Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

‎‧₊˚✧[Chapter 44]✧˚₊‧



Ruan Ruan didn’t look around in Jiang Yanzhan’s room. She had seen the things Jiang Yanzhan put in the bookcase and roughly observed the furnishings in Jiang Yanzhan’s room.


The atmosphere of life here is stronger, and it is more obvious to see what Jiang Yanzhan likes more.


He is a person who would not say it himself if he likes something.


But you can see it by looking at his behaviour.


Ruan Ruan wrote down some things, turned around and went to the bathroom next to his room, and also took a shower.


She knew she would spend the night here before she came, so she brought a change of clothes and put on her pajamas directly after taking a shower.


Anyway, she probably won’t go out again at night.


The other clothes she brought will be worn tomorrow. If something happens to get dirty after wearing them today, she will have to buy new clothes if she wants to go out tomorrow.


Ruan Ruan is very thoughtful. After all, she will buy a house by herself in the future, so she must be diligent and thrifty in running the house.


When she came out of the shower, Jiang Yanzhan had just finished taking a shower.


He was wrapped in his own nightgown, and his neck and chest were all marked by the chaos just now.


Ruan Ruan’s eyes were involuntarily attracted to those traces, and he started to feel embarrassed after just one glance.


But Jiang Yanzhan himself had a good-looking figure, and with those marks on his body, he looked even more attractive. After Ruan Ruan looked away, she couldn’t help but look again.


When Jiang Yanzhan saw her wanting to see but feeling embarrassed, he let out a low laugh.


He walked up to Ruan Ruan, lowered his head, and saw the marks left by his bite near Ruan Ruan’s collarbone.


Jiang Yanzhan stretched out his finger, touched the spot with his fingertips, suppressed his smile, and asked in a low voice: “Are you hungry?” Ruan Ruan was stunned for a moment, then raised her head, looked at Jiang Yanzhan, and asked doubtfully: “You mean? …” 


Jiang Yanzhan suddenly realised the ambiguity in his words. He retracted his hand, paused, and then continued, “When are you going to have dinner?”


Ruan Ruan laughed when she heard the words. She licked her mouth and said innocently: “I thought… It was about eating you.”


Jiang Yanzhan: ” ………”


“Hehe. I’m not very hungry yet.” Ruan Ruan hooked Jiang Yanzhan’s arm, “Shall we go to your room to play for a while? I want to hear you tell me about your childhood…”


Before Ruan Ruan finished speaking, she was interrupted by a sudden visitor.


Jiang Yanzhan ordered some small cakes before. Because they were custom-made and freshly made, they arrived a little late and were delivered just at this time.


Ruan Ruan said that she was not very hungry, and finally went to the room with Jiang Yanzhan taking the small cake.


Jiang Yanzhan’s room was very clean and slightly empty. He usually doesn’t work in the bedroom, let alone eat in the bedroom. At most, he just looks at the tablet and the like.


Sometimes he would sit on the bedside and read a book quietly..


Ruan Ruan also likes reading books. Before becoming a human, she had no ability to think and learn, so after becoming a human, Ruan Ruan cherishes them especially.


She discussed it with Jiang Yanzhan and finally decided to go to his study and read together for a while.


Jiang Yanzhan’s study room is simply a small library. Various types of books are stored here. Two of the bookshelves even store some reading materials for primary and secondary school students. According to him, they are all books he read when he was a child.


It looked like the books were from many years ago, but they were as good as new. There were only a few signs of use, and some were slightly yellowed, but they were not dirty at all, and there were no creases at all.


He is really a very nostalgic person. If you didn’t know him well, you would not be able to tell it at all.


Ruan Ruan didn’t dare to eat the cake and read a paper book at the same time, for fear of getting his book dirty.


She sat next to Jiang Yanzhan, watching him working on a tablet, while she curled her legs and held the small cake and ate it one bite at a time.


Jiang Yanzhan ordered a chocolate cake, not sure if he was hinting at something.


Ruan Ruan took two bites, cut off a small piece and brought it to Jiang Yanzhan’s mouth.


Jiang Yanzhan was startled for a moment, and stopped flipping through his hands. He turned his head and glanced at Ruan Ruan, his face expressionless, and his ears slowly turned red.


Ruan Ruan blinked at him: “Huh?”


Jiang Yanzhan slowly lowered his head and swallowed the small piece of cake into his mouth from Ruan Ruan’s hand.


There was a little cream on the corner of his mouth. Under Ruan Ruan’s gaze, he stuck out his tongue and licked the cream into his mouth.


Ruan Ruan swallowed her saliva and whispered, “Are you tempting me, sweetheart?” 


“…No.” Jiang Yanzhan swallowed the cake in his mouth, pressed the lock screen on the tablet, and leaned closer to Ruan Ruan.


He held Ruan Ruan’s face with one hand, gently licked the corners of Ruan Ruan’s mouth, licked away the cream that she was unaware of, then straightened up and swallowed it slowly.


As soon as Ruan Ruan saw his rolled Adam’s apple, she heard his provocative, deep voice say, “Now is the time.”


She looked up, locking eyes with Jiang Yanzhan.


It appears that he takes great pleasure in operating the vehicle.


Ruan Ruan never considered whether this was how other Omegas behaved, much less whether this was how an Omega ought to behave.


Ruan Ruan held his arm, raised her body, and kissed the corner of his mouth.


“You can’t do this.” Her voice was soft, as if she was coquettishly speaking, “I can’t bear to bully you.”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


Ruan Ruan looked like she was the one who was bullied.


Bullying her?


Jiang Yanzhan remembered what happened an hour ago and arbitrarily believed that it was an evenly matched happy event. Moreover, he was the one who held Ruan Ruan, and he was definitely not the one who was bullied.


Although being bitten on the neck was something else.


Jiang Yanzhan pinched Ruan Ruan’s ears and thought to himself: It’s not certain who bullies whom.


But he didn’t say anything. At least he knew that this sentence sounded quite childish.   


If a boss wants to maintain the image of a boss, the most important thing is to speak less and never say another word if he can pass it with “um”.   


He rubbed the corners of Ruan Ruan’s mouth with his fingers, held his tablet in his other hand, pressed it open, and went to look at the documents again.


Ruan Ruan sat next to him, hugging her legs. Her white and tender feet stepped on the back of the chair, her left foot stepped on her right foot, and she was having a great time playing with herself.


After finishing the cake, she ran to find a book, leaned next to Jiang Yanzhan, and began to read seriously.


The two of them were quite serious when they were studying and did not provoke each other anymore.


It was already late after reading the book, so Jiang Xuefei made a reservation for them in advance and had dinner delivered to their home at this time.


They finished dinner at home and returned to Jiang Yanzhan’s room together.


Jiang Yanzhan usually doesn’t play with his mobile phone in bed. Ruan Ruan has the habit of browsing websites, reading her own comments, or watching other people’s videos before going to bed. Today, she went to bed with Jiang Yanzhan and didn’t look at her phone.


The two people turned off their phones and put them on the bedside table.


The lights were also turned off, and they got into the quilt together.


In the darkness, Jiang Yanzhan was closer than usual. Ruan Ruan stayed close to him, holding his arm very entangled.


It was still early, so she couldn’t sleep, so she had nothing to do, so she stroked Jiang Yanzhan’s fingers one by one.


She touched the back of Jiang Yanzhan’s hand, felt a few raised blood vessels that were not obvious, touched the inside of his wrist, and stroked his phalanges* and wrist bones.


[T/N: The phalanges are the bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot.*]


Even the bones of his fingers are well-developed, and the skin is close to the wrist bones, and she can feel the beautiful curves.


Finally, Jiang Yanzhan pressed the back of Ruan Ruan’s hand and whispered, “Don’t make trouble.”


His voice was a bit muffled because he was under the quilt. Ruan Ruan followed the voice and wanted to kiss him, but ended up kissing him on the chin.


“Don’t make trouble.” She kissed along Jiang Yanzhan’s chin again, found his mouth and kissed him, “The more trouble there is, the more I can’t sleep.” Jiang Yanzhan was silent for two seconds, then touched her arm: “Then go to bed later?”


Ruan Ruan: “…Huh?”



Jiang Yanzhan felt that Ruan Ruan probably had such good physical strength because he was very young.


She marked him twice, but she didn’t feel tired at all. She came again within half an hour of resting.  Although he was helping Ruan Ruan from beginning to end, in the end, he began to feel tired.


Moreover, Ruan Ruan repeatedly made temporary marks twice.


Each mark exchanged a large amount of pheromones with him, which was intense and frantic, pushing the edge of his ability to bear, and he couldn’t bear any more.


He refuses to admit his age.   


Ruan Ruan is definitely too young and energetic.   


The following morning, Jiang Yanzhan sent Ruan Ruan home, intending to spend a few days in peace and quiet after the two days of intense stimulation.


However, the strength of the pheromones on his body could not be concealed.


After hearing this, Jiang Xuefei was overjoyed, but Jiang Yanzhan’s expression was casual.


Despite her knowledge of Jiang Yanzhan’s skill at acting, she was still so furious that she wished she could go on Ruan Ruan’s behalf and make an in-person arrest before sending them to the Civil Affairs Bureau.


Ruan Ruan received a personal message from her inviting her to their company’s party.


Before receiving the information, Ruan Ruan had already decided to participate.   

She saw some bloggers on the list that she had always liked. This in itself was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and she had no reason to miss it.   


In order to prepare for the party, Ruan Ruan had to cut out the video in advance and finish the homework for those days. 


Although she is very busy, she will graduate in a few months. If she can finish this busy period, she will feel much more relaxed after graduation.   

When Ruan Ruan was busy doing homework during class, Xi Yaoxin suddenly came over with his homework and announced to Ruan Ruan arrogantly: “The teacher asked you to go to the office.” 


Ruan Ruan raised her head and looked casually. Falling on Xi Yaoxin’s homework book, she saw a large red “X”.   

Xi Yaoxin: “…”   


Ruan Ruan was still a little slow in school. When she slowly scanned the homework in front of her, Xi Yaoxin felt as if he had been insulted.   


By the time she reacted, Ruan Ruan was already looking at his face.  


Then she opened her mouth and said politely: “Okay. Which teacher is it?”   


Xi Yaoxin felt extremely embarrassed, but he didn’t know what he was angry about, so he could only say fiercely: “…It’s teacher Song!”  


 「 ✦ End of this chapter ✦ 」


  1. Santy says:

    Omg i can clearly envision the last scene! The stare is so powerful xD

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