Suddenly, Divorce

SDLR Chapter 17

Chapter 17


Hyun-oh’s words made Sua alert. Did he come all the way here to find me? On purpose.


“I told you to call me.”


“I did.”


Only then did Sua raise the phone she was holding to check. The screen showed “12 missed calls.” All of them were from Hyun-oh.


“Like crazy.”




“If you had answered, I wouldn’t have come all the way here like this.”


She hadn’t thought he would come looking for her like this. It wasn’t even 5 p.m. yet, so she didn’t know if he had already finished work.




The car behind, which had been parked for a long time, honked its horn impatiently.


“Get in first.”




Without saying more, Sua got into Hyun-oh’s car. A heavy atmosphere settled inside the unassuming yet stylish black car. As he started the car, Sua quietly clasped her hands together and looked straight ahead. She didn’t dare to look sideways.


Driving on the wide Olympic Boulevard, she glanced at the sparkling Han River and, after gathering her thoughts, Sua spoke up.


“I’m sorry, my mom suddenly called me. I think I had my phone on silent. I didn’t expect anyone to contact me.”


Surely she didn’t expect anyone to contact her.


After getting married and becoming a housewife, she didn’t have many friends who contacted her frequently, and her closest friend, Cha-yeong, was currently on a business trip abroad. So she didn’t think anyone would be looking for her.


Hyun-oh’s lips twisted.


“Why weren’t you there?”




“You tell your husband you want a divorce in the morning and then disappear in the afternoon… Did you think I wouldn’t look for you?”


Honestly, she did. She didn’t think he would come looking for her.


“If I thought something might be wrong… Are you sick?”




“If it’s not that… Then why? Ugh, I don’t know.”


There was a mixture of confusion and anger in his words.


It was strange. Hyun-oh was always affectionate and warm. Especially towards Sua. It was unusual for him to get angry.


“I thought no one would be looking for me. Sorry.”


The sharp-eyed man’s gaze turned towards her at Sua’s words. The raised corners of his eyes slowly drooped down.


He kept his mouth shut for a moment before speaking again.


“I didn’t ask to hear your apology.”




“Just make sure to answer your phone from now on. I will too.”




Now it’s time to part ways. What does Hyun-oh have to say to me when he contacts me?


As I was about to ask, I closed my mouth. It wasn’t something to say to someone you’re worried about.


“Got it.”


When Sua closed her mouth, he focused on driving. Only when Hyun-oh’s gaze shifted away from her could Sua look at him.


A sharp nose, thick red lips, and black eyes hidden beneath long eyelashes.


Although his face was no different from when he was a teenager, his body had become that of an adult. His body had become firm from not neglecting exercise.


Many things had changed, yet remained the same.


Even though they were tied together by the words “marriage” and “couple,” Sua’s unrequited love for him had not changed.


Our relationship hasn’t changed much from when we first met fifteen years ago.


Thinking so, Sua suddenly recalled memories from the past.



“Hey, Han Sua, bring some juice. My friends are here.”


Her middle school brother, Ji-heon, treated Sua, who was still in elementary school, like a servant. It was a habit he had developed since she was born.


As always, he threw his bag onto the floor as soon as he entered the house. The noise of the bag hitting the floor made Sua, who was sitting in the living room preparing dinner, raise her head. The housekeeper ajumma, known as the “Sokcho maid,” who had been preparing dinner, came running out of the kitchen.


“Master, you’re here?”


The housekeeper ajumma had been working in this house since Sua was young.


The eldest son Ji-heon was loved because he was the son, and the youngest Ji-soo was adored by his parents for being cute. However, Sua, who was quiet and unassuming, always ended up being the troublemaker.


The one who cared for Sua the most in the house was the Sokcho maid. Even though there was someone to help, the Sokcho maid intervened in Ji-heon’s mischief towards Sua.


“I’ll bring the juice. Looks like your friends are here. Go upstairs. I’ll prepare some snacks.”


“Don’t bother, ajumma.”


There was annoyance in Ji-heon’s voice. It was clear he didn’t really want juice.


The mischievous Ji-heon just enjoyed seeing Sua struggle. He had always been like that since they were young.


“I’ve prepared snacks and juice, so please come up for Sua’s sake.”


“Oh, yeah? Okay, okay, Han Sua!”


Sua shrugged her shoulders.


“Uh, uh…”


At that moment, someone intervened between them.


“You’re too harsh on your little sister. We can just come down.”


A low, unfamiliar voice echoed. Suddenly, everyone’s attention turned to where the sound came from.


Who’s that?


Standing there was a boy who seemed a bit older than Ji-heon. If he was Ji-heon’s friend from middle school, he had a mature atmosphere.


As soon as Sua saw his face, she suddenly realized who he was.


“Ji Hyun-oh….”


Hyun-oh oppa.


The middle school Ji-heon and Hyun-oh attended was right next to the elementary school Sua attended.


[“Did you see Hyun-oh oppa today?”]


[“We ran into each other at the school gate. He was really handsome as usual.”]


He was so handsome that even the students around were talking about him. He was famous enough for Sua to know about him even though she had only seen him from afar.


He’s coming to our house?




She looked at her brother, Ji-heon.


Is that mischievous and mean guy friends with the angelic ‘Hyun-oh oppa’?


As Sua hesitated whether to look away or not, Hyun-oh looked at her directly. He smiled warmly.


“You’re Ji-heon’s little sister, right?”


“Yes? Yes….”


Sua nodded her head. She wished she had worn pretty clothes today. She had been sitting in the living room since she came home from school, feeling tired.


Feeling hesitant, Sua half rose from her seat and hesitated, her fingers twitching. It wasn’t difficult, but she didn’t want to be teased in front of Ji-heon’s friends. Ji-heon shouted loudly as he watched her hesitate.


“Hey! Ji Hyun-oh. Are you going to do homework or not?”


“Got it. You’re so impatient….”


Hyun-oh muttered and got up.


“Let’s go upstairs and do homework. Don’t worry about drinks.”


“Yes? Yes….”


After answering like that, Sua blankly watched the stairs where Hyun-oh disappeared for a while.


His straight posture seemed endless.


What made Sua come to her senses was the Sokcho maid’s words.


“Miss, go inside and rest. I’ll bring it to you.”


“No! Ajumma.”


Sua snatched the tray from her hand.


“I’ll bring it.”




“Yes! I want to do it.”




With that plea, Sua’s eyes sparkled. Then, without giving the Sokcho maid a chance to stop her, she went upstairs to Ji-heon’s room.


– Knock, knock.


As she knocked on the door, it opened with a click. Despite going back and forth hundreds of times doing errands, she felt strangely nervous. When the door opened and unexpectedly, the person who popped their head out was Hyun-oh.


“Oh, Sua is here.”




Her heart trembled again at his bright smile.


When Sua hesitated whether to mention that she saw him earlier, Hyun-oh spoke up.


“You brought the juice? You’re so kind.”


“Oh, yes. My brother asked me to.”


You’re not kind.


As she muttered, he chuckled.


“Ji-heon was being mean to you. Thank you. I’ll eat well. If I had a sister like you, I would treat her well.”


And he reached out and ruffled Sua’s hair.


His touch was warm.



‘If I had a sister like you, I would treat her well.’


He had indeed treated Sua well, just like a real sister.


Maybe that’s why she couldn’t easily give up her feelings for him.


As she thought about the past, she suddenly arrived home. As they went inside, he immediately took off his jacket and loosened his tie.


As he unbuttoned his shirt, his well-defined neck muscles were visible. He effortlessly loosened his clothes halfway. Through the open shirt, Sua could catch a glimpse of his well-built muscles. Seeing something she shouldn’t, Sua lowered her head.


It didn’t feel like looking at her husband’s body.


Since their first meeting, Hyun-oh had been not just an older brother, but a ‘man’. Even now, she felt him as a man rather than a husband. Unlike how he saw her only as a younger sister.


As Sua hesitated whether to pass by him or not, the man stared directly at her.


 He silently stared at Sua with a sharp gaze.


What does he want to say? After a brief silence and only sharp glances, Hyun-oh opened his mouth with a short breath.


“You said you want a divorce.”




“So you said you’d give me time to think about it.”


Hyun-oh ran his fingers through his hair. Between the disheveled bangs, his eyes showed a beast-like gaze.


“But, Sua.”




“I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day at work.”


All I could think about was you.





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