Sister, Don't Marry That Guy

“I don’t have a dedicated maid, how is that possible?”

She looked at the maid. 

As far as I can remember, this is someone I’ve met before. I heard you worked here for quite some time.

The maid who caught her gaze was embarrassed but Laiya spoke before her. 

“Or should I tell my father myself?”

I don’t know if you’ll listen, but let’s bluff for now.

“Oh, no!— I’ll go and request—”


The little girl motioned for the maid to leave the room, at the same time, she pointed to the ground at Yuri. It was a command for her to stay.

Once the maids left her room, the little girl tugged on her clothes. 

“Yes, princess?”

“Help me change.”

Actually I just needed help changing clothes.

…But, actually,  it was the first time a maid had spoken warmly to me.

At least Laiya’s aunt felt sorry for her, but it was very difficult to not see her as an outsider.

It was hard to even get a word out. 

I want to try this foolish trust just once.

“Ah, yes!”

Although Yuri was embarrassed, the touch she used to assist Laiya was familiar.

“Your movements seem familiar?”

[T/N: The maid’s movements of assisting someone of a smaller frame to dress is not awkward. She is saying that the maid seems to have experience dressing a person of a smaller stature.]

“Oh, well, I once served the youngest child at WoodTail for a year.”

“The youngest?”

“Yes, I think only the princess is younger… Princess, you are six now!”

…I’m eight years old.

 However, let’s not say that, it seems like it will embarrass her, just look, she is laughing for no reason.

But it’s true that I’m short because I’m weak.

She wondered, would her order be accepted?

I don’t know if I would be able to see this person after tonight if my father’s or mother’s ears hear my name and reject it. 

So Laiya didn’t expect much.

 Well, there is nothing to be depressed about as usual!

Because there are more important issues ahead.

“I’m leaving.”

“Oh then me too—”

 “No, no. Don’t follow me.”

 Where I go now, there are two kittens who are wary of people.

But you won’t hate me for saying this, right? 

After hesitating, she added a word.

 “Wait here.”


 “…Because no one has ever greeted me whenever I return.”


The little girl scratched her cheek nervously. 

As she peeped at the contemplative face, she thought she’d said it for nothing.


Usually, when I said that I was an orphan in my previous life, people generally sympathized with me. Reactions to weaknesses are usually similar.

She was curious if Yuri would react the same.

However, Yuri smiled broadly.

“Yes, I will follow your orders.”

Laiya could only smile at that reply and nodded slightly.

Then she quickly left the room.

Seeing people smile at me like this feels like a big deal.

Well, I thought I was going to die of pain yesterday. I’m glad that I didn’t die.

When the little girl passed the hallway, the reaction of the servants and knights to her hadn’t changed, but just knowing there was one person who didn’t react the same warmed her heart.

It was as if a cute flower bloomed deep in her heart.

Her steps were light.


Laiya increased her steps and arrived at the third training arena not long after.

There was no one in the gymnasium.


Why is no one here?

She looked around the arena, her face puzzled. She jerked her gaze to the sky.

The day is very clear.

It’s so bright, why is there no Roy here?

He was a kid who didn’t miss a single day of practice and was training at this time.

There was no way he would suddenly not follow his schedule. 

Or maybe… Are you sick?

Why not? It rained that day, and he didn’t use an umbrella, right?

For some reason, the kitten that I made the house for that day was nowhere to be seen.

The child neared the tree where she made the cat house, but she couldn’t see it in the hole.

For a while, she lingered around the third arena. 

Should I go see him?

…I wanted to ask if he really came to my room.

Without Roy Blackwinter, there was no reason to be here.

As she turned around, she was filled with regret.

She walked a little further. 

Step. Step. 

Step. Step. 

As she was about to leave the arena, she heard the sound of small footsteps coming toward her.

Laiya stared at the ground in vain depression when she was interrupted by a large shadow blocking her way. 

Slowly, she raised her head.


There was a boy two heads taller than her, breathing heavily.

It was Roy.


“Why did you do that?”


“Why aren’t you in your room?”


A question was on the tip of her tongue, but Laiya stopped herself in time. 

Oh, please!

“Did you come to my room?”


“When? Now? Are you on your way from my room?”

Roy quickly hid one hand behind his back, but his younger sister had already seen it.

It was a pure white flower.

“I am…”

“Brother, did you come to my room at night?”


There was no answer, but she could tell it was a positive reaction. 

She slowly raised her eyes.

A neck full of red blush was the first thing that entered her sight. Originally, it was a pure white neck without any hints of color.

Surprisingly, the face that was covered with the back of his hand was the same color as his neck.

“…Did this happen now?”


She felt indescribable awkwardness.

No, is this the feeling of being chosen by a stray cat?

It seemed that the other person was in an even worse state than her. 

“…That’s it, then.”

Roy strode past his sister. Laiya looked at the boy’s back and scratched her cheek.

[T/N: This is her nervous reaction, whenever she doesn’t know what to do, she unconsciously scratches her cheek.]

Look, I see all the white flowers hidden behind you.

Didn’t you hide it behind so I can’t see what you bought for me?

Dropping her hand, Laiya BlackWinter ran after the small frame of the boy as if possessed.

It was obvious where Roy was going.

“Brother! Brother. Did you read the textbook I gave you?”


“How was it? Do you understand it?”


“Did you eat today?”

Although the answer was not returned, the younger brother who once again kept his mouth shut, was like a person who had eaten honey.

I can tell by the feeling around him.

She ran after him like a chick after the hen.

“…Too fast.”

Roy’s steps slowed down. 

As if conscious of the person following behind.

The pair of siblings walked in a single file and arrived at the third training arena once more. 

Roy looked back. 

The red blush was still blooming on his cheeks, but his face was better than before.

“… Aren’t you still sick now?”

“Um, maybe? I think I need to see my doctor one more time.”

“The attending physician.”

Roy listened attentively before he covered her face with the back of his hand.

The hand that had been hidden behind his back came out before she knew it. Laiya was left looking at the white flowers, and a part of her heart felt tickled.

She couldn’t stand it and grabbed his hand, starling her brother. 

“Brother, thank you for coming.”

But like the last time, she wasn’t able to touch his hand. 

“This is the first time someone came to me when I was sick.”


“Huh? Yes. First.”


“Brother came, right?”

Roy hesitated, as if he had a lot to say, but then nodded.

His sister laughed out loud.

“Thank you.”

That means a lot, it’s more than enough. 

She let go of Roy’s hand. Naturally, the flowers were in her hand.

“And you still don’t like me? Bring your textbook as you please then.”

[T/N: Meaning he can give the textbook back to her if he doesn’t like her.]


“But, I didn’t really mean it in a bad way.”

The little girl admired the flowers and smiled even wider.

“Next time…”

“It’s okay.”

Roy snuck closer to her, causing her to blink in surprise. 

“…No, do as you like.”

“What do you mean?”

She looked down at the flowers. 

Are you asking me to do whatever I want with this flower? It would be perfect if you put it in a vase.

“If it’s a flower, I’ll put it in a vase. Maybe my maid—”

“You can, you can!”


Hey made eye contact. She felt a moment of fright before she looked again. 


She witnessed a face dyed a bright red, the same color as his eyes.

…What is this?

Hey, are you the same person as the one who was angry with me?

No, it was an entirely different person from the character she read about in the book.

It reminded me of a lonely wielding sword, a wary look.

That fit very well with the villain, who later suffered from an inferiority complex, spoke little, and only destroyed people.

So I thought he would always have that kind of personality.

Wait, didn’t you stutter a little bit?

Laiya stared at Roy’s face.

Then, not knowing what to do, Roy’s wandering hand covered his face.

His face turned a shade redder.

Could it be that he was like this when he was younger?

Where did the momentum of the ‘you slap my hand so I should go away’ person go?

No. Come to think of it, even then, it wasn’t my hand, but the book that got hit, right?

I couldn’t win against the momentum it caused and flew away.


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