Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

SDAOPO Chapter 46

‎‧₊˚✧[Chapter 46]✧˚₊‧



Ruan Ruan calls this place “home”, which is no exaggeration at all.


Jiang Yanzha walked into the room that Ruan Ruan had prepared for him, and was once again moved by the familiar and friendly arrangements and decorations in the room.


She is very thoughtful and you can see all kinds of daily necessities in her home.


Most of them are necessities, but there are also some that look fancy and may not be commonly used in life, but just by putting them there, you can feel that the owner of this home must love life very much.


Jiang Yanzhan was wearing the same couple’s slippers as Ruan Ruan. He held her hand and walked into the room with her to see everything she had prepared.


One of his hands is always holding hands with Ruan Ruan, and the other hand occasionally picks up the small things Ruan Ruan placed on the table to take a look, and sometimes opens the drawer to take a look.


His room is relatively simple, but it feels warm and comfortable. The bed is a very large double bed. There is also a small sofa in the room that can fit two people, and there is also a reading corner – it seems to be prepared for two people. 


After Jiang Yanzhan finished looking at the room, he followed Ruan Ruan out to see her room.


Ruan Ruan’s room is right next door to his room, and it looks much more complicated than his room. There are various pillows and dolls placed in the room, basically all of them look like little bears. TVs and computers are here, and there are many books next to the computers.


Instead, her room was like a second bedroom. The bed was not big, and the largest area was probably a desk. Dolls and bear-shaped ornaments were also placed on the desk, making it look like a workspace.


Jiang Yanzhan was holding a bear-like doll in his hand. It was as big as a palm and looked cute in his hand.


He looked at Ruan Ruan with a little doubt in his eyes.


Ruan Ruan was also looking at the dolls on the table. She laughed, and before she noticed Jiang Yanzhan’s gaze, she explained aloud: “Sweetheart, you know, I actually quite like small rooms, it makes me feel safe.’


She looked around and said softly: “When you are not here, it is quite warm for me to sleep and work alone here, right?”


Jiang Yanzhan had already realised what she meant, and he corners of his mouth couldn’t help but want to raise, but he suppressed it forcefully, but the excitement in his tone couldn’t be hidden: “What about when I’m here?” Ruan Ruan squeezed his hand: “Then we’ll play together.”


She acted like a child who couldn’t take any time to rest. There was no ambiguous meaning when she squeezed his hand, it was just a natural and intimate expression.


The voice was soft and sweet, and it didn’t sound like she was saying something strange at all.


But the phrase “play together” still has another meaning in it. Jiang Yanzhan tightened his fingers, grasped Ruan Ruan’s hand firmly, lowered his head and came closer to her: “What are we going to play?” 


He was very close, and Ruan Ruan took advantage of the situation and kissed him on the mouth.


After the kiss, he started to think about his question. He thought slowly for a while, and then whispered: “Playing games?” 


Ruan Ruan : “Yeah.” 


He was caught off guard by a kiss, and his ears turned red again, so he had to straighten up and pretend not to care and change the subject as if nothing happened: “This lamp is nice.”


He was talking about a lamp on the bedside table.   


Ruan Ruan was about to nod when she saw Jiang Yanzhan casually put his hand on the handle of the drawer of the bedside table, as if preparing to open it – Ruan Ruan: “Ah, wait…” 


Before she could stop him, the drawer was opened by Jiang Yanzhan.    


Ruan Ruan: “…..”   


There are some sanitary products neatly placed in the drawer, including tissue paper, wet wipes, two packs of sanitary napkins, and several boxes of condoms.   


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”   


Ruan Ruan touched her nose and whispered, “Just be prepared.”   


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..” 


This was a little too thoughtful.   



Both of them expressed hints of that aspect from various angles. It seemed that after the relationship progressed to this point, it was a very natural thing.


But now is not the time, as they haven’t had dinner yet.


Ruan Ruan was ready to show off her cooking skills, and Jiang Yanzhan was not polite and ordered two dishes that they had eaten together before.


He probably noticed that Ruan Ruan ate more sweet things and ordered what Ruan Ruan liked to eat.


Ruan Ruan was so moved that she added two more items he liked to their menu.


The two took the elevator down from upstairs, walked hand in hand to the supermarket, and found the fresh food section.


This process is actually not that short. Including the time spent walking around in large supermarkets, the entire journey takes about ten minutes of walking.


Along the way, the two of them didn’t say anything else except discussing what to eat for dinner.


Jiang Yanzhan felt that after he and Ruan Ruan got together, he did things much slower than before. The two of them walked hand in hand from home to the supermarket, which really looked like something that grandparents would do after retirement.


However, the efficiency has not changed much.


Ruan Ruan said that it was her first time cooking, but she was very proficient when shopping for vegetables, especially when choosing meat. She knew which part was more delicious and which piece of meat was fresher. She determined it at a glance and pointed to the piece she wanted…


When picking vegetables, you may be a little unfamiliar, so you have to hold them in your hand and look around to make sure.


Jiang Yanzhan asked her, “Have you bought vegetables before?”


“…Is that so?” Ruan Ruan focused on the meat in front of him, “This piece of beef is so good. Let’s change the menu and fry the steak, okay?” 


Jiang Yanzhan looked at the beautiful marbled beef in her hand and nodded subconsciously.


[ T/N: Marbling in beef refers to the visible white streaks of intramuscular fat that run throughout the muscle tissue in any particular cut. ]


Ruan Ruan brought this topic up unconsciously.


Jiang Yanzhan pushed the trolley behind Ruan Ruan. After Ruan Ruan finished picking the vegetables, he went to the snack shelf.


This time she wasn’t so skillful. She looked like she was dazzled by the gaudy colourful wrapping paper here, and couldn’t decide whether to look left or right.


Jiang Yanzhan glanced at the potato chips and asked her: “That one?”


In his impression, children of Ruan Ruan’s age should like to eat these things.


Ruan Ruan glanced at the crispy puffed food, flattened her mouth, and said a little aggrievedly: “Do you want to eat it?” 


Jiang Yanzhan: “Huh?” 


“If you want to eat it, we will buy some.” 


She said,” The puffed food is too hard and I can’t bite it.”


Jiang Yanzhan: “….”


He subconsciously looked at the beef jerky Ruan Ruan put in the trolley.


And I don’t think beef is harder better than potato chips.


“This is different…” Ruan Ruan thought for a while and explained, “No matter how hard the meat is, it is still soft. But the chips are crunchy and it feels like it hurts my mouth.” 


Jiang Yanzhan: “….is that right?”


Ruan Ruan nodded seriously.


Jiang Yanzhan glanced at the back of Ruan Ruan’s hand, which was also placed on the armrest, next to his.


It does look like the skin is fair and tender, and it looks like it can be easily punctured.


“You think about it.” Ruan Ruan was still trying to explain with more vivid examples, “The hard dried meat poked into the mouth, and the potato chips poked…”


She looked at Jiang Yanzhan’s mouth and suddenly blushed…


Jiang Yanzhan also noticed something. Before he could speak, he saw Ruan Ruan looking at him innocently and nervously with round eyes, and whispered: “Sweetheart, I just accidentally thought of a bad scene.” 


Jiang Yanzhan: “……”   


Ruan Ruan’s cheeks were pink and tender. She was a little shy and a little expectant. She looked like a good kid who had just learned to do bad things but found it exciting and wanted to do it again. She came close to him and sprayed a little bit when she spoke and in a  soft voice: “What should I do, sweetheart, I can’t help but think wrong when I see you.”   


Jiang Yanzhan: “…Hmm.”   


He started to laugh again.   


It’s probably a bit of bad nature in her bones, because Ruan Ruan is always very innocent, so it can make her start to think crookedly, and make her have desires and needs for him… 


This thing in itself makes him feel successful.   


At the same time, he wanted to lower his head and kiss her, and he wanted to do worse things to seduce her, to make her get closer and…want him more.   


Conquer and surrender, two completely opposite feelings appear at the same time and are satisfied at the same time.


She leaned very close, and Jiang Yanzhan lowered his head and kissed her forehead. He touched it lightly and moved away quickly without saying anything else.   


Ruan Ruan knew that this was a way for him to express his feelings.   


She hooked Jiang Yanzhan’s arm and selected a lot of snacks with him.   


There is a snack cabinet at home, and a lot of snacks have been stored in it according to her original knowledge and the preferences of both parties.


But she didn’t have many opportunities to eat snacks with Jiang Yanzhan, and she was still not sure what he liked to eat, or even whether he usually ate snacks.   


With this opportunity to go to the supermarket together, Ruan Ruan’s understanding of Jiang Yanzhan has risen to a new level.   


Jiang Yanzhan also discovered that Ruan Ruan really likes candy.   


She bought lots of candies, chocolate was probably her favourite, and then there were all kinds of gummy candies. She would take a look at almost every kind of candy, think about it for a few seconds, and then throw it into the trolley.   


In fact, he saw before that there was already a lot of candy at home.  


Jiang Yanzhan began to suspect that the reason Ruan Ruan felt her mouth hurt when eating potato chips was because she had damaged her teeth by eating too much sweets.   


He and Ruan Ruan carried several large bags of things home together, and put the things that needed to be put into the refrigerator together. Then start tidying up the snack cabinet and coffee table.   


Ruan Ruan sat on the sofa, humming a light tune, and arranged her favorite candies neatly on the coffee table.


Before she could finish it, someone suddenly sat next to her.   


Jiang Yanzhan put one hand on her and pressed her on the back of the sofa, his face suddenly very close to her.   


“Ruan Ruan.” He said, “Open your mouth and let me see.

「 End of this chapter ᥫ᭡ 」


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