Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

Chapter 43 ₍^. ̫.^₎



Once familiarity makes perfect, familiarity makes perfect, as the saying goes.


Humans are creatures that learn and grow, and their ability to learn varies greatly between individuals. Jiang Yanzhan, a man with exceptional learning abilities, has made remarkable progress.


Ruan Ruan was so aroused by him that she couldn’t stop herself. During the kiss, she even ripped Jiang Yanzhan’s belt.


Ruan Ruan yanked his belt free, and the buckle broke.


Ruan Ruan may have felt guilty later, but she didn’t notice when she kissed Jiang Yanzhan in the dark.


Her fingertips were a little cold, and her fingertips were so soft that they seemed to have no fingerprints. She grabbed Jiang Yanzhan’s shirt, and with a little force, she tore the shirt open, and the buttons fell out, and they didn’t know where they went.


Jiang Yanzhan’s eyes remained calm and peaceful. He acted like a hunter, looking down at his prey.


Only the flushed ends of his eyes and the slightly opened mouth, which left him no time to breathe, revealed that he was not at ease.


Ruan Ruan adored his appearance. She reached out her soft little hand to cover the back of his hand, occasionally controlling the speed but mostly letting him move.


She took off her bracelet, and Alpha pheromones dispersed in the air, but there was no suppression or coercion at all. Instead, it was as broad and tolerant as the sea, rushing towards Jiang Yanzhan from all directions and swallowing him up involuntarily.


Ruan Ruan destroyed the obstacles and began to explore a place she didn’t understand.


He may have thought that he was a human being sailing on the sea holding a boat builder.


However, the waves control the ups and downs as well as the speed. He can only be carried up or down by the waves of the sea, no matter how he controls the direction.


He was thrown high into the air when the tide reached high tide.


Jiang Yanzhan’s face was red by the end, and there were many physiological tears in the corners of his eyes. His face was moist, but he didn’t notice. His expression was still cold, his thin lips were pressed tightly, and there were traces of moisture on the corners of his lips. It was too late to swallow the saliva.


Ruan Ruan leaned over, licked the corner of his mouth, gently smiled at him, and said quietly, “Sweetheart is really great.”


Jiang Yanzhan continued to pant.


Ruan Ruan bit his neck one more time before injecting her pheromones into his glands, when both of them were sufficiently distracted and infatuated.


It was the pheromone that leaked out when she was freed.


This is simply too exciting.


Although he had been marked a few times before, he had never looked like a normal Omega. His body had begun to adapt to Ruan Ruan’s Alpha pheromones, and also adapted to the temporary mark. When receiving the mark, it was much smoother than before, and he was no longer so nervous- but the premise is that the pheromone received is a normal state.


The moment Ruan Ruan started marking, the pheromones contained all the meaning of release and injection.


It’s not aggressive, but it stimulates more than aggressive pheromones.


Jiang Yanzhan’s eyes appeared to be coldly looking at the person in front of him. When he looked closely, he was clearly distracted.


His fingers and the back of his hands were still stained with the sticky gummy filling, and there was some on his lower abdomen.


There were some indecipherable marks beneath the ripped shirt.


Ruan Ruan was holding Jiang Yanzhan’s wrist, lifting the back of his hand, and asking him, a little shyly and expectantly, “Sweetheart, have a taste?” 


Ruan Ruan had no idea why she said this.


This is probably her instinct now, a subconscious reaction. She wanted to watch Jiang Yanzhan swallowed by her, which made her feel very excited, and she had a happy feeling of possessing him from the inside out.


Jiang Yanzhan was still in the afterglow of his daze. He lowered his eyes a little doolally, saw the marks on the back of his hand, and did this thing almost without any thought, following Ruan Ruan’s sweet voice.


He detected a hint of sweetness and an orange flavour, which reminded him of Ruan Ruan’s pheromones.


Is it true that all Alpha liquids taste the same as pheromones?


He remembered Ruan Ruan’s mouth having a similar taste.


Jiang Yanzhan was dazed for two seconds before finishing the task slowly and realising what he had done.


The overwhelming sense of shame engulfed him almost immediately. His already hot face became even hotter, and the ends of his eyes became dangerously hot.


He wanted to leave, but his entire back was pressed against the sofa, preventing him from doing so.


Ruan Ruan sat on his lap, her skirt lowered, blocking the spot where he had just touched. It was impossible to see what he had done before, and it also obscured his torn-off buckle.


He was dressed in all-white pants, half of which were visible from the front of the soft skirt. In the dim light, he was actually quite attractive.


Regardless of how tough he usually is, she is still like the sea right now, while he is like mud.


Jiang Yanzhan reacted slowly, and his gaze wandered around. He assumed he was on patrol and had no idea he was dazed and helpless.


Ruan Ruan lowered her head and kissed the corners of his eyes and his forehead.


She rubbed Jiang Yanzhan’s arm against his chest to remove the stain. “Sweetheart, where is the bathroom?” her sweet and soft voice was filled with contentment, and her tone was extremely gentle. 


…Jiang Yanzhan was dizzy, most likely as a result of the message.


Otherwise, Jiang Yanzhan couldn’t imagine being picked up by a female Alpha who was more than a half-head shorter than him while he was awake.


There are bathrooms on every floor of the house, but there is no shower in the bathroom in the basement, and the closest shower room is on the first floor.


There was no one else in the whole house.


But the house was empty and familiar. Jiang Yanzhan had lived here for thirty years, and he subconsciously felt that there might be family members in every room.


It wouldn’t matter if it was on the third floor where he lived, but it happened to be the living room that his family usually used for activities and even gatherings. He didn’t know what had confused him, but he and Ruan Ruan were messing around in the basement.


Jiang Yanzhan didn’t even react when he was picked up by Ruan Ruan. Ruan Ruan was very fast. When he came to his senses with his mind wandering, Ruan Ruan had already carried him to the first floor.


The flush on Jiang Yanzhan’s face never disappeared. He struggled to get down, but the pheromones Ruan Ruan finally poured into his glands made his waist sore and his legs weak. In addition, he has recently reached the end of his menstrual period. During this period, his physical fitness has continued to decline, and now he no longer has any strength to resist.


In fact, even when he has sufficient physical strength, he is not as strong as Ruan Ruan.


After Jiang Yanzhan arrived in the bathroom, it was probably his last shame that supported him and allowed him to regain a little strength.


He was at the door of the bathroom, with his back against the sink and one hand on the sink. He lowered his eyelashes and looked at Ruan Ruan with a look of pity. His voice was hoarse and he spoke slowly: “I… wash myself.”


” …That’s good.”


Ruan Ruan heard his hoarse voice and leaned over to kiss his Adam’s apple with distress.


Jiang Yanzhan trembled all over.


Perhaps it was the effect of pheromones. The moment Ruan Ruan came closer, he almost subconsciously wanted to put his arms around her waist, lower his head to meet her kiss, and even raise his legs to wrap around her waist.


It took Jiang Yanzhan a little effort to control his reaction. He looked at Ruan Ruan and urged, “… Ruan Ruan?” 


He wanted to take a bath to make those muddy feelings disappear quickly.


They were a constant reminder of how chaotic what had just happened, embarrassing him who had always felt he had so much control.


Ruan Ruan kissed his chin again and said in a gentle voice: “I’m sorry, sweetheart… I may have been too rough.” 


She didn’t know if she had done something wrong, because she had restrained her strength and was careful about Jiang Yanzhan’s body, did not do anything further, and in the most chaotic moment, just tore Jiang Yanzhan’s clothes.


But Jiang Yanzhan’s voice was still hoarse and his whole body was sore, as if he had been…loved so hard.


Ruan Ruan felt a little distressed, but also couldn’t help but feel that he was too tempting like this.


“…It’s okay.” Jiang Yanzhan said, lowering his head and kissing her, “You go to my room and wait for me, I can just wash myself here.” Ruan Ruan looked at him worriedly: “You really don’t need me to help you?”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…No need.”


He was not ready to take a bath with Ruan Ruan, or even let Ruan Ruan help him take a bath.


At least not now, while he’s still on his period.


His shame would never allow him to do this.


Fortunately, Ruan Ruan didn’t force him, nor did she forcefully say something like “I have to help you.” 


She was as talkative as usual. Even though she was extremely worried about him, she still kissed his eyes trustingly and turned around to leave.


Jiang Yanzhan leaned against the bathroom door and breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.



After Ruan Ruan came out of the bathroom on the first floor, she went up to the third floor and found his room as Jiang Yanzhan said before.


The decoration style of his room is similar to that of the house he bought outside. They are all minimalist in black, white and grey, and look very cold.


However, the decorations inside the house are more humane than those outside. You can see some traces of Jiang Yanzhan’s life from childhood to adulthood, such as some photos with his family – although he is reluctantly looking outside the camera. place; there were also some certificates and certificates – although he seemed to be disgusted and threw them in the corner of the bookcase.


But these things were kept well in the cabinet, and he did not throw them away.


Ruan Ruan looked at these things and secretly laughed involuntarily.



———End of this chapter.( ꈍ◡ꈍ)


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