Spoils of War Duchess


Chapter 35

Even if they were scoundrels, they must have known that what they were doing was dishonorable. They had some pride as nobles, so there was no way they could mention their family names.

So, she hoped they would come to their senses and stop this behavior.

“Do they still think I’m the Duchess?”

A man named Terry suddenly pushed Edel against the wall.

“I heard that even the Count of Chrysus didn’t take a fancy to you, so we were going to give you a chance, but what?”

“Do you even realize your current situation? There’s no one here who would take your side, no matter what we do to you.”

Edel had heard stories many times that during the former Emperor’s reign, crimes committed by nobles were so overlooked that even minor nobles who couldn’t even earn the title of baronet disregarded the law.

But she never imagined she would experience it firsthand. And to think that her assailants would be members of the Imperial Knights, who were supposed to uphold the law and order.

Edel glared at them with eyes full of contempt.

“It seems you knights are the ones who don’t understand. What you’re about to do is treason. Not only will you be dismissed from the Imperial Knights, but you will also have to pay reparations to the Chrysus family.”

“Hah! What nonsense! If that’s the case, then you too…!”

“I might have kept silent and let this go as if it never happened, but I won’t do that. As you know, I’m not a maid who can be easily dismissed. So, why don’t you stop now?”

Only then did the two men realize that Edel was not just an ordinary maid.

While commoner maids might keep silent out of fear of not receiving a letter of recommendation after being assaulted, Edel had no such fear. She was bound to this household for life unless the Count of Chrysus decided to dismiss her.

“You… you little…!”

However, their egos were too inflated to back down now.

“Let’s see if you can still be so confident after you’ve truly been assaulted!”

“Come with us!”

Stung by their wounded pride, they grabbed Edel and tried to drag her away without considering the consequences.

She struggled with all her might and screamed, believing that someone would hear her, even in this large mansion.

“Let go of me! Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves?”

“Shut up, you crazy woman!”

Just as they were dragging Edel towards the men’s restroom, with her arms held tightly and her mouth covered, a deep, resonant voice echoed through the deserted corridor.

“Is this why you wanted to see me at my house?”

The two men froze in place, their blood running cold.

Edel took advantage of their shock to free her arms, quickly stepping back and bowing to the owner of the voice.

“You’ve arrived, my Lord.”

There, with a chilly gaze fixed on them, stood Laszlo.

As they came to their senses, the two men began to make excuses, frantically waving their hands.

“This is a misunderstanding! That woman seduced us first!”

“That’s right! She clung to us, begging us to take her away from here. And now that you’ve arrived, she’s pretending to be the victim!”

“Women in such dire straits are truly terrifying, aren’t they?”

There were two of them and one of her. No witnesses.

They shamelessly clung to their lies, believing that Laszlo was merely trying to intimidate them.

But Laszlo’s gaze remained fixed on the two knights.

“Is what you said just now true?”

“Of course!”

“Are you willing to stake your necks on it?”


“Are you willing to stake your necks on it?”

Laszlo asked as he slowly drew his sword from his waist.

The blade gleamed menacingly in the winter sunlight.

“Why, why are you doing this, my Lord?”

“Hey, there’s no need to be so scary. Let’s talk this through…”

They tried to wriggle their way out of the situation, backing away, but Laszlo did not sheath his sword.

“Answer me. Will you stake your necks on it?”

“Y-Yes! Who would dare lie in front of you, my Lord?”

They insisted, believing that Laszlo was only trying to frighten them.

Laszlo smirked.

“It’s regrettable to have to execute the first guests I’ve invited to my home.”


“Do you think I didn’t see it all?”

Their faces turned pale.

Edel also felt a shiver down her spine. She hadn’t sensed anyone else nearby.

“M-My Lord…”

Laszlo’s sword tip pointed towards the two men.

“As knights, you must honor your word. It’s less painful and quicker if you kneel down and accept your fate. What will you do?”

At this, the two men immediately fell to their knees, pleading desperately.

“We’re sorry, Lord Chrysus! Please forgive us just this once!”

“We must have momentarily lost our minds! It’s the first time we’ve seen such a beautiful woman up close. Please, show us mercy!”

There was no trace of pride left in them as members of the Imperial Knights.

Laszlo suddenly turned to Edel.

“You, the victim. What should be done with them?”

Edel was slightly taken aback, not expecting to be asked for her opinion, but seeing the faint relief in the faces of the two men who had assaulted her, she felt a surge of anger.

‘Do they think I’ll just let this go? But I’m no longer the Duchess.’

She was no longer in a position where she had to endure injustice for the sake of future connections or her reputation.

It was ironic that it was only after her status had lowered that she could act freely, but Edel answered as coldly and indifferently as possible.

“My Lord, as the commander of the guard and since these men are members of the Imperial Knights, I believe it is proper to follow military law.”

“I don’t have the entire military law memorized.”

“It would likely be classified as treason and a violation of the dignity of the Imperial Knights. They should be dismissed from the Imperial Knights and receive corporal punishment and pay reparations.”

The knights were shocked, their mouths agape, but Laszlo frowned as if dissatisfied.

“Is that all?”

Edel understood why he might be displeased.

He was already engaged in daily battles of wits with nobles who looked down on him, and now his own subordinates, members of the Imperial Knights, had insulted him in his own home.

Edel added, hoping to instill more fear in the knights.

“In the past, the commander of the Imperial Knights once severed the right arm of a knight who insulted his daughter, but I’m not sure if such a punishment would be accepted in this case.”

“Hmm. The right arm, huh…”

When Laszlo’s gaze shifted towards the arms of the two men, they clutched them as if they had already been slashed, screaming out in panic.

“If something happens to us here, the Imperial Knights won’t stand by idly!”

“That’s right! Even as the Captain of the Guard, you can’t arbitrarily punish knights of the Imperial Knights!”

The men, who had just prostrated themselves on the floor, now shamelessly argued, further provoking Laszlo’s ire.

“Do you remember what that woman just said? You two have committed treason. A mere low-ranking knight has insulted the Captain of the Guard, so you can be punished.”

“That can’t be true! C-call for Sir Edmund Milton! He’ll judge this situation fairly!”

“Oh, so that bastard Edmund Milton is your backer?”

Laszlo’s eyes turned icy cold.

Even Edel had heard of Edmund Milton. He was hailed as a genius knight and a potential future Captain of the Guard, with great popularity in high society.

‘Is it really okay to insult the second son of the Milton family, and that too in front of these knights?’

The kneeling men seemed to share Edel’s doubts, but they were even more shocked by Laszlo’s apparent indifference to Edmund’s status.

Laszlo smirked as he sheathed his sword.

“Alright then, I’ll grant your wish and bring Edmund Milton here. I’m curious to see his reaction too.”

Postponing his judgment on the men, Laszlo then turned to Edel with a displeased expression.

“But why are you out here? I specifically ordered you to stay inside until I called for you.”

“I’m sorry. It seems there was a shortage of help.”

“Did Linia call you?”


Edel hesitated, unsure of how to respond, and her silence seemed to answer for her.

“Return to your room. After I deal with these men, I’ll decide your fate as well.”

Without showing any sign of frustration, Edel obediently bowed and returned to her room.

Laszlo watched her retreating figure, recalling her screams as she was violently dragged away. His leather gloves tightened around his fists, causing the material to crease under the pressure.

* * *

The Imperial Knights were in an uproar over the two knights who had been caught harassing a maid at the Captain of the Guard’s residence.

It didn’t help that the Captain in question was Laszlo Chrysus, one of the Emperor’s closest confidants, and that the maid they had harassed was none other than Edel Lancaster, a prisoner gifted by the Emperor himself.

“Those foolish men seemed to have requested you specifically. I don’t know why they unnecessarily brought up your name when I should be the one handling this.”

The commander of the Imperial Knights spoke, barely containing his anger as he set down the ‘cooperation letter’ sent by Laszlo. Edmund, who had been listening, responded.


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