Sister, Don't Marry That Guy


Hmm, I want to hear it… But at the same time, I don’t want to hear it either. 

The little girl shook her head, no. 

She couldn’t stay in the library for long, at any moment, someone could come in and find her there.

Let’s gradually find out why this person doesn’t mind me being here and why he’s here instead of at the stable.

For now, Laiya set her mind on the task she planned for her day. 

“Can I ask about this place?”

“Of course.”

As if the title of librarian was not just for show, Kalidupen explained the district in detail and kindly to her, a little girl who would most likely have a hard time understanding due to age.

But for some reason, he flinched in the middle of the explanation and looked at her again.

His face slightly darkened. 

It was the expression of someone who had forgotten something important and had only just remembered it.

What’s causing your expression to change? I hope it’s not because you regret talking to me? Is it really like that?

However, even after contemplation, the old man continued to explain in a soft voice.

“Be careful, princess. It’s like a maze in here, you’ll find that it’s easy to get lost. Could you please ring this bell here in case you get lost?”

“Ah, yes.”

Laiya BlackWinter took the little bell from him.

“Anyway, it’s amazing that the Princess of BlackWinter is looking for the ‘Magic’ section. I hope you find the book you’re looking for.”

After Kalidupen’s gentle goodbye, Laiya continued her march along the path he had pointed out.

Let’s see, he told me to go up to the second floor and turn left immediately, yes?

Fortunately, the path he gave her wasn’t too complicated, and Laiya was able to find it without much difficulty.

“Magic, magic…? Oh, here it is.”

Hehe, how is there so much?

The little girl was surprised by the feast of books that filled one entire wall. 

She’d expected there to be few books related to magic because it is a swordsmanship family with no need for all things magical.

I can’t even decide what to look for first.

For now, I’m just here to take a look.

Laiya picked up a few books that were nearest to her, all of them had titles with the word ‘basic’ or ‘beginner’ in them.

For example, ‘Even beginners can do it! Basic Fireball!’, ‘Basics of Water Magic (Revised Edition)’, and ‘What is Mana — The Basics’.

Hmm, it feels like I’m on a game tutorial quest!

In normal game quests, just opening or looking at something like the magic book beginner guides would make you achieve those skills immediately. Unfortunately, Laiya didn’t have that ability.

“If I had known I would transmigrate, I would have read a novel with a game system more diligently to understand their ability.”

She nodded and focused on the book.

I don’t like reading these books… Haa.

Well, no, that’s not exactly true. I liked books so much that I volunteered for storytelling in my previous life.

When she was born again, Laiya felt uncomfortable with herself and no one was interested in her or cared, so the only thing she could do was read the few books in the room.

“Hmm… I wonder. Can I borrow your book?”

All she knew was that one needed a pass to enter the library, so this had been the furthest progress she’d made so far. For now, her plan was to take the book and ask Kalidupen.

She put one book in her pocket and kept the other tightly held at her side.

However, the book was heavier than it looked, so lifting one book in her arms was the limit.

“When I come tomorrow, I will have to come to Rainante and ask him to accompany me.”

Turns out she’d left behind the best cart and porter in her arsenal. 

Laiya felt sorry for herself, like someone who only realized that she had forgotten something after going out.

“Okay then, let’s go.”

The little girl had already decided to come to watch and look around today, so she was happy enough already. 

It’s okay, there’s still plenty of time.

At least, there was still three years left before the original protagonist would make an appearance in the BlackWinter domain. In the meantime, there were quite a few things Laiya could do.

“Okay, now let’s find a way.”

With so many books to explore, there must be some that help me learn magic.

I have confidence in Nogada.

[T/N: In MMORPG games, nogada is the time spent on constructive labor and extended periods of time killing monsters and evil creatures in hunting zones. So like a buildup until you face the boss level round.]

Carrying the books in her tiny hands, Laiya walked cautiously. 

It was enough to go this way and then one in that direction, right?

And if I go in a straight line…


[T/N: Exclamation of confusion.]

After 10 minutes, the little girl felt something was wrong.

“Why, there is no way…?”

She blinked.

Why? Why?!

I’m sure I returned exactly the way Kalidupen told me? So it was left, left, then straight all the way…!

Ah. No.

I’m going back, so I was supposed to follow the pattern in reverse, so I had to go to the right?

Thinking carefully, Laiya guessed that she may have gone the wrong way.

I’m lost?!

Dumbfounded, Laiya stared blankly at the book in her arms. 

Before she could think of a solution, the titles of the book drew her attention. 

Words like, ‘statutes’ and ‘magical crimes’ seemed to jump out at her. 

“Wait, what should I do?”

Oh yes, the librarian! 

He told me to ring the bell as soon as I couldn’t find my way back.

But I wonder, where did he go?

She looked for the bell. 

Suddenly, not finding the object, she recalled placing the bell down when she picked up the basic edition magic book.

Oops, I forgot to take the bell!

How did I manage to forget the bell!

It seemed that Laiya was overly excited after reading so many books.

No, she knew she couldn’t panic, she needed to calm down. 

She was a child, a child’s memory forgetting things was common enough. 

After calming down through self-justification, which was only shown at times like this, she gazed at her surroundings calmly.

For now, shouldn’t I go back to where the bell is?

She thought it would be better to walk back to where she left the bell last and wait for Kalidupen.

Wouldn’t Kalidupen come to help if it’s too late?

As she tried to organize a basic plan of action, her mind sparked with another thought. 

Oh, I suddenly remembered a part of the plot. Why did Kalidupen work at the stable?

“That old man did a pretty decent job. One day, a guy who pretended to be wearing a noble mask and did all sorts of miscellaneous things came about… What? He told me that I was someone who knew how to catch my desires. I’m talking about me, one day, who will be seated beside the head of household.”

The scene flashed before her eyes. It was a conversation with the main character.


So what do I do? 

“I can starve for a whole day and wait for someone to find me. Or I can simply just find the bell and call for help.”

Ah! But, if I wait… Wasn’t there a character setting where my grandfather’s temper is even worse than I would think?


She felt like swiping across her face. 

[T/N: Meaning to rub her face aggressively in distress.]

Laiya BlackWinter didn’t want to do anything that went against her grandfather’s expectations, nor did she want to do anything wrong. 

More than anything, Laiya remembered the way her grandfather looked straight into her eyes like she was a stranger or treated her casually.

…That’s right, if I don’t show up, Rainante will step in and look for me.

Feeling relieved, the little girl distracted herself and started looking around more.

Shall I walk a little longer?

After exploring, she stumbled upon another magic section.

This time, it was full of book titles written as ‘ancient magic’. 

History books are also rare.

“Hmm, everything labeled ‘ancient’ in this world must have been strong forces.”

The little girl looked at the books carefully.

For some reason, those bookshelves were a bit darker than the other bookshelves, she felt a sliver of curiosity before a particularly shiny book cover caught her eye.

Ah? Why is it the only book shining?

Overcome with a childlike urge, Laiya placed the book in her arms down and reached for the book that shined. 

It rested on a shelf slightly higher than her, but she pulled it out without much difficulty. 


Easily, the book slipped out of the shelf and into her waiting arms. 

[Checking person.]


The little girl startled at the unfamiliar voice in her ear. 

What? What—?!

[Checking… 40%… 70%… 100%]

Dazed, she lowered her head and found a small lump of light rising above the black book.

Looking closely, it appeared to resemble something like a snowman.

No, it really is a snowman.

Black eyes like coal.

A spiky carrot somehow attached as the nose, and a loosely wrapped scarf around it’s, would be, neck.

The difference was that while a snowman was large and tall, this was tiny, like a miniature version. 

What? So cute!

“Are you the one who spoke?”


It had a mouth that looked like a thread attached below the snowman’s carrot nose, and it mysteriously went back and forth between that of a sad and happy expression as it spoke.

[Verification completed. Same recognition result as the previous visitor… Negative. However, the same potential… Check completed.]

[Gatekeeper. Agreed.]


At that moment, there was a loud sound that could not be ignored.

Its sound rang out loudly enough that Laiya expected that maybe Kalidupen would hear it.

She turned her head and was startled. Before her very eyes was a huge hole where there was once nothing. 

Even the bookshelves were pushed back to make space, as the hole, like a black hole, looked more like a doorway.

[You are permitted to enter.]

“Huh? Do you want to go in?”


Hmm, that’s a bit of a strange hole to just walk into.

However, after looking at the book, the Laiya BlackWinter changed her mind.

In the book, the power of ‘ancient times’ there was always something commonly known as a secret space.

The original swordsmanship textbook ‘Lance’s Will’ that the protagonist obtained was also in a secret cabin, uninhabited until his arrival.

In addition, the legendary sword that the protagonist obtains later was also in the temple at the top of the mountain.

Perhaps this is one of those places. 

Those who gained the power of ‘ancient times’ among the supporting actors also obtained tremendous artifacts from the ruins under the lake or from the basement of an old prison.

I didn’t know what this hole would lead to now, but wouldn’t it lead to a new power or artifact with a high probability?

“Hey, I’m not going to die in there?”

[Negative. The way prioritizes safety. Guaranteed.]

Alright, let’s go.

After hearing a positive reply from the miniature snowman, Laiya decided to take a leap of faith. 

She didn’t have something to hold onto, wanting to calm her nerves, so she grabbed the book that the snowman popped out of. 


The wind blew against her skin. 

She lightly closed her eyes and waited for the sensation to pass, and when she opened them again, she was standing in an unfamiliar space.

A huge cave.

“Wow, Mr—”

Snapping awake, Laiya ignored the feeling of awe building up within her, and felt a sense of humor bubble up. 

The cave seemed to have tremendous power.!

She stepped cautiously.

The cave was damp, but its stone walls and floors were dry.

No, if you look closely, is this floor made of brick?

Unable to guess correctly in the dim light, she vaguely assumed it to be a neatly laid black brick. 

This means that there were humans here before.

Where are they now?

“I-I don’t know what to call it, where is this place?”

The snowman lifted his head and faced the little girl.

[This is the owner, Braham Grassa’s laboratory, house, library, and entire will.]


She hesitated.

The swordsmanship textbook that Roy was reading, naturally came to mind. 

Mostly because she remembered it being called Lance’s will.

“Who is Braham Grassa?”

The snowman stopped answering, so naturally, Laiya took it upon herself to guess.

Oh, I remember!

“Braham Grassa! …No way.”

Isn’t that the name Theodore once mentioned?


  1. Jean_Grey_321 says:

    Thank You for the Chapter!

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