Spoils of War Duchess


“Chapter 31”


“You look really beautiful, Miss! I told you, right? If you use this ‘flower powder,’ you’ll look even prettier. Ho ho ho!”


“Really…? Doesn’t my face look too red?”


“This kind of makeup is in fashion these days. It makes you look rosy and youthful.”


Linia kept turning her head from side to side, feeling awkward about her much redder-than-usual cheeks as she looked in the mirror.


Marsha stood beside her, continuing to encourage Linia.


“Do you know I waited in line since dawn to buy this? They say they’re out of stock.”


“Out of stock for something that costs 400 Lington?”


“Is 400 Lington a lot of money for the nobles? They say new products will come out in a few months. I’ll go early and buy two then. Since there’s a rose color, we should go for the crimson or light purple ones, right?”


Linia was startled by Marsha’s offer to buy two 400 Lington cosmetics.


“What? You don’t have to do that!”


“It’s fine, Miss. It’s for you, so cutting back on sleep is nothing. Ho ho ho!”


Marsha continued to show her loyalty, not understanding Linia’s concerns.


It was obvious that Marsha’s enthusiasm for Linia, who she had previously disregarded, was due to Idel.


“By the way, Miss.”




“I’m a bit worried about something.”


“Worried? What is it?”


Marsha leaned in close to Linia, who was still busy looking at the mirror.


“That woman who used to be the Duchess.”


“Right, she collapsed because of you and was on the brink of death, right? Why did that happen? Doesn’t she know that messing with my brother could be fatal?”


Rather than comforting Marsha, Linia glared at her with a sidelong glance.


Marsha wanted to shake Linia by her hair but held back, making the most pitiful expression she could.


“I’m feeling wronged, Miss. How would I know she was ill if she never spoke to me? I think she might have collapsed just to play tricks on me.”


“How could she deceive with Ailan around?”


Recalling the past when a fake illness was exposed by Ailan’s examination, Linia said.


She had been severely scolded by Laszlo at that time and had since never attempted to fake an illness.


Seeing that Linia was not on her side, Marsha was seething inside.


‘It’s not my fault that you’re dumb and can’t act! I’m the one who’s pitiful, serving someone like you!’


But she couldn’t say that out loud.


“Anyway, the thing I’m worried about isn’t that, Miss.”


“Then? What else is there?”


Marsha whispered in Linia’s ear, as if afraid someone might overhear.


“I think that woman Idel is targeting Count.”




Linia’s brows furrowed at the words. Marsha, seeing that Linia had taken the bait, began to flick her tongue like a snake.


“Yesterday, Mina went to place a mat in the Count’s bedroom and saw Idel going into the Count’s office.”


“A mat? That would be quite late.”


“That’s what I’m saying. Why would she go to a man’s room alone at such a late hour? The intention is too obvious!”


If Marsha’s suspicion was true, it was unpleasant for Linia.


‘My brother shouldn’t have a sordid past!’


Linia believed that Laszlo should marry a virtuous and perfect noble lady. She had a peculiar pride in her brother, who maintained a clean private life despite the messy rumors in the mercenary guild, and still had illusions about marriage.


She couldn’t tolerate the idea of her brother having a mistress who was the former wife of an old man and involved in treason.


“So, did that woman make a move on my brother?”


“It seems she failed for now. She left soon after. But you know, right? There’s no man who can resist if a woman uses her body to seduce him.”


Linia gritted her teeth.


“Pretending to be demure and high-class, and then trying to seduce him when in a hurry?”


“What did I tell you? I said she must be utterly vile. She’s a traitor, a traitor!”


Marsha, thrilled that Linia was getting agitated as planned, continued to chatter.


Although Laszlo was the head of the household, he was rarely at home due to his duties at the palace. The one wielding power here was Linia.


Marsha was certain that having the real power in her hands would lead her to victory.


‘Just wait. I’ll make Idel and her ilk beg me for mercy!’


But for now, Linia couldn’t act against Idel.


Laszlo was furious over Ailan’s diagnosis that Idel had nearly died, and calling her from the guest room where she was recuperating might result in severe punishment from him.


“I’ll let my brother rest for a few more days, and then I’ll give that woman a stern warning.”


“Again, I must say, the only one who can protect the Count from vulgar women chasing after money or status is you, Miss.”


“Alright, stop nagging. It’s annoying.”

Linia, frustrated with Marsha’s apparent intention to use her to sabotage Idel, finally lost her temper.

Despite her irritation with Idel, Linia was not going to ignore Marsha’s request entirely.

‘She must be frustrated, thinking she would become my brother’s mistress but now just working as a maid. She seems to be trying to cling to my brother under the pretense of this incident…’

Linia resolved to stay vigilant to protect her brother.

* * *

The Marquis of Celestin’s residence was located on Grania Street in the 2nd District of Herona.

Though not as grand as Herona Street, Grania Street was also known for its aristocratic residences, and the street was clean and well-maintained.

However, Laszlo felt burdened by such aristocratic streets.

‘Patrice Street is much better. It’s less crowded and closer to the palace.’

Reflecting on how fortunate he was to have received the estate on Patrice Street, Laszlo passed through the gate of the Celestin residence.

Today was the day the Marchioness of Celestin had requested a meeting.

‘The estate is smaller than I expected.’

Having visited many grand noble estates with the Emperor, this was his first time at the Celestin estate.

True to its reputation as a discreet family in both social and political circles, the garden and the estate felt orderly and somewhat precise.

This was likely due to the lingering touch of the Marchioness of Celestin, renowned as the ‘woman who preserved the family.’

‘Although some people gossip that she’s a woman who devoured her husband.’

Nevertheless, Laszlo held Barbara in high regard.

What’s wrong with a woman stepping forward when the family is on the brink of collapse?

‘Those who are well-fed create strange rules in unusual places.’

At that moment, the carriage gently rolled to a stop, signaling their arrival at the estate.

“Welcome, Sir Chrisus. We’re pleased to have you at the Celestin residence.”

Laszlo stepped out of the carriage, greeted warmly by a kindly butler.

The butler’s demeanor was perfectly balanced, guiding him to the estate’s drawing room without excess or deficiency.

Laszlo found himself envying not just the beautiful drawing room of the estate but also the butler.

‘Where on earth do you find a butler like that?’

The thought of the piles of documents on his desk made his head ache again.

As he surveyed the drawing room, the Marquis and Marchioness of Celestin finally entered.

“Finally, we meet, Count Chrisus!”

The Marquis of Celestin, in his mid-thirties, welcomed the younger Laszlo warmly. Whether this warmth was genuine remained to be seen.

“Thank you for the invitation, Marquis Celestin. And… Marchioness.”

“Let’s not use formal titles. Just call me Barbara.”

Barbara looked like the kind of elderly woman who was not easily swayed, just as he had glimpsed before.

She was said to have just turned sixty.

“I’m Laszlo.”

“I know. But since you are the head of a family, I’ll call you Count.”

Her willingness to use his name but refusal to address him by his first name felt like a confirmation of her boundaries.

Laszlo smiled slightly.

“It might be better if we avoid uncomfortable names.”

“Indeed, I suppose that’s true.”

They both maintained a stance of mutual evaluation without yielding.

As they took their seats, maids brought out warm tea and tea foods on the table.

While the tea foods and teacups were not elaborate, the types of tea foods, their arrangement, the tea’s temperature, and the manner of serving reflected careful consideration for the guest.

Laszlo admired this in his mind.

‘Would we be able to host guests like this at our place?’

Though he had never hosted guests, thinking of Linia and Marsha provided an easy answer.

‘Definitely not.’

Laszlo sipped his tea, trying to wash away the bitterness in his mouth. To others, he might have appeared like a predator with nothing lacking.

As his cup approached its end, the Marquis of Celestin began to broach the main topic.


  1. Mi mi mi says:

    Sigh* if only he had someone with both knowledge and experience I’m running a manor working under him ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ how long is it gonna take for him and his sister to realize they have a walking, talking noble’s enciclopédia living under their roof?

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