Sister, Don't Marry That Guy



Actually, Laiya didn’t catch a glimpse of the sword. 

Her brother swung it with such intensity that it blurred from her sight.

Wow, this is truly astonishing. 

My dear brother is just thirteen right now. I can’t imagine how much he’ll grow in the future.

Even acquiring a bit of skill is essential to overpowering the current crown prince significantly.

…Oh my god!

Hey, Roy, how lucky I am to have this brother of mine captured! Heaven, thank you!

Our black puppy was an exceptional person from the beginning.

Did you see? This is the baby puppy’s rebellion! Hurray!

“Brother! Brother!”

It wasn’t like this at all in the book.

Roy developed formidable sword skills because he couldn’t overcome his inferiority complex and resorted to the devil’s swordsmanship. 

He was never given the chance to grow his strength by any other means. 

“It’s truly amazing!”

Before embracing the devil’s sword, leading to the path of death, Roy was a lackluster villain, unable to control not only the main character but also the crown prince.

Hence, the reason I was so surprised and pleased was that it was markedly different from the book.

Of course, I am aware that I have altered something fundamental in this novel’s progress, but that’s okay.

Because, in order for my brother and I to survive, it was something I had to be prepared for.

Laiya clenched her tiny fists without even glancing at Roy. 

They chattered.

“How could you really win in just 3 matches? Of course, I believed you would win, but I was genuinely surprised! Speaking of the Crown Prince, even at this age, he is renowned for his skills!”

Laiya hadn’t actually heard the rumor, but it was probably true.

Since he was young, he was considered a sword prodigy and a genius, and treated as the Kyle of their family.

“It’s really amazing, my brother beat another person known to be a genius… Uh?”

After chatting for a while, she stopped.

Actually, it would be ideal to say she froze. 

This was because tears, like bird droppings, were falling from the eyes of this black puppy-like little brother.

Why? Why are you crying?

“Oh, brother? Why are you crying? Are you sick? Did you actually get beaten up before?”

What? Was there actually a huge fight that I didn’t see coming?

So you got beaten up and endured the pain all this time?

“Oh, what should I do? Does it really hurt? Should I call a doctor?”

Roy was a man of few words, and he hated to stutter so much that he hardly ever spoke, but at the same time, he knew that he was strong on the inside. 

…So what I see now is so surprising.

He’s been hiding his pain!

Oh my god. I’m not good at healing magic?!

[Positive. The owner’s potential has not yet been awakened!]

“Doctor! Okay, I’ll call the doctor. Even if it hurts a lot, just a little…”



Roy gently grabbed the hem of his younger sister’s clothes. 

Then he shook his head gently.

In the meantime, thick tears were streaming down his face, forming a steady stream that appeared endless.

Laiya halted her turn and gazed at Roy.

“Are you sick?”

Head shake. 


“Then why are you crying, brother?”

“…Because I’m weak.”


…Are you weak?

In what world are you considered weak, brother? Having just defeated the genius of the Imperial Family, the crown prince who would later be called a mad dog?

Is this the weakness you are speaking of?

About 100 question marks surfaced in Laiya’s mind, but ignoring them, she calmly awaited her beloved brother’s next words.

When it was clear that he would remain silent, Laiya grabbed the long sleeve covering her brother’s arm and held it under Roy’s eyes.

“Are you okay, brother? Speak slowly and take your time. I’m not going anywhere; I’ll wait.”

“…I did something, and that’s why you heard and came.” 

“Yes? I’m sorry, brother. Although I think I’m smart… I really don’t understand what you’re saying right now. What do the bad things I heard have to do with you? And my brother is not weak.”

I can roughly understand what Roy was trying to express through his mutterings, but how do I comfort him and get him to understand that it’s not his fault?

“First of all, older brother, listen up! Let’s fix what needs to be corrected first.”

The little girl pressed the hem of her sleeve to Roy’s other eye. 

If you rub here even just a little bit harder, it looks like it might turn red, so we have to be very careful, Laiya.

“Those who said bad things to me were wrong. My brother didn’t do anything wrong. Of course, you didn’t do anything wrong, brother.”


“You don’t want me to cower and be scared just because you said that, right?”

“…Sigh, no.”

His bright, watery eyes turned to gauge the truth in her eyes.

“That’s right. So, I don’t want you to blame yourself. And why are you crying after beating them up so well? It was more exhilarating than ever, they got what they deserved, brother.”

Laiya smiled brightly.

“Older brother, this is the first time in my life that someone got angry on my behalf.” 

Roy’s red eyes did not move for a long time, fixated on his honest little sister.

Though he tried his hardest, he couldn’t tell what she was thinking because his sight was covered in tears.

“…You were the first person to step forward and help me with my work.”

“Then you and I are new to this whole siblings-getting-along thing.”

She took Roy’s hand and shook it cheerfully.

“It’s a pity that I couldn’t beat up Roman and Charon too. Yes?”

“…Well, I won’t just let it go if they come back.”

“Good mindset, brother.”

As Laiya looked at Roy, something came to mind.

“Well, I think the opportunity will come anyway, but next time you’ll have to beat them up in a more appropriate place, brother.”


This is none other than a famous swordsman family. 

It must be a family of knights who’s actions speak louder than words. 

Knights are those who speak with their swords.

A place where you can sell nonsense legally as long as you can back it up! Any number of couplets can be created to save our skins, brother.

“Anyway, this isn’t your fault. If you have any thoughts like that, throw it away. Understand?”

“Huh? …But…”

Roy gently held her hand.

There were no more tears falling from his red eyes, but there were large teardrops stubbornly hanging at the corners of his lashes.

“I realized… Get stronger faster. When you need it… I’ll become a sword.”

“Oh, like now?”


Laiya nodded in understanding.

“Okay, brother. Then, I will be the staff that points the way my brother should go.”

Of course, magic will be released from that wand later and I’ll be able to fight alongside you.

I decided to leave this as a surprise for when I become more skilled.

When they returned to the training hall, they were greeted by Ruben, who was fidgeting, and Rainante, who was standing stationary.

Ruben came running as soon as he saw the siblings.

“Princess! Third Prince! Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Not to worry, Ruben. There are no injuries at all.”

Ruben was momentarily taken aback by the little girl’s quick answer, but continued to inspect the young children.

It was originally a very rude behavior for someone in service to the BlackWinter family, but it didn’t offend the siblings who had never been on the receiving end of such care. 

It was like a breath of fresh air in the dangerous and terrifying place they resided in. 

In the time they hadn’t seen each other, Ruben had become someone like Roy’s nanny…?

“Well, what you did was…”

“Has your matter been resolved the way you wanted, Princess?” 

Rainante asked in a vague manner that Ruben didn’t dare to.

“Oh, yes? Ah? I’m not completely satisfied, but… It was okay. Everything turned out better than I hoped! …Actually, it’s because I have an amazing older brother.”

Then, when Laiya glanced at Roy, he slowly puffed out his chest, as if asking for the last time if she was proud of his protection of her. Her smile was all the answer he needed, so much so that his eyes brightened.

What, are you feeling elated now?

What is this cute creature? My brother is so adorable!

Laiya BlackWiner seemed to see a lot of cute creatures surrounding her lately. 

Including tIce who found the chance to keep clinging to her cheek and jumping around. 

Very nice.

“Ah, then Young Lord Roman and Young Lord Charon…?”

“I’ll leave it to your imagination as to what happened, but neither I nor my brother got hit even once.”

“It may be rude, but it is natural for us to be concerned about the princess and if she is safe. Could it be that there is a man in this mansion who beats the princess, or makes you feel that you do not need to be protected?”

Hmm? What? Why is this person so quick-tempered all of a sudden?

“Of course not. Who would dare to hit me?”

Although I am ignored and treated unfavorably as if I don’t exist in this family, violence is a different matter.

“If they dare to touch me, even the head of the household won’t let them go, you’re crazy.” 

If you hit me, you will be on death row that day. Because if you hit me, you hit a member of the BlackWinter bloodline, and you’ll die.

No matter how little my vassals or relatives view me, they will never touch me directly.

…Well yes, I chased after those cousins, even thinking about using my body as a shield just in case.

Of course, I thought there would be no need to use it because our family’s black puppy was outstanding… But that was plan B.

“Still, the guards were worried, yes? Thank you… Oh! And Lord Ruben.”

“Yes, yes?”

“My brother is really good with a sword, I guess you’ve become a good teacher.”

“No, no. Princess, I don’t think I’ve done anything in particular.”

“Sister. Yes, none.”

As soon as Ruben could answer, Roy answered quickly.

Laiya let out a small laugh.

No matter how outstanding Roy is, it is Ruben who is credited with helping him in reaching his potential.

“Brother, at times like this, I have to say thank you. Anyway, it’s true that Kuben taught you with all his heart. You admit that, right?”


“To be a true knight, you must know how to acknowledge and thank someone properly.”

“Then I don’t want to become a knight.”

“What do you mean? Not a knight? Then who would you become? Do you want to learn magic in BlackWinter?”

Roy’s expression became a little sullen.

At the same time, red eyes turned to Ruben, and soon his well-shaped lips parted.


“Oh, Young Master…!”

…Looking at Ruben’s impressed face, it seems like he really never said thank you.

Meanwhile, Rainante walked calmly toward the little girl. 

He spoke to her in a barely audible voice.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Huh? Hmm. Of course. Why would I lie to you?”

The deep gaze painted across his blunt face was focused solely on Laiya for a long time.

“As far as I know, escorts exist for this purpose.”

“At the same time, if I am the temporary master of the knights guarding me, you should put my order first, right?” 

“Yes, that’s why I ask for your wellbeing…”

Rainante sat down with one knee folded. 

Naturally, they were at eye level.

“I have some regrets.”

“Even with the regrets you carry… Haa… Well, it’s the Lord’s job, so I won’t stop you.”

Laiya reached out and patted Rainante’s strong shoulder.

“You did well sir.”

It was at that moment when a line was drawn between this big knight and Laiya.


  1. Airoe says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful translations, TL -nim!!

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