Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

SDAOPO Chapter 47

‎‧₊˚✧[Chapter 47]✧˚₊‧



Ruan Ruan hadn’t realized what was actually happening.


Jiang Yanzhan put one hand on her shoulder and pinched her chin with the other, his expression was as cold as ever: 


“Be good.”


Ruan Ruan blinked and asked him, “What’s wrong?”


“Open your mouth.”


Jiang Yanzhan repeated the words again patiently, 


“Let me see.”




She suddenly felt very embarrassed.


Jiang Yanzhan pinched her face gently and urged, 




Ruan Ruan blushed, looked up at him, and slowly opened her mouth.


Perhaps because of the shyness, there was a bit of charm in her eyes, and she opened her mouth slowly, looking a little aggrieved.


Jiang Yanzhan saw her neat white teeth, and her small lips which was pink and rosy. 


It definitely didn’t look like she had cavities…


Logically speaking, he should put something on her tongue and take another look…


Ruan Ruan was confused and felt a little shy.


Looking at her shy face, Jiang Yanzhan slowly retracted his hand, his face turned red, and his voice was dangerously low


“Well, everything’s okay.”




Jiang Yanzhan stepped back, sat next to Ruan Ruan, and said in a deep voice


“When are we going to have a check-up together?”


Ruan Ruan was stunned for a moment, and before she could react, she continued in a daze


“…A pre-marital check-up?”


[ T/N: Pre-marital check-up is defined as testing couples who are planning to get married soon for common genetic blood disorders (e.g. sickle cell anemia and thalassemia and sickle cell anemia) and infectious diseases (e.g. hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS).]




Ruan Ruan knew. Humans usually go for physical examinations, but the word “examination” usually only appears after symptoms have occurred. 


Before her mind could even process it, she subconsciously formed a thought when she heard the word ‘check-up’.


Jiang Yanzhan retracted his hand and held it in front of his chest.


He lowered his eyes and calmed down for two seconds before repeating it again word by word 


“It’s okay don’t think too much.”


Ruan Ruan laughed when she heard this. This time she reacted quickly and immediately turned around and lay on her back on Jiang Yanzhan’s arm and asked him expectantly


“But I haven’t proposed yet?”




He pursed his lips and moved his eyes to the other side, and said with a red face


“Let’s talk about it later.”


Ruan Ruan lay on his shoulder and smiled very happily


“You can’t lie, you have already agreed.”




Jiang Yanzhan stood up directly


“How many dishes are you cooking tonight?”


Ruan Ruan who was behind him, was still laughing 


“I don’t know, I want to eat you.”


Jiang Yanzhan immediately said avoiding her


“Shall we fry the steak at last?”


Ruan Ruan spoke to him rudely this time


“Wow, you obviously heard it.”


Jiang Yanzhan opened the refrigerator and took the ingredients out. He tried his best to keep a straight face


“Are you ready to cook?”


If other people in the company saw his expression, they would have panicked long ago.


However, Ruan Ruan was not afraid at all, and happily ran to him, stretched out her hand and poked his face


“It’s okay. I’ll do it.”


She looked at Jiang Yanzhan and blinked


“You don’t need to move much today, Just enjoy my service.”




She did it on purpose—but it seemed like he was the one who started the topic.


This time it should be considered a draw.


Jiang Yanzhan silently took out the ingredients, closed the refrigerator, and turned to leave.


He actually couldn’t ‘enjoy the service’ as Ruan Ruan said. 


When Ruan Ruan was cooking, he stood beside her and occasionally helped her.


Jiang Yanzhan has a strong learning ability and his hands-on cooking was not bad. 


He can cut vegetables and garnishes them as soon as he was taught. 


Although his movements are a little slower, he can cut them much better than Ruan Ruan.


Ruan Ruan was really afraid of chopping the vegetables as it could cut her hand.


She looked at Jiang Yanzhan with trepidation, and was also very worried that he would accidentally cut his hand. 


Cutting vegetables made her feel as nervous as if it was a situation of a life and death.


When you are not very familiar with the kitchen, learning to cook alone may be a bit methodical, but to cook with two people is more likely to be confusing.


It was the first time Jiang Yanzhan learned something new so it was a bit awkward.


For a moment, he even thought 


‘Is cooking actually a particularly difficult thing?’


Later, he and Ruan Ruan each cooked a dish without helping the other, let alone causing trouble for each other…


Only then did he realise that cooking was actually not that difficult.


A dinner was cooked perfectly, it was embarrassing and happy at the same time.


After the food was placed on the table one by one, the satisfaction and happiness in her heart cannot be compared to eating a random meal outside.


Cooking your own meals always adds a little deliciousness, and since the two of them already like the dishes, the dinner was very delicious and sumptuous.


Ruan Ruan ate her share fully, and Jiang Yanzhan rarely ate more than usual. 


After some discussion, the two decided to go out for a walk to relieve their fullness of stomach.


No one washed the dishes yet.


Ruan Ruan held Jiang Yanzhan’s hand and discussed with him whether to buy a dishwasher in the future while walking unsteadily.


Ruan Ruan was very considerate. 


But he did not take this matter into consideration. Because he had never cooked before and no one in Jiang Yanzhan’s family knew how to cook, he forgot about washing dishes.


Jiang Yanzhan was noncommittal.


Ruan Ruan just mentioned it casually, and after talking about it, she started thinking about her delicious snacks. 


She smacked her mouth and whispered,


“Should I bring some candy?”




Jiang Yanzhan remembered what happened before and bent down to approach her,


“We’ll go to the dentist with you when I have time.”


Ruan Ruan looked at him in surprise and said


“Do you have a toothache?”




Jiang Yanzhan rubbed his head, 


“I’m afraid you will be having a toothache.”


Ruan Ruan stood on her tiptoes and pressed her head against his neck and while rubbing his neck gently and she took a light bite.


Jiang Yanzhan was suddenly stiff all over, and then he heard Ruan Ruan hugging his neck and saying a little proudly


“My teeth is much better, so I don’t have a toothache.”


He lowered his head helplessly and touched her lips


“Okay. So don’t make any trouble…”


Ruan Ruan held his arm and looked at him with sparkling eyes and a smile on her lips


“You too, don’t seduce me anymore.”


Jiang Yanzhan turned his head and stopped looking at her, licked his lips subconsciously.


If he gets a toothache in the future, it would be because she is too sweet.



During the two days when Jiang Yanzhan stayed with her, Ruan Ruan’s menstrual period was about to begin. 


He didn’t like this uncertainty and felt a little unclean, so he simply didn’t stay overnight.


After all, if he stayed, either he would provoke Ruan Ruan or Ruan Ruan would provoke him.


Every time it was decided, the result was in a draw that no one was satisfied, its just that Mr. Jiang would definitely lose.


Jiang Yanzhan didn’t like this kind of procrastination. He planned to go home and rest. If there was any problem, he would discuss it with her after two days.


However, Ruan Ruan must not mess around with him during his working days. 


She has to go to class during the day and must go to bed before twelve o’clock at night. 


It can be said that she was racing against time to study and handle her work.


In the past few days, Ruan Ruan’s previous makeup videos have become very popular again.


Among Ruan Ruan’s new fans, there was a well-known boss in Weibo. 


He claimed that he had finished watching all of Ruan Ruan’s videos overnight and thought that Ruan Ruan’s beauty and ability to control various styles made him regain the feeling of love again.


Then, the big boss released a short film with a little plot overnight.


In the short film, Ruan Ruan is portrayed as a patient with schizophrenia who has seven or eight personalities. 


Every time she turns into a new personality, she can range from an innocent and cute girl to a sexy and deadly one. 


The 21-year-old female A has many settings, and each personality will have a small independent plot.


Coupled with some funny scenes and make ups, the editing was its very own novel and interesting.


The boss himself has 700,000 to 800,000 fans. In addition, this editing really took a lot of effort, and the BGM selected was the most popular and hottest song at the moment…


[T/N: BGM is an acronym that means background music.]


It took less than a week. Within that time, the views of this video directly exceeded 3 million.


The boss later edited a purely screen-oriented issue, which included the most beautiful clips from various angles of Ruan Ruan putting on makeup. 


He also complained that Ruan Ruan’s content was too little, which affected his performance, so he publicly urged her for an update.


This wave of operations caused Ruan Ruan’s number of fans to skyrock.


In fact, Teacher Song was able to discover her videos before because of the influence of this wave of popularity.


Ruan Ruan didn’t know how to respond to such enthusiasm, so she could only honestly send a message to thank the other party, and also explained the reason why she couldn’t update recently.


The boss sighed sadly, lamenting that beauty really comes out of youth, and also wished Ruan Ruan good luck in the college entrance examination.


Ruan Ruan felt that she was very lucky. Although she did not become famous overnight since she started making videos, her popularity is still very fast among beauty bloggers.


The most important thing now was to study hard.


During this week, in addition to the rapid increase in her followers and the increasing number of private messages expressing their love, Ruan Ruan’s most unrelated matters to the school were discussing weekend offline activities with the relevant person in charge.


This offline event is actually a new product launch conference for Jianglan Culture.


Nowadays, with the rapid development of VR equipment, they have created a brand new VR interaction method, which is combined to a certain extent with the now very popular live broadcast system.


As long as you buy a simple set of output equipment, you can see the products


presented in front of you during the live broadcast. You can even open cosmetics and try on clothes… For self-media people like Ruan Ruan, they can just use input devices.


In this way, when watching a beauty video, viewers can pick up the cosmetics and examine them carefully.


When watching a food video, they can also hold a portion of the food on the food blogger’s plate in their hands, and even smell similar flavors.


Viewers of the ghost video also saw a group of ghost celebrities dancing around them.


…It looks even more spooky.


VR equipment that can achieve this technology has long been available, but the functions are not perfect, and the interactive method is the original debut of Jianglan Culture, which can be regarded as a cutting-edge technology that leads the entire industry.


No wonder they spend a lot of money to invite a lot of self-media people to participate in it.


It is only a matter of time before this technology is used in film and television, but the production cost is relatively high and it will not be popularised in a short time.


The new media industry is an industry that is changing with each passing day. If you wait a little, you may be overtaken by others.



Ruan Ruan listened to the person responsible for communicating with her who explained her a lot, but she didn’t really understand the stakes involved.


Fortunately, it didn’t matter. She was just attending the dinner as a guest.


If you are lucky, you can also experience their latest VR interactive equipment on site.


There is a specific theme for the dinner party, and guests must match their makeup according to this theme. 


Since it was a launch event for brand-new equipment and interactive methods, the theme of the dinner was directly positioned as ‘unconstrained.’


Guests can use their imagination and mix and match according to this theme.


When Ruan Ruan heard this theme, she immediately thought of the prince riding a white horse.


Then a series of fairy tales naturally came to her mind.


When she was thinking about her makeup, she received a message from Jiang Yanzhan asking her if she had any ideas.


“I will also participate.” 


Jiang Yanzhan said to her.


Ruan Ruan was very happy when she heard this. She typed and told him that her imagination was limited and she might choose a fairy tale


“I want you to dress up like a prince.”


The moment Ruan Ruan said these words, Jiang Yanzhan paused for a moment and told her in a silent voice


“We can wear couple costumes.”


Ruan Ruan carefully assimilated this sentence, and the image of Jiang Yanzhan playing part of the princess with a floor-length dress quickly appeared in her mind, and the corners of her mouth raised quickly.


Jiang Yanzhan, who knew what she was thinking immediately said, 


“No. I know how to match the clothes. So stop thinking weird stuff.”


Ruan Ruan held her phone and burst into laughter. 


If she hadn’t taken care of Jiang Yanzhan’s face, she would have pulled him and asked, is it really because of the match? Isn’t it because you don’t want to cooperate with me in wearing a princess dress?



   ˗ˏˋ ★ End of this chapter ★ ˎˊ˗


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