Sister, Don't Marry That Guy



Laiya couldn’t enter her grandfather’s resting room. 

It wasn’t as though she was hindered because she was unfavored, as previously, she had even witnessed her uncles’ strong protests when they were denied entry. 

Not only was she not as influential as her father, who was currently serving as the family’s head, but she had been pushed out of power and eventually barred from entering just like the other fodder of the family bloodline.

The little girl had repeatedly requested to see her grandfather during her younger days, but when her requests were declined, she attempted to force her way in, only to be swiftly ejected from the Main Mansion. 

So, once a year, when the Imperial Family visited, they also came to the Main Mansion.

“Hmm, neither first brother, nor third brother would be able to help. First brother wouldn’t care, and third brother is in the same situation as I am. Maybe second brother would be of assistance?”

“Anyway, kid, you’re not allowed at all.”


“Is there any way to sneak in?”

“Stealthily, you mean? Ah!”

The little girl jerked in surprise. 

What is my master suggesting now? 

Is he proposing that I infiltrate a place where only the finest knights of the family, the senior knights, were stationed?

But at the same time, another thought occurred to her, causing her to furrow her brow and tilt her head.

“There is no way to sneak in now, but maybe a chance will appear later. It will soon be the time when the Imperial Family will visit. We could use that as an opportunity to sneak in.”

That was true, her chances of sneaking into the room without being detected were slim, but it wasn’t that there was no way in. 

“When the Imperial Family visits, attention will first be focused on the Imperial Family’s surveillance and security, and then attention will be focused on the forces of the uncles who only visit the main castle once a year, right? Therefore—”

“—That damn room is relatively less guarded than usual during their visit?”

“Yes? Yes.”

This meant that the vigilance was to be split in three directions. 

Laiya could tell from experience that every year, the scrutiny between her father and uncles, who had been stripped of their positions as heads of the household, was quite stringent.

So, every year, I suffered the wrath of my cousins. 

Honestly, would my cousins emulate their fathers and torment Kyle or Stephan? Roy never showed up, so naturally, I became the target.

“But why? Is there a reason why you have to go in?”

“So you’ve realized, you clever kid.”

Her master smiled as he gazed at her curious eyes. 

His eyes, however, quickly revealed regret and remorse.

“I swore that I had no intention of getting involved in the world again, apart from having disciples. Alas, it seems that as humans, regrets are something we can’t escape. Even if we age and become transcendent beings.”

A pure white light formed from her master’s fingertips, and then something small floated up. It was a tiny vial.

“I thought about it for a long time, and I thought maybe this would be of some help towards that enemy guy.”

Rather than asking what it was, gazed at Braham’s face.

“How can I use that? Grandpa keeps sleeping, so we won’t be able to feed him.”

“Just spray it.”


Laiya readily agreed. 

In fact, meeting this teacher of hers was the greatest stroke of luck in her life.

She would gladly carry out this small favor for him after all he is doing for her. 

They say that a teacher like him is something that will remain even after he’s gone. 

Is there anything I wouldn’t listen to for such a noble teacher?

“Ha, without even considering the risks you will do as I say? It’s not that I’m going to say this out of spite, but you’re not taking my words too lightly, kid?”

“Of course. I’m calculating the risks, Master. But isn’t there a certain relationship between a teacher and student where you don’t have to make such calculations?”


How much do I ponder over the course of my life? 

If I knew how to change the world to save Roy and myself in the future, no one would easily say that I was good and did the right thing or that I did a good job. But this is different, right?

“I will listen to you, Master.” 

She was quite confident. 

Don’t I have a history of successfully sneaking into the head of the family’s office? 

Moreover, I’m now a fully-fledged wizard who can use magic.

“But you have to help me, you can’t expect me to sneak in with just this? Oh, and please be nice to me as you help me so we can succeed.”

Of course, Master, I didn’t say it was entirely free, did I? I still need some compensation! Hehe!

“After all, there is nothing completely free in this world.”

“Like this audacious little girl.”




“You came out a little late today.”

When the unsuspecting little girl exited the library and went down to the first floor, Kalidupen was standing in the same spot as always and greeted her.

Having been there for three weeks, it was now a familiar sight.

“Yes, I have a lot to study.”

“At this point, I’m really curious about this study of yours. I wonder what books the princess would have enjoyed.”

“Well, shall we discuss next time when we’re not busy? I think we can have fun talking with Kalidupen.”

She blinked deliberately and then grinned.

“…Because I like magic too.”

The enthusiastic magician—swordsman brightened excessively as he appeared ready to sweep her away in excitement. 

Wow. calm down, magic fanatic grandpa. 

This is not what I wanted to talk about today.

“Besides, you know, there’s something I want to ask Kalidupen, but I’m asking about questions that aren’t related to magic.”

“Cough— Hmmm… Yes. Please feel free to speak. What is?”

…Is it really possible for your eyes to dim so drastically after learning that our topic of conversation strays away from magic, Grandpa Kalidupen?

“What kind of person was my grandfather?”

“Yes? Are you talking about the head of the family? I don’t know why you’re suddenly asking, but he was a great knight and the best monarch.”

As soon as the grandfather’s story came out, the disappointment that it was not magic was erased from Kalidupen’s eyes.

“This old man is a great person who will respect and follow him for the rest of my life.”

That alone is enough to tell me what kind of person my grandfather was.

“Aha, then a lot of people are hoping that Grandpa wakes up, yes?”

“Yes, of course! It would be great if there was a way, but… Haa…”

“I know. If there is such a way, I think it will help Kalidupen as well.”

“Of course, that too.” 

Kalidupen laughed weakly. 

There was a faint hint of resignation in his eyes.

The period of time her grandfather lay unconscious exceeded the time for any chance of reversal. 

It must have been an especially long time for those who followed her grandfather.

“It would be nice if I could see my grandfather once, but I was curious because everyone said they looked up to him. Kalidupen has also been to grandpa’s room, right?”

“Please call me Dupen, yes. I was honored to go.”

Laiya naturally found out from Kalidupen the location of my grandfather’s room and the directions to it. 

Of course, she could ask Rainante, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a lot of information from different sources to avoid suspicion. 

And I can’t tell everything to Rainante. I need to keep in mind that he was sent by my eldest brother. 

“Then I’ll go!”

“Yes, princess. See you again.”

If she wondered if she’d made any progress with Kalidupen, his departing greeting reassured her. 

As she left the door of the library, Laiya could see Rainante motionless as if he had been waiting for her without any movement all along.

“You came out a little late today, Princess.”

“Ah, Rainante says the same thing as Dupen.”

“Are you referring to Lord Kalidupen?”


Naturally, she got on his back and started talking about various things. 

They were all stories shared by Kalidupen about her grandfather.

“So I became curious about my grandfather.”

“I’m sure the princess may be curious. I only saw him briefly when I was a rookie.”

“But since you’re the chief knight, aren’t you going to guard your grandfather’s room?”

“Yes, I did it. But right now, I am giving top priority to the orders given by the head of the family.”

As my escort. 

By the way, how long is this person going to be by my side? 

I thought it was an opportunity, so I brought him along with Ruben as a teacher next to Roy.

“So, now you’re taking a break from your work because you’re protecting me.”

These people were great elites in this family. 

That’s why Laiya always thought he was someone who would return to where he was someday.

“What was it like when you were guarding Grandpa’s room? Was it quiet?”

“Yes. I guess it’s because no one comes in and out and we keep quiet among ourselves as we stand guard.”

“I see. The hallway on the top floor is off-limits to me…”

Rainante, who was staring at her, gauging her facial expressions, calmly opened his mouth.

“Princess, do you want to go to the patriarch’s room?”


“Or have you already made plans to go in?”

“What are you talking about?”

Rainante answered his questions as calmly as Laiya responded. 

Of course, the little girl’s heart raced a little, but she was able to avoid showing any signs of surprise for now. 

Wow, what a surprise.

Ice swooped down and pulled Rainante’s hair.

“…Because you seemed very interested.”

“That’s my grandfather, yes? I am very interested in my grandfather.”

“But are you not interested in other family members?”

She flinched for a moment. 

But soon she relaxed and naturally agreed.

“Because I’m really not interested in them.”


“Actually, I’m not interested in anyone other than Roy.”

It was true. 

My parents fighting in the hallways and throwing things like children, unafraid if they’d hit their actual kids, or my oldest brother who will kill me in the future…

And there’s even my second brother, who called me useless. 

Stephan, thanks to your library pass, you can still get a ticket to a bit of care… 

Still, you’re a part of the list of people who would watch as I die.

“Princess, maybe…”

Rainante interrupted her thoughts, but before he could voice out a complete sentence, he was interrupted.


Ruben was running towards her from afar, panting. 

A person who rarely acted in a hurry seemed urgent.

“The Commander has summoned all senior knights. We have to go.”

“What about our work?”

“He also said it was okay to stop for a while, because the head of the household is also coming.”

Rainante looked at Laiya with an embarrassed expression, to which she quickly nodded.

“What are you doing, leave quickly so you don’t get late. I can go this far alone.”

“It’s not that I don’t know that… You look tired today Princess. I’m worried.”

Those words stung her conscience a little. 

How did you know? 

She was actually a little tired today as she put more effort into practicing magic than on other days. 

However, when she pretended to be calm and pushed him away, Rainante reluctantly put her down and went with Ruben.

As he walked away, he looked back once to see if it bothered her. 

Laiya laughed a little and waved her tiny hand. 

Rainante paused and waved his hand clumsily in return. 

Ruben watched Rainante and imitated even more clumsily.

The sad little girl couldn’t hold back and laughed out loud.

“…I heard you’re a knight with a strangely weak heart. Haha. I guess it’s true.”

There was a funny side to the bluntness he showed, and there is also a strangely kind side to them.

Smiling, the little girl happily turned around to head back. 

It was the moment when she turned around that she froze.


Laiya just froze.

She had no thoughts. 

No plans of action. 

She didn’t believe her eyes.  

Kyle BlackWinter was standing in front of her.



  1. Airoe says:

    My heart literally stopped for a moment when I read the last sentences 😭😭

    1. AzuraKat says:

      Same girl… Same

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