Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

SDAOPO Chapter 45

‎ ‧₊˚✧[Chapter 45]✧˚₊‧



Ruan Ruan believes that she has been doing fairly well academically lately and is at a loss as to why the teacher would call her into the office.


It’s definitely not a bad thing, at least.


As a result, when she entered the office and approached Song Zhixing’s desk, she was still a little taken aback by his grave expression.


With a quick glance in Ruan Ruan’s direction, Song Zhixing tapped his desk a few times and said, “Student Ruan Ruan.” 


With a low voice, Ruan Ruan answered, “Yes.” 


“You did very well in the last midterm exam, it’s worth the praise.” With the phone twirling in his hand, Song Zhixing spoke.


Only then did Ruan Ruan notice the picture on his phone.


“But you are still a student now, so you should focus on studying.” Song Zhixing put the phone on the desk with a cold expression, “Instead of doing these meaningless things.” 


Ruan Ruan: “Ah…”


On the screen of teacher Song’s  mobile phone is her homepage.


Did he see all the videos she had taken before?


Ruan Ruan asked worriedly: “Will I be punished?”


“…Punishment?” This time it was Song Zhixing’s turn to be stunned.


This was his original plan to frighten Ruan Ruan, but he never imagined that Ruan Ruan would bring it up on her own.


“Is it more serious?” Worried beyond belief, Ruan Ruan wondered, “Will I be expelled from school?”


Song Zhixing: “Not really,” she said. 


Ruan Ruan didn’t respond right away. It appeared to be in perfect condition. She asked in a low voice, “Is there anything about this that the school doesn’t allow?” because she realised how serious the issue was.


Song Zhixing: “……”


If he had to say it, there really wasn’t.


It is impossible for schools to not allow students to take videos, and there is no rule against posting their videos online.


Although students are not allowed to wear makeup, it is only not allowed inside the school. Whether you are learning makeup or film makeup videos outside of school, as long as it does not affect your studies or do anything bad, there seems to be nothing to blame.


However, as a teacher, if he sees students “not studying hard” and doing this kind of stuff all day long, there is nothing wrong with asking.


Simply put, it doesn’t appear that Ruan Ruan “doesn’t study hard” because she performed exceptionally well on the test this time.


“There is no rule in the school that says it is not allowed, but it is still not encouraged.” Song Zhixing clarified, “Spending too much time and energy on this kind of thing will make you a little distracted, right?” 


“What’s more, you are now in the graduating class and are in a very important period of your life,” Song Zhixing said, raising his gaze to Ruan Ruan. You performed admirably on the previous exam, but you can improve and attend a better university. Is that correct?


Ruan Ruan suddenly felt that what he said made sense.


There are so many things she can experience as a human being. In addition to being a beauty blogger and falling in love, studying and taking exams are also a very important part.


But being a beauty blogger can be postponed for a little while, and the school days of human beings will be gone.


“Teacher, you are right.” Ruan Ruan said movedly, “I was negligent, thank you.”


Song Zhixing: “…” Is this a good girl? Why does she admit her mistakes so quickly? I don’t think she’s this fast usually?


Ruan Ruan: “I will definitely study hard and cherish these last few months.”


Song Zhixing: “…” It doesn’t have to be said as if she only has a few months left to live, right?


“Okay.” He locked the phone screen and waved his hand, “It’s good to know. There’s nothing else. You can go back.” 


Ruan Ruan: “Okay, thank you, teacher.” 


She now feels that Song Zhixing is really a pretty good teacher.


The more naughty students in the class didn’t like him, probably just because he usually didn’t look good and didn’t speak so nicely… 


After Ruan Ruan came out of the office, she happened to hear a few people gathered around, talking about “that B” Bad words.


Someone said that he had been chasing an Omega for a long time, but was rejected in the end because he liked Alpha and was so angry that he disliked all Alphas…


Ruan Ruan had heard this story once before, and it seemed to be told by Fang Xu.


After she returned to the classroom, Fang Xu was sitting in his seat, seriously writing the homework for the day after tomorrow.


He has changed, he is no longer the naive and simple Fang Xu who doesn’t like to learn.


Ruan Ruan sat next to him with a smile. Fang Xu was busy writing and took a moment to look at her and asked: “What’s wrong? Why is the old Song calling you?” 


Ruan Ruan: “…..” 


It seems that after students and teachers have a good relationship, they will have this name.


“Probably, to let me not make videos during this period.” Ruan Ruan said, “I think he is right. After all, we are graduating soon and want us to enjoy the last part of our student life.” 


Fang Xu: “……Really?”


Ruan Ruan and Song Zhixing, do they really think that they can enjoy this time during the college entrance examination??


Ruan Ruan nodded, not as if she was joking.


Fang Xu clenched the pen in his hand and cried silently: “It seems that I still don’t have enough ideological awareness…” 


While they were talking, the school bell rang.


The group of classmates who were discussing Song Zhixing’s love life returned to their seats as they talked, and happened to pass by Ruan Ruan and Fang Xu.


Fang Xu’s face turned very ugly when he heard what they were discussing.


“I suddenly felt that I wasn’t very good before.” He whispered to Ruan Ruan, “What’s the difference between being like them.” 


Ruan Ruan comforted him: “It’s okay, you are still young, you still have time to learn well.”


Fang Xu: “……”


Sister, you’re not that old, right?


Ruan Ruan didn’t ask what happened to him and the Omega in the next class, because the Omega in the next class seemed to have stopped coming to school since last week.


It seems he offended quite a few people.


Ruan Ruan showed little interest in the personal lives of these onlookers. Despite her limited time, she was determined to enjoy her time at school. She stopped making videos first, and then she posted about her predicament on her homepage and Weibo.


She also gave recommendations to people who approached her about advertising, by the way.


She still needs to study and take the college entrance exam, but it’s not like she doesn’t want to enjoy a nice meal.


But Ruan Ruan isn’t willing to abandon her previous commitments, like Jiang Xuefei’s earlier mention of offline activities.


The offline gathering lasted for the whole weekend.


In Ruan Ruan’s previous world, it was absolutely impossible for middle school students, especially middle school students who were about to take the college entrance examination, to have weekends off.


In this world, because the student years have been stretched to twenty-two years old, the knowledge that needs to be learned has not increased that much. Their learning pace is much slower than what Ruan Ruan knew before, and they always have two days off on weekends.


Even in this semester when the college entrance examination is about to take place, weekends are unbreakable.


However, some schools will hold weekend question and answer activities in the last month of the college entrance examination, and you can also come to school voluntarily on Saturdays and Sundays.


As far as Ruan Ruan knows, their school seems to be a “passive and voluntary” one.


In any case, her weekends are still very free now. Not only can she participate in activities for two days, but she can also do some things of her own after the activities, such as a date with Xiao Jiang and so on… 


Offline activities will start next weekend. Ruan Ruan had nothing else to do this weekend, so she simply took advantage of the two days of free time to decorate her new house.


She went back to the hotel to check out before 12 noon on Sunday, and went home in the afternoon to open the windows to ventilate the house and do the final cleaning.


Because it is just a simple soft decoration, there is no paint or other things that need to be used to diffuse the smell. She can move in immediately after everything is done.


Ruan Ruan packed up her things before ordering dinner, and then sent a message to Jiang Yanzhan, inviting him to have dinner together.


She made it with her own hands.


Jiang Yanzhan naively asked her on WeChat if this was her first time cooking for others.


Ruan Ruan felt that he was particularly cute when she thought of him sitting at his desk and typing out this sentence expressionlessly.


In an attempt to talk him out of it, she replied to the message right away, telling him that it was undoubtedly her first time and promising to be the first to cook anything for him going forward.


Ruan Ruan forgot where she would cook because she was too busy luring him. Why hadn’t Jiang Yanzhan asked?


The hotel does not allow her to cook.


Jiang Yanzhan was aware of her move beforehand.


Ruan Ruan was completely unaware of this. To get to Jiang Yanzhan’s house, she took a cab. “Where do you think we are going today?” she asked him with a smile after requesting that he get in the car. When Jiang Yanzhan saw her beaming expression, he knew that the relocation was finished.


He unconsciously reached out and pinched Ruan Ruan’s cheek, and responded warmly: “Well, where are you going?” 


“To my new home, hehe.” Ruan Ruan was very happy, “I also prepared your room. If you have nothing to do, you can come and stay at my place.”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


What a surprise.


But they have slept in the same bed so many times. Isn’t it a little late for her to give him a separate room now?


Jiang Yanzhan lowered his eyes and looked at Ruan Ruan. He hesitated for a long time, but he couldn’t say the words “Why can’t I live in the same room with you?”.


Ruan Ruan actually didn’t think that much. 


In her mind, “giving each other a home” is a beautiful promise between human beings. She has no way to give Jiang Yanzhan a house now, so she can only allocate a room.   


Jiang Yanzhan followed Ruan Ruan to her new home.   


Her new residence is well situated. A sizable supermarket is located downstairs. Ruan Ruan guided him into the neighborhood and informed him that she would return later to purchase the ingredients. 


She then inquired as to what he had planned to eat beforehand.


Jiang Yanzhan was not interested in eating anything. He gave Ruan Ruan a look as though he wanted to consume her.


Jiang Yanzhan was led by Ruan Ruan to the elevator, where he was instructed to swipe this card in order to use it. She also told him not to lose the elevator card that she gave him.


Muttering, she seemed to be the more mature one while he was still a child.


Helplessly, Jiang Yanzhan squeezed Ruan Ruan’s hand.


Ruan Ruan told him the password for the door, pressed the password and opened the door. When she went in to change her shoes, she took out a larger pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet.   


“Here you go.” She said with a smile, “Welcome to our home.”   


Jiang Yanzhan lowered his head and saw Ruan Ruan wearing a pair of soft white slippers. He gently put another pair of black slippers that were exactly his size on his and her feet.   


It was dusk at this time, and the lights had not been turned on in the room. The dim sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side and shone on the wooden floor and sofa in the living room.   


The sofa was the same type of sofa he put in his house. There was an exquisite and beautiful multi-layered tray on the coffee table, including her favourite tea set, the tea he and his sister gave her, and the snacks he once inadvertently ate two more times are piled up….   


He followed the path of the sunshine and saw many details. Everywhere he could feel her enthusiasm and intention, or perhaps their respective , different preferences are placed next to each other.   


Jiang Yanzhan raised his eyes and saw that Ruan Ruan’s side face was covered with a soft edge by the sunlight, and the fine hair seemed to turn into golden threads through the light.   


And she smiled softly and cutely in this soft light.   


It dawned on him suddenly that he had no idea how he got lucky to be in the company of someone so beautiful, kind, and full of energy.


“What’s wrong?” Unaware of this, Ruan Ruan smiled and asked, “Why are you so dazed?”


Unwillingly moving forward, Jiang Yanzhan pulled Ruan Ruan into his arms.


Even though his eyes were starting to get hot, he continued to have his normally expressionless, almost serene, expression.


——If the strength of the hug could be smaller and the arms would not tremble, then maybe it would be a good disguise.



「 ✦ End of this chapter ✦ 」


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