Sister, Don't Marry That Guy



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That night, Laiya stared into the mirror, lost in thought. 

Behind her, Yuri, the maid in charge, was meticulously brushing out the knots in her hair. 

She brushed through her strands as if they were as fragile as glass work. 

…It’s not that delicate, Yuri. Don’t be afraid. 

She was so engrossed that even the little creases on the bridge of her nose seemed to have vanished. 

A soft chuckle escaped the little girl’s lips when she noticed.

When their gazes met in the mirror, the little daughter of BlackWinter unashamedly offered an even deeper smile.

Distracted, she noticed the floating snowman, Ice, coming over and perching on top of her head. 

Just looking at him brought back memories of the day she bid farewell to Rainante.

“Goodbye, I will see you tomorrow, Princess.”

Recalling their parting, it dawned on Laiya that no one else could see this ‘Ice’ except for her.

Though even now, he’s waving his twig-like hand above her head at her maid, as Yuri casually continued to brush away.

Oddly enough, she was combing around the crown of her head, the comb knocked into Laiya’s head, yet Yuri didn’t seem to notice.



“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Having combed through all her hair, Laiya slipped into bed with the sleeping ribbon that Yuri had loosely tied. 

Clutched away safely in her arms was a book.

It is a book I’d borrowed from the library today. 

Turns out, borrowing was an option. Who knew?

“My lady… There’s something I want to talk to you about, can I have a moment?”

Yuri, who usually left at this point to let her sleep, lingered near the bed. 

Laiya blinked at the unusual situation.

“Go ahead and talk. What’s on your mind?”

“It’s not anything urgent. I’m your assigned maid, so is it alright if I chat?”

“Why’d you need to ask?”

“Well… Noble ladies typically have anywhere from five to ten maids at their service… And since you don’t have a lady-in-waiting yet, I’ve been a bit overly concerned…”

True, in this world, aside from princesses like me, noble ladies of the same rank or just below receive the treatment Yuri mentioned.

However, as I’ve come to understand, this was no ordinary situation. 

Instead of either scolding Yuri or easing her worries, she just stared at her.

“Did someone mention something?”

“Yes? Huh? No, no! It’s not like that.”

The little girl set the book aside, rested her arm on her lap, and propped her cheek on her hand, while squinting her eyes.

“So, what’s the deal? Am I half a master of BlackWinter without a proper maid?”


“A so-called princess who doesn’t even have a full-time maid because no one wanted to fill that position?”


Yuri gently bit her lip.

She didn’t say anything, but her silence spoke volumes.

Rather than getting worked up, Laiya scratched her cheek. 

Whoops, maybe I should have spun a tale and made it sound smoother. 

“Don’t worry, Yuri. It’s not like I’m unaware, I’ve already heard about it before.”

“Who dared to say such a thing!”

“Well, of course I heard it in secret.”

The maids changed each time she fell ill, or every season just because. 

There wasn’t time to grow attached, and they were never around long enough to be different.

It wasn’t a strong curse, and she wasn’t really trying to justify it either.

“Well, that makes it even worse, my lady! I’m really sorry. All those rumors, none of it’s your fault, yes? You must know that!”

But seeing Yuri get upset over her while uttering curse words was oddly tickling her little, delicate heart, despite being unfamiliar to this new-found feeling.

Hmm, today seems to be an oddly good day.

“True, if that’s still circulating, I should probably address it.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes. Yuri, you’re upset.”


Yuri moistened her lips, not venting her anger, but simultaneously, her cheeks took on a rosy hue, and soon her round eyes welled up with tears.

Wait, why’s she crying?

Well, I’m kind of used to this sort of thing by now, so I’m not as surprised, but I know that if I said that right now, it would only make Yuri more upset.

“Lady, sniff, hic. It’s okay… and about that lady-in-waiting… It’s a must. You’ll need someone to handle those maids running their mouths like that.”

When it comes to hierarchy here, maids certainly have an upper hand over other maids. 

She gave an affirmative nod.

“That’s not a big issue.”

“Ah, then!”

“Yuri, you should do it.”

“What, really?!”

“Yuri, it’s perfect if you do it.”

The little daughter of BlackWinter clapped her hands together, as a wide smile stretched across her face.

“First, you need a title, right? What would you like to be called? Viscount? Baron? Or, since you’re skilled with a sword, how about knighthood?”

Yuri’s eyes widened, as if they might pop out any moment.

It seemed she was taken aback, but her lips didn’t close.

“My lady, what’s all this?”

“Titles? Yeah, I think I can arrange that.”

She held back a chuckle, her smile gentle. 

Truly, I can do it for Yuri. 

Indulging in this and that might seem like a waste, but it’s only this household maid that pays heed to my well-being, especially when it’s about my health.

For instance, changing maids now would not just affect her mental well-being but also their physical health.

The person who’s the best fit for me gets a title in the family and is asked to become my lady-in-waiting.

“This much is feasible.”

Partly, it’s because Rover, the head butler of this grand family, is sure to listen to this extent.

“Since this family tends to exchange precious things with one another, it might be tough to ask people to offer something valuable in return.”

“Young Lady…”

“So, I’m asking you to be my maid.”

Laiya  rested her chin on her hand and smiled, just like a bud.

Yuri glanced at the little girl, her eyes misting up, and ended up letting a tear roll down. 

Then, she offered a deep bow.

“It would be a lifelong honor, my lady. Please allow me to serve you for as long as I can.”

“Um, that means you’d have to keep doing this forever…”

“Is that a problem?” 

Laiya glanced at Yuri, who asked with a shake of her head. 

Suddenly, something came to mind.

“Yuri, I’ll explain the details when the time comes. Speaking of which, you’re from Woodtail, right? You know how to wield a sword and shield.”

“Yes, my lady!”

The little girl tapped her chin in deep thought as she briefly gazed into the distance.

“Are you the only one who came here from Woodtail? Are there any other companions?”

“Ah… I have one more friend who came with me.”

Initially, about five individuals arrived here with letters of recommendation, but now, only Yuri and one other friend remain out of them.

Yuri explained that they worked in another building.

“Alright, then let’s designate that friend as the remaining dedicated handmaiden.”


“Why? Do you have any issues or hesitations?”

“No, not at all. She’s a good friend, I’ll be delighted for her to work for the Young Lady.”

“That settles it.”

Yuri appeared puzzled, yet she soon consented and bowed her head once more. It was a bit embarrassing to hear her voice still sounding somewhat youthful.

Actually, Laiya didn’t think there’s anything particularly remarkable about her actions that would earn her this much attention.

As Yuri spun around, Ice clung to Laiya, almost as if it was waiting for this moment.

She gave the snowman’s head a gentle touch, akin to how one might pet a kitten, before she opened her book. 

Soon enough, Laiya’s eyelids grew heavy, and she drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow is when I will be diving into proper magic studies, huh?

“Just you hold on, I’m about to become a Munchkin too.”


* * *


“It’s feasible.”

The following morning, Laiya wasted no time and approached the head butler, Rover. She requested the addition of a dedicated maid to her service. 

Simultaneously, she expressed her desire to have Yuri, the current maid, continue as part of her personal staff.

Rover appeared to ponder over Yuri for a moment, but soon confirmed that it could be arranged.

“I suppose those helpers might be the reason for your improved health lately.”

Seemingly, those subtle stories about health were having an impact.

The little girl might not know much else about her value to the family, but she was sure of one thing. As long as she was unwell, there are those who strive their hardest to ensure she would stay alive.

“I think I have a rough idea about the kind of maids who arrived from Woodtail with letters of recommendation. Rest assured, we’ll handle this matter smoothly.”

“Yes, thank you.”

Laiya BlackWinter was just about to turn away when Rover hesitantly called her back.

His demeanor was different, as if he struggled to find the right words, very unlike his usual behavior, the distant and respectful persona she was used to.

“Recently… Aren’t you planning on visiting the head of the household?”

Ha. There’s no need.

The only reason she considered visiting her father was to obtain a library pass. However, since her second brother, Stephan, provided her with one, there was no longer any need to see him.

Honestly, I’m relieved not to have to face that intimidating figure anymore.

I am always afraid the second I lay eyes on him. 

That’s the extent of it. 

Her parents were individuals who hurled things in front of their children and quarreled with their partners.


Laiya nodded and directed her gaze towards Rover momentarily.

“He’s not going to look at me anyway.”



“Then I won’t insist.”

Rover remained still for a while, resembling a man at a loss for words, then began to speak. 

That was it.

He would make eye contact with Laiya within the mansion’s confines and treat her with a semblance of normalcy, but she understood that it was mostly a professional obligation. 

I always noticed him maintaining a certain distance. He’s kind to me because it’s his job, his work ethnic. 

Yet, that was better than nothing.

“Rover seems to enjoy conversing with me.”

Rover locked eyes with the little girl and executed a deep, polite bow.

 Turning away, Laiya left him behind.

With Rover’s involvement, things should get resolved swiftly.

After all, he’s quite competent.

In the corridor, Rainante was waiting. 

Following the little girl’s steps, he trailed behind.

Well, that’s not a phrase fitting for such a towering knight.

[T/N: She’s referring to the knight, a man of war and honor, trailing behind and matching the pace of a little girl.]

 She found it so amusing, unable to hide, she couldn’t help but chuckle, her little hand covering her mouth.

“Sir, what are you gazing at?”


Why is he walking without glancing away from my direction?

“Hum, I hope you’re not going to trip and fall just because you’re not looking ahead.”

But even after uttering those words, wasn’t Rainante still staring at me?

More so, he maintained a serious expression, not his typical blunt self.

“Excuse me, Princess.”

What. What? What’s with that serious tone?

“Can I have a hug?”





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