Spoils of War Duchess


Chapter 41


Lady Camille Emerson, formerly known as Lady Camille Arle before her marriage, was quite popular due to her beautiful appearance and lively, cheerful personality.


Her parties were always praised for being fun and enjoyable, matching her vibrant nature. However, Idel never attended any of her gatherings because, too often, the “fun” involved making someone the fool.


“I’ve heard about Lady Emerson before. She’s outgoing and loves making new friends, right?”


“Really? Then could I be her friend too? She seems pretty young.”


It seemed Linia was already fond of Camille. Or perhaps she thought being friends with such a famous socialite would improve her own situation.


Idel, wondering how to distance Linia from Camille without upsetting her, spoke carefully.


“…It might be best to wait until the third invitation. Usually, the first two meetings are just for getting to know each other.”


“Oh, really? Good thing I asked you. I might have gotten overly friendly too soon.”


Seeing Linia try to laugh off her embarrassment made Idel feel a bit sorry for her.


‘How desperate must Linia be for a friend right now? She’s probably so anxious about being ridiculed at every party.’


At least she didn’t seem suspicious of Idel’s advice, which meant Idel could retreat before catching Marsha’s attention.


“True friendships take time to nurture. I’m glad you feel better about this, my lady. If you’ll excuse me…”


“Oh, wait.”




Idel’s heart skipped a beat again.


Linia avoided eye contact for a moment, mumbling softly.


“Maybe… if you have time…”


“Sorry, my lady, I didn’t quite catch that.”


“No, it’s nothing! Go ahead.”


With that, Linia quickly turned and disappeared into her room.


‘What was that about…?’


Idel, puzzled, shook her head and moved on. Right now, she had to focus more on Marsha than Linia.


* * *


“A little star that shines wherever it goes.”


“Proof that beauty and charm can coexist.”


“The finest party hostess in the Pisfera Empire.”


These were all praises directed at Lady Camille Emerson. This year, she intended to maintain her reputation.


“Any issues?” Camille asked her head maid, while standing still so her maids could adjust her dress.


“None at all, madam. The guests have begun arriving and are being seated as per your instructions.”


“Good, good.”


Admiring herself in the mirror, sparkling with jewelry and wrapped in a beautiful gown, Camille smiled.


“This year’s party will be the best yet.”


Ever since she got married, Camille had hosted a three-day party at the beginning of March to mark the end of the dreary winter and the start of spring.


Her birthday was on March 3, and her husband, Viscount Emerson, celebrated his birthday on March 4. March was also a popular time for small tea parties, so she combined everything into one grand three-day event.


For years, this party had earned the title of “the best.”


“Madam, Lady Angela Bliss has arrived. Shall I bring her in?”


“Oh, Angela is here! Yes, please, bring her.”


Camille, now almost ready, happily greeted her distant cousin and good friend, Angela.


With her fiery red hair and golden eyes, Angela’s voluptuous figure made her the target of many men’s affections.


Naturally, Camille, who thrived on popularity in the social scene, stayed close to her.


“Welcome, Angela!”


“Long time no see, Camille.”


The two got along remarkably well, sharing similar tastes and ideas.


“This year’s party decor is fabulous! How did you even think of decorating like this?”


“Thanks, Angela. But don’t be too impressed yet. I’ve got even better things planned, so enjoy yourself over the next three days.”


“Can’t you give me a hint of what to expect? I don’t want to be too shocked!”


Angela’s playful teasing made Camille grin even more.


“Shall I tell you one thing? Angela, do you know Linia Crises?”


“Linia… Oh my! You don’t mean the mercenary-turned-count’s sister, do you?”


“That’s right. She’ll make the party even more entertaining.”


At that moment, Angela had no idea what Camille had planned. She was merely annoyed that someone like Linia, of commoner origins, had even been invited to a party known to be exclusive.


But when Linia Crises arrived that afternoon, Angela realized just how skilled Camille was at hosting a truly remarkable event.


“My goodness, what is she wearing? Is she even a noble?”


“Leave her be. What would a commoner even know?”


“How embarrassing…”


Whispers of discomfort rose from the crowd surrounding Linia.


Camille had deliberately placed her seat in the middle of the ladies who enjoyed gossip, knowing they’d tear Linia apart. Linia walked in wearing heavy makeup, an odd headpiece, and a dress fit for a courtesan—exactly how she usually dressed.


“Camille, is this what you were talking about?”


“Pfft! Isn’t it great? That girl grew up spending the money her mercenary brother earned, acting like she belongs in noble society. I wanted to give her a reality check.”


Camille had been irritated by Linia’s constant presence at every party, so she decided to humiliate her once and for all by sending her an invitation.


A few months ago, during a tea party, Camille had played nice, observing Linia. Once she realized Linia was clueless, she marked her as the perfect target for today’s amusement.


And today, Linia had shown up exactly as expected, giving everyone the shared pleasure of mocking her.


“But with Count Crises’ growing influence… is this really okay?”

“Count Crises doesn’t even care about his sister. Just look at her. She doesn’t even have a proper tutor, which says it all. Seems like he only threw her some money after his mercenary work.”


**“These uneducated commoners rising to fame only pollute the social scene…”**


**“Who would disagree? Watch, even after this humiliation, she’ll keep showing up at parties.”**


Angela shook her head in disapproval at Camille’s remark.


Linia, realizing that no one was speaking to her, nervously sipped her tea, seemingly unaware of what she had done wrong. That was probably why she kept attending these events.


**“Do you think she’ll be the entertainment for the next two days too?”**


**“Who knows? After everyone gossips about her today, the novelty will wear off, and she’ll probably hide in a corner. But don’t worry, tomorrow will bring new amusement.”**


To them, Linia was nothing more than a disposable plaything.


Though Linia heard the sneers and mocking whispers directed at her all day, she only broke down in tears once she climbed into her carriage to head home.


* * *


Today was the day Linia had eagerly anticipated—Lady Emerson’s party.


But Idel was worried for her from the moment Linia, dressed up gaudily with Marsha’s help, left the house early that morning. To be honest, she looked awful.


**‘If only I could’ve helped her with her appearance…’**


But Marsha would never have let Idel take that role, given that she stood to gain some benefits herself. And there was no way a mere kitchen maid like Idel could offer to assist the lady of the house with her dressing.


As expected, Linia returned home much earlier than planned, throwing a massive fit, unlike anything they had seen in a long time.


**“Hey! Who put this here?”**


The moment Linia picked up the fireplace poker, which had always been in the same spot, and threw it across the room, all the servants tensed up.


**“It’s March already, and you still have the winter decorations up? What would people say if they saw this? Take them down immediately!”**


**“And this? There’s dust on the window frames! If I don’t nag you, you don’t do your job?”**


**“Marsha! When are you hiring a new gardener? Other houses’ gardens are already blooming with flowers!”**


Linia began to vent her frustrations on everything in sight, from invisible dust to hiring decisions that the housekeeper had no authority over.


Even Marsha, who usually soothed Linia’s tantrums, got yelled at this time: **“Shut up!”** After that, everyone stood silently, swallowing their unease.


As Linia’s throat grew hoarse from all the yelling, she retreated to her room, where she began to break things.


From the second floor, the sounds of smashing and crashing filled the house, causing the maids to exchange uneasy glances. Someone would have to go up and clean the mess once Linia’s rampage was over.


**“Ugh, this is driving me crazy.”**


**“Seriously. What’s her problem today?”**


**“I don’t know. Probably got humiliated at another party.”**


**“It’s not like this is the first time. Shouldn’t she be used to it by now? Why take it out on us?”**


Hearing the maids grumble in frustration made Idel’s heart ache.


**‘How could anyone ever get used to that…?’**


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