Strategy Guide for a Merry Bad Ending

SGMBE | Chapter 02. Dangerous Relations (1)


Caution Rape 

Please read at your own risk

Before reading the following content, please note the following:

1. **Content Sensitivity:** This narrative includes explicit descriptions of sexual themes and may not be suitable for all audiences.

2. **Emotional Impact:** Expect intense scenarios and complex emotional dynamics throughout the story.

3. **Mature Themes:** Themes of attachment and seduction are explored within a simulated gaming context.

4. **Psychological Considerations:** Remember that the characters and events are fictional and may not reflect reality accurately.

5. **Self-Care:** Prioritize your well-being while reading. Take breaks if needed and seek support if discomfort arises.

6. **Informed Consent:** By reading further, you acknowledge these precautions and consent to continue at your discretion.

Thank you for your understanding and take care while engaging with the content.


            Tl Bree

Chapter 02. Dangerous Relations


* * *


The guards lit the torches, and the lion-shaped door standing in the wilderness opened.


The first thing that caught Dia’s eye was the magnificent palace of Hittite.


A palace built of smooth earth and white limestone rising up on the plateau. Below it spread a lake and fruit trees that were rarely seen.


In addition to the palace, there were administrative buildings made of terracotta and a circular arena surrounded by rocks on the vast land. It was a space of cold judgment, where gladiators were trained and beasts fought like animals to select the winners.


Dia took a deep breath at the sight of her homeland’s scenery that she hadn’t seen in a long time. She had returned.


This was the capital of Hittite, Hattusa.


“Welcome, gracious light, Dia Meskennet. It is an honor to welcome you. Welcome.”


Women clad in pure linen willingly knelt before Dia. They were palace servants.


They reached out and presented Dia with a passium shaped like a lotus flower. It was a splendid accessory and also a natural protector to shield Dia’s collarbones and shoulders from the scorching sun.


“Thank you.”


Dia put on the passium handed to her by the servant and adjusted her attire. Originally, she was supposed to change into a sheath dress and head to the palace, but time was running short.


The women smoothed their hair, forgetting even to kneel on the scattered sand.


“I will escort you to the palace.”




Dia gently pulled the hand of the servant and helped them up one by one. Then, as the grains of sand clinging to the servant’s white linen fell onto the ground with a plop, Dia spoke.


“Lead me to my sister’s body.”


The women cautiously raised their bowed heads. The lotus-shaped passium on Dia’s back, shielded her shoulders and collarbones from the scorching sun, blushed shyly in the pink light. The heat subsided, and the thirst abated. For the women too, the meeting with Dia was a trembling excitement.


* * *


The body of the deceased Anya Meskennet had been moved to Pahhur. Pahhur, in Hittite, meant ‘fire’ and referred to the office overseeing royal funerals.


Because nobles desired fire as a being that nurtured life and death and as a symbol of continuity, it was an appropriate name for the resting place.


In Hittite tradition, on the day of Tabarna’s death, his body was cremated in the temple. The cremation, attended by Panku, involved a ritual where a priest sprinkled wine and the blood of a lamb on the body before lighting the fire himself.


When the black smoke rose like mountain peaks, administrators collected Tabarna’s bone fragments from the ashes and placed them in a Harsi, a large clay jar.


Pahhur was where these remains were collected and stored until the funeral.


Upon entering Pahhur, the dense and murky smoke blurred the consciousness of the entrant. Dia, on her first visit, also couldn’t shake off the smell of death lingering in her nose and ears. But then, everything gradually became calm and peaceful.


Though the incense burned in Pahhur was strong, it also served to comfort the sorrow of those mourning the deceased.


Anya’s body, or rather, her sharp bone fragments, were laid to rest in the second room of Pahhur.


Dia wrapped her palm around her dry forearm and looked at the Harsi containing Anya’s bones. It was a culture she had learned through the tutorial, but instead of awe, it sent shivers down her spine.


With eyes reddened by smoke, she blinked briefly and asked the funeral attendant in front of her.


“…Be more specific about the cause of death.”


“There were no signs of violence or injury. Considering the maid’s report that she suffered from insomnia until the day before her passing, it is believed to be a natural death due to accumulated fatigue.”


It was the same as what Khan had told Dia. However, Anya had only been twenty-eight years old. Even considering that the average lifespan in Hittite was fifty-five, it was an early death.


“Potion examination?”


“…We couldn’t perform it because the body needed to be cremated before it decayed.”


Dia’s lips curled with anger. Even though Hittite was known for strictly adhering to customs and procedures, Dia didn’t know if they would stick to principles even in the face of the emperor’s sudden death.


No, perhaps it was hastily done under someone’s orders. Then who exactly wanted to remove Anya from the throne?


[SYSTEM: Entering the common character route. Quest automatically accepted.]


As Dia’s fist clenched in suppressed frustration, a system notification suddenly appeared.


Yes, it was just a game. But because of the three years of tutorial, she couldn’t distinguish between the game and reality.


While the game was successful as a virtual reality simulation, Dia’s feelings right now were as bleak as if she had lost a beloved family member.


[Quest ‘Dangerous Relations.’ Proceed to the palace immediately.]


[Quest progress 0/3]


The system didn’t even give her time to grieve.


Dia wiped away her tears and looked at her sister’s bones. Then, she closed her eyes again and sincerely prayed for her.


“Rest in peace… Anya, sister.”


Anya’s death was nothing more than an accessory for the progress of the game, but Dia still hoped for her sister’s peace.


Her steps didn’t come easily. However, faced with the persistent words of the system, Dia had no choice but to move her feet.


“…I will go to the palace.”


The words came out slowly, as if dragging. Soon, the servant guided her outside.


* * *


Dia’s palace was located on a beautiful land with lush green grass, and it was closest to the Buyukale Palace.


Dia confirmed the appearance of a ‘diary’ in her item window and beckoned to the servants. They couldn’t force a smile on Dia’s melancholic face.


As soon as she pressed the word ‘diary’ in the air, a small notebook bound with papyrus fell into her palm as if it were a lie. Even a reed pen with ink that hadn’t dried yet.


‘It looks quite convincing.’


From the sensation of the papyrus in her hand to the texture of the ink smoothly flowing, it was as the developers claimed, the first and best in the industry.


Dia had never experienced such a realistic game before.


“Let’s see. The first option was… about accepting the succession rights.”


Dia leaned against a large tree in front of the palace, holding onto the pen holder. With a refreshing sound, Hittite was written on the papyrus.


Even though she was thinking in Korean in her head, the language here was implemented. Dia couldn’t help but admire the details and looked forward to what would come next.


Perhaps because of that, Dia didn’t notice the man approaching behind her at all.


“…What are you doing here?”


A soft, low voice came from above Dia’s head. She raised her forehead and looked up at the sky.


The man’s face appeared along with the clear clouds. Right above her brow.


Dia quickly tucked away the diary and stood up from her seat.


“W-who are you!”


Dia’s initial reaction was to be on guard. To have someone approach her without any sign, right in front of her palace, under a tree where she was resting—was unsettling for someone who had already experienced an assassination attempt once.


She scrutinized the man carefully.


He had black hair tucked into a white hood, and on top of that, he wore a diadem made of gold. It meant he held a high status. The golden eyes matched the diadem so well that Dia couldn’t help but admire them briefly.


Her gaze didn’t stop, trailing down below the man’s jawline.


He was wearing a panu—a linen skirt worn around the waist—with his upper body bare. Although a hake—a shawl-like garment worn by nobles—was draped over his broad shoulders and partially covered his chest, it was still a striking figure. Sunburnt yet clean skin was also quite provocative.


The man looked at Dia with a strange gaze and smirked.


“It seems you’ve forgotten about me, Lady Dia.”


It was a regretful remark, but the tone of the man’s voice was anything but. It was cold and seemed contemptuous.


“…I didn’t expect you to enter the palace wearing the clothes of another country.”


Just as Dia had scrutinized the man earlier, he also looked her up and down.


The pink, billowy dress worn by the Ahhiyawa people—the western nation with which the Hittites had hostility—seemed rather amusing to him.


It might have suited her with her black hair and red eyes, but to him, it was merely the attire of foreigners. It didn’t fit in here in Hittite.


“I thought you were a foreigner, not a noble.”


It was a mocking tone. Dia also caught the man’s smirk and furrowed her brows.


He was handsome, but lacked manners. He crossed the line even though he clearly knew she was of noble birth.


Dia glared at the man with a cold gaze.

“A guy who doesn’t even know etiquette stepped into the noble’s palace. Tell me your name right away.”


At that moment, the man’s eyes lit up with interest.


“Haha. Well…”


He casually crossed his arms and looked at Dia.


“I apologize for the intrusion, but this is my estate.”


And then, he chuckled again.


“Your residence is right next to mine.”


The man pointed in a direction beyond Dia’s ear. Her gaze naturally followed to where he was indicating.


There was another building of the same color and similar structure.


Dia looked back at the man with flushed cheeks. It was her mistake not to bring the maidservants.


“Oh, um…”


“You don’t have to apologize.”


His words, however, stabbed Dia’s heart.


“I’m sorry. I really—”


As she struggled to find the right words, she realized that his estate was close to the emperor’s residence.


In fact, it wouldn’t have been strange for Dia to mistake the man’s mansion for her own.


After all, the noble’s mansion should be closest to the palace. If not, his identity would be narrowed down to just a few possibilities.


The man in front of her might be Tawananna or even the emperors…




He should be her fiancé.


“Now you remember me, Lady Dia.”


The man gracefully bowed to Dia according to court etiquette. He was indeed Theos, the fiancé of her sister and the candidate for succession after Tabarna.


He was taller and more muscular than Dia remembered from three years ago.


While the man she briefly saw three years ago had a somewhat lean figure and a boyish feel, the man before her now was like a hyena crossing the desert.


Sharp and keen. The smell of power emanated strongly from him.


“You’ve changed a lot, Theos.”


Dia instinctively distrusted him.


If Theos was the one who hindered her succession rights, or if he ordered her assassination, he would be a suitable candidate for that figure.


He shrugged in response.


“I had to survive. You fled.”


Dia’s mood sank momentarily. At the same time, she could somewhat understand his words.


While he had been protecting Tabarna, he had been living a leisurely life in a peaceful coastal country rather than strengthening the Hittite authority.


But none of these things had happened by Dia’s will. It was merely the will of the system.


She had to leave Hittite temporarily for the tutorial progress, and thanks to that, she could study the world without the suspicion of the intelligent male protagonists.


If it weren’t for the tutorial, Dia would have screamed to log out while suffering from the suspicion of the smart AI male protagonists.




His anger was clearly within understandable bounds. However, that didn’t mean Dia could let go of her suspicions about him.


“Where were you on the day my sister died?”


Dia’s crimson and sharp eyes pierced through Theos.


“I was returning to my hometown to see my father.”


Theos replied bluntly without showing any signs of confusion.


“When I heard the news, I couldn’t bear any expression for a while.”


Theos dropped his gaze to the floor. Sadness, despair, regret. Those emotions lingered in his eyes.


Did he really love our sister?


“Of course.”


He stared at Dia, his face devoid of emotions. Although there was a faint smile, it was a feeble imitation of someone who didn’t understand love.


Approaching Theos’s chest, Dia spoke with a forceful hatred in her gentle voice. For a moment, Theos’s pupils dilated, but he quickly regained his composure.


Theos roughly pulled Dia’s waist towards him, causing a blatant contact as if sucking her skin. Dia’s cheeks flushed, and her heart pounded.


With a gaze that seemed to crush her, Theos whispered, “I don’t know what you’re expecting.”


The dry tone gradually heated up.


“I’ve never embraced your sister naked.”


As if embracing Dia instead of Anya, Theos chuckled rudely. Dia’s eyebrows trembled.


“I apologize.”


Theos withdrew more lightly than Dia expected.


But Dia, still not feeling a shiver, looked at Theos while rubbing his warmth left on her forearm with her palm.


“You were, between you and my sister, lovers, weren’t you?”


Anya declared Theos as her fiancé, and every time she appeared on official occasions, Theos accompanied her.


They were publicly known as lovers. Even if Theos’s heart wasn’t love, Dia thought Anya’s heart was.


“You seem to have no idea what happened over the past three years.”


She didn’t. The only news Dia had heard about Hittite was her sister’s death.


“She had a separate lover.”


Dia nervously bit her lips. What changes had occurred to her sister during the three years Dia was away?


“So if you want to ask for responsibility, you’d better find him instead of me.”


It was a warning. This man hated himself. Terribly.


“I’ll take my leave now.”


Theos turned his back and distanced himself from her.


Dia stood there dumbfounded, watching Theos walk away. There was an impulse to call him back.


“Wait. Theos Hitarashis.”


As Dia called out his full name, a small status window appeared in her vision.


[Theos Hitarashis]


[Affection Level: -20]


[Obsession Level: 0]


Theos slowly turned around.


“Until next time, Dia Meskenet.”


He turned his back again and quickly walked away.


In the end, Dia leaned against a tree and sank to the ground.


Anya’s fiancé. A man who lied about loving her sister. A man who might have murdered her sister and ordered her assassination.


Or simply a rude heir candidate. Or a man who might one day manipulate her and become the emperor.


“That guy was a conquest character…”


Theos was the first conquest target Dia had encountered.


[SYSTEM: Successful contact with conquest character ‘Theos Hitarashis.’]


[Quest ‘Dangerous Relationship.’ Move to the room for the next step.]


[Quest Progress: 1/3]


Dia sat for a while before getting up from her seat. The idea that the emotionless man, who seemed devoid of both blood and emotions, would one day love her and become obsessed with her felt absurd, but inevitably, the narrative had to progress. At some point, they would intertwine their bodies.


Just imagining it made Dia’s heart flutter. She felt a strange excitement slowly heating up her body.


Upon returning to her room, Dia opened the system window and accessed the ‘Conquest Character Information.’ Before meeting Theos, all six square windows were filled with question marks, but now one of them sparkled with the name ‘Theos Hitarashis.’


Dia sprawled on the sofa made of nutrient leather and stared at the square window. Since the system was advanced, it responded to her will without her having to move her fingers.


[Would you like to view information on Theos Hitarashis?]




Dia’s choice was, of course, ‘Yes.’


[Viewing information on Theos Hitarashis….]


The system seemed to pause momentarily as it collected data.


About ten minutes passed. A large booklet unfolded before Dia’s eyes. It wasn’t tangible, but there was no problem reading and digesting the information.


Conquest Character Name: Theos Hitarashis


Origin: Descendant of the Hitarashis family, a prominent Egyptian aristocracy.


Age: 24 years old


Height and Weight: 185cm, 78kg


Appearance: Black hair with golden eyes. Healthy skin. Average muscular build. Strong bones.


“He’s two years older than me….”


Dia pursed her lips and glanced down.


Relationship with the Player: Almost became brother-in-law and sister-in-law, but not related by blood.


And then she burst into laughter. Seeing the emphasis that it wasn’t consanguinity, it seemed like the developers were particularly mindful of the distributor’s sensitivities.


Anyway, it’s not incest if they almost became brother-in-law and sister-in-law. There’s no law in the Hittite empire that forbids marrying someone who was your sister’s fiancé.


Dia scrolled down to the next section.


Affection Level Toward the Player: -20 (Slight Disgust)


Obsession Level Toward the Player: 0 (Indifference)


Narrative Progress: 3%


Slight disgust. Indifference. Dia’s hand trembled slightly as she read it. She had already felt this from their first encounter, but to be confirmed like this felt unsettling. He disliked her, and had no interest in becoming obsessed with her.


Well, it’s strange to suddenly feel affection for your fiancée’s younger sister. Especially when she’s a rival for the succession.


Dia managed her uneasy feelings and scrolled down further.


Disposition: Control


The word “Disposition” appeared alone in a light blue box. Dia tilted her head. The word “Disposition” seemed particularly ominous.


Moreover, there was only a brief noun, “Control,” as the explanation. When she scrolled down again, another system window popped up.


[Game Tip: Would you like to view the instruction manual for Conquest Character Disposition Information?]




Dia pressed “Yes.”


<Conquest Character Disposition Information>


All conquest targets possess different dispositions according to innate algorithms. The disposition determines the method of obsession, the degree of madness, and tragic elements.


Disposition is opened upon entering the main narrative with the conquest character and progresses in the order of “Initial,” “Severe,” and “Chronic.”


Game Tip: When the disposition changes to “Chronic,” the level of the ending’s depravity significantly increases.


“So that means…”


As just confirmed, Theos’s disposition was “Control.” If the narrative with him progresses, his disposition will be unlocked, and furthermore, if the control disposition changes to “Chronic,” the ending will become depraved.


In Theos’s case, it was control, but what about the other conquest characters?


“This game…”


One corner of Dia’s mouth curled up endlessly.


“Well done.”


There was no doubt that the developers had put in a lot of effort to captivate hardcore gamers.


Dia took a deep breath. She needed to calm down this excitement quickly and move on to the next scroll.


As she nervously pointed at the screen, a larger shock suddenly struck her vision.


Genital Characteristics: Thick and large, especially towards the root. It is not only large but also comparable in girth to a horse’s penis. Therefore, it is not easy to enter without considerable effort.


…Wait, what? Genital characteristics?


‘And a horse’s penis…?’


Dia remembered a horse mating video she accidentally came across in the past, thanks to some unknown algorithm.


‘Something like that…?’


That’s absurd. Unless the developers and researchers lost their moral compass from making games all day in the lab, such a setting wouldn’t have come up.


Of course, in other adult-rated games, there were sometimes instances where the character’s genital information was provided, but it wasn’t detailed to this extent.


It felt like she was practically seeing the genitalia up close just from the text…


Dia shook her arms to try to erase the mental image of a horse’s penis. But the deep blush on her cheeks wouldn’t disappear.


Speaking of which, Theos…


Dia quickly cleared her throat and closed the information window. The conquest character information ended with genital characteristics.


She tried to focus on her diary to erase the questionable genital model that popped into her mind.


But then, someone smartly knocked on Dia’s quiet room.


“…. Dia.”


A faint, low voice came from outside the door.


Dia opened her leather bag and took out a dagger. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down for even a moment.


“Identify yourself.”


The man let go of the doorknob and took a step back from the door. Perhaps realizing his mistake, the strength in his voice weakened.


“I apologize. It’s Khan Herraumut.”


The tension in Dia’s shoulders eased, and the strength in the hand holding the dagger waned. She put the dagger back in its place and walked towards the door.


Khan was kneeling behind the door. His usually strong gray eyes seemed restless this time.


“I apologize for making you uneasy.”


Dia shook her head. She knew she was overreacting. It was ridiculous that she was even tense in her own room because of that damn assassination ending.


Dia led Khan into the room and sat down on the couch.


“Please, have a seat across from me.”


Dia suggested he sit down too, but Khan ultimately refused. Instead, he knelt in front of Dia.




As Dia began to speak softly, Khan looked up at her.


“Since time is of the essence, I’ll get straight to the point.”


His shoulders were firm, and his gaze steady. But even he couldn’t hide the tremble in his voice.


“Please dismiss me from the Imperial Guard.”


Dia blinked her eyes several times. Did Khan even realize what he was asking for?


To dismiss him from the Imperial Guard meant erasing all the reputation and honor he had built up as a sub-officer.


“I don’t understand.”


Dia decided to calmly persuade him.


“The rewards in the Legion should be ample… Is there anything lacking? If so, I can…”


“It’s not about that.”


His voice wasn’t trembling like before. The firmness of his lips seemed to represent his determination.


“Khan, I need you. I can’t afford to lose even one person on my side in times like this.”


“You must dismiss me.”


“Then tell me the reason precisely.”


Dia’s words were more of an appeal than a command.


Khan had been more of a support to Dia than anyone else during the tutorial. He had taught her many things about the Hittites and helped her adapt to this world. While it might have been just part of his aristocratic education, he was precious to Dia like family.


Khan understood Dia’s feelings. He knew she treated him more than just a mere subordinate. That’s why he had to be even more stubborn.


“If I remain in the royal ranks, I’ll have to follow Tabarna.”


“What’s wrong with that…”


“The position of Tabarna is currently vacant.”


Dia fell silent.


Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner? With Nia Meskenet’s passing, there was no reason for the Imperial Guard to follow Dia anymore.


All the privileges Dia had enjoyed so far were only possible because her father and sister were emperors. After the tutorial ended and she returned to Hittite after three years, everything had changed completely.


Dia now had to protect her position for survival, not for wealth and honor.


“But still…”


But Dia couldn’t dismiss him from the Imperial Guard. Khan Hermuth was both a soldier of Buicail and a noble.


Nobles were people who lived and died for honor. If he were to be expelled from the Imperial Guard, the Hermuth family would not accept him. He would become an outcast.


“Khan, I…”


“Instead, please hire me as your mercenary.”


Dia’s eyes widened. He, who had been at the pinnacle as a soldier, would become a mere mercenary?


“That’s the path I desire.”


Dia held her breath at his almost confessional words. And she wondered. Was it because of guilt for not protecting her sister, Khan?


Before being in the Royal Guard, he was an elite soldier who had closely guarded Tabarna. He had to protect her sister from death and sacrifice himself. Was it because of such guilt that he wanted to protect even the lonely Dia?


Dia felt a heavy sense of responsibility.


“Khan. You don’t have to sacrifice yourself like this.”


Dia tried to completely refuse his request. But then, suddenly, a square and neat window appeared in her sight.


“Do you want to hire Khan Hermuth as a mercenary?”




The second option appeared.


Dia was caught in hesitation. Her choice would change the narrative of the game. She had to be careful.


[Do you want to hire Khan Hermuth as a mercenary?]




[Time limit: 10 seconds… 9 seconds…]


The time limit appeared as expected, but fortunately, she didn’t lose her composure this time. She might have been flustered in front of the first option, but not anymore.


Dia recalled the explanation she heard from the developer before logging into the game and glanced at the left side of the screen.




Dia stared at the save window intently. Then another notification window appeared.


[Do you want to save?]




[Save Penalty: Temporary increase in sensitivity]


Dia chose ‘Yes’ without hesitation. A temporary increase in sensitivity. It was a useless penalty for now since she had no intention of having sex with the strategy character at the moment.


Dia calmly saved and returned to the choices.


[Do you want to hire Khan Hermuth as a mercenary?]




And she chose ‘No’.


“Khan. You should continue to serve in the Imperial Guard.”




Khan seemed shocked and couldn’t speak for a while.


It was unavoidable. She couldn’t ruin an elite soldier just for the sake of one person she liked.


But Khan didn’t easily accept it.


“Dia, please reconsider.”


Khan’s face looked desperate. He looked at her desperately like a frightened child.


Was it because of such a sight that she felt compassion?


Dia knelt down beside him. When her gentle touch reached Khan’s cheek, he stopped breathing and stared at Dia.


“Dia, I… I’m afraid.”


“What of?”


“I’m afraid the Imperial Guard will… harm you.”


Khan hastily grasped Dia’s hand.


“I fear they might cause harm.”




“I… I apologize. I was rude.”


Khan released Dia’s hand and returned to his upright posture.


Dia was confused. Was it because she made the wrong choice? She too felt afraid.


“Khan, I’m fine. Please continue to serve by my side as an Imperial soldier.”


But even as she spoke, Dia couldn’t shake off her unease. Would the Imperial Guard still be on her side? Would they betray her as Khan suggested and choose a new emperor?


The game didn’t provide much information even in the labyrinth. There were hardly any hints. As the objective was to achieve a Mary Bad Ending, it only provided Dia with minimal information.


Khan read stubbornness in Dia’s composed demeanor. Her opinion wouldn’t change.


He smiled bitterly.


“…If that’s your will, Dia, I will willingly comply.”


In the tense atmosphere of the room, Khan couldn’t stay for long. Perhaps Dia’s refusal had wounded him. Khan left the room.


Dia leaned back on the sofa, closing her eyes.


* * *


Today marked three days since Dia returned to the Empire, the day of Anya Mescanet’s first funeral.


There were two funerals for Tabarna, the first being a small ceremony held in the palace for close associates, while the second, a grand event, took place at the Hekur House, a stone-built Hittite tomb at the Yazilikaya crossroad.


Dia arrived in Hittite faster than planned and was fortunate to attend the first funeral. However, despite that, her heart was still melancholic.


To ease her mood, Dia sneaked out of Buicail early in the morning and walked along a small lake.


The landscape of Hattusa still looked yellowish and dry, but it was probably because of her stifled emotions.


When morning came, the streets would be bustling with merchants and chatter of women fetching water. The Emperor’s death couldn’t mar the peace of Hittite.


The quiet sound of flowing water seemed to somewhat heal Dia’s heart.


When the day brightened, she would have to toughen up again. With no time to reveal her emotions, she had to survive in this unfamiliar world.


As Dia was soothing her sadness, the time was indicating that she should return to the palace soon.




But then, she heard the sound of footsteps.


At first, it was the sound of one person, then it became two, and then three. Sensing something amiss, Dia turned around.




Dia recognized the source of the sound and heaved a sigh of relief. It was the Imperial Guard. They had undoubtedly come to find her, having ventured out of the palace.


“Dia Mescanet, Your Highness.”


There were seven soldiers, including a charioteer.


“I’ll escort you to the palace. Please get in.”


Dia couldn’t bring herself to walk in front of the soldiers who had prepared the chariot. Without any complaints, Dia got into the chariot.


As the moon descended and the horizon spread into a purple hue, the horse galloped towards the Lion’s Gate.


Dia breathed a sigh of relief and composed herself.


* * *


“Ugh… yeah…”


A pungent smell wafted in. Her memory was foggy, and she couldn’t tell where she was.


Dia reached out to confirm what she was touching. Soon, she felt the firm muscles of a man.


As Dia’s touch reached him, the man let out a low groan and pulled her hand towards him.


“Ah, ugh!”


It was coarse and rough. It felt like her shoulder would dislocate.


Her hand touched hot flesh. It was smooth at the tip and endlessly thick. Moreover, it was oozing with slippery liquid.


Dia struggled to lift her heavy eyelids. Her vision was blurry, but the man’s figure was clear.


Ah, it wasn’t just one person.




“Dia, Your Highness.”




Dia’s body stiffened in shock. Instead of one man in front of her, there were countless soldiers.


“What did you do to me…”


She wanted to scream loudly, but her voice came out weakly.


The soldiers’ pupils were dry as if staring into space. They looked at Dia with eyes devoid of mercy or sympathy.


Their tightly shut lips were cruel. It seemed impossible to break their will with any words.


The soldiers crowded around Dia one by one.


“Get away from me. What are you doing…”


“Huh, Your Highness…”


Starting with the soldier at the front, they began to undress. From the bony pelvis to sturdy abdomens, to large chests.


When they finally stripped down to their underwear, Dia’s pupils dilated greatly.


Large knife-like objects hung heavily from the soldiers’ lower bodies.


A soldier standing behind her violently pulled down Dia’s clothes.


“I don’t want to…!”


Despite Dia’s short scream, the soldiers reached out and groped her flesh.


They exclaimed in admiration. While her waist and neck were thin and fragile, her breasts were as large as if filled with milk.


They were huge, as if swollen with pregnancy. And beneath the fair skin lay mashed nipples. If they were to suck there densely, wouldn’t the hidden nipple erect?


The excited soldiers spat out vulgar words.


Just imagining it made their penises stand upright. They seemed like they would topple over with a little shake. Thanks to them, the area around the glans was already a mess of pre-cum.


Every time Dia’s chest trembled, at least more than twenty penises twitched simultaneously.


Seeing that, Dia turned away in disgust.


And at that perfect timing, an alert popped up, indicating the entry into the “Imperial Guard Betrayal” route.


※ Entered the “Imperial Guard Betrayal” route.


SYSTEM: Some system functions are restricted for immersion.


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Without time to despair, the soldiers in the front rushed towards Dia. The first one to grab her nipples was Rosiris, who had been eagerly waiting for the vile object.


“It’s the first time I’ve seen such big tits.”


His face was familiar.


Three years ago, he was the young man who kindly guided Dia inside the fortress when she visited. But now, he was cursing and fondling Dia’s breasts and groins.


“This is buried so deep. Is it because your tits are big? I’ll have to suck hard to get it out.”


Rosiris squeezed Dia’s breasts with both hands, then suddenly put her nipples in his mouth.


He gently rolled his tongue and diligently licked her nipples. After sucking for a while, he spat out the nipples with his tongue.


Finally, the nipples, which had been sagging, rose high. It was a scene of drooling.


Rosiris squeezed the nipples tightly between his fingers. Thanks to him, the nipples became stiff and hard, unlike their previous appearance.


“Ah… stop, please…!”


Dia screamed. But in truth, it was difficult to refuse pleasure due to the increased sensitivity.


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕


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