Sister, Don't Marry That Guy

This must be the swordsmanship book the protagonist learns from, yes? 

Although the title states that it is a Will, to be hidden away in the family library, it must contain the sword skills of an ancient forgotten hero.  

It’s an ancient treasure! 

Laiya remembered it clearly as it was the book the main character possessed.  

No, there could be other copies of these precious things.  

But even if this is a copy, why is this treasure thrown away in this corner?  

Hmmm. In the novel, the main character also ignored this guidebook because it was called a Will. 

Laiya had a brilliant idea, she pulled the book into her arms, leaving a thin, barely visible gap where it rested on the shelf and hugged it tightly.  

I will treat it like gold in my hands.  

[T/N: She will treasure it and carry it safely in her arms for protection.] 

The Roy from the novel studied the sword of demons, later, it cost Roy his life. It drove him mad and made him run into the devil’s camp. As his sister, Laiya would not let his life play to the same fate.  

Let’s throw this easter egg of a treasure to brother Roy in advance!  

The probability of Roy following the path of the original was high, but Laiya knew the important events of the novel. So, nothing was set in stone.  

If their fates continued without her intervention, Laiya would die. Her third brother, Roy, would too. She couldn’t have that, the little girl wished for her brother to grow stronger so that she could eat the honey he reaped as she trailed behind him. 

[T/N: She wants to benefit from him when he becomes successful after she helps him.] 

Alas, she would have to first get close to her kitten of a brother before she could reap success, but she was confident that enough time put in would do the task.  

Okay! Let’s do this! 

Laiya rose from her crouch, the book firmly locked in her arms.  

Step. Step.  

Step. Step. 

Footsteps echoed. They were very soft but were unmistakably footsteps.  

The little girl held her breath, fully trusting the magic in the scroll to erase her presence and allowing her existence to go unnoticed.  

Placing her hand over her chest, she felt her heart racing.  

Is it Titan BlackWinter? Please don’t be father.  

Her father should return the following day at the earliest. She confirmed in advance.  

And most importantly, the footsteps sounded small, like the steps of a child.  

“Haa, that’s crazy.” 

Stephan BlackWinter.  

The footsteps belong to the second son of the BlackWinter family.  

He may have been taller for his age, but he was still a child. Stephan was unmistakable with his silver hair swaying with every step he took.  

What the h*ll is this brother doing at this hour? 

“I’m so sure ‘it’ said to find it here.” 

His muffled voice dripped with fury, his ability to hide his temper was gone.  

Why are you sneaking into the library too? Second brother, you have the same tight-fitting outfit as mine? Since when?! 

“Aye, I thought it would be here so I worked hard to get the security to leave this area.” 

Ah, I wondered why there were not many people on this floor. So it was empty? It wasn’t like this originally, but was the outcome of second brother? 

Thank you, brother. I have received your grace well.  

[T/N: Her inner monologues are the best. ^^] 

Stephan BlackWinter wandered from shelf to shelf, between bookshelves and back.  

Laiya sat down, remaining still and refused to leave her corner.  

I don’t know what he’s looking for, but it doesn’t seem like it would be put in a corner. I’m safe for now.  

Her confidence lay in the fact that not a moment ago, Stephan had looked down at her hiding spot with contempt while muttering about precious things won’t be abandoned in corners.  

His younger sister quietly watched her brother move about.  

“Sh*t! I can’t find you anywhere, where are you?!” 

The longer Stephan spent diligently rummaging through the shelves, the angrier he became.  

Are those tears in his eyes?! 

Finally, after fruitless, frantic search, he stopped between the bookshelves and rested his forehead against the wood.  

“-if I had it, maybe father wouldn’t always look for my older brother. Maybe, even just once…” 

Laiya took in her brother’s sorrow; she couldn’t help but find the similarities between her third and second brother.  

This has been in the making even before the original story began.  

The main characters of the book were young, and although Stephan was a faithful follower of his older brother, Kyle, it probably hadn’t been that way in the beginning.  

A child craved to be acknowledged by someone important to them. 

It was a desire to receive their praise. 

To find joy when they looked to you proudly.  

…Like me.  

The Stephan before her must have fought hand and tooth for a long time before eventually being beaten down, becoming the Stephan from the novel.  

Brother, this library contains only swordsmanship guidebooks, are you here to learn a new style?  

Laiya didn’t know if her brother would cry if he couldn’t find what he was looking for, but the fact of the matter was that he had huddled behind a bookshelf with eyes brimming with unsplit tears.  

Knock. Knock. 

After standing still under the moonlight, he regained his composure and left.  

Frozen, Laiya sat on the ground and waited a while before she left the library.  

Under the twilight sky, the way back to her room was void of knights or personnel thanks to the sacrifice Stephan unwittingly took upon himself.  

But Laiya paid no heed to her path, nor the book in her arms. Her thoughts circulated around her brothers.  

 It’s unfortunate that my second brother had bad luck.  

Soon, a smile bloomed across her lips as she happily embraced her guidebook.  

The second brother had no way to attack, yes? But I’ve remembered that way.  

She had found a way for her brother.  

Laiya giggled.  


The next day followed along shortly, then came the afternoon.  

“Hi Brother! Good afternoon!” 


Hmm, okay. Good brother, no different than usual.  

Laiya nodded inwardly.  

As usual, Roy BlackWinter was found training in the third training arena.  

And he ignores me even today, I fully understand my cold, cool sweetheart brother.  


I’m not going to let you go today! Look at me, kitten brother! 

Laiya smiled brightly and lovingly tapped the guidebook hidden under her cloak.  

Roy flinched.  

…! Our eyes met! 

“Hey, listen brother- huh?” 

The little girl was excited to brag to her brother when she was interrupted by a familiar touch.  

Down, at her feet, the little black kitten rubbed its face against her calf.  

Ha? Kitty, you… 

Black fur. Golden eyes. 

It was the cat she’d seen around her brother, Roy.  

But didn’t it normally ignore me? 

She decided her conversation with her brother could wait. Laiya plopped herself on the ground.  

“Hello, kitty?” 


It told me hello! Kyaa! 

What is this, how is it so cute?! 

Laiya stretched out her fingers.  

Before her hand reached the kitten, it had already closed its eyes gently, waiting for her touch.  

Then, her fingers brushed against its black fur.  


Her tiny hand paused its stroking motion.  

That voice was almost unfamiliar to her, though she’d heard it a few times.  

A large shadow covered the little girl and cat.  

Her back could feel the warmth of a person standing behind her.  

Roy BlackWinter, the Roy BlackWinter who focuses solely on training.  

He’s standing right next to me? 



Roy repeated ferociously.  

Maybe his voice was too formidable, or maybe it was the surprise of him speaking that caused the kitten to snap. It cried out sharply and ran away.  

Laiya didn’t have a second to spare for the frightened kitten.  

“What did you say?” 

She needed to confirm it.  

Brother finally spoke to me first! 


Laiya excitedly jumped to her feet.  

“Brother, here you go.” 

She hurriedly took off her coat.  

Her actions were rushed, causing the book to fall on the ground. Hastily, Laiya picked it up, but Roy had seen it already.  


“Yes, it’s a book, A swordsmanship guidebook to be exact.” 

“Guidebook? …Are you thinking of learning the sword?” 

Roy’s eyes slowly lowered.  


If only I could learn the sword, brother, do you think I’d live like this if I could? 

Sadly, swordsmanship did not fit with Laiya BlackWinter’s physique.  

There was no such method she could learn with a body that hurt and collapsed after walking a certain distance.  

But really, was that my fault? 

“I can’t use a sword, and even if I’d learnt it, it’d be useless.” 


“No one looks at you and you’ll be criticized as useless if you don’t learn proper technique.” 

It’s not that I don’t want to learn too.  

Well, let’s forget about that. I need to help Roy first.  

“This is yours, brother.” 

Roy blankly stared at the book in her hand.  

“The title sounds odd, doesn’t it? In fact, if you ignore the weird name, the contents of this book will be a tremendous help to you.” 

“Why give me this-?” 


“Yes, why are you giving this to me?” 

Laiya blinked shyly. 

She wasn’t surprised, but she was embarrassed.  

Ordinary people, when encountering something they are uncertain about, reacted with questions catered to their fears or anger.  

Laiya’s third brother reacted differently; he chose to constantly ignore.  

It’s interesting.  

That too, was a good direction to go, brother.  

“Can’t you just say thank you?” 

“…It’s not that-” 

“Yes. Say thank you.” 


It’s not worth ignoring again, Roy.  

“it’s true, I didn’t give this to you for nothing.” 

“Then why?” 

“But first brother, how is it that your voice is even prettier than your looks?” 



  1. Jean_Grey_321 says:

    I hope Stephen isn’t looking for Willm otherwise theres going to be a confrontation between the least bad siblings.

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