Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

SDAOPO Chapter 49

‎‧₊˚✧[Chapter 49]✧˚₊‧


Ruan Ruan has watched many beauty videos in this world, so naturally she pretty much knows something about Zhi Yuan.


However, because Zhi Yuan’s style is so unique, his success simply cannot be imitated.


Firstly, she can’t learn much from watching his videos, and secondly, his style is too different from hers. If she watches too many videos, she might accidentally be led astray by him…


So Ruan Ruan rarely takes the initiative to watch them.


At most, she just happened to take a look at it.


Thinking of this, Ruan Ruan smiled awkwardly and politely said: 


“I know him, he is a very good makeup artist.”


Liu Liu nodded very hard


“Yes, and his style is very sassy, nothing like a Omega…”


Because of being in a relationship with Jiang Yanzhan, Ruan Ruan subconsciously felt very unhappy when she heard this comment.


But in the end, this matter had nothing to do with her at all. She restrained her smile slightly and did not answer.


The atmosphere suddenly turned awkward.


Socializing is really hard.


Ruan Ruan withdrew her gaze and stopped looking at Liu Liu’s expression.


But Liu Liu wasn’t done yet.


“Speaking of which, before I met you, I didn’t think you were an Alpha.” 


Liu Liu smiled a little shyly, 


“Because you are so cute. There is such a cute Alpha in the world… To be honest, It’s even more shocking than Zhi Yuan being an Omega…”


The party had not officially started yet, and the venue was filled with the sound of small conversations, and Liu Liu’s voice was gentler, and the volume was also not too loud.


Except for Ruan Ruan, no one else heard it – that’s how it should be.


But as luck would have it, Zhi Yuan happened to pass by her when she was speaking.


Liu Liu was shocked and immediately stopped talking.


Zhi Yuan didn’t even look at her, and without any pause in his walking pace, he passed behind Ruan Ruan, pulled out a chair and sat next to her.


He casually glanced at the sign in front of Ruan Ruan, and with a casual sneer, he read it out: 


“A ‍gummy candy?”


Ruan Ruan greeted him and said




“Not very good.” Zhi Yuan said, 


“I can’t get over it when I hear someone gossiping about it.”




Is this the way a big boss socialises?


The seats were not far apart, so Liu Liu naturally heard what Zhi Yuan said, and she smiled very awkwardly. Ruan Ruan felt that she was at least 896 times more embarrassed than she was just now.


“Xiao Nen A.” 


Zhiyuan smiled and raised his eyes, which looked a bit charming, but still made people feel that he was very tough guy. 


“Quite pretty.”


“…Thank you.”


The title of ‘Xiao Nen A’, in this world, is probably just like a “little milk dogs”.


Ruan Ruan was a little confused.


Originally, many human beings seemed elusive to her, and it was even more difficult for her to understand the bosses who didn’t play by the rules.


She blinked her eyes, before she had time to think about why the boss took the initiative to answer for her and called her such a condescending person.


As a result, Zhi Yuan casually pressed down the sign with famous names in front of her. He no longer looked at her face, but looked at the table, and said in a sultry voice 


“Your lipstick is almost gone.”


” ………”




She remembered that she had touched up her makeup before getting in the car.


Could it be that she kissed Jiang Yanzhan before getting out of the car and accidentally rubbed it off?


Her relationship with Jiang Yanzhan is so good now that they usually kiss each other in a regular manner, and she doesn’t even remember the specific time and place of the kiss.


The theme of this event was very broad, and most of the attendees were from the beauty section of the fashion district. 


Everyone was dressed up to look gorgeous, and even using blood red coloured lipstick was considered light. There are a lot

people who used purple and black colour lipstick.


A makeup like hers, among a group of big guys, can be considered light makeup in itself.


Ruan Ruan was a little embarrassed, and was about to take out a small mirror to take a look, when a lipstick suddenly stretched out from beside her.




Zhiyuan looked at her slow response and said, “No need to do it here…”


Ruan Ruan subconsciously looked at Jiang Yanzhan, who was two tables away.


If there were a lot of big shots sitting at their table, then the person sitting at Jiang Yanzhan’s side was their boss and their father was the financial backer.


The social link here is already so scary, so it should be even more scary over there.


Ruan Ruan just glanced subconsciously and realized that Jiang Yanzhan was not socializing with others at all. Instead, he was leaning on the back of the chair with a relaxed posture and looking at her with an almost indifferent expression.




In the eyes of others, he was just expressionless and in the same state as usual.


But in Ruan Ruan’s eyes, he seemed to be angry.


After she glanced at it, she looked away, and the hand she just put into the small bag just happened to pull out a lip gloss.


Ruan Ruan showed an awkward yet polite smile again: “No, I know what to do, thank you.”




Ruan Ruan felt that this smile was very suitable for social interactions, and she had to work hard to maintain this expression until the end of the banquet.


Zhi Yuan put away the lipstick with a cold face.


Because he does good skin care and maintenance, his face looks tender and his body looks more youthful.


Moreover, he only wore very light make-up that day, which was very ordinary, and it was completely invisible that he was actually two years older than Jiang Yanzhan.


Ruan Ruan naturally didn’t care about this. The banquet hadn’t started yet. 


On one side of her was the boss, and on the other was Liu Liu, who had been told by the boss not to dare to compare. So no one was talking to her.


She doesn’t have to socialize anymore!


The feeling of freedom surrounded Ruan Ruan. She lowered her head and secretly opened her phone to send a message to Jiang Yanzhan.


So at the table where the boss was sitting, Jiang Yanzhan was was leaning on the chair with an expressionless face and must be thinking about a big case, frowned slightly and took out his mobile phone.


Jiang Xuefei: “Damn, you can fall in love during working hours.”


Other partners: “Damn, you don’t forget to work during meal time, Mr. Jiang is awesome!”



The awesome Mr. Jiang received the message from Ruan Ruan.


While “acting like a baby” and saying that she was very hungry, she said that she was also concerned about whether he had eaten enough for lunch and whether he was sleepy or cold or hungry right now.


Jiang Yanzhan suppressed the corners of his mouth to prevent them from rising up, and replied her with a cold face: “I’m not hungry.”


He paused and then sent another sentence.


“If you are hungry, you can go and eat a small cake. Desserts and drinks were prepared at the venue, and all guests were free to take them before the show started.”


However, the moment he said those words, Ruan Ruan’s message also popped up.


She asked him,“Are you full?”


Jiang Yanzhan sat up straight and stared at the phone.


Ruan Ruan’s second message popped up soon, “who could make our sweetheart angry?”




Ruan Ruan always understands his emotions very well.


But she had no idea what was going on and its happens always.


Is this also the power of pheromones?


“I am not angry.” Jiang Yanzhan typed slowly, 


“Who is sitting next to you? Do you know him?”


“He is also a beauty blogger.” Ruan Ruan replied to him obediently,  “But I don’t know him.”


Jiang Yanzhan put away his phone, looked up at Jiang Xuefei beside him, and asked in a low voice without changing his expression 


“How did you arrange the seats?” “


Jiang Xuefei was also playing with her mobile phone, without even raising her eyelids,”Initials Sorting, if there are too many high level ones and there is only one small blogger, add one or two more… Why what’s wrong?”


Jiang Yanzhan: “And what about the seating arrangement there?”


Jiang Xuefei finally raised her head: “Where?”


She looked at where Jiang Yanzhan looked, and then quickly remembered the person sitting next to Ruan Ruan through her super memory.


“The original is z, and our little soft is the y of ‘gummy candy’, so they are close to each other.”  


Jiang Xuefei said,“The one next to her is a little blogger who sat according to the arrangement. It seems to be called Zhi Yuan.”




“I just discovered that except for Xiaoruan, all of them are high level bloggers.”


Jiang Xuefei patiently explained, “Although Zhi Yuan is also at the million level, it has no characteristics or memorable points. Now he is starting to lose his wits when speaking. It’s always been tepid, and the number of fans is a false prosperity, which is quite confusing.”




Jiang Xuefei: “Nothing else, I just think that if you are so stupid, you shouldn’t dare to bully the little ones. Damn look, these two are pretending to be a couple… Tsk, it’s so eye-catching. I really want to buy them some hot searches.”




There is no family relationship, and only profit can be used to maintain this kind of  relationship.


Jiang Yanzhan also knew this person named Zhi Yuan, and he had signed a contract with their company before.


But it’s not his company, it’s what belongs to his parents.


Now he and Jiang Xuefei are both working in entertainment and media, and they are also influenced by their parents.


When Jiyuan first debuted in this circle, Jiang Yanzhan was still in school, so he didn’t know much about him and had only heard of him a few times.


This person comes out early and leaves the circle early. He always likes to play big tricks and has a stubborn temper that won’t bend even to death.


In the past two years, he has taken advantage of the boom in the development of the new media industry. He heard that some companies are poaching him, but he still has the attitude of refusing to accept their hard work and is very difficult to deal with.


He don’t know how Jiang Xuefei invited him here.


Jiang Yanzhan sent a few more messages to Ruan Ruan.


Ruan Ruan is sweet everywhere, and when she coaxes people, she is so sweet that no one can resist her. She also told Jiang Yanzhan a few homophonic jokes to try to make him happy.


Jiang Yanzhan had been reluctantly suppressing the corners of his mouth, and finally it was time for the press conference to start.


The dinner party also officially started. Maybe this is the legendary “talking while eating”.


When the appetisers were served, the person in charge of the press conference took to the stage to speak – yes, the person in charge was actually not Jiang Xuefei.


She was really paddling hard. When the situation is stable and Duan Si was helping, so she can do less things.


The person in charge’s speech was full of vigour and enthusiasm, and the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly ignited, and there was a burst of warm applause from the audience.


As the boss, Jiang Xuefei ignored what was going on outside the window and kept her head down, concentrating on eating the food.


After eating, she immediately complained to Jiang Yanzhan who next to her 


“Don’t you think the sauce is a little too sweet?”


Jiang Yanzhan, who often eats snacks with Ruan Ruan, has started to change his taste


“…I don’t think so. .”


“Really?” Jiang Xuefei looked suspicious of life and was deliberately irritating him, 


“I think the cake made by Xiaoruan last time was just right in sweetness.”


“Really?” Jiang Yanzhan said calmly, 


” There’s so much nonsense, I don’t mind asking you how to invite Zhi Yuan.”




Jiang Yanzhan was not with the person, who was in charge of the activities on the stage.


Since he doesn’t know him, he is definitely not the person who can invite the difficult Zhi Yuan.


This matter was definitely ordered by Jiang Xuefei, and she even did it herself.


She must have already known the seating arrangements.


She tricked him into attending this party, arranged the seats between Ruan Ruan and him so far apart, and placed such a male Omega next to Ruan Ruan who dared to hand his lipstick to Ruan Ruan… It’s hard to believe that Jiang Xuefei wasn’t doing this on purpose.


She deliberately wanted to make him angry.


「 ✦ End of this chapter✦ 」


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