Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

Chapter 42 (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)



Both Jiang Yanzhan and Jiang Xuefei have their own homes. When they have nothing to do or work, they usually live in residences outside, but they are more accustomed to living at home when they have nothing to do.


Their “home” was the house their parents had purchased, where they had grown up since childhood. They weren’t moving on purpose because they were both a little nostalgic.


The house has six floors, not including the roof. The reception and dining rooms are on the first floor, their parents’ room is on the second floor, Jiang Yanzhan’s room is on the third floor, Jiang Xuefei lives on the fourth floor, and there is a small rooftop garden and a basement on the first floor.


The basement has been turned into an audio-visual room.

Jiang Yanzhan prefers to remain silent. After college, the audio-visual hall was essentially his sole venue. Jiang Xuefei is unconcerned about this. In the living room, she will watch movies or play video games.


“Is there any fun place?” Ruan Ruan inquired.


Jiang Yanzhan’s first thought was of the downstairs audio-visual room.


“Want to play games?” “There is a game console downstairs,” Jiang Yanzhan said, looking at her.


“OK,” Ruan Ruan said cheerfully.


Jiang Yanzhan didn’t play games much because he thought it was a waste of time. But there is something to each game, and they were brought to Jiang Xuefei by their parents when they bought them for him.


Basically, their family buys two sets of everything. At least when their parents are at home, they don’t allow anything to be bought for just one person.


Even when Jiang Xuefei first started learning makeup, he would get the same set of cosmetics at the same time.


It’s just that he’s not interested and hasn’t used it.


No one has touched the game consoles for a while, but they are cleaned regularly and are as good as new.


Jiang Yanzhan picked a two-player game, handed the controller to Ruan Ruan, and asked her, “Can you play it?” 


“I can.” Ruan Ruan said with a smile, “Can you play it seriously?”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…?”


He doesn’t understand what Ruan Ruan means.


“Nothing.” Ruan Ruan said, “Battle mode or cooperative mode?”


Jiang Yanzhan: “Both are fine.”


“Then cooperative mode.” Ruan Ruan said.


Jiang Yanzhan hadn’t played a game in a long time, so his control methods were strange. He walked stumblingly, like a child learning to walk.


Ruan Ruan trailed him around like a parent watching their child learn to walk.


They played for nearly thirty minutes. Jiang Yanzhan had an odd feeling. “Why are you always behind me?” he wondered, looking at Ruan Ruan. Ruan Ruan followed him closely, both in terms of distance and speed.


Because there is no follow mode in this game, how can she always keep this fixed distance?


He was running back and forth, left and right, on an erratic path.


Ruan Ruan smiled honestly: “I’ll protect you.”


Jiang Yanzhan was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, arrows suddenly appeared from nowhere on the screen and kept flying.


Ruan Ruan didn’t even look at the game screen. She pressed the handle very casually and retreated. Her game character jumped up and split the flying arrow in half with a snap.


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


“Do you often play games?” he inquired of Ruan Ruan.


“…No, not really.” “I played a little at my classmate’s house,” Ruan Ruan said quietly.


“It’s not even a lie.”


She had previously had classmates. She went to their houses to play and beat them until they were nearly in tears.


She has, however, also played it at home. The system simulates a game console and controller. She’s always been really good at it.


She’s not sure why; perhaps it’s the bear’s natural hunting instinct.


Jiang Yanzhan had visited her home and knew she didn’t have a game console or a game controller, so she couldn’t let it go.


“Yeah.” Jiang Yanzhan didn’t doubt it, “Then you play first, and I’ll get you a glass of water.”


He originally thought that Ruan Ruan didn’t know how to play, so he followed her and played for a long time.


Ruan Ruan looked up at him and responded obediently: “Okay.”


Jiang Yanzhan rose and exited. Ruan Ruan had decided he didn’t want to play any longer. She used the handle to control her character and ran around the interface, looking for him. I noticed the bug and accidentally skipped two small dungeons as a result of it.


Ruan Ruan was already well-equipped when Jiang Yanzhan returned.


She also gathered a large amount of equipment and hurled it at Jiang Yanzhan’s feet.


Jiang Yanzhan poured the black tea that Ruan Ruan had previously described as delicious, placed the teapot and cup on the table, casually glanced at the screen, and then said: “…” Why did he only take a five-minute break and then the screen switches to three hours of game progress?


Ruan Ruan held the handle and said with a cute look: “I want to add a little sugar.” 


“How about eating cake?” Jiang Yanzhan said, “Have someone bring it to you.”


“Okay.” Ruan Ruan tugged on his sleeve, “I’m going to fight the boss, shall we play together?”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…” So fast?


He sat next to Ruan Ruan dubiously, holding the controller and looking around.


Soon the boss came running over with a big sword in hand.


Ruan Ruan’s character suddenly jumped up and stood in front of Jiang Yanzhan. She stabbed the boss directly in the eye with a horizontal slash, a double critical hit, and the boss began to lose HP crazily.


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


He finally knew.


She appeared to have reverted to her former self and began to drift away while playing. She had intended to look after the “newbie” Jiang Yanzhan, but as soon as she began to operate, she forgot about him and killed the boss with a smooth attack.


Jiang Yanzhan stood aside and could only compensate on occasion.Ruan Ruan didn’t realise there was someone beside her until the very end. “Sweetheart, sweetheart, shoot him in the eye!” she yelled as she jumped back and landed next to Jiang Yanzhan. 


“…..” says Jiang Yanzhan. It was like a happy message. 


He unconsciously followed Ruan Ruan’s instructions, raised his hand, and shot an arrow, which hit the boss in the eye.


The boss’s last trace of HP was worn away, and his tall body collapsed.


Before Jiang Yanzhan could react, Ruan Ruan’s character had already jumped to the boss’s side, squatting down and starting to look at the equipment.


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


He eventually figured it out.


Although Ruan Ruan usually reacts slowly, she moves quickly when she exercises.


Whether it is this type of electronic movement or real “movement,” the reaction time and physical strength are excellent, and they are comparable to the general Alpha physique.


Jiang Yanzhan gripped the controller tighter: “Come again.”


He didn’t think he could beat Ruan Ruan in the game.



Jiang Yanzhan tiredly set down the game controller in his hand two hours later.


He lost, was utterly defeated.


Not only could he not be able to play Ruan Ruan, he could not even see the gap between himself and Ruan Ruan.


Before Jiang Yanzhan could say anything, Ruan Ruan had already put down the controller with satisfaction, turned her head, opened her arms, and said happily: “Thank you, sweetheart, for playing with me -” She hugged Jiang Yanzhan’s neck and kissed him on the face two or three times, “I had so much fun, boo boo boo!”


…But her little mouth is very sweet.


Jiang Yanzhan held her waist and asked her to sit astride his lap. He held the back of her head with his other hand and kissed her lips.


The audio-visual room was dark, with only a faint light emitting from the big screen.


This kind of light was so familiar that Ruan Ruan immediately thought of each other’s secret gasps while watching movies before.


Her fingers involuntarily touched the back of Jiang Yanzhan’s neck, and her fingertips repeatedly rubbed his soft glands. The kiss became deeper and gentler.


Jiang Yanzhan closed his eyes and let out intermittent sobs between his lips and teeth. His breathing gradually became heavier, and he felt Ruan Ruan’s reaction.


Her response in this regard was also very quick.


Many things occur only once or countless times.


Jiang Yanzhan’s fingers were more skilled than before after the first run-in. He quickly touched the hot hard candy, wrapped it in his palm, and rubbed it repeatedly as Ruan Ruan stroked his glands.Ruan Ruan curled up his toes. She sat on Jiang Yanzhan’s lap, her arms still around his neck, and finished the kiss.


Jiang Yanzhan pressed his fingers together, looked down at Ruan Ruan, and smiled: “Want it?” He’d just been kissed hard, and a moist flush lingered at the corners of his eyes. His breathing was a little faster than usual, and his chest rose and fell, and the back of his smooth and white hands was vaguely outlined in the darkness, and his hand posture was visible.


Ruan Ruan believes he is either good or bad, and he is tempting her once more.


Something strange would happen in Jiang Yanzhan’s home audio-visual room if she couldn’t control it now.


Ruan Ruan straightened up, held Jiang Yanzhan’s face with one hand, lowered her head and kissed the tip of his nose: “Are you okay?” 


Jiang Yanzhan: “…Hmm?” 


“Is your body ready? ” Seeing that he didn’t respond, Ruan Ruan thought for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, “I’m asking, is the menstrual period… over?”


Her face slowly became hot. This kind of question sounds a little impolite and a little too impatient. It’s like holding someone’s waist and asking directly: Can I go in?   


Jiang Yanzhan was indeed stunned. His body was a little stiff, and he subconsciously shrank where he was asked. The fingers on Ruan Ruan’s waist also tightened her clothes unconsciously.   


“…No.” Jiang Yanzhan paused for a moment and responded in a hoarse voice, “There are still a few days.”


Ruan Ruan took a deep breath. She touched Jiang Yanzhan’s face, kissed him again and again on the mouth, and finally, as if she wasn’t relieved, she took his lower lip in her mouth and bit it a little hard.   


“How bad are you?” Ruan Ruan muttered in a low voice, “You know you can’t do it, but you still want to deliberately seduce me.” 

There were few pheromones in the air, so neither of them removed their bracelets. They could only sense one another. The small amount of pheromone that escapes is undetectable.


Jiang Yanzhan leaned in and kissed Ruan Ruan on the lips.


“I’ll help you.” “I won’t make you feel uncomfortable,” he said as he stroked Ruan Ruan’s fingers. 




“Sweetheart…” sighed Ruan Ruan. She had a feeling Jiang Yanzhan would do it again. “Playing with fire” means he will eventually lose control of the fire.



———End of this chapter. <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)>


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