Sister, Don't Marry That Guy


Right then, the smile on his face seemed to turn back the clock, making him look younger. 

It was kind of like what happened to Theodore, that wandering wizard she’d met briefly, but even more intense.

How old is he, like seventy? 

The old man, who seemed over 80, vanished, and in his place stood a young guy who couldn’t be more than his early twenties, all smiles and refreshing vibes.

“Um, that, well… uh…”

[Ah, this is how I really look. Little girl, are you surprised?]

The man, holding a wooden staff, chuckled even more deeply. 

[You know, some folks can’t help but laugh when they see me all young and spry.]

As if his comment was not enough, he added.  

[You see, Transcendentalists don’t really age. Isn’t your grandpa like that too?]

“I’d only seen him in a portrait!”

[Ha! Then guess what? You’re about to witness some major fountain of youth.]

Honestly, Laiya wasn’t really psyched about that. Instead, she just stared blankly at Braham.

His hair was silver, as white as snow, and his eyes were super pale sky blue, reminding the little girl of a serene and crystal-clear lake. 

It was like, if ‘winter’ were a person, this is how it would feel.

Wait, is the Guardian also a snowman?

[Now then, let’s get on with the ritual]

“Are you sure?”

[Oh, it’s easy. It’s a ritual that hands everything over to you. Let’s call it a kind of passing the torch.] 

Braham spun his wand round and round and slammed it into the ground. 

In that instant, a massive magic circle etched itself onto the floor, and a torrent of blue light erupted. 

The golden light streaming from the staff converged into one.

[The power of this body is immense mana and the ancient force called ‘Pruna’. It’s the power that is able to become anything and my guardian’s name is ‘Ice’.] 

The wand was aimed right at the defenseless little girl.

[Will you, Laiya BlackWinter, take on this power as it is?]

“Yes, I will.”

The snowman dashed over as soon as she nodded and placed his head against her forehead. 

Laiya sensed something flowing into her tiny body, accompanied by a refreshing chill. 

Oddly enough, it was cold at first… then it warmed up.

What an oddly gentle sensation. 

It was as though a resilient thread had formed within her, and when she opened her eyes, a snowman floated before her.

“Hey there, ‘Ice’.”

Upon hearing his name, the snowman’s expression once again formed into a happy smile.

[Alright, the guardian transfer went smoothly…]

Braham’s voice held a tinge of sadness, as if he were about to say something profound.

[Now, head back. Return tomorrow.]



[Come back tomorrow.]

Braham cocked his head, as if playfully straining to hear her complaints.

“Um, um, is this it? Is there more?”

[Why not, are you not satisfied? But you’re a bit young for more power, kid.]

“So, you’re just giving me this one?”

[Who said that?]

As if wrapping up his business, Braham floated into the air, cradling his wand.

[Then, I’ll teach you myself. Are you ready to be my apprentice?]

“Ah… sure.”

[But you want to learn all day? You must have folks looking for you by now.]

Braham’s words cut right through, revealing that she’d come here without notifying anyone. 

…Which was true. 

I hadn’t anticipated finding myself in a place like this.

[Come back tomorrow, can’t you spare the time? Let me get ready.]

“Ready? To do what…?”

Laiya glanced around, finding nothing in particular that needed any extra preparations.

Braham responded casually.

[Prepare your heart.]


[…Why, what’s that expression? Are you nervous, needing to psych yourself up?]

…So he’d caught on. 

The archmage, almost floating in the air, spoke candidly.

[Because this body hasn’t taken an apprentice in 70 years? Being an apprentice I gain after dying, imagine the nerves I would be under.]

Despite the words, his tone was far from dignified.

“Yeah, right…”

The little girl hesitated, then continued. 

My head was starting to spin a bit anyway.

Still, she had to do something to make sure.

“So, am I gonna be learning magic from the Archmage?”

[Oh, but shouldn’t we start with the basics? No matter how gifted you are, having loads of mana is pointless if your foundation is shaky.]

He sounded like he was trying to put a damper on the idea of starting with flashy moves right away, but it made the little girl kind of glad. 

Not that I’d asked because I had those expectations, but more to verify that I was genuinely going to learn.

“Yeah, everything’s cool! Starting from scratch is fine by me!”

[You seem to grasp the importance of fundamentals, being from a knight’s lineage.]

Laiya quickly jumped in before he could shoo her away again. 

There was something that had been itching at me a while ago.

“Hey, Archmage. There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask for a bit… where are we, actually?”

[Where else can it be? This is where my legacy resides.]

“No, I get that part…”

[Yes? In terms of the world, well… you think of it like a ‘relic’.]

The entrance, originally set up by Braham, was located in a remarkably distant spot.

To reach this point, he’d mentioned having to navigate through countless traps, magical fantasies, and other challenges.

At that moment, Theodore’s words resurfaced in Laiya’s memory.

“Your family mansion houses some pretty incredible ruins. It’s believed that the essence of ancient magic lies dormant there.”

“Really? But isn’t our family all about swords?”

“That’s why I’m curious too. As the head of the family’s daughter, you must know something.”

Laiya contemplated. 

The entrance I’d just come through was a passageway my grandfather had constructed ages ago, a way for him to access this wizard’s space, a close friend of his.

I’d come across it purely by chance.

[Technically speaking, it wasn’t really by chance. Would I have allowed just anyone to use that passage?]

Braham stretched as he explained, letting out a yawn.

[I’ve only made it accessible for those with a certain level of inactivity or mana… In reality, nobody else has ever used it, except for the Kronos. All of his descendants have been excluded, and only the truly exceptional would find their way in, and here you are.]

That was surprising.

Because my dad, Titan BlackWinter, who’s currently the head of the family, is really skilled and renowned as a hero.

[Plus, you need to get that guy’s approval.]

He nudged his head towards the tiny snowman. 

“Got it.”

As if the snowman had been waiting for this, it swooped over and latched onto her forehead. 

Seems like it’s his thing, sticking to people’s faces.

[Do you realize how incredible it is that you were chosen?]

With her curiosity somewhat satisfied, she nodded.

Then Braham yawned and waved his hands, like he’d wrapped up his conversation. 

It seems like it’s time for me to head back.

[Tomorrow, come back tomorrow.]

* * *

“Hey, you!”

As she emerged from the library, guided by the snowman ‘Ice’, a voice called out, searching for her.

Before long, she was facing Rainante and Kalidupen, who’d been on the lookout for her.

Rainante’s expression held surprise, quite a departure from his usual stoic demeanor.

“Found you. Luckily, haa…”

Rainante dropped down to his knees right in front of the little girl.

The way he looked at Laiya, it was as if he was checking for any signs of harm. 

Not that there was much that could hurt me in a library. 

…I get it, though. Concern is concern.

“Princess, you said you’d be out in an hour, so I got worried when it stretched on.”

“…How long has it been?”

“Ah, it’s been three hours.”

The little daughter of BlackWinter was taken aback.

I mean, sure, I figured I’d been wandering through the ruins for a good while, but that long? My stamina definitely wouldn’t have held out.

Perhaps it’s because of ‘Ice’?

“Anyway, it’s a good thing I tracked you down. This is Kalidupen, he gave me a hand.”

“Ah, thanks, I seemed to have lost my bell along the way, so I couldn’t call for help.”

She greeted Kalidupen and got a smile in return.

“Else, I’d have been first to find you, but I was caught off guard when the princess wasn’t around. Rainante here got especially worried.”

At those words, Laiya glanced at Rainante again.

His intense gaze remained locked onto her, unwavering.

“Glad you’re safe, Princess. I was quite concerned.”

“Ah, uh…”

Why’s my face feeling all warm?

It’s strange. There hasn’t really been any grown-up aside from my aunt who’s been worried about me in my life…

Even my aunt was a tough one, so this is the first time someone’s shown this kind of direct concern. It feels unfamiliar.

“Thanks, you two.”

I want to stroll around with these two— Well, I mean, we’re still gonna stroll along together.

Rainante suggested carrying her as they strolled. Laiya didn’t know how to reply. 

“I heard you’ve been wandering the library for a while, Kalidupen said it’s far from where you first set out.”

That’s why he proposed carrying me. Hmm, then I’m cool with it if you are.

People are so funny, right?

 When she turned him down, Rainante was persistent about it but backtracked when she readily agreed.

Then, watching them argue, Kalidupen asked if she wanted a ride on a cart. 

Laiya agreed, thinking it’s easier, but Rainante lifted her up. 

“It’s a bit awkward, to be honest.”

With Rainante holding her, it was surprisingly comfortable, and so, her thoughts began to wander.

“I was there for three hours? Didn’t feel like it at all.”

Plus, my lungs aren’t the best, so even a short walk can leave me breathless. 

I’m usually quite cautious… 

Even though I was walking for quite a while just now, I seem alright, don’t I?

“Was it ‘Ice’ that helped?”

[You got it.]

She jumped in fright. 

At Raintante’s questioning glance, she waved his question away. 

From the corner of her eye, she noticed a snowman floating right in front of her.

“Did you follow me?”

[Exactly. I consider new users as ‘owners’. I’m your guardian.]

“Ah, so you’re my guardian now, and you can read my thoughts like this?”

[That’s right.]

The snowman clung to her fingers, then rubbed against her cheek.

A bit chilly, but it was so adorable it made her laugh out loud. 

It was almost like he was announcing that he’s my guardian now.

“Alright, take good care of me from now on.”

After my third brother, Roy, who’s now a cute black puppy, I also have this little snowman’s my new companion.

A wide smile stretched across her face.


  1. Umbradens says:

    21 seems to be missing at this time

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