Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

SDAOPO Chapter 48

  ‎‧₊˚✧[Chapter 48]✧˚₊‧



Ruan Ruan still didn’t want to bully Jiang Yanzhan too much.


She was getting to know him better now, and knows that his ability to say 


“we can wear a couple’s clothes” is the result of careful consideration through the screen.


It would be too much to ask him to do more things that he would never do this time.


Moreover Ruan Ruan didn’t want others to see Jiang Yanzhan wearing a princess dress.


He is used to maintaining his perfect image in front of others, so he should continue to maintain it. 


Anyway, she can see his many ‘other sides’ and it is only her who can see them.


Ruan Ruan didn’t dwell on the issue anymore. She discussed it with Jiang Yanzhan and decided to wear European mediaeval style clothing.


She wanted to put makeup on Jiang Yanzhan and dress him up like a vampire.


Jiang Yanzhan did not refuse, but when Ruan Ruan proposed this, he also replied her with a few more suggestions .


Ruan Ruan quickly prepared all the costumes and props before he thought about it carefully and was about to regret it.


She prepared two sets of clothes of the same style. The moment Jiang Yanzhan saw the clothes, his expression changed from his expressionless state to being even more expressionless.


Ruan Ruan knew that Jiang Yanzhan had begun to regret crazily in his heart.


“Sweetheart, believe in me.” 


Ruan Ruan said it with a smile, 


“This is very suitable for you.”


Jiang Yanzhan said without changing his expression


“I remembered something happened that day….”


Ruan Ruan’s smile became a little stiff.


“…So we have to make a quick decision and leave as soon as possible.” 


Jiang Yanzhan quickly changed the subject, and Ruan Ruan finally laughed again




She asked Jiang Yanzhan to sit on a chair, spread out a row of cosmetics by the table, and stood next to him, she lowered her head and touched his face


“Sweetheart, please bear with me, it might be a little itchy… This is my first time putting makeup on someone else.”


…It’s ‘her first time’ again.


Jiang Yanzhan pursed his lips and closed his eyes satisfied, with a very complicated mood.


He likes to be quiet and low-key when he is alone. He is not willing to wear flashy clothes or attend such public events, where he will be watched and talked about in private. 


He will also be photographed without his knowledge. Photos taken from unknown angles will be spread out accidentally.


Those are very troublesome and annoying.


…But with Ruan Ruan around, it doesn’t seem to be that annoying anymore.


Jiang Yanzhan felt a few drops of liquid dripping down his face. It was sticky and felt a little cold.


His eyelashes trembled slightly, and before he could ask what it was, he felt Ruan Ruan’s fingertips gently pressing on the slightly cold liquid, and she slowly pushed it away gently.


She rubbed her fingers along his cheeks, brushed under his eyes, forehead, bridge of nose, and then along his jaw to touch near the chin.


Ruan Ruan’s fingers were very soft, and the movement of pushing away the liquid was very gentle. 


It was so comfortable that it felt like a kind of enjoyment for him.


After applying it, Jiang Yanzhan opened his eyes slightly and his eyes fell on Ruan Ruan’s profile.


Her expression looked very serious. She was picking through her skin care products, probably trying to choose something suitable for his skin type….


Jiang Yanzhan didn’t know much about makeup at all. His only knowledge about it was from watching Ruan Ruan’s videos.


“My Sweetheart’s skin is really good.”


Ruan Ruan poured a little water on her hand, 


“Put a little more water on it, and the foundation will be particularly compliant soon.”


Jiang Yanzhan said “hmm” and closed his eyes again.


Ruan Ruan pressed the water in her palm onto his face, and then patted it gently with her soft little hands. The liquid made a slapping sound under the palm of her hand, which sounded a little…. off.


Jiang Yanzhan’s eyelashes trembled again and he whispered, 


“Are you okay?”


“… was it hurting you?” 


Ruan Ruan’s slapping movements moved to near his forehead, 


“I didn’t use much force. It shouldn’t hurt, right?”


“…Hmm. It doesn’t hurt much.”


With this line, it sounds even worse.


He closed his mouth silently, relaxed his body, and pretended that he didn’t hear neither say anything.


After Ruan Ruan finished his skin care, she started to prepare for his makeup.


For a boss like Jiang Yanzhan, who is naturally beautiful, his makeup requires almost no technical content. 


She only needs to follow the normal steps to apply the isolation foundation and contouring his face with a few strokes.


[ T/N: Contouring is a technique for sculpting and adding dimension to your face by using makeup that is slightly darker or lighter than your actual skin color. This makeup technique involves using dark and light colors to enhance or slim down the appearance of certain facial features.]


Because he wanted to look like a vampire, Ruan Ruan planned to put some eye shadow on Jiang Yanzhan.


She was indeed very gentle. She held an eye shadow brush in her hand and used the soft bristles to gently sweep it between Jiang Yanzhan’s eyebrows and eyes, over and over again.


Jiang Yanzhan felt like it was some feathers which was tickling between his eyelids, and was like the tail of her hair hanging down when she lowered her head to kiss him.


He closed his eyes and heard Ruan Ruan say again 


“Sweetheart, open your eyes and look up.”


Jiang Yanzhan opened his eyes and looked up as she asked.


They were in his room now, with a bright light on. He opened his eyes suddenly, feeling unaccustomed to the light for a moment, and subconsciously raised the back of his hand to block it.


Ruan Ruan had already leaned over and gently touched his eyes with her fingers.


Her breath was very close at hand


“Don’t be impatient, sweetie, take your time.”




He decided not to use his brain to think anymore.


Jiang Yanzhan slowly opened his eyes in obedience to what he said.


Ruan Ruan took the eye shadow brush and gently helped him apply it to his eye.


“…Is there a mirror?”


“Hey, do you want to see what you look like now?”


Ruan Ruan said with a smile, 


“Wait a minute, I can’t spare any time for that now.”


“…No need…”


“I’ll finish it right away for you to see.” 


Ruan Ruan took the eyeshadow brush and swiped it back and forth gently under his eyes, 


“My sweetheart is so beautiful.”




The feeling right now is too much.


It was itchy, and he wanted to reach out and scratch it, but Ruan Ruan’s face was close at hand, and she was too close to him.


 When he raised his arm, he could only hook Ruan Ruan’s waist.


“It’s itchy.” 


Jiang Yanzhan finally couldn’t help but say, “Is it not finished yet?”


Ruan Ruan smiled and said, “You’ll be ready soon.”


After she painted Jiang Yanzhan with light eyeshadow, she felt that his whole body had become better than before.


Ruan Ruan bent down to hug him and kissed him on his lips 


“I really want to hide you from others.”


Jiang Yanzhan lowered his eyes and looked at Ruan Ruan, who had already put on his makeup, and silently felt in his heart.


He feels the same.


It was him who wanted to hide Ruan Ruan.


He doesn’t know how many people will be eyeing her during this event.


Jiang Yanzhan felt very irritated when he thought of this, and even the brush sweeping around his face suddenly lost its presence.


The reason why he suggested ‘wearing a couple’s clothes’ was because he was stimulated by others.


He had been watching Ruan Ruan’s videos. Unexpectedly, when he looked back one day, he saw a video edited by someone else being pushed to him among the related videos.


Someone cut a short story directly out of Ruan Ruan’s video material, which looks very interesting and endearing.


Jiang Yanzhan couldn’t help but curl up his lips.


As he looked at it, he suddenly remembered that it was cut by someone else, and saw the barrage of “Hahaha” all over the screen, mixed with many 


“Fuck, it’s so beautiful,”


“I’m so impressed,”


“My future wife” 


“She’s  is finally being discovered by others” and other barrages —


Jiang Yanzhan was so angry that he turned off the barrage function.


He had already planned to quit. He took a deep breath and advised himself to forget about it as soon as possible.


Don’t get angry and get sick because there is no one to take care of you… 


But his tablet automatically played another video again, which was naturally edited by the same person. 


It was a screen-licking edit, and the whole process was filled with the scenes where Ruan Ruan, who is already super cute and good-looking, has the most stunning face.


This time, there was no more “Hahahaha” on the screen. The screen was filled with confessions of love and shouting about “my future wife” and there were even barrage comments like “Sister fuck me”.


Jiang Yanzhan was so angry that he lost his mind.


But he still pressed on the barrage button while being angry.


So infuriating.


The most annoying thing is yet to come.


Two days ago, he turned off the barrage and re-appreciated the beautiful clip, but was caught by Jiang Xuefei who suddenly came home. She took one look and started to laugh at him. She laughed so hard that she asked him


“Didn’t I say that she has great potential? Look, there are so many people who have the same vision as me!”


She doesn’t even have one million fans. What a powerful brother?


Jiang Yanzhan, who disliked others while watching the video they edited, was silent and did not answer this sentence. He then heard Jiang Xuefei saying triumphantly 


“I admire her very much. It seems that she has been invited to this event. Let her Come and do VR testing.”




“Hey, don’t look at me with a questioning face like that.” 


Jiang Xuefei carried her bag and turned around happily on her high heels, 


“Our little softie can still run away from you. You know? If you’re worried, then you can go along.”




Our little softie? Who is following who? 


This woman, Jiang Xuefei, was really worse.


With this method of hers, not only can she get him to participate in activities for free, but she also forces him to go to Ruan Ruan to ‘declare sovereignty.’


This wave of popularity is absolutely foolproof.


People can even cheat their own family, capitalists are so disgusting.


The more Jiang Yanzhan thought about it, the unhappy he became, and his face turned as dark as the bottom of a black pot.


Ruan Ruan’s hand was stained with eyeshadow, so she could only stretch out her little finger and gently poke the corner of Jiang Yanzhan’s mouth.


Jiang Yanzhan was stunned for a moment.




“Sweetheart, why? What happened? are you unhappy?” 


Ruan Ruan was still poking at the corner of his mouth, 


“You are so pretty, smile a little and let me see?”


“No.” Jiang Yanzhan said, 


“Did you finish applying makeup?”


Ruan Ruan sat down on the armrest next to him, her calves resting naturally on his lap, and she was picking out several lipsticks and lip glosses in her hand.


“Not yet, I don’t know which colour is suitable for you.” 


Ruan Ruan said, taking out one of them, 


“How about this? Shall we try it?” 


Jiang Yanzhan said expressionlessly




Anyway, his whole face is for Ruan Ruan. No matter what Ruan Ruan did, he still didn’t care much.


Ruan Ruan took the lip gloss and held up a small mirror. She applied a layer of lip gloss and swiped it on.


It looked good, so she applied two more layers, very thickly.




Ruan Ruan came up to him and kissed him hard on the lips before he could react.


“It seems pretty good.” 


She raised her body and held the mirror in front of him with a



“Take a look, sweetheart.”




Ruan Ruan is really good at it.


His face turned red, and he forced himself to calm down and put on the lipstick.


There wasn’t much lipstick on it, but Ruan Ruan didn’t put any heavy makeup on Jiang Yanzhan to begin with, just a little red to improve his complexion.


She used her little finger that had just poked Jiang Yanzhan’s mouth gently and patiently place it on his lips, helping him to apply the lip color evenly little by little.


The party started on time at 6:30, and they started preparing at 4:00, and it took them until 5:40 to get ready.


Ruan Ruan put away her things, left a few makeup items in her handbag, and touched Jiang Yanzhan’s face


“Okay, let’s go, sweetheart.”


It was Jiang Yanzhan’s first time to put on makeup, and he always felt that it was a bit strange, as he was afraid that when Ruan Ruan touched him, he would find powder on her hand.


In fact, his foundation is very compliant and she did a good job when setting the makeup, so this won’t happen at all.


But Jiang Yanzhan didn’t know that. He held Ruan Ruan’s wrist and lowered his voice


“Don’t touch my face…..”


It sounded a bit like some kind of secret request.


Ruan Ruan laughed, touched it again rebelliously, and said teasingly


“Why can’t I touch it? It’s easy to touch, and your makeup won’t fall off.”




If this child had been born earlier, For hundreds of years, she must have been a flower amongst the thousands of bees.


With a cold face, he took the clothes Ruan Ruan gave him, got up and went up to the room to change clothes.


In addition to clothes, Ruan Ruan also prepared a wig for Jiang Yanzhan. 


The wig that needs to be put on the whole head was really too fake, and the full set will give a cosplay feel, which may be a bit out of place in a commercial conference, and she was not very professional in this area, it may appear very, very cheap.


In order to avoid this cheap feeling, Ruan Ruan’s choice was to fake braid it.


She had asked Jiang Yanzhan to wash his hair before, put on makeup and blow-dried hair. The smooth black hair fell obediently on both sides. 


He looked completely different from his usual self, and he had become much more docile.


But this style seems a bit inappropriate for him.


Ruan Ruan picked up the hairspray and gave him a simple hairstyle, then connected the very realistic braid to the back of his hair, and then placed it in the front, letting the braid lie on his shoulders.


Pair it with a host of accessories that were perfect for his look.


After the entire makeup was completed, Jiang Yanzhan’s whole aura changed into something different from before. 


This European mediaeval makeup made him look a little less cold and hard, and much more noble than before. Coupled with the accessories, and pigtails, adding a bit of looseness and frivolity to him.


But his own temperament still existed. No matter how frivolous he dresses, his feeling of being unapproachable and cold and ascetic was still there.


These several feelings are intertwined, they are completely opposite, and they all blend together wonderfully.


Ruan Ruan looked at the fruits of her labour with a smile and said with great satisfaction


“It’s so beautiful, my Duke.”


Jiang Yanzhan kissed her on the forehead and said nothing.


Ruan Ruan actually forgot that in the ABO world, the overall historical process was very similar to what she originally knew. 


According to the history of this world, in ‘mediaeval Europe’ in her impression, in most cases, Omega could not become a “Duke”.


When it comes to “Duke”, the first thing that people in this world think of is usually Alpha. Sometimes when talking about some special cases, they will specifically emphasise that it is an Omega Duke.


Jiang Yanzhan did not object to being called “Duke” at all. 


He only felt that it was Ruan Ruan’s honorific title for him, which was a very high recognition.


After Ruan Ruan finished dressing him up, he went to the room to install the clothes and some messy decorations.


She wore clothes in the same style as Jiang Yanzhan’s. The style was more of the men’s, but the shape fit her figure very well. Her waist was slender and her legs were long,


She was sexy and beautiful.


Jiang Yanzhan looked at her appearance and was stunned for several seconds before he realised what he was doing and walked over to hug her slim waist.


He has seen a lot of good-looking people over the years. His family’s genes was very strong, and he has lived with very good-looking people since he was a child.


Later, during his work life, he also came into contact with many celebrities, of all genders, and there were also many good-looking people who transcended gender.


Just by relying on their faces, they could earn money that others would not be able to earn in many of their lifetimes.


Did I say that each of these people are completely inferior to Ruan Ruan?


Not really.


But those people were not his girlfriend.


Just like the food you cook will have a delicious bonus, the people you like will also have different beauty filter.


What’s more, his little girlfriend, who is usually very good-looking, with a little dressing up, her stunning index skyrocketed.


Jiang Yanzhan looked at her and even thought quietly in his heart 


‘Why is she so beautiful?’


She is cute, beautiful and very attractive. Is there anyone more beautiful than her in the world?




Ruan Ruan is not like this.


She held Jiang Yanzhan’s hand, took the driver’s seat and set off to the event venue.


She held his hand tightly all the way and refused to let go. When she got off the car, she even told him specifically: 


“Don’t leave my side when we reach the venue.”




“I really, really want to hide you from others.” 


Ruan Ruan hooked his neck and kissed him lightly and quickly on his lips


“You must hold my hand.”




He did the same as she told.


The two entered the venue hand in hand.


This event was said to be a banquet and a new product launch, so a very large stage was set up at the front of the venue, which seemed to be a place for delivering speeches and displaying products.


Under the stage, there were very long dining tables, probably more than ten, with exquisite cups and saucers placed on both sides of each table.


Above each white round plate were the names of the guests.


After everyone entered the venue, they sat on their respective seats.


Ruan Ruan has received a notice that her location is actually very close to the main seat.


Since the invited guests came from all divisions and fan segments, when arranging seats, they were basically arranged according to divisions and initials of their names, with a slight shuffle.


In this era of rapid development of new media, although crazy followers are not common, they are definitely not uncommon.


Two people may have met a few months ago and still have 100,000 fans or a million fans, but when they meet again a few months later, they both have exceeded the 2 million mark.


On one hand, this depends on personal style, on the other hand, it also depends on opportunity and luck.


Therefore, in this circle, most of the big guys with millions of fans are very kind and friendly. 


They are also willing to make friends with some ladies with relatively few fans, exchange skills, and talk about their experiences without hesitation.


Ruan Ruan and Jiang Yanzhan originally wanted to hold hands until the end of the party, but Jiang Xuefei was obviously not so kind as to arrange a perfect date for them.


When they arranged the position for Ruan Ruan, they arranged it with a bunch of beauty bloggers based on her status as a beauty blogger.


As for Jiang Yanzhan’s position, as the boss of the company, he sits on what was considered the main seat with a group of partners.


Jiang Yanzhan really wanted Jiang Xuefei to rearrange the seats.


But this is not a family dinner, it is a relatively important occasion. Jiang Xuefei still needs to save face in front of outsiders, and he does not want others to make some childish remarks on them in public.


So the two were forced to separate.


Although the location is only two tables away, there is a sense of separation between them.


However, even though they were temporarily separated, when they entered the venue, because their appearance was very eye-catching and they were dressed exquisitely and elegantly, they almost caught the attention of everyone at once.


After Ruan Ruan took her seat, a beauty blogger next to her immediately came to get close to her.




The other party was probably a female Beta, with a gentle and a very friendly voice. She didn’t wear a restraining bracelet or anything like that. 


“Maybe it’s a bit presumptuous… Can I ask your gender?”


Ruan Ruan followed her gaze and glanced at the bracelet in her hand and responded with a smile


“Ah, hello. My name is Ruan Ruan, and I am an Alpha female.”


“Hello, you can call me Liu Liu.” 


She smiled and pointed to the sign in front of her, where her name was written.


“Shall we follow each other?” She asked Ruan Ruan.


Ruan Ruan also lowered her eyes and looked at her brand. It was not her real name, but the name she finally decided on and revised several times as a beauty blogger was Gummy Candy.


She nodded, took out her phone, and searched for the name on the sign in front of her. 


She found that the other party had more than 1.2 million fans. It looked like she was her senior.


She had asked Jiang Yanzhan to wash her hair before, put on some makeup and blow-dried her hair. The smooth black hair fell obediently on both sides.


He looked completely different from his usual self, and his whole aura had turned into pretty much docile.


As soon as Ruan Ruan saw her video, she remembered that she had seen her before, but she was not very impressed.


“I’ve seen your video.” 


Liu Liu smiled a little shyly, 


“You are really cute, I like you very much.”


Ruan Ruan was also a little embarrassed 


“Ah, thank you.”


Liu Liu asked “Do you know who the person sitting on your left is?”


Ruan Ruan was stunned for a moment and looked up to the other side of her seat.


The seat on the left was still empty, and there was a sign on the plate in front of her.


On the sign was a name that was familiar to her, Zhi Yuan.


Zhi Yuan is a very famous blogger in the beauty area. He rarely makes jokes, and he doesn’t like to make jokes. His video style can almost be called boring – but his skills are really impressive.


His makeup skills have long been famous. It is said that he retired as a makeup artist for a famous celebrity.


In the past two years, he has only been making videos to support his retirement, and does not care about income at all.


Even so, his number of fans has already exceeded four million mark and is heading towards five million.


Most bloggers in the beauty section have followed him, and every time he posts a video, many people will follow and learn his makeup skills.


However, he doesn’t speak much and he doesn’t have many skills to tell others.


Moreover, he is still an Omega.


Every quarter, he would stop updating for a month for well-known reasons – that was recuperating at home.



「 ✦ End of this chapter ✦ 」


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