept Sua’s bangs, which had been tousled by the intense kiss earlier, with his finger. Sua’s body trembled nervously with each touch of Hyun-oh’s fingertip.

She didn’t know what to do.

Hyun-oh looked down at Sua, who trembled like a small animal for a while. His hot gaze brushed her face. Rolling up one corner of his mouth and bending down, Hyun-oh lightly touched Sua’s lips.


Unlike the intense kiss earlier, it was a soft kiss like clouds brushing by. It was a tender and gentle kiss, as if embracing her.

Slowly, but regretfully, he released her lips and whispered softly.

“We still have three months. Even if it’s regrettable….”


“Let’s stop here for today.”

His long finger gently tapped Sua’s trembling cheek, as if comforting her.

Was it regrettable for him, or for her?

With a mysterious smile, he descended from Sua. As the hard desire that touched her disappeared, she suddenly felt a chill in her body.

It felt like they should have been together from the beginning, and the distance now felt so empty.

Trembling, she tried to regain her composure. If she continued like this, she felt like she would collapse in no time.

* * *

“What on earth… happened to Hyun-oh?”

It was a sunny afternoon. Sitting in front of the cafe’s glass window, where the garden looked bright, Sua sighed deeply.


Unlike the sunny weather outside, her face was filled with worry. She furrowed her brow, chewed her red lips several times, and then let out a long sigh.

It had been too many days of experiencing too many things, leaving her mind in a whirlwind.

It was just this past Sunday that she had made up her mind to ask for a divorce. The sudden death of her father, the chaotic changes in her surroundings due to the bankruptcy of Han Dong Group, and the anxiety and sadness of having to leave the person she loved had left her feeling disoriented.

But after deciding to break up, she had diligently prepared herself mentally. In her mind, she had practiced multiple times how he might react and how they should separate.


Divorcing the person she loved. She had prepared herself mentally for that. But she hadn’t imagined such a scenario.

Not only did Hyun-oh oppose the divorce, but he also seduced her like this.

Sua tilted her head and furrowed her brow.

“What’s going on? I said we should get a divorce.”

And on top of that, a passionate kiss.

He, who hadn’t even touched her when they slept side by side, was now suggesting they live as a married couple.

“Is this a dream?”

Or is it some kind of trick? She couldn’t understand it with her own mind.

She had been thinking too much since yesterday, causing her headaches. Someone tapped her shoulder as she mumbled to herself.

“Sua! Who were you talking to?”


Turning around, she saw her longtime friend Chaeyoung smiling widely down at her. Her softly waved hair framing her face was adorable.

“Chaeyoung, you’re here?”

“Yeah, who were you talking to?”


She quickly shook her head and made a clumsy excuse.

“I just have something to think about.”

“Something to think about? Why, what’s bothering you?”

“It’s nothing, really.”

“If you have any problems, you know you can tell me, right?”

Ever since her father’s death and the bankruptcy of Han Dong Group, Chaeyoung had been sticking by Sua’s side, afraid she might struggle. Sua didn’t want to worry her even more, so she jumped in surprise.

“I’ll tell you slowly over a cup of tea. It’s really nothing.”

“Then that’s a relief.”

Raising her eyebrows suspiciously at Sua’s words, Chaeyoung sat down and ordered coffee and a sandwich. This cafe was just a stone’s throw from Chaeyoung’s workplace at a publishing company.

The owner knew exactly what she would order as soon as she lifted her hand, so he quickly served Chaeyoung her favorite menu item, cold brew.

“Oh, it’s hot.”

Sipping her coffee, she leaned back. After drinking about half of the unsweetened cold brew with no milk, Chaeyoung relaxed, waving her hand and taking a leisurely posture.

“Ah, feels like I’m alive again. I arrived in Incheon early this morning.”

“You had a business trip?”

“Yeah. To the Book Fair. But I have to go back to work today. There’s something I need to check even though I slept on the plane.”

Chaeyoung had joined her cousin’s publishing company two years ago. It was a small publishing house, but they had many popular books. Sua had bought several books from them herself.

Although the company was small, their books sold well, so there was always a lot of work to do. That’s why Chaeyoung was always busy. Even though they used to meet every day, their daily lives had changed. Luckily, Chaeyoung’s workplace was close to Sua’s home, so they often had lunch together like this. Seeing the dark circles under Chaeyoung’s eyes, Sua smiled wryly.

“Was the Book Fair successful?”

“Yeah, it went well. But, what’s on your mind?”


“Just now, you said you had something to think about.”

“Oh, that’s…”

She hadn’t talked to anyone about the divorce yet. Not her family, not even Chaeyoung, who usually shared everything with her.

Because everyone would have thought she was crazy.

Now that Han Dong Group had gone bankrupt, Sua had to cling to her husband, Hyun-oh, with both hands and feet. The relationship between them was just for show, and she knew that trying to divorce him would be difficult to explain to those around her.

She didn’t want to worry Chaeyoung unnecessarily, so Sua changed the subject.

“I’m thinking about trying to work.”

“Work? You?”

“Yeah. I want to go out into society now.”

Sua nodded her head. Chaeyoung’s eyes widened in surprise.

“What? What do you mean by that?”


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