Small, Delicate Girl A and Overbearing President Man O

Chapter 41 (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)



Although Jiang Xuefei is not a serious person, she rarely jokes about work.


After all, her laziness is the only reason she appears to be so carefree and effortless. She never loses when it comes to her work.


You invested time and money, but the result wasn’t what you had hoped for, which is also a loss.


As a result, Jiang Yanzhan gave her the cold shoulder, but deep down he knew that what she stated had to be genuine.


Every time he visits Ruan Ruan, Jiang Yanzhan watches his films in every issue and even saves them to see later in secret when he has free time. However, he only goes to see his tiny lover and never considers the possibility that she could become famous or wealthy.


Jiang Yanzhan felt that Ruan Ruan might not have thought about this matter.


He had seen Ruan Ruan making videos, and she seemed to be more happy and satisfied than pursuing profits.


He glanced at Jiang Xuefei and was about to refuse.


He caught a sneaky glimpse of Jiang Xuefei smiling mischievously, her lips red, her teeth white, and her expression innocent: “If you don’t agree, I will change your name to sweetheart’.” 


“….” said Jiang Yanzhan.


“Then tell our parents, as well as Duan Si and the others.” With another smile, Jiang Xuefei said, “Let everyone call you sweetheart.” 


Confidently, Jiang Yanzhan said, “Jiang Xuefei.” Jiang Xuefei, who went by her first and last name, felt bad within, even though she didn’t seem to display it.


Just remain composed—who wouldn’t?


“Oh my, my, is your little girlfriend the only one who can shout?” Grinning, Jiang Xuefei remarked, “Mr. Jiang is so good at pampering people.” 


Although he was joking, Jiang Xuefei still had some points.


This kind of intimate title was originally meant between lovers. She was just pretending to threaten him and would not really do it.


Jiang Yanzhan: “Just this once.”


Happy to know that he had consented, Jiang Xuefei said: “All right. I’ll head back home and get ready. What foods does she prefer to eat?” 


Jiang Yanzhan responds: “…Are you so free that you want to have dinner together?”


“It’s okay.” Grinning, Jiang Xuefei remarked, “Do you have to set up a guest room? Are the two of you sharing a bed?” 


Yanzhan Jiang: “…..”


Jiang Xuefei hurriedly left a note saying, “Then let’s share a room and wish you a good night,” before becoming extremely irate and scurrying from the scene.


Jiang Yanzhan felt a twinge of guilt as he turned to face her.


The kind of thing Jiang Xuefei did was also seen in their friends’ homes, and it was usually done by mothers who were eager to have a grandchild.


Their parents were so close to each other that they usually didn’t have time to care about their affairs. Unexpectedly, they gave Jiang Xuefei room to develop.


He also knew that Jiang Xuefei was completely disappointed in love. She had no idea of ​​starting a family, so she put all her expectations on him.


Before, she could still say “Don’t be anxious if you haven’t encountered it”, but now that she has encountered it, can she not be anxious?



Jiang Yanzhan didn’t want to put pressure on Ruan Ruan, and had always been reluctant to let Jiang Xuefei meet her.


But Ruan Ruan felt no pressure when he brought up this issue with her.


Studying human existence, Ruan Ruan found that individual characteristics actually determine how quickly people transition from marriage to love.


Some people marry after just one month of dating, while some people fall in love and stay single for many years. There are even instances of marriage coming before love; while the majority of these latter examples are limited to books, comic books, movies, and television shows, they are nonetheless manifestations of human culture, and Ruan Ruan occasionally draws on them.


In general, she and Jiang Yanzhan have known each other for a while. According to the speed of their relationship warming up, and compared with the dramas, it would not be strange to meet their parents anytime.


According to Jiang Yanzhan, his parents don’t normally care for them and aren’t around all the time. In the family, there is only one sister.


When Ruan Ruan last saw her, he formed an early opinion of his sister. She was an extremely attractive female Alpha, even more attractive than the well-known artist she unintentionally ran into at Jiang Yanzhan’s business.


After making such an impression, Ruan Ruan was understandably overjoyed, and she showed her delight when Jiang Yanzhan came to take her up.


“I want to buy a gift for your sister first.” “It’s so sudden,” she remarked, a bit hesitant, as she turned to face Jiang Yanzhan. I’m not prepared. What interests your sister, I wonder?” 


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..” 

Is it too late to begin experiencing pain?


A single bite of “sister”, addressing her with such fervor?


Without showing emotion, Jiang Yanzhan remarked, “She doesn’t like anything.”


Or maybe she just likes money, if he has to say that.


We spend a lot of money, so no amount of money is sufficient to keep the company growing and improving.


“Oh.” Ruan Ruan uttered, “So, just give me a moment. I’ll get ready. Does your sister enjoy cake, by the way?” 


“Yes.” Jiang Yanzhan took a moment to reflect and remember,


She will not eat under normal circumstances.


When she has time, she will even clamour to lose weight and give up sweets for a few days.


…It seems like three and a half days at most.


Jiang Yanzhan recalled it but didn’t take it too seriously.


He thought Ruan Ruan would buy Jiang Xuefei a cake, after all, she often gave him this.


She has a very good taste in desserts and never knows where to find those particularly delicious desserts.


If Jiang Xuefei doesn’t want to eat, he can eat it for her.


Ruan Ruan sat next to him, opened her phone and sent a few messages to others, then told him: “Sweetheart, can I go to your house tomorrow? I ordered a gift for my sister, but I may not be able to make it today.”


Jiang Yanzhan nodded: “Yeah.”


Either way.


He had dinner with Ruan Ruan, and then went to where she lived and watched a movie with her.


Ruan Ruan took her science fiction movie very seriously this time. It was a hard-core production. Jiang Yanzhan’s hand was occasionally squeezed when it was placed in his palm, and she would clench it anytime she felt anxious.


Jiang Yanzhan appeared somewhat preoccupied. It was at that moment that he realised they were holding each other. Occasionally, he unintentionally noticed Ruan Ruan leaning against his legs. The delicate and white legs appeared extremely soft as they were pressed up against the sofa.


He gave it a cursory glance before turning his head away.


When Ruan Ruan finally saw the film, he was still engrossed in the horror of people, but Jiang Yanzhan had already realised there was another issue.


“Are you missing something?” Jiang Yanzhan looked at Ruan Ruan, “The teacups are all gone.”


Ruan Ruan: “Ah…”


She likes eating small cakes very much. In order to match the cakes, complete a complete afternoon tea, and drink some black tea sometimes.


Ruan Ruan has a complete set of tea sets for drinking black tea. She usually doesn’t take them out and keeps them in a fixed place.


“No, I accidentally broke it.” Ruan Ruan hesitated, “I bought it. I bought a new one, but it hasn’t arrived yet.” 


Jiang Yanzhan: “….” Ruan Ruan’s lie was very obvious, anyone could see it


She is really not good at lying at all.


Jiang Yanzhan wanted to laugh a little, so he tried his best to suppress the corners of his mouth, and after a while he slowly said “hmm”.


Ruan Ruan lied probably because of the “surprise” she mentioned before.


Combined with the disappearance of some of her luggage, Jiang Yanzhan knew that she was probably moving without having to guess.


What should he do if his lover is too stupid and worried that she will be bullied in the future?


Jiang Yanzhan held Ruan Ruan’s finger tightly and didn’t want to take her home.


Jiang Xuefei looks friendly, Ruan Ruan will definitely be deceived by her, and she can’t tell how bad she is.



At noon the next day, when Ruan Ruan and Jiang Yanzhan met, they had a small cake box in their hands.


Jiang Yanzhan was not surprised at all. If he had to say it, he could only be surprised that his understanding of Ruan Ruan had reached this point.


They haven’t been together long, but they already have the feel of an old couple.


Jiang Yanzhan smiled gently, helped Ruan Ruan into the car, and drove home.


Jiang Xuefei was frequently absent from work these days. She knew Ruan Ruan was coming yesterday, so she worked all night in the office, finishing everything that couldn’t be postponed and doing a lot of work ahead of time.


Just to free up some time today.


She even considered that if she could talk to Ruan Ruan, she would quickly arrange a trip for them and dispatch Ruan Ruan and Jiang Yanzhan.


Travelling is the activity that best demonstrates two people’s compatibility.


Couples who are well-matched can quickly become romantically involved during travel, and end up doing this or that.


Then she can have a little niece!


…A little nephew is also fine.


Jiang Xuefei had already thought of everything until she saw Ruan Ruan getting out of Jiang Yanzhan’s car.


She has never seen such a cute little A.


Fifty thousand times cuter than every Omega she had ever loved.


——Not only is she cute, she also has the unique feeling of a high-quality Alpha, a bit like a kind of pheromone that can only be sensed by the same kind.


At least Jiang Xuefei was not surprised that she was an Alpha when she saw her.


This pheromone was like a special attraction, drawing her eyes to Ruan Ruan.


She had read about this phenomenon before.


This phenomenon is translated into nature as a kind of surrender and worship of superiors, or fear, according to the development and evolutionary history of ABO gender, as well as a large number of experimental demonstrations today.


To protect themselves, wild animals have a fearful instinct. Humans no longer have such a saying, but some people still have this instinct.


It’s comforting to know that fear can be beneficial. The more powerful a person is, the better he understands appropriate fear.


She remembered something about the “Dryer phenomenon.”


Jiang Xuefei’s heart was beating wildly. She knew it was because of fear, but she still blushed because of the suspension bridge effect. She put the back of her hand against her cheek and suddenly became very nervous: “Hello.”


Ruan Ruan glanced at her and said very nervously: “Hello, my name is Ruan Ruan.”


She stretched out her hand to Jiang Xuefei.


Jiang Xuefei shook hands with her and said sheepishly: “Then follow Yan Zhan and call me sister.” After saying that, as if she was unsure, she hesitated to look at Jiang Yanzhan one more time and asked:” Okay?”


Ruan Ruan nodded happily: “Okay.”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


Why ask me?


She already called her sister countless times yesterday, haha.


“I brought a gift for my sister.” Ruan Ruan smiled sweetly, holding the cake box in her hand.


Jiang Xuefei was extremely pleasantly surprised and said happily: “Come in and sit down first.”


Neither she nor Jiang Yanzhan liked people interfering in their affairs. There were usually no servants at home, so they would go over to do it when they were not at home. 


When receiving guests, Jiang Xuefei is also well prepared.


Although the preparation process was not done by herself.   


Someone, for example, had already prepared the tea on the table. She only had to act like she was pouring it.


“It smells so good,” Ruan Ruan exclaimed humiliatingly. “Can you tell me what kind of tea this is?”


“I didn’t even ask what the black tea my friend brought back was called.” “There are many more,” Jiang Xuefei said. Bring some if you like it.” 


“Is it okay?” Ruan Ruan asked happily.

Jiang Xuefei: “Please do.”


“….” says Jiang Yanzhan.


For a brief moment, he felt out of place.


He sat next to Ruan Ruan, stretched out his long arms and placed them on the back of the sofa behind her, almost as if declaring sovereignty, and stared coldly at Jiang Xuefei.


Jiang Xuefei naturally received his unfriendly gaze.


She laughed nonchalantly and changed the subject: “Ruanruan – should I just call you that?”


Ruan Ruan said obediently: “Okay.”


“What kind of cake did you bring?” she asked, “I’m eating it now?”


Ruan Ruan: “Of course.”

She carefully opened the cake box while explaining, “I borrowed the cake shop’s place and made it myself.” Its ingredients, including sugar, were all healthier. It’s also a sugar substitute, and it has fewer calories than regular cakes…”


“Did you make it yourself?” Jiang Xuefei asks. It’s absolutely stunning!”


Jiang Yanzhan: “……”


No, hold on a second.




His upper body left the sofa, and all of his attention was focused on Ruan Ruan’s profile. His eyes were wide with surprise, as if he had witnessed the company’s demise. 


No, Jiang Xuefei believed that even if his company failed, it would not be like this.




He got it right away.


Ruan Ruan had never before made a cake for Jiang Yanzhan.


But she must have bought a lot, so Jiang Yanzhan thought that she also bought cakes this time.


So he was calm and content, everything under control.


Ruan Ruan had a big move hidden behind him, which surprised everyone.


He looked at Ruan Ruan with shocked eyes, as if he had been betrayed.


Ruan Ruan stopped, looked at Jiang Xuefei, turned her head to look at Jiang Yanzhan beside her, and slowly said, “…What’s wrong?” Jiang Yanzhan fixed his gaze on her.


“…?” says Ruan Ruan.


“You didn’t tell me.” Jiang Yanzhan remained silent for two seconds before asking, “Can you make cakes?”


“Yes, it doesn’t count,” Ruan Ruan said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. Will you be able to make it? Because it’s not that great… “I hope it’s okay with my sister.”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


Looking at the cake, it didn’t look like it was poorly made.


“Thank you, Ruanruan.” Jiang Xuefei said movedly, “I’ll give it a try.”


She had never seen Jiang Yanzhan like this before, it was really interesting.


Ruan Ruan is great.

Jiang Yanzhan had no idea Ruan Ruan would make Jiang Xuefei a delicate and delicious cake and immediately capture Jiang Xuefei.


She created it with her own two hands.


Jiang Xuefei devoured everything without leaving a trace.


Jiang Yanzhan’s resentful gaze finally reached Ruan Ruan after half a minute.


When Jiang Xuefei went upstairs to get something, she grabbed Jiang Yanzhan’s arm and said in his ear, “Sweetheart, don’t be angry, I’ll do it for you alone the next time.” 


“…..” says Jiang Yanzhan.


After a while of silence, he couldn’t help but ask, “Who else have you made it for?”


“No.” Ruan Ruan said, “This is the first time I gave it to someone else. I actually don’t know how it tastes. I tasted some leftovers while making it…”


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..”


It’s the “first time”.


He was even more angry.


“I don’t know how it tastes.” “Let’s do it together next time, okay?” Ruan Ruan said in his ear. Jiang Yanzhan was well aware that his idea was naive, but he couldn’t help himself. 


Anyway, as he previously stated, that last sentence is also not missing.


He couldn’t take it any longer and exhaled slowly before asking, “Have you ever done it with anyone else?” 


Ruan Ruan replied, “No.”


“I am the first one?” Jiang Yanzhan asked again, raising the corner of his mouth slightly.


“Yes!” “Are you angry about this?” Ruan Ruan hooked his neck and kissed his chin. 


“No,” says Jiang Yanzhan. “I’m not upset.” 


Ruan Ruan was in his arms again, kissing him on the mouth, “Sweetheart, what flavour are we going to make next time? Is chocolate good? This is my first time making chocolate.” 


Jiang Yanzhan: “…..” 


Jiang Xuefei happened to listen when she went downstairs. When she heard about this, she immediately guessed what happened before and couldn’t help the smile on her face.   


Ruan Ruan is really cute, and she also makes her stinky-faced brother so cute.   


Jiang Xuefei had never expected that she would like Jiang Yanzhan’s little girlfriend so much.   


She was reluctant to let them travel.  


She even wanted to add a ticket and go with them herself.   


Jiang Xuefei glanced at the contract in her hand and silently closed her mouth.   

No, no, she can’t be emotional.  


What is more wonderful than money in the world?   


Although she was already obsessed with it, she went upstairs to urgently modify a few places that could be turned into overlord clauses at any time by taking advantage of loopholes, and reprinted a copy… 


After Ruan Ruan said that, she happened to hear Jiang Xuefei’s voice coming downstairs   .


She took her arms back, placed them firmly on her knees, and sat up straight.


Jiang Yanzhan leaned back on the sofa, and at the same time stretched out his hand to hold Ruan Ruan’s hand.


His expression is calm and his possessiveness is obvious.


Jiang Xuefei sat across from them, put the documents on the coffee table, smiled at Ruan Ruan and said, “Ruan Ruan, have you not signed the company yet?” 


Ruan Ruan said “ah” and saw the header of the contract. She is a little confused about the logo of Jianglan Company.


“This belongs to our family. If you want to sign a contract with the company, think about it.” 


Jiang Xuefei winked at her, the temptation was very obvious, “We can work together after we come here.” 


Ruan Ruan agreed obediently: “Okay.”


Jiang Yanzhan glanced at Jiang Xuefei.


According to her temperament in the past, she would never have such a seductive attitude at this time, and she gave Ruan Ruan so much room to refuse.


The words Jiang Xuefei usually speaks at this time should be the kind that sound harmless, cordial and friendly. 


After careful consideration, there is no way to refuse. Once she says “no”, she will look very ungrateful… He has already thought about it.


How to deal with it will not put any pressure on Ruan Ruan.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuefei changed her gender.


Jiang Xuefei looked at him and understood what Jiang Yanzhan meant. She smiled and said, “I like you so much. I hope you and Xiao Jiang can have a good relationship.” 


This sounded a bit like the blessing of an elder, but it also was an explanation for Jiang Yanzhan’s doubts.


Jiang Yanzhan: “……”


“That’s right.” Jiang Xuefei took out her mobile phone and asked, “Will Ruan Ruan graduate this year?”


Ruan Ruan was stunned for a moment, then reacted belatedly and replied: “Ah, yes.”


After all, Jiang Xuefei was still negotiating the contract in the first two sentences, and Ruan Ruan subconsciously assumed the identity of a “social person” for herself. This sentence turned back to a middle school student, and she was a little uncomfortable with it.


Jiang Xuefei smiled and said: “If you graduate, I recommend that you go out on a working day before the summer vacation. Anyway, many students haven’t had a holiday yet.” 


Ruan Ruan couldn’t keep up with her train of thought: “Hmm? “


“I happen to have a friend who does private customization in this area.” Jiang Xuefei smiled and said, “I have already recommended it to Xiao Jiang and told him to take you out to play.” 


Ruan Ruan: “Ah… okay.”


She obeyed by nodding and saying, “Thank you, sister.”


“I really want to be with you too.” Jiang Xuefei glanced at Jiang Yanzhan, the hint obvious.


“…..” Says Jiang Yanzhan.


His sister appears to be very pleased with Ruan Ruan.


Otherwise, she would be under pressure at this time.


He was never going to agree, she knew.


Jiang Yanzhan curled up the corners of his lips and said calmly: “There may not be a chance. You have a full work schedule in the second half of the year.”


Jiang Xuefei: “…”


Bad brother.


So angry.


Jiang Xuefei smiled and changed the subject, saying, “Ruanruan, are you going to sleep at home today?” I requested that Aunt clean up Xiaojiang’s room. I’m not at home tonight, so enjoy yourselves. All of the food and drinks are in the cabinet, and you can play my game console under the coffee table.”


“Ah…” says Ruan Ruan.


“If you need anything, please call me, I will send the number to your WeChat immediately.” 


Jiang Xuefei has already communicated with Ruan Ruan, whom he has added as a friend, and they have become as close as sisters. 


“If Jiang Yanzhan bullies you, you can tell me and I will tell his parents for you.” 


Ruan Ruan smiled and said, “Okay. He won’t bully me, he treats me very well.”


“He’d better be,” Jiang Xuefei said, “I have to go. You two have fun, I guess I won’t be back until the day after tomorrow.” She glanced at Jiang Yanzhan, and said There are hints everywhere, and the desire for a little niece is very obvious.


———End of this chapter. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)


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